If it was just a one-person invasion or a crushing takeover, the Church and the Magic Association might take a peaceful approach... to give the Einzbern family a certain amount of compensation and then announce it and it's over.

But if it is a large-scale comprehensive invasion, the illegal gathering of the dead...

That's different.

Is it reasonable for this church not to give Germany an anti-pornography crackdown? !

Anyway, Germany is one of the most important territories of Lord White Wing. Regardless of whether he caused the trouble or not, he will have half of the blame in the end.

Even Limulu thinks that if it wasn't for this, Erte Luqi might not be willing to accompany Limulu on this trip—but what I have to say is that it's like finding someone and finding the other person's hiding place Similarly, the power of Elte Lucki did save Limuru a lot of energy.

But at this moment, when the barrier was shattered, the current patriarch of the Einzbern family, "Ahad", that is, the eighth-generation "Yubstakuhaid", had already made some progress. Perceived, when keenly looking into the silent forest, the range system of all artificial humans was activated.

For a moment, the artificial people in the entire castle stopped their work and actions, and the magic self-discipline counterattack system lit up in their godless eyes. While on guard, a few artificial people directly rushed into the forest Inside, the intruder was actively searched for.

Although the Einzbern family has already lost most of the relevant information about the third generation of magicians and gradually lost their reputation in the world, in order to maintain the ambition of rediscovering the third law and the Holy Grail War, they have to Gather funds and gain some fame in the world with the artificial human technology that he is particularly good at.

Therefore, except for some artificial humans who maintain the basic operation of the castle, although the Einzbern family is not reflected in the original book, it is actually like the tree of the thousand worlds, with a large number of fighting golems and artificial humans. Fortification works, and the whole castle, is known as Ahad's magic workshop.

At least... So far, no magician who broke through Einzbern Castle has appeared.

At this point, Ahad is quite confident.

After all... In the eyes of the real bosses, the Einzbern family, which has nothing to do with the Third Law... is nothing worth paying attention to.

But Ahad, who was so confident, felt more and more wrong after 5 minutes, because there was no news of the few artificial humans who entered the forest until now.

There was a human frown on his old face, he stood up slowly, and walked out of the room.

Then he saw...in the forest.

There were all sorts of strange things coming out of them, some were pale, some were inhuman, and even... some were beasts—dead disciples!

M78 Nebula 756365104

PS: If you say you can’t do pigeons, you can’t do pigeons! (If you can see the results too closely, whisper BB...)

Ahem, after all, I have already graduated, so I won't be dragged down by my busy schedule.

Chapter 037, embarking on the beginning of evil deeds

The cold wind blew over Ahad's old face all around, mixed with a bit of bloody breath, this breath did not come from artificial people, because even if the dolls were endowed with human nature, they would not have blood.

As Ahad walked out of the gate, Limuru, who was an intruder, would naturally no longer hide. He walked through the openings torn by his subordinates, looking coldly at the broken parts, limbs, and A maid who resisted under the pressure of a beast-like dead apostle, but her eyes gradually dimmed, and her face was expressionless.

"I told you not to kill people." Limulu looked helplessly at the debris on the ground and Ahad, who was facing an enemy, and said softly.

"But my lord...they are not human either." Hearing this, a man with a ferocious face and a scarred face like a wild beast defended.

This made Limuru slightly raise his eyebrows, and then fell silent for a while, feeling somewhat dissatisfied.

It is true that there are no human beings in the Einzbern family in the strict sense, but he did not expect that there would actually be dead apostles who would use this word—it is as if the boss asked you to pour water for the guests, but in the end you really Instead of pouring the tea, he ran to drink and poured a glass of clear water.

Did he really not understand the meaning of his words, or was he dissatisfied and intentionally disgusting?

But no matter what, when Limuru, who was used to convincing people with reasoning, was about to speak, a black light flashed——the dead man who spoke had already screamed, and blood gushed out from his entire arm like a pillar It came out, broke completely and fell to the ground.

The bloody breath was mixed in the wind, making Ahad's calm big heart slightly stagnant, and his pupils shrank tightly, because at this time, in the shadow behind Limulu, a beautiful figure was slowly With a pair of cool eyes, he slowly approached.

Accompanied by her appearance, all the dead disciples around them lowered their heads in an instant, not even daring to make a sound——

"But who gave you the right to contradict him anyway?"

A gust of breath fell from the sky and pushed Scarface to the ground with a bang. He knelt on the ground and covered his wound with a bang, his head covered in cold sweat——he raised his head, and saw Hei Ji looking at him coldly from above, with a smear of black air Appearing behind him, the black knight raised Leng Youyou's sharp blade, and the cold murderous intent locked him instantly, making him hold his breath for an instant, and never dared to refute.

