Rimuru just thinks that Emiya Kiritsugu has a good relationship with him, if the other party changes the point that everything is for justice into... everything is for their own interests.

And more importantly, if he seeks the scabbard in advance, it is likely to cause changes in the plot.

But now, Limuru sighed a little helplessly.

I am almost in danger, so it is more important to ensure my own survival and the status of the clock tower as a priority. As for seven years later... there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, let's talk about it at that time.

I just don’t know if the Einzbern family has dug out the scabbard from Cornwall, but anyway, it’s better to ask.

It just so happened that the castle of the Einzbern family was also in Germany... Heh, Limuru thought lightly, that the main body was out of danger for the time being, and he should recover his strength as soon as possible, and after healed his injuries, let's go there for the next stop——


"Am I innocent?"

Three days ago, when Limulu asked this question, the nun didn't give an answer, but just shook her head quietly, and then let him stay.

At first, Limulu was a little worried, but until three days passed, the place where she was located, this small courtyard on the edge of the entire border town, was not disturbed at all, but there were a few priests and representatives Those who visit, but only at the door.

This made Limulu feel that this nun is not simple, but at the same time, she couldn't help but become curious.

He suspected that the nun recognized him as a cursed person, and he also doubted whether the nun's occluded eyes were rare magic eyes that could see through sins, but in the end, his doubts could only be found in the nun's quiet eyes. I was crushed while staring and shaking my head, and I couldn't get any answer at all.

Until now, Limulu didn't want to understand...

Perhaps for her, when an innocent person shouted for help and stretched out her hand, she would definitely return the helping hand, right?

It's ridiculous.

Limulu stayed in the yard, looking at the sunset and the layers of bandages on his body, feeling a little mocking in his heart. Just now, he was taken away from the broom that helped clean the yard... and was driven here like a useless person.

"You are laughing at the good out of righteous indignation at the evil."


Rimuru, who was once again broken by the great sage, stood up angrily, and finally launched the first resistance against the nun so far, ran over angrily and snatched the broom in the nun's hand, and faced her puzzled Looking fiercely in her eyes, she said fiercely: "Go back to rest! You are already pregnant, so you don't have any self-consciousness as a mother?!"

"..." The nun blinked her single eye quietly, stared at Limuru for a while, then suddenly nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the room.

Huh, looking at her back, Limulu took a deep breath. I took back my initial impression that this woman is not like Youzhu at all. Although they all like to be quiet and don't like to talk, she is more than the Virgin Mary of Youzhu. ...much more annoying!

If Youzhu's tranquility is the kind of person who has her own opinion on everything and silently implements what she decides without being disturbed by others, then this woman is not so much quiet as she is dumb! ! !


The sun completely set in the mountains, and Limulu quietly and repeatedly cleared the wound infection curse on his body again, and then weakened the curse on his heart again. Feeling that his vitality began to recover, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Jing Jing Praying women, and empty yards...

"By the way, you're already pregnant, won't your man come back?"

Bored, Limulu walked to her side, frowned and asked, "I've been here for three days, it seems that he never came back."

"Sometimes he comes back once a long time." The nun seemed to have misunderstood Limulu's meaning, and said softly: "So you can rest assured to cultivate..."

"... That's not what I meant." Limulu twitched the corners of her mouth, saying it like cheating...

"My wife is pregnant, and it takes so long to come back. Is it too much? Does he really love you?"

"..." Hearing this, the nun opened her eyes and turned her head.

In the night, Limuru raised his eyebrows. It was... the first time Limuru saw the other party smile.

It's like...a cold iceberg flower suddenly blooms, and the face that doesn't know what a smile is, suddenly sees the ultimate happiness.

Beautiful and...delicate.

"Yes, dear." The nun smiled, "He loves me very much."


"Ji Jun, I found it."

In the dark night, a round of blood moon hangs quietly in the sky. In a small town in Italy, shadows are rampant like ghosts. The villagers of the town gather together tremblingly. Hei Ji stands quietly on a tree. , looking indifferently at the few dead disciples imprisoned by the black knight below.

"If you find it...then kill it." Hei Ji said mercilessly: "Mr. Bai Yi doesn't know how to restrain you, so I'll tell you the price on his behalf."

"No, Your Majesty Hei Ji, we are..."


Bloodstains scattered all over the sky, and Hei Ji turned her head to look away in disgust. When a faint flame climbed onto the corpse and burned it up, she looked coldly at the indifferent young man in the crowd: "According to the agreement, You should have told me the whereabouts of that vampire?"

"..." The young man gave her a cold look and remained silent.

