But now it seems that the other party has no scruples... It is clearly unscrupulous! !

From the beginning, the other party didn't say that if you return the scabbard to me, I will do so.

It's just a simple sentence - if you don't give it to me, I will... kill you!

Here, something is wrong with the script... Mei Lian Solomon looked down at the scabbard in his hand... a little dazed, obviously the most important thing should be in his hands——

Seeing Mei Lian Solomon who was completely in hesitation, Limuru raised the corners of his lips slightly—while Hei Ji glanced at his small mouth, and sighed slightly in his heart.

After so many days of getting along, she has already fully seen that compared to strength and the other party's talent that can devour other people's abilities, the white knight is the best at it, and it is also the favorite... More is through conversation and a series of means , to completely control the rhythm of everything in my own hands——

Including quarreling with her, including negotiating with the enemy, or... After becoming his subordinate, he even took the initiative to act, making her master like a puppet emperor——

He is good at deceiving people's hearts and seeing through the enemy's psychology. Compared with crushing with strength, he obviously prefers to completely grasp all the initiative, and then proceed to the next level——

And now, Mei Lian Solomon has obviously fallen into Limuru's rhythm completely.

And once caught in Limulu's rhythm, Elte Lucki is very clear about the consequences, that is, there will only be one situation in the end, if the other party is not determined to turn the table... then as the one who has the initiative Rimuru...

It's just... the winner takes all!

And the reason why she knew this was because he had asked him on the way - Limulu had no intention of fighting with the other party at all!

For the necessity of the Kingdom of the Dead Apostles plan, he does not want to fight against any ancestor of the Dead Apostles unless it is a last resort. He has even prepared some bargaining chips for the exchange, but obviously, judging from the current situation... Limulu, who has gained the advantage, can obviously use this part of the chips for other purposes.

At this moment, Limulu started to attack again, and suddenly said: "Melian Solomon, both the 27th ancestor of the Dead Apostles, we should have no special conflicts, on the contrary, we have a common goal—"

"I don't have any goals... You don't need to use this kind of thing to shake me..."

"Really?...Then if I say... I can completely liberate you..."

"Where's Baiji Alquette?!"


At that moment, Limuru felt two astonished gazes staring at him, apart from Meilian Solomon's gaze containing shock and a glimmer of hope, and Heiji's complex, angry and somewhat helpless gaze. eyes.

At this moment, Limuru felt... stable.

As I said before, Mei Lian Solomon is Zhu Yue's super admirer, and he swore to be loyal only to Zhu Yue. Therefore, when the 27 dead ancestors betrayed the true ancestor and Zhu Yue passed away as the true ancestor, Mei Lian Solomon was disappointed and lived in seclusion. And because of hatred, he even joined the trouble of the burial agency to find the dead disciples instead.

But...Bai Ji Arquette has perfectly inherited Zhu Yue's strength and appearance... This leads to... This guy is also a loyal fan of Bai Ji Arquitect.

This is his bargaining chip, and the reason why he can't tell Hei Ji, because he is afraid that Hei Ji will lose her temper... Well, actually...

Limulu glanced at the delicate little face that had puffed up with anger, feeling a little helpless——

It's already started...

Chapter 045: Civilian magicians, do they really have no future?

"Liberating Baiji means..." Mei Lian Solomon took a deep breath, and then heard Li Mulu chuckled, "Ah, of course it's... a snake."

"I can completely make the snake disappear, just like... making your monster disappear—" Limulu raised his hand: "You look like you don't believe it."

"I have no reason to believe you..." Meilian Solomon took another half step back cautiously, but his tone and the hand holding the scabbard unknowingly loosened a little: "That's the snake of Akasha..."

The Snake of Akasha, also known as the 27th ancestor of the Dead Apostles, Roja who is known as the Infinite Reincarnator—although he claims to be infinitely reincarnated, and his ability is quite tricky. It exists, but in Rimuru's view, this way of focusing on soul reincarnation without limitation will not cause the same mental weakness as Orochimaru, even the compatibility between the soul and the body will also vary due to differences. It led to the reduction of strength, and because of this, Roja after reincarnation has not caused much threat in several centuries.

As for the means of killing Roja, not to mention all kinds of secret techniques for the soul hidden in every corner of the world, even if Limuru ignores it, there will be a thing called the magic eye of death in the future, which will kill it Killed, so Limuru didn't even think about whether he could swallow Roja!But this does not prevent him from talking nonsense and fooling others in advance.

"Then you don't believe it." Limulu said with a light smile, "Let's try the released monsters and see if I can make them disappear completely—"

"You bastard..." Mei Lian Solomon's immature face was tightly wrinkled. After a long silence, just when the puffy-faced Erte Luqi was about to get impatient, he finally raised his sword Sheath and head, and asked softly: "That is to say, as long as I give you the scabbard...then Alquette..."