This scene even made Limulu speechless for a while: "I thought you were still eating ice cream in Norsk Town."

"I've only been away for two days, and they are about to rebel." Hearing Limulu's teasing, Erte Luqi gave Limulu a light look, and said coldly: "I remember I told you , if anyone disobeys you... just kill them."

For Alte Lucy, or for the Dead Apostle, strength is the qualification of whether you can speak. In the concept of Hei Ji, who was originally considered cruel, disrespect to the king is a serious crime.

But even so, Erte Luqi still did not let the black knight execute the other party. After all, this subordinate temporarily recruited by her has been handed over to Limulu. She does not want to interfere too much. This is the most basic respect for the subordinate. At this point, Erte Luqi still understands very well, so she will only use actions to tell Limulu what to do in this situation, and then she will never interfere too much, even talking, from beginning to end she They were all standing behind Limulu, without taking a step forward.

In her eyes, Limuru obviously still thinks from the perspective of a magician, and her acting style is also full of so-called "identity", which means that her actions will take into account the opinions of the people around her and her subordinates, but in fact , these things are of no use to the Dead Apostles.

Most of the Dead Apostles worship the strong, and most of the reasons for following them are because they need the protection of the strong, so as not to be hunted down by the church and the magic association.

So... there is no need to be too polite to your followers. You sheltered them, they sacrificed their blood for you, and carried out their orders unconditionally.

"..." Although Limulu disagreed with this view, but because he didn't know much about the power of the Dead Apostles, he didn't refute it. He just turned his head and looked at them silently. Ahad, who was indifferent to the lives and deaths of his clansmen, suddenly said: "He seems to recognize you..."

"Hmph, if you can't even recognize this princess, then the noble surname Einzbern is probably just a vain name." Regarding this, Hei Ji didn't point at the poor dead man, but frowned slightly. The nose said proudly.

But in fact... Hei Ji's appearance is really not very famous, because she doesn't like to shoot, but the black and white knight who is in charge of shooting has become the symbol of the girl, and Limulu also noticed Ahad It was after seeing the black knight showing the magic blade that he changed his expression instantly... But seeing Elte Lucy's proud look... He thought for a while, but didn't dare to make a sound.

"Indeed, I still know a little about the rumors about Her Highness Heiji." Hearing this, Ahad's constricted pupils relaxed slightly, and he slowly closed them. After opening them again, the overall temperament seemed to have become windy. The light clouds are ordinary, but Limulu knows that this is only because the other party is similar to the great sage, and belongs to an extremely sophisticated operation terminal. As long as the humanoid simulation related to fear is cut off, the other party can return to absolute control. sane state.

"Then, I don't know that the famous black vampire princess, Her Royal Highness, visited Einzbern's castle in the middle of the night, so what is it?"

His throat moved slowly, he opened his eyelids expressionlessly, stared at the crowd, and asked calmly: "If it's for man-made humans, the old man will decide to offer some as gifts—"

The surviving androids around began to slowly shrink each other, and when they gathered behind Ahad, Heiji also keenly noticed that the whole castle began to run slowly, and the flow of magic power began to surge rapidly, each one becoming stronger The battle doll was activated by magic, opened its eyes, and walked out of the training device.

Ahad thinks that Heiji doesn't like their artificial human technology, so the comer is not kind... He must make a perfect plan.

But Hei Ji just raised her head, looked at Limuru with a smile, then jumped back a step smartly and said: "I really want to appreciate the magic workshop of Einzbern's house, but it's a pity , The protagonist today is not me."

"The one who wants to trouble you is the one in front of you."

The person in front of me... Hearing this, Ahad's ancient gaze fixed on Limulu again and began to size him up. His long light blue hair seemed to be specially groomed and tied into a ponytail, and his slender figure It is vividly reflected by a pure white knight uniform with red patterns printed on it, but in terms of temperament, if he hadn't stood beside Hei Ji, Ahad thought he would have mistaken her for a girl from England A noble teenage magician, not... a Dead Apostle.

But... Even though he judged that this young man was the leader at first glance, he never expected that the other party would be able to involve such an existence as Hei Ji, because under the cover of a mask that was comparable to a treasure, let A What Harder couldn't see through was not only the face, breath, smell, etc. of the other party, but even the strength of the other party was a little vague, a little ethereal, as if he was very weak.

Facing Ahad's gaze, Limulu's ruthless ghostly face also slowly turned to meet his gaze. While Ahad was stunned by his indifferent golden eyes, he also heard what seemed to be accompanied by a soft sound. The crisp voice of laughter said, "It's our first meeting, Patriarch of Einzbern, you can call me... White Knight."

"White Knight..."