"I'll help you deal with the threat of the dead man. Tell me the whereabouts of the dead man." Seeing this, Hei Ji jumped down from the tree, walked up to the boy who was about the same height as him, and said softly, "I think you Only a trustworthy person will believe you, isn't it?"

"But if you don't want to keep your word, I don't mind threatening you with the life of the whole town."

"I don't intend to break my promise, it's just that the direction he is going is the direction you came from."

"Oh?" Hei Ji's blood-colored eyes froze for a moment, then she chuckled and said, "So, you are using me..."

"You can kill me, but please let the town go..." He took out the purse that Limulu had left for him, and the indifference on his face flashed a little: "He told me that not all demons are bad people, and they are all demons." Reasonable existence..."

"I originally planned to go to the church to seek revenge, but I didn't have the courage, because I knew that even if I went... I would die there, and even the whole town would no longer be protected by the church..."

"Interesting..." Hei Ji straightened up gently, and tilted her head: "Unfortunately, although I like to expand my power, this is not my territory."

She stretched out her hand, stroked the purse lightly, and suddenly smiled lightly: "There are quite a few objects with the aura of dead disciples on the bodies of those two dead disciples. Go and search for them. Then take the money and head northwest , there are quite a few of Lord Bai Wing's subordinates over there, and it is estimated that many dead disciples over there will be interested in you."

"Come on, little guy."

"Revenge is always the most powerful motivation."

One, Hei Ji thought lightly with a smile flashing in her eyes.

She thinks this boy has great potential, but she doesn't like this kind of revenge-driven approach. To be precise, this kind of person tends to have extreme personalities and the ability to cause trouble, especially her faction has always disliked taking the initiative In the case of provoking the church, this person is obviously more suitable for Bai Yigong——

Well, if you are an enemy, you are an enemy. Anyway, the church is the biggest enemy.

"Princess." The black knight stood behind Hei Ji.

"En." Hei Ji nodded, and said softly, "I should know where he went."

"Smart little idea."

"He miscalculated the church's attitude, which led to the church's pursuit, so it was impossible to continue going south. He could only turn back, so the boy did not lie."

"Speaking of which, Lord Baiyi seems to be being targeted by the church?"

"Yes, but the strange thing is that none of the aces were deployed, not even first-rate agents."

"Then it seems that my future subordinates are in danger." Hei Ji smiled and said, "The church never puts all eggs in the same basket, even if his calculation did deceive me and the church, but... It will definitely disperse the trump cards and block other back lanes."

She stretched out her hand and drew a random map, stared at it for a moment, and finally landed on a small country called Croatia.

"You said... If I went to save him now, would he be willing to follow me?"

It's choking.

The black knight raised his eyebrows, wisely he didn't speak.

The night fell into silence again, only Hei Ji's red eyes were shining brightly with the blood moon in the sky.

Chapter 034, I ask you... nun, now... am I guilty?

"Teacher, teacher! Look!"

When Eilaire staggered up to Limulu holding a water polo bigger than her little head, and was so excited and happy to detonate it to claim credit, except for Limuru who gave her a new type of operation that was dumbfounding. After the name "Depth Charge".

It has been half a month since Limuru and Hei Ji met for the first time.

During this period of time, Professor Limulu's extremely gentle and kind teaching style, the gorgeous and practical water magic has officially secured a seat among the students, and even has the style of a later star professor. Among them, Eilair's cute and lively character also played an absolutely indispensable leading role, at least... the students of the entire basic subjects have been suppressed by her.

The large classroom of basic subjects has been completely reduced to the garden of the Great Demon King Eilair.

It may be that the days when misfortunes never come singly have been too long, and when luck comes, the favor of the goddess of fate is often accompanied at the same time.

When Limulu completely cleared away the wounds in her body, only the last wound in the heart that destroyed the vitality remained, and she still struggled slowly.

When Viscella, the judge of the church, was quickly transferred to other places to investigate or block the other party's traces because of Hei Ji's invasion again, the church seemed to be caught in a headless chicken suddenly regarding the traces of the white knight Brad. Fell into a strange stagnation.

Because of the nun's protection, the church completely lost his trace, and Limuru's own anti-magic power is enough to interfere with some astrology and peeping.

"So, if there really is a goddess of fate, I'd rather believe that it is her."

Limulu spread the cheese evenly slightly, then made a thick soup and brought it to the nun who was in a daze: "Until now, I still don't know your name?"

