Achelot looked at the fourth vacant seat on the opposite side, and his anxious mood finally eased a bit, although because Limuru acted as a lubricant, there seemed to be a relationship between the Urifis faction and the Achelot faction. The conflict between them seems to have eased somewhat, but after all, Lidelle and Urifis still dislike each other.

However, why hasn't Rimuru come back yet? Lidal looked at the watch on her wrist, sighed slightly dissatisfied, and narrowed her eyes.

At this time, the Old Town of London——

Limulu leaned against the wall lightly, watching Saber angrily knock down the besieging people one by one, then slowly lowered her eyes, on the ground, a layer of water slowly flowed and condensed, forming a translucent clock showing the time.

"Oh, trouble..."

Already started?The meeting... Limulu's mind moved, endless tiny red dots appeared on the map, and when several people with pistols aimed at Saber who was still fighting hand-to-hand there, ripples slowly spread under everyone's feet. Brewing——

"Bang!" Icicles erupted one after another, the endless cold wind blew away the gunshots, and Saber raised her head in disbelief. , completely inherited the meat skewers, hanging in the air in a bloody mess.

"Master... Didn't you say that you are not allowed to use magic..." Saber looked at Limuru who calmly put away the magic power on the other side in disbelief, and said angrily, "And you actually...killed them?"

"You are not allowed to use magic because you don't want to kill people, so in order to prevent the mystery from being leaked, this group of scumbags will be dealt with secretly." Limulu shrugged and explained indifferently: "But if you kill them directly In fact, it doesn’t matter if you don’t use magic or not.”

In the old city of London, gangs and crimes of all sizes are everywhere. If you really want to take care of these things that the police should take care of, you probably won't be able to exhaust people to death. In fact, Saber also understands this, so even in During the two days in Fuyuki City, even if there was a crime and Rimuru ignored it, Saber would not say anything, although she was a little dissatisfied.

But luckily, when returning to the London airport, a woman's child got lost with her. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with her, and Saber didn't say anything, but who knew the other party didn't know whether it was a coincidence or not. He would beg for everyone he met, maybe because of the good looks on Saber's face, he actually begged to Saber.

Help others when they ask for help.

Ah, this damn knight's code, Limuru had a bitter face at the time, looking at Saber who was firmly begging himself, it was not good to quarrel with her over such a trivial matter, of course, the most important thing is that the woman seems to be quite capable. Money, as a matter of course, after asking about the reward, the woman was obviously a little confused, and quickly reacted and promised that if she could find her child, any price would be acceptable, and Limulu reluctantly agreed. down...

Judging from the photo on the pocket watch of the other party, he is a very cute little boy. I thought it was a very simple errand, but Limulu turned on the perception and did not find the other party at the airport. It was only after everything happened that he learned about this boy It was unfortunate that he was targeted by human traffickers. After seeing him abducted by himself, Limulu realized... this time it might be troublesome.

London was one of the earliest industrialized cities, which caused the biggest problem of an ancient industrial city, extremes at both ends.

The center of the rich in the city center, that is, the existence of the bourgeoisie continues the style of the upper-class city in the 60s, while the old city... will always be the old city. This situation was not improved until the early 21st century, although good urbanization The reform has made the phenomenon of rampant orphans and slaughterhouses in England rare in the last century, but the old city is still the poorest and most chaotic area where gangs are rampant and the chain of interests is extremely complicated.

It is worth mentioning that the most ancient archaeological science park city "Rockslot" is located in the old city, and it is worth mentioning that... the owner of the famous family of the Meastrian monarch itself seems to be similar to many underground Power has something to do with it... Well, to put it bluntly, it means that one of the rulers of the old city is the other party.

Considering these aspects, Limuru did not intend to back down. After all, he was not very afraid of Meastea, and the two even had conflicts - mainly because they felt that things were a lot more troublesome.

But since he promised the other party and Saber, Limulu also intends to fulfill his promise. Considering that there are many crimes in the old city, being able to abduct the child so quickly and transport him out of the airport shows that this is probably not a single crime but a gang operation. Rimuru warned Saber not to expose too much ability to prevent the mystery from leaking.

In this regard, Saber is still extremely confident, her opponents are all ordinary people, even if she doesn't use magic power, she believes that she can subdue them all.

With the help of the great sage, it is too easy to find a child with almost no mystery. Limuru doesn't even need to spend a lot of magic power to know the specific location and all the information of the other party. After the lair, the two discovered that the children abducted and harmed by this organization were not one or two...