Ahad's old face was slightly wrinkled, and he muttered in a low voice, as if he was thinking about something.

Limulu looked at the other party, but smiled lightly: "It doesn't matter if you can't find the relevant information, Patriarch Ahad, my purpose this time is actually very simple, I just want to borrow something from you."

"Your Excellency looks like you are here to borrow something."

Ahad finally turned his eyes to those broken artificial humans, and glanced lightly. The person who killed me borrowed something if he wanted to ask?Is it true that I love the Inzbern family and don't want to lose face?

Limulu noticed this, and felt a little helpless: "I'm sorry, I have already reminded them not to kill people..."

"The old man has a suggestion." Hearing this, Ahad said calmly: "Although I don't know what you want to borrow, but for the sake of the princess, the old man is willing to believe you, but ..."

"I don't know if you can hand over the murderers who killed my clansmen... After all, you also said that they disobeyed the order first..."

Hearing this, Limulu was stunned for a moment, but the favorite dead disciples who had lowered their heads to kill suddenly trembled in cold sweat.

Even a dead disciple knows that falling into the hands of a magician is much worse than falling into the hands of the church. The church just kills you, but the magician will... make your life worse than death!Research, vivisection, vivisection, even soaking in formalin.

"That's it."

Hearing the other party's suggestion, Limulu was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled in a low voice: "It's reasonable as compensation..."

"However, your doll is indeed too fragile. If you accidentally break it... I will also have a headache." Limulu narrowed his eyes and looked at the more and more people behind him. For the automatic dolls, the voice under the mask became more helpless and frivolous. He spread his hands and said, "It seems that the negotiation has broken down."

Although he was very dissatisfied with the person who killed the opponent without authorization, it was...his subordinate after all.

Ahad knew very well that as a commander, he could cleanse himself internally, but he absolutely could not hand over his subordinates to the enemy, so saying such words was more like a provocation.

But Ahad understands better that, as a legally recognized magic family in the Magic Association, if he really "borrowed" things obediently, then it would be no different from a deal with the Dead Apostles, which is equivalent to collaborating with the enemy, so he even The other party did not even ask what he wanted to grab, but he had already expressed his refusal.

It's the same... Ahad once again glanced at the Hei Ji and the Black Knight who were smiling and watching the play, and sighed with some pain in his heart. If he really couldn't fight against them, he wouldn't really resist desperately, after all... ...As the final processing terminal of the Einzbern family, the reason and purpose of giving all androids humanity is just...to complete the ultimate third law.

For this, anything can be given up.

Therefore, if the other party needs something that can be given up, the Magic Association can't offend it, and if Hei Ji can't beat it, then it can only be... shed some blood, and then let the thing be snatched away smoothly.

It's sad, but there's no way, this is the only choice a weak existence can make.

So, he nodded heavily again, and after the man-made people behind made preparations for battle, he said in a cold voice: "Then, before doing anything, allow me to ask, what else is there in our declining family?" Is it worthy of your coveted?"

"It's not an important thing, it's just a scabbard with history on it."

Of course, Limuru could guess Ahad's thoughts, so he answered quickly. After all, you can find the holy relic once it's gone. Among the sabers, Artoria is not the strongest, but if you lose your life, you can find it again. There is really nothing left, and he believes that Ahad can make the right choice after seeing the crushing gap between the two sides.

However, what Limulu didn't expect was that after hearing the words, Ahad was taken aback, showing a confused expression that made Limulu habitually feel bad, and then asked: "Sword scabbard?"

Immediately, Limulu felt a little disappointed, but also somewhat expected.

It is now seven years before the Holy Grail War. Although Einzbern, one of the three imperial families, has already started preparing for the next Holy Grail War, the search for holy relics is often not so easy and targeted. Can I just find it by myself?

Although there is already Hei Ji who can help him suppress the blood-sucking impulse, he cannot always rely on Hei Ji. He will definitely approach the Magic Association as soon as possible, and when it is in the hands of the Association, with the current power and energy of Limuru, he is not sure that he can snatch this piece from others under various political struggles... which represents King Arthur. holy relic.

Therefore, Limuru will not wait—on the contrary, for the smooth progress of the Holy Grail War in the future, Ahad must not die. If Ahad does not die, the word scabbard is destined to be revealed to the ears of the Church and the Magic Association inside!If Ahad already had scabbards or Cornish eyebrows...

He wants to speed up the progress!Get Avalon ASAP!

Aside, Erte Luqi, who was watching this scene, had an interesting smile on his lips. He looked at Limuru who suddenly lost his fighting spirit, and reminded softly, "Hey, White Knight."

He will not be called by his name in front of others. This is an agreement made by the two of them.