"That's not important." Hearing this, the nun shook her head quietly, and suddenly looked at the more and more proficient craftsmanship and thick soup made by the other party, and suddenly said: "The residual sinful aura in your body is getting weaker and weaker. .”

"Ah, if you mean a curse." Over the past few days, Limulu has gradually become accustomed to the magician and some mysterious and unique descriptions in the other party's mouth, and understands that even though she is just an ordinary nun, it may indeed be because of Because of his talent, he also has a more or less understanding of the mystery.

"In that case, you should leave too."

Limulu's hand holding the fork and spoon froze for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "Ah, it's time to leave."

"I'm really thankful for your care these days. Although I've already asked once, I don't know if I'll have a chance to repay you in the future."

"Please allow me to ask again, why... save me?"

"Why?" The nun shook her head lightly again, but replied: "There is no crime for an innocent person, but it is also a crime for an innocent person to refuse to save them."

"Is that so...Understood."

Limulu nodded, was it exactly as he guessed.

Unknowingly, during the many days of getting along, Limulu more or less understood the character of this quiet and kind nun.

I also gradually got used to the other party's dumbfounding from time to time, and some stupid behaviors.

This made him dissatisfied with some worries and questions like "Can she really live alone and safely before the man of the other party comes back?"

"I will leave when the injury is completely recovered. I hope that your family can come back before that." Limulu glanced at the other party's stomach, and there was still some dissatisfaction in his words: "I think I Need to have a good talk with him."

Even though she doesn't know much about pregnancy, Limulu, who has a great sage, can tell at a glance that the other party's pregnancy has definitely exceeded half a year, and has almost entered the level of mobility, even so Limuru really can't understand the guy who hasn't come back to take good care of his wife, and even doubts whether the other party has abandoned her and left.

However, the nun always kept silent about her husband, and Rimuru didn't like to ask any more questions.

After all, whether it is because the nun can't turn a blind eye and completed a redemption, or he himself will only remember that there is such a person who saved him, so as to find an opportunity to repay him, the two have tacitly followed the chance encounter from beginning to end. The distance between each other has never discussed even the slightest bit of each other's past and life.


"It will take at most a week to completely purify the last curse." Limulu looked at the stars in the sky and murmured softly, "I hope nothing happens."

In the final analysis, except for the fact that the other party directly produced a conceptual curse similar to a magical effect at the cost of eternal life, no matter how powerful an ordinary curse is, it is nothing more than a kind of "magic". Although it is powerful and terrifying, after a period of time Research can always find a way to cure it.

And what Limuru was most afraid of was "the other party cast a positioning spell in the curse", which also proved that this was just a needless worry during the nearly two weeks of silence.

Limuru breathed a sigh of relief, stood up and prepared to go back to her room to rest.

Suddenly, his peripheral vision glanced at the moon in the sky, and he seemed to see a touch of red.

He froze for a moment, then fell silent suddenly.

A magician has an intuition that he has to trust. He is always worried about tomorrow, worried about...

"What's wrong?"

"Let's go tonight." Limulu's heart was getting heavier and heavier, and he made a decision without hesitation.

However, at this moment, as if far away in the sky, but actually at the other end of this small border town, a burst of magical power exploded violently, turning into a beam of light soaring into the sky!

The clouds and the dense fog were dispersed, and the entire city was illuminated.

"..." Limulu looked at the reddening moon, and became more and more sure that Heiji had arrived in this city. At the same time, when she was about to turn around and leave, the nun also wiped her hazy eyes and was caught by this one. Awakened by the light that completely illuminated the entire city, he walked out.

"Did... something happen?"

"Go in."

"?" The nun was confused.

But Limulu said to her fiercely for the first time in an unquestionable tone: "Now! Go in! Close the room—"


Before she finished speaking, an endless storm of magical power invaded the entire city. The moment Limuru took a step back to protect the nun, a bloody pupil quietly appeared in the secluded small courtyard. Behind her, several The hurried figure was landing quickly, it was the judge Vescella and several walkers.

"Here is..." Viscella was a little startled.

Hei Ji did not hesitate to directly liberate her power to break through their blockage and encirclement to surprise them, but they never expected...it would be here?

"It's you?!" When he saw Limulu, he was slightly taken aback, but he still remembered the guy who ran away from them half a month ago.

However, Limulu didn't have time to pay attention to the agent-sama with a Chinese face at this time, but turned his head directly to look at the girl in the black dress in the shadow.

"You really... value me." Looking at the black knight who was gradually burning into flames, and the half-closed white beast on top of her head, Limulu showed a wry smile: "In order to prevent me from escaping, even at the expense of exposing Have you got your identity..."

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