In the place where the child was held, there were thirteen other children together, twelve of them were orphans who had just been captured, and one... was the ghost who secretly notified the guards above.

A huge orphan trafficking and exploitation syndicate.

Their goal doesn't seem to be abducting and trafficking children, because that kind of organization doesn't last long at all. Most of the other's targets are homeless, orphans who are willing to do anything for a bite of food, and even the person who abducted the little boy. An orphan who was the same age as him... he was innocent but harbored malicious intentions, that is, the child who reported on Rimuru without hesitation after seeing the two of them.

The returned heads can be exchanged for money and a superior living space, instead of being forced to beg, or be treated as livestock or sold as slaves like those orphans who are unwilling to do these things, and even if they die accidentally, even their organs can be used The materials for sale—yes, judging from the magic power spent in the investigation of the myriad phenomena, Limulu keenly discovered that this organization was actually involved in mystery...but the mystery is not so big. Obviously, the other party's transaction partner is not Clock Tower or May Asteria, after all, with the glory of the monarch, it is impossible to cooperate with such dirty reptiles.

Wild magicians or an underground black market for magicians?

Maybe... Feim will know something about this group organization?

Interesting, Limuru thought so, with the idea of ​​settling accounts after autumn, Limulu originally wanted to save the child and left, but who would have thought that after seeing so many miserable children, Saber's sense of justice sprouted, and he couldn't move in an instant Righteously, he said that he would rescue them all.

For this reason, Limuru almost suffocated to death.

Limu Luben wanted to persuade Saber patiently, telling Saber that this organization not only has these few orphans, but also hundreds of orphans under them... He originally wanted to let Saber understand that once this organization is eliminated, at least nearly Thousands of orphans will have nowhere to go in an instant. Some of them may be freer and live better, but more of them die tragically on the streets without the guarantee of survival, so this kind of thing can be postponed and slowly find a solution. , As a result, Saber couldn't sit still when she heard that there were nearly a thousand victims, and rushed up.

That's how it is now.

Limuru looked at the bloody scene indifferently, he didn't want to quarrel with Saber, but maybe this is the difference in personality.

"Since you have judged them as sinners from the bottom of your heart, why not execute them directly?"

In Limulu's heart, everything has a definition, and existence is reasonable, just as capitalists oppress and beat workers, who curse but still yearn to become dragons, and turn their heads to squeeze others. Having a great sage can almost Limulu, who understands everything, naturally understands that this group of people is essentially the so-called evil, the kind that deserves death, but they also need probation, which is to maintain the most basic guarantee of survival for the group of children who are used to beg. .

So he killed this group of people not only because he was in a hurry, but also because of:

Since Saber has decided to save the group of children, it means that this group of people has no need to survive. This is Limuru's way of thinking.

But this obviously had a big impact on Saber——

"Well, that's it." Looking at the silent Saber, Limulu said lightly: "I will arrange the corresponding handlers to deal with this matter, as for the children... I bet you didn't have any problems when you rescued them." Have you thought about how to arrange them?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to place them."

"..." Saber raised her head, her green eyes froze slightly, and she heard Limulu say, "By the way, Saber... I don't know if you have noticed that there are no girls among these orphans?"

"The person has been found, the next thing is up to you first, you can sense my location, and then just come to me directly."

Limuru once again manipulated the water flow to form a clock. After taking a look, she turned around and turned into a stream of water and rushed away. Only Saber was left looking at the bloody sheds like other abandoned factories with a dazed and The orphans who came out in panic, one after another... densely packed.

Chapter 094, Bathurmerode suspects—

At this time, at the monarch meeting, because the dean was not there, Barthamelo, who attended as the dean's assistant, sat on the dean's seat at the end of the meeting, looked at the empty conference table, and calmly opened the record in his hand Compared with the last meeting that was nearly full, this time the fact that nearly half of the monarchs will not participate is the normal state of the so-called monarch meeting. The monarch meeting is not produced for major events like the crown resolution, it is related to the magic world The future procedure, except for the fixed issue of resource allocation when freshmen enroll each year, at other times, as long as it is related to the Monarch Group or the clock tower, whether it is a dispute or discussing a certain issue, when witnesses are needed , any monarch is eligible to apply to Bathmelo to open the monarch meeting.

However, most monarchs will not pay attention to this rule, and more monarchs prefer to use their own methods to solve problems, so this procedure has almost become a symbolic right of Barthemero's lineage.

These monarchs who are not interested in the topic itself, mild-mannered and ceremonial monarchs may even send a fiend symbolically to express their respect, but it is similar to the astronomy department who does not care about world affairs or the gloomy Urifis. Personality, it may simply leave an empty seat, and even the right of approval and veto will be directly abstained.