"Don't forget, the purpose this time is not only what you want, this is also your first show as a white knight..."

"I understand." Limulu nodded: "Although my purpose has failed, I promised you..."

Let this invasion detonate the undercurrent of the whole of Germany.

He pointed at Ahad and the castle behind him, and said softly:

"Come on, children, I command you in the name of the White Knight—"

"Destroy, slaughter—"

"Tell the world at all costs."

"The brand new Eighth Patriarch... has arrived!"

After finishing speaking, Limuru lowered his eyes, and the tone under the mask did not fluctuate anymore. He raised his hand lightly, and the thick fog began to fill in. The dead disciples rushed like a tide in an instant, and completely rushed towards the army of artificial humans on the opposite side!

And he also completely turned into a black ghost, and thousands of bloody sharp blades bloomed like blooming flowers in the pure white castle.

Chapter 038, I bloom in the killing, just like...

The cold wind gently blows the fallen leaves, and the shadows sway just like ghosts howling like ghosts. On this dark night, thunder flickers and dark clouds are covered, and even the wind pressure of the whole city is low because of this. up.

Limuru floated lightly in mid-air, watching the dead apostles fighting with the artificial people, or the parts were broken, or the blood was gushing, and there were fragments of limbs and bloody rain everywhere.

Suddenly, he looked at the ground that had been dyed red. As the magic power surged, drops of rain began to fall, washing the ground and blending with the blood at the same time... Immediately afterwards, the rain became more and more urgent and bigger——Boom !

There was a flash of lightning, and during the downpour, a bloody torrent suddenly roared, turned into a torrent and swept to people's feet, flowing quickly like a river, accompanied by Limulu's eyes lowered, coldly The moment when he raised his blue arm and clenched his palm gleaming with magic power!


When the torrent suddenly turned into layer after layer of ocean curtains, it made a deafening sound of overwhelming mountains and seas, engulfing and strangling one after another of the artificial people who had no time to escape and escape, and slowly gathered together, forming a huge blood-colored flower bud , its bottom flows like a river of blood, and its petals are like a standing water surface, accompanied by the dripping rain, and there are beautiful ripples from time to time.

However... Seeing this scene, Ahad couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and frantically ordered all the man-made humans to retreat immediately and retract into the castle for defense...

This is... a variant of Water Flower?Damn it! !How could there really be a lunatic magician to study this kind of magic!And transformed it into such a huge... battlefield magic! !

The Flower of Water is a small-scale assassination magic that has been relatively hot and controversial in the magic world recently.

Created by the fairy tale professor Limuru, it is a kind of magic directly disclosed through the patent application of the Magic Association.

It was originally a magic developed by Limuru imitating the so-called rainstorm pear flower needle in the so-called novel in the previous life. The gorgeous and invisible water magic is loved by students because it is too gorgeous, and at the same time it is too dangerous. It is so dangerous that even the caster will know it. 30.00% of the seven people were injured, and they were urgently banned from learning without authorization by the Magic Association - but this also made Limulu's reputation as a water magic artist quietly spread among countless students' worship.

Compared to the group of brats who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, and only know how handsome they are, Ahad, as a humanoid processing terminal, knows very clearly that this thing is a...covered with a beautiful skin...totally and completely Horror killer! !

Should have run long ago.

Rimuru looked at the android who was shrinking urgently and began to retreat, and slowly shook his head——

The next moment, the bloody flower began to bloom, and tens of thousands of blood needles formed a real bloody storm that instantly swept across the entire void!

He pierced through the castle, eroded the magic circle, and while ravaging all the man-made humans and dead disciples, he also swept blood to every corner of the castle, dyeing every part of this enchantment... red.

In the forest, the pattering rain was shaken and diffused by huge energy fluctuations. Once again mixed with the dirty blood of those dead, the black knight silently used black flames to condense a piece of energy that could instantly evaporate any liquid, like an umbrella General lightly blocked Elt Lucy's head.

But Hei Ji just quietly held her face, her scarlet eyes quietly watching the blooming blood-colored flower, with an unknown light shining in her eyes, and said softly: "His magic is so beautiful, isn't it?" Is it? Especially when combined with blood—"

"I don't think there's any use in simply looking good." The black knight couldn't understand: "Although I'm not good at large-scale magic, I also know that a certain amount of magic power is wasted for such a gorgeous performance."

"You don't understand." Hei Ji chuckled suddenly when she heard the words: "What you think is unnecessary is just a requirement for others when they pursue perfection. The pursuit of perfection is never a mistake, and beauty It's even less likely to be evil."

"This is……"

"He refuted the exact words of the students." Hei Ji lowered her eyes and said with a light smile, "This is the first time I've heard such a theory."

"It's interesting, isn't it?"

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