"Yeah, why." Limuru stood at the same spot, and while struggling with how to distract Saber to kill this group of people, he explained: "Probably because of human desires? People's pursuit of power is incomprehensible." , in your era, ordinary people couldn't compete with magicians no matter what, so magicians became a unique specialty class. Magic qualifications and inheritance determine everything, but they can't be achieved, so only longing is left. and envy."

"But now the times have changed, and the rise of technology has made ordinary people's abilities extremely terrifying, and similarly—desires will also expand accordingly."

"At the same time, human beings are afraid of these powers that most people can't understand." Limulu looked at his hands and smiled softly: "If you can't get it, you will be destroyed. It's not the most instinctive thing for most people. status?"

In fact, Limuru always felt that the traditional magician who listed the prevention of mysterious leaks as the first element was a bit overkill, but thinking about the situation of mutants in another world, it seemed to make sense...

Well, what are you thinking about, Limuru shook his head lightly, the group of guards is actually quite easy to deal with, after all, they are just ordinary people, and it can be solved by modifying magic by hint or memory, the most important thing is this magician.

On the one hand, Saber once again numbly watched Limuru go to use magic to turn them into idiots one by one, let them leave here by themselves and forget the traces of the existence of those few dead people——

Should those few dead guards be forgotten like this?

Can a magician control ordinary people as he pleases?

She clenched her fists behind her, and the great sage was keenly aware of this and told Limulu, but Limulu just shook his head—it was not impossible.

In the end, even if he could let this group of people leave without erasing their memories, he still couldn't stop their mouths and their hatred for revenge.

Yes, he really didn't care about the revenge and remarks of this group of people afterwards, but before he climbed the ladder where he could be unscrupulous, he didn't want any stains or handles on his body to be attacked by others.

It's all an excuse... In the end, it's still for myself.

After dealing with everyone, Limuru took a deep look at Saber, and suddenly there was sadness in her eyes, and she apologized extremely: "I'm sorry, Saber... I have to guard the honor and tradition of being a famous magic family."

"And as a magician, I have to act on behalf of most magicians."

Although I don't want to use these small tricks, I don't want to fight against Saber, so... that's the only way to go.

Since the reason for his own actions is that he cannot stand up to righteousness, then he uses words and misfortune to win sympathy. For a kind-hearted fool, this trick is really useful.

Sure enough, facing Limuru's sudden attack, Saber was slightly taken aback, and her angry blue eyes immediately moved away awkwardly——Indeed, the master...has the master's difficulties, right?

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the magic field as thick as a spiritual vein around her, and sighed in her heart.

As the orphan of a big family, he must shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the family's glory. Bearing this pressure, he must move forward cautiously and stubbornly, right?

Saber is just stubborn, she is not stupid, so she can naturally see why Limuru's many tendentious actions are actually for, but... this kind of behavior is very suitable for the other party's background...

That's it.

Limulu chuckled from the bottom of her heart—when the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, she heard a disdainful laugh.

"For the magician...hehe." The young man who was thrown to the ground by Limuru was trembling and frightened for so long. After listening for so long, he finally seemed to be amused by this sentence, and turned around in a collapsed state. He sneered and said: "You really have the face to say it! Your Excellency! Then what you probably don't know is... I was originally a genius in the Clock Tower, right?"

Hearing these words, Limulu's face froze immediately, the smile froze at the corner of his mouth, he turned his head slowly, and looked at him like a dead person——

Damn... this unprepared counterattack...

Chapter 105 Sure enough, Saber and I only quarrel in our daily life.

Limulu's body froze in place, but the young man was already checkmate - he could see that this young man with blue hair and blond eyes, who looked younger than himself, but had extremely cruel and terrifying attacks, seemed to attach great importance to the situation in front of him. Thoughts of a beautiful blonde.

So he held the idea that survival is the best, otherwise he will have you in the army, summoned up all his courage, and roared like venting: "You so-called nobles who keep talking about protecting most magicians, Just because of my accidentally awakened magical aptitude, they tried to seal me and designate me—”

"And the reason... is simply because I feel that my aptitude cannot be passed on to the next generation... Hehe... After all, isn't it because I am just what you call... a wild magician!"

"So, you tell me...I have been appointed by an inexplicable seal, why...why should I abide by your nonsense rules——"

"I tried everything I could to escape from London. I know nothing but my talent and half-baked magic - I can't even do the most basic hints..." He thumped on the ground in pain, tears stopped Drops kept falling on the grass, questioning: "I don't even dare to use magic to break the law, for fear that I will be found by bounty magicians..."

After lingering for four years, she finally slipped through the role of an astrologer as a liar and slipped into the Queen's hands...why...why turned around and met a clock tower magician! !

"Could it be that when I was born, I was doomed to die by your hands?!"

"..." The shock on Saber's face became even more astonishing, while Limuru squinted her eyes unconsciously, her brain was running rapidly——

Speaking of which, it turned out that the side of the clock tower was really unjust—fuck, did I get tricked by my own family?

In this way, isn't Saber with a sense of justice...


Sure enough, Saber frowned completely the next moment, turned her head and asked: "Will the clock tower seal the designated magician for no reason?!"

Obviously, as a slime, she doesn't sweat, but Limuru still feels as if a drop of cold sweat is dripping from her forehead.

What should I do, are you going to lie?

"But Saber has a keen intuition, and people who can't tell lies are often more likely to detect lies—"

Not only that, this kind of thing can't be hidden at all, as long as Saber probes in the clock tower with a little thought, she will understand the meaning and conditions specified by the seal——

Thinking of this, Limuru pondered for a moment, and first told the truth: "Indeed... If you discover a special talent due to mutation or a special state, and it is determined that it cannot be passed on to the next generation, then in order to prevent the death of the magician And the Association of Magicians, which caused the disappearance of this qualification, will issue a seal designation—"

Aozaki Touko is the most representative of the seal designation in this respect, and Kiritsugu's father was the one who got the seal designation due to committing a crime...

But in any case, the core of the designation of the seal is "thoroughly preserving the aptitudes that have value and should not disappear due to death or various other reasons for study by magicians".

In other words, was this young man designated by the seal because of his special aptitude