"Ah, it's really cold today." The old fox Trambellio rarely opened his eyes that seemed to be sleeping, and glanced around with interest.

"Your Excellency, Mentor, is still in charge of cleaning and recycling in Cornwall, please forgive me." Hearing this, Kenneth smiled lightly and lowered his eyelids, and responded.

"Hmm... Solonia and Jiji Malei are still out, and if they haven't come back during the crown decision period, they probably can't count on it." Trambellio said with a chuckle, and turned his head to look To the empty seat beside him: "Mr. Enolai didn't come either, so I'm in trouble, I'm not the type to fight."

"Going to the church's base camp to support the other party, I wonder if even a magician would be interested?" Hearing the other party's words, Lidale, who had been tilting her head in boredom, couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and said directly: "If it wasn't for this A request from the court assistant, I probably won't come here to listen to your nonsense, I'll probably just sit at home and wait for the result to see who's unlucky—"

Generally speaking, if no one is willing to participate in the issue, someone will make a suggestion, and then others will vote, but in fact, no cerebral palsy will do such offending things to really vote on whether to send someone Go alone, so when this situation comes, everyone will abstain in a tacit understanding, and in the end, it will become Barthemelo to order troops, and it depends on who is unlucky to be ordered.

However, it is not without price that Barthemero has this kind of power. As a magic family that has stood at the top for thousands of years, Barthemero will always be a representative who leads by example. No matter what the issue is, they all have the acquiescence to participate According to the rules, with power comes responsibility, which is why most of the other famous families are old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years, and only Barthemelo is very young.

Because their average life expectancy is the lowest among the twelve families, but even so, their families are still strong-although sacrifices are frequent, they also harvest the most mystery and resources among the twelve families.

Lidal's voice is undoubtedly the voice of most monarchs, including Kenneth, who also chuckled with his head down and said nothing. Out of etiquette, it is naturally impossible for him not to come, but I have to say——Kenneth raised his head , looked at Barthumello.

If it's really just this kind of topic, then it's true that this meeting is really boring...but...did Barthamello ask Achelotte for the other party's presence?for what?

The unlucky guy who appointed the other party as the support this time because the other party retreated without authorization on the battlefield?still……

"Then, before the meeting starts, I think it is necessary to explain a more important piece of information to everyone." Barthamelo took out a pointer-like wand, tapped the event book in his hand, and suddenly, a quill appeared out of thin air , start recording.

"Information about the new eighth patriarch, the white knight Leviathan." Barthemelo flicked his wand, the invisible wind began to blow slightly, and a light curtain slowly emerged from the center of the table, forming the white knight Lim Full body image of Lou.

It was the magical photo recorded by the choir personnel in charge of recording when Bathomelo retreated. The light and shadow flickered, accompanied by bursts of distortion and blurring, but even so, everyone was still slightly stunned, especially Kenneth, who almost Just blurted out Rimuru's name.

He narrowed his eyes, and suddenly, the corners of his mouth curled up and he slowly opened his mouth, letting out a wanton chuckle: "So that's how it is, that's how it is..."

"No wonder Miss Achelot's complexion is so bad today."

"Your Excellency El Mello—" Hearing this, Lidal's expression sank, and she looked dissatisfied at Kenneth who was diagonally opposite: "If you want to play the disgusting role of your mentor Urifis, I will I don't mind if you sit in front of me."

"Hmph." Hearing this, Kenneth sneered, and instead of confronting the stupid woman in front of him, he turned to look at Barthamello and said, "I think there must be some misunderstanding here."

His remarks are tantamount to telling Archelot again that although the two are still at odds with each other, it is clear that on Limuru's point, after that conspiracy, El-Meiro is temporarily willing to stand on the same side Moreover, whether it is Kenneth or Urifis, they don't care whether Limuru becomes a Dead Apostle at all——

"Indeed, just the hair, the same height doesn't seem to mean anything." Tranbelio squinted at the two young monarchs who were still disobedient, hehe said, but he emphasized the words hair and height. , full of the meaning of arching fire.

What do you mean, this old guy... Lidal lowered her head lightly, a trace of anger flashed in her heart-- Limuru seemed to have said that the three nobles should generally lean towards him, but looking at it this way, No matter how you look at it, it looks like an attack on him.

"Mr. Achelot, you also said before that you are sitting here because of my request. Then, I ask you to tell Professor Rimuru that you want him to participate in this meeting, have you told me?" Bathme Luo asked lightly, because most monarchs who have time will arrive early, while those who don't have time will not come directly, so there is no habit of attending or waiting for others halfway, and the current monarch meeting has begun to approach 10 minutes, She still didn't see Rimuru's shadow.

"Maybe it was delayed by something." Hearing this, Lidal also sighed and said, "I have already told him."

"Huh? Then he has a big queue?" Suddenly, a frivolous voice came from behind, and Meastea said gloomily, "Is this the first time a group of monarchs have waited for a professor?"

Meastea sneered and said, "Speaking of which, the mask that can't be seen by itself means that his face must be more suspicious, right? Otherwise, there's no need to cover it, right?" .

This guy...isn't it the first time he targeted Limuru?

"What is this? You are doubting a former famous family..."

"After all, it's not a strange thing to fall for revenge..." Before Meastea finished speaking, he felt a sharp magic flash in his ear-a strand of hair slowly fell, Meas Thea's face darkened: "Achélot, are you trying to start a war with me?"

"Meastrea." Lidal stood up slowly, her delicate little face was full of murderous intent, her pupils revealed astonishing magic power, and a layer of dark mist began to rise—this was Lidal's activation. The blood of the witch in her body, and the magic mark of the witch, which means that she is serious: "I think you know the relationship and agreement between the Archelot and the Entpest family. What you say is undoubtedly It is an insult to the honor of our two families at the same time."

Although the agreement made by the two families decades ago was not publicized, Lidelle knew very well that since both the dean and Inolai were able to investigate this matter, it meant that the two families at that time did not intend to take this matter. Hiding it as a secret, Lidel would not believe it if it was said that Meastea did not know about the relationship between the two of them.

"War against you? Meisters, don't take yourself too seriously." Lidal narrowed her eyes and said without any scruples: "If you are talking nonsense, I don't mind giving Limulu a chance today To replace a family—"


"That's enough, Your Excellency Archelot." Suddenly, a cold voice accompanied the invisible wind barrier to protect and block the two of them, and Barthemelo said coldly: "This is not for you to quarrel. place, and His Excellency Meastea, please pay attention to your words."

Fighting among the twelve families is not the result that Barthemelo wants to see. Of course, the most important thing is... Barthemelo looks at Kenneth, who has been watching with a faint smile on his face... If in this If it continues, the aristocratic faction may really unite.

She originally hoped to suppress the aristocratic faction through the joint efforts of Gaiusling and Achelot, and let Limulu replace a famous family under the Euryphus faction, but it seems that...Kenneth's keen sense of smell obviously smelled what.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Bathmelo lowered his indifferent eyes, looked at the angry two people, and said directly: "I don't doubt Limuru, you two, I am worried."

"White Knight Leviathan doesn't seem to be human, or the magic system used by the other party is also some kind of taboo." Bathmelo waved his wand slightly, and the magic power changed. When he finally retreated, Limu Luna Naruba Lek's female image replaced the original image of the white knight Leviathan.

"Narubalek, the leader of the burial organization, although her strength is inferior to mine, her combat skills are on par with mine - she is a very strong existence, rumor has it that she sealed the three ancestors, but such an existence, But died at the hands of the white knight..."

...Are you sure you died by his hands and not by yours?Lidal, who knew everything, sat down slowly, and couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she heard this.

"Of course the most important thing is that after killing the other party, the white knight becomes the other party's appearance—" As he spoke, the influence began to change, turning into a canyon, and Limuru crawled out from her terrifying attack , Said that he had already killed the white knight: "I went to investigate afterwards, but I didn't find Narubalek's body, so I preliminarily deduced that the opponent's ability was to parasitize the existence I killed, or to manipulate it. kind."

"So, you are worried..." Kenneth glanced: "Professor Limulu, as a pioneer, was attacked by the opponent when he invaded the inner city of Cornwall, right?"

"That's true. After all, Limuru is deeply involved with everyone here, and it's about the monarch... I think it's necessary to clarify this kind of thing."

"But...during your battle, Limuru didn't leave the clock tower a step. He was seriously injured, and I was taking care of him. I know very well..." Lidel shook her head, seeming slightly dissatisfied Said: "After all, you are still doubting him."

"After I came back, I sorted out some matters of the clock tower. If I remember correctly, Limulu submitted an application to go to the Far East as the Achelot family during his recuperation period, right?"

"That's right, but I didn't let him go—" Hearing this, Lidel was slightly taken aback, and suddenly remembered Limuru's instructions before leaving a few days ago——

"Lydel, in the past few days, Barthemelo may find you and question you about this information." Limulu held the order letter in his hand, and said with a chuckle: "Because the Barthemelo family Almost has the right to investigate all the information of the clock tower, they may have some progress and cannot interfere with the result, but they absolutely cannot hide it from them."

"So, no matter whether I have revealed my identity in Jidong or not, you just need to calm down and say that I didn't go, because Barthomello can't really ask Jidong about the authenticity of your words, she It's just to test your reaction."

"Then what if he did investigate?"

"I will try my best not to reveal my identity in the extreme east, and if I do, someone will wipe my ass." Limuru chuckled lightly, "Tokiomi Tohsaka's management channel is with Edelfelt. Yes, unless you visit in private, the reply through formal channels will inevitably go through the power of Inolai, or it can be said to be... the power of my family."

"It is impossible for Barthumello to really set foot in the extreme east, because the extreme east is not worthy."

What Limuru said at the time was very absolute, and in fact, most of Barthumello's reactions today were indeed guessed by him... Moreover, Limuru did not choose to expose his identity to contact Tohsaka Tokiomi in the extreme east ...that's the case.

After realizing that everything was under Limuru's control, Lidal became more relaxed, and her thinking began to flow smoothly. She continued: "Because I was afraid that his injuries would worsen, even though he was strong-willed, I did not allow him to Go to the Far East, but let the last bird currently in the Far East, Alice Witch, handle this matter in my name, Archelot."

"If you still have doubts, you can ask the management of the Far East to verify this matter."

"It's not necessary..." Hearing this, Barthamello also nodded. After all, neither Limuru nor the white knight showed such an obvious flaw. Well, look at Lidal. His performance didn't seem like he was trying to hide something.

It's me... Overthinking?

She wanted to see Limuru's performance and reaction, especially when the other party saw the white knight who looked very similar to her.

"So, how is Professor Limuru's body now?" Barthomello withdrew his thoughts and asked seriously: "After all, he suffered a blow from the primate killer head-on, please forgive me for being a few days late with my concerns. "

"It's okay..." Lidal scratched her chin and said, "Actually, he—"

The sentence should be coming soon, but before the monarchs present heard a bang, the door of the conference room slowly opened again, and Limulu's golden eyes swept across the audience: "I'm sorry everyone, I'm here Is it a little..."


Chapter 095, Barthumello's Suspicion, Part [-]

After scanning the crowd, Limulu paused briefly on the faces of Meastea and Kenneth for a few seconds, and after quickly understanding the general situation of the matter, he chuckled lightly: "It looks just right. .”

Hearing this, Lidal glared at him dissatisfied, but soon turned her head to meet his golden eyes worriedly as Limuru walked behind her obediently and stood still.

Limuru shook her head lightly, patted Lidal on the head with a smile, put her hands lightly on Lidal's shoulders, and signaled that she was fine... Only then did Lidel feel relieved Suddenly, she realized that the two looked too intimate, and she couldn't help but blush a little.

"So, what's the reason why I have to attend the meeting this time?" After teasing Lidelle, Limulu smiled, looked up at the crowd and asked, "Could it be that you want to ask me?" Do you want to write a report on your experience after being hit by a primate killer?"

"Professor Limuru was joking." Kenneth raised his head and lightly folded his hands together, and said with a smile, "Achelot didn't hide his small movements at all."

"Ah, have you been discovered?" Limulu chuckled, pulled out a translucent familiar from the collar of the windbreaker, crushed it casually, and said: "But in fact, this familiar Apart from nagging me in my ear to make me hurry up, it has no other effect, and the voice coming over is full of fuzz and noise."

"..." Hearing this, Lidal was slightly taken aback, and immediately stretched out her hand angrily to twist the hand on her shoulder in a 720-degree spiral.

"Hiss." When the stabbing pain came, Limulu withdrew his little hand like an electric shock, looked at Barthemelo and said, "The same appearance doesn't mean anything. There are too many disguise magic in the world. That's why you suspect a professor, Mr. Faculty Assistant."

"However, if the other party really pretends to be me and wants to arouse our internal feelings, there is no need to wear a mask." Limulu smiled lightly: "Because when the other party becomes that Na Lulu, it is Exactly the same, right? This means that the reason for the mask on the face is not a flaw in the spell."

"That mask has the effect of covering up breath and magic fluctuations, Professor Limulu." At this moment, Barthomello said, "And, can you explain why you were late?"

"It's just a personal matter. I was entrusted by someone to save a child, but I accidentally wiped out a criminal group."

"Oh? What about the aftermath?" Tranbelio raised his head with interest and asked.

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