"No." Unexpectedly, after hearing Mei Lian's concession-like question, Limulu shook his head cleanly and denied, "You seem to have misunderstood my meaning."

"I told you, I must get the scabbard, and if you take it, you have to sacrifice a monster to stop my pursuit, don't you? Don't you understand? Mei Lian Solomon, the scabbard in your hand is a The only bargaining chip is no longer enough for you to talk to me."

"If you want to leave safely, you have to put down the scabbard. At the same time, I can add a small bargaining chip and threat—to help Alquette or help Roja, it doesn't make any difference to me. Isn't it?"

"You!" Mei Lian Solomon raised his head abruptly when he heard the words - and then heard Limulu also increase the volume, interrupting his questioning directly and coldly, and continued:

"Melian! I'm putting my words here. I am sure that I will free Arquette from his deep sleep, and I am also sure that I will let Arquette, or let..."

"Zhu Yue's successor disappears from this world!"

"Put down the scabbard and leave now. I can let you and your beast survive, and then...give you the honor of cooperating with me!"

"Because only in this way can you have the opportunity to bring enough chips to let me help you when you see me next time..."

"Save Alquiet."

Speaking of this, Limulu lowered her eyelids, and said softly: "Otherwise...the dead disciples only need a princess, and standing on my side...the one who will ascend the throne in the future will definitely be the one I am loyal to now." Your Highness, and Bai Ji as an unnecessary threat..."

"Sure enough, it's better to get rid of it?"

This guy... Mei Lian Solomon's small face was completely wrinkled together. He gritted his teeth, and the anger in his heart erupted like a volcano. Using Bai Ji as a threat, this behavior is undoubtedly an act in his opinion. It is extremely abhorrent and outrageous for a rebellious minister to put a knife on the emperor's neck to make other people retreat.

But he glanced around, and then glanced at Hei Ji, whose bloody eyes were staring at him closely, as if she was ready to attack him at any time, her mouth was full of bitterness, even if she uttered meanness, it was like choking, no matter what she said Not exported.

It stands to reason that Alquite inherited the power of Zhu Yue and is a super strong person who has mastered the realization of fantasy. Her safety is not something that a white knight can threaten at all, let alone something that a follower of him needs to worry about... ...but...but somehow—

Looking at the other party's golden eyes, the firm and practical tone, and Hei Ji's puffed face in a timely manner did not interrupt the other party, but silently stood behind to put pressure on himself - he always felt... ...the other party can do it.

The momentum, sometimes really inexplicable, but also wonderful.

After finishing speaking, Limulu diffused the mist lightly, and he stopped talking, and chose to stare at Mei Lian Solomon to exert pressure, and at the same time expressed his attitude again.

Make a decision, Mei Lian.

"Huh..." Facing the gazes of hundreds of dead disciples, Meilian Solomon lowered his eyes and took a deep breath, then looked at Limulu's monster mask again and said softly: "Give you the scabbard, are you really Will you let me go?"

"Of course... Mei Lian, because I know you have something to ask of me, and you will definitely come to me again—and I am looking forward to the day when we cooperate."

"……what do you want from me?"

The corners of Limulu's mouth under the mask were completely raised, and he slowly closed his net and said, "One day in the future, you may understand what I want. At that time, I hope you can make a wise decision. Decide--"

"Then, now—" Limulu stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Give me the scabbard, please?"

"..." Hearing this, Mei Lian Solomon nodded slightly, a halo slowly lifted the scabbard from his hand, and while slowly flying towards Limuru, he stared closely at Limuru's eyes , as if to completely engrave him in his mind, he began to back away.

Seeing the scabbard slowly approaching, Limuru reached out his hand casually to hold it without fortification, and glanced at it.

"Avalon indeed."

The moment the great sage quickly completed the appraisal, Limulu let go of his heart completely, and a comfortable smile hung on his face, and his voice couldn't help being a little bit cheerful: "You still don't want to send your Excellency off?"

Limuru's voice made Mei Lian slightly taken aback, but then - the circle of dead disciples gave way to both sides one after another, which surprised him a bit, opened his mouth slightly, and squirmed a little In the end, he gave Limulu a bitter look, turned around and walked out, disappearing into the thick night.

At the end, the opponent's subordinates stepped aside cleanly, making him suddenly understand a fact.

The other party...the fact that he didn't intend to fight him in the first place!

This damn bastard!


Seeing the back of Mei Lian Solomon disappear completely, Li Mulu stroked the scabbard and just turned her head when she saw Hei Ji's exquisite little face that had suddenly come up, and she narrowed her bloody eyes dangerously, angrily She showed two small canine teeth, and said with a smile: "My dear white knight, since the matter is over, shouldn't you also... explain to me about my good sister?"

"Uh—" Limulu heard the words, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze for an instant...


The white knight Limuru has acquired Avalon, which is extremely good news for the magician Limuru. Although he is not in such a hurry to leave Erte Luqi now, but Avalon can heal In addition to the curse, it is also an extremely powerful protective hole card, so—for the current magician Limulu, in addition to continuing to indulge in short-term profit-making, how to activate Avalon, that is, use the spirit to summon the slave The issue of Saber should be put on the agenda as soon as possible, or in other words, listed as the first priority.

"Then professor, so our general education is also useful, right?"

"Of course." In class, Professor Limulu nodded with a light smile to signal the students to sit down, tapped on the podium lightly and said: "Although today's class is not about popularizing the concept of magic education in basic subjects, I think, review It’s good to have some basic knowledge.”

"As we all know, including some of you, many people need to accept the content of all basic subjects as a compulsory course, no matter whether you specialize in water magic, or because of the changes in the characteristics of magic, you specialize in some spirits, alchemy, witches, or even It's magic from the age of the gods."

"But as long as you have completed the compulsory courses of basic subjects, you will definitely know how much content about astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, etc. that we used to look down upon, but later had to be quoted and added to the basic subjects."

"The so-called magic refers to using the mysterious premise to complete what human beings can achieve in this era with methods that do not conform to common sense. I am worried about behaviors that do not conform to common sense. Therefore, although I don't want to admit it, it shows the civilization of the people of the world. Development and progress are indeed affecting the progress of Magic."

"For example." Limulu summoned the water flower casually, which caused the students to shrug their heads in exclamation and fear, then smiled lightly: "It seems that everyone knows this magic, so I don't need to explain too much principle……"

"We continue to review. Manipulating elements is something magicians will inevitably do, but just like the history of human progress, being able to use tools is not enough. To become stronger, you must learn to make more tools—— "

"Magicians must also learn to use their own characteristics and attributes to continuously strengthen the control of the elements, which is what you need to learn while sitting here. Then, the characteristics that are beneficial to water can strengthen the fluidity of water, Based on this, the original magic argument that magic power can make the impact of water stronger."

"But today, we can also call it in a more modern way... water pressure enhancement."

"Of course, if any student is interested in too much content, you can read some theories and knowledge about modern magic. Although there are less than a hundred students in that subject, I have always been optimistic about that subject." Limu shrugged Shrugging, he smiled helplessly and said, "However, I also want to remind everyone here."

"Most students learn magic at home, and then learn the current theoretical knowledge in ordinary schools. Although I am sure that this part of science and theory is useful for magic, but... it must also be noted that sometimes secular theories are also It will completely imprison your thinking."

"It is true that magic has a part in common with these so-called sciences, but more... it still conflicts, because the essence of magic is distortion after all, and it fundamentally distorts the birth of the result by means that do not conform to common sense, so if If you really study why this happens in magic, what is the principle, what kind of chemical reaction happened..."

"So sorry..." Limuru sighed and shook his head, which made the students below immediately laugh knowingly.

"Then, next question."

Limulu glanced at the lecture hall with more than 300 people. Among the densely packed arms, Limulu suddenly saw a little assistant who almost never asked questions and always liked to go to his lounge to ask questions—Christie Na, raised her hand in a rare way, and there seemed to be a dark cloud hanging on her face, which lost a lot of the liveliness and agility of the past.

While he was slightly taken aback by this, he suddenly remembered that it seemed that this week, the child hadn't been looking for him for a long time.

He still pays attention to this kid, not because of how talented he is, but because he is not only his little fan, but also the small group he stays in is also quite interesting - a large classroom with more than 300 people , even Limulu treats ordinary students with gentleness and does not discriminate at all. He also has a huge reputation among famous families. Under the representative professors, the circles of the two sides are almost completely different. On the contrary, it is precisely because the students of both sides are The reason for favoring him is that the number of people on both sides is about the same, and even the number of people who are indistinctly contending has caused the two sides to almost become two factions on the left and right, with an empty seat in the middle, and students who arrive late even if they stand , and do not want to sit with the "enemy".

And Christina's small circle of friends is indeed the only small group that includes geniuses from two noble families and is not hostile to both sides, which undoubtedly makes Limulu's impression of them a bit deeper.

"Christina?" Limulu hesitated for a moment, then called her, looking at her tangled and complicated eyes, and said gently as always: "Do you have any questions?"

"Professor..." Christina gritted her teeth hesitantly, turned her head and took a deep look at the gray-haired boy who was sitting in the other group and shook his head towards her. That guy Limulu also had an impression of him, from Germany, Amo The young genius of the Ston family has the title of "Eagle Destined to Soar in the Sky".

But faced with the shaking of the other party's head, Christina raised her eyebrows instead, pressed her lower lip and mustered up the courage to ask directly: "Professor, I want to ask... As a magician, inheriting the magic seal is really the only one. Is there a way out?"

"We wild magicians from common people, really..."

"Is there really no future?"

As the voice fell, Amoston's icy face flashed a trace of complexity, and the entire large classroom fell into a silent silence——

"Tsk..." Limulu was also stunned for a long time. After a long time, he chuckled, feeling a little helpless: "Your question...is really a little difficult, a little...serious."

Chapter 046, Limuru's Lecture Room!

Limulu didn't answer this question immediately, but first asked why Christina asked this question.

It turned out that Christina, as a wild magician with unique talent, had the magic imprint left by her father after his death, but that magic engraving only inherited the half-baked magic of his father's life. Amerston and another good friend of the famous magician thought that Christina's talent as a magician was wasted.

Therefore, they suggested that Christina accept the assistance of the two families and find her a declining family in need of an heir, so as to obtain a stronger and more promising magic seal, but since the magic seal is her father's inheritance, Christina does not want to Abandoned, so they rejected them, but Amoston suddenly told her that within the two days she was thinking about, the two had already negotiated for her the engraving that could be inherited—you know, for magicians, An excellent magic seal that can be inherited is like putting the research results and wealth of several generations of a family there, and there are countless geniuses competing for it.

Even if the magic family itself is about to face the dilemma of severing the family line, there will still be countless geniuses who think they are qualified, and it is conceivable how much the two paid for this qualification.

Just as Amoreston couldn't understand why Christina was unwilling to give up that rubbish engraving, the small group belonged to commoners, and Christina's best friend Mona couldn't understand why Amoreston insisted on forcing Christina to inherit a character she didn't like. family lineage.

For the first time, irreconcilable conflicts broke out in the small group, and Christina fell into an extremely entangled state—and at this time, she suddenly thought of the professor she admired most——

After hearing the cause and effect, it can be said that there were countless envious, envious, and incomprehensible eyes in the classroom, and more than half of them came from the faction of civilians, which made Limulu feel a little funny.

After all, even if they are clearly unwilling to communicate and contact with the so-called aristocratic faction, in essence, they respect each other's world very much, but... you can't blame them for this.After the world's mysteries have declined, magic engraving, as a means of solidifying mysteries, has indeed fundamentally determined a magician's lower limit and upper limit.

"That is to say, my answer will affect the decision you make, right?" Limulu looked at the other party's eyes full of tension, and chuckled: "Then this is really a problem, after all, since you asked Looking at the question... you already have the answer."

"What you are entangled with is not whether to inherit the engraving, but... a kind of unwillingness. If a wild magician does not inherit the engraving, he will be regarded as a waste, and he will not be able to succeed."

"But since you asked, I'll answer a little first."

"Do wild magicians really have no future? Let me answer this question, and I can only say... quite the opposite."

Limulu signaled Christina to sit down, walked back to the podium, sighed helplessly, and then said with a smile: "I seem to have heard such a sentence a long, long time ago."

"The wealth accumulated through the hard work of more than ten generations, why do you want to catch up and surpass it all your life?"

"Although it's just a joke, in the world of magic, it makes sense, because the mystery needed by magic is passing away—and only through the accumulation of generations, will the extra mystery you have become more and more, Thus surpassing most of the existences whose accumulation is less than yours."

"If there are no engravings, or magicians with few engravings passed down for generations, if they want to compare them to families that have passed on for several generations, or even more than a dozen generations, then the only thing they can do is look forward to the future."

"So, unfortunately, from the perspective of mystery and traditional magicians, then the answer is yes."

"It's not that wild magicians have no future, but... only a future."

Speaking of this, Limuru paused, looked at the loneliness in the eyes of the ordinary magicians on the right, suddenly smiled, and raised his voice and said: "Okay, just now, I said it from the perspective of a magician. Yes, now, let me share my opinion."

"If I don't say anything else, Ms. Christina will probably be extremely disappointed with me and feel that my answer is irrelevant." Limulu closed the textbook with a light smile, stretched her waist and said, "Because the essence of this question is actually Asking what to do as a wild magician to have a future."


After hearing Limulu's words, the students from the commoner faction who had lowered their heads couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and raised their heads in astonishment. The students from the noble faction raised their eyebrows one after another, showing great interest. It sounds.

Just when everyone thought that the professor had fooled the question, he drew the key points of the question himself, which just showed that he might really have his own ideas or answers—but No matter which one is concerned, for this group of students, whether it is harvest or talk, it is a very interesting lesson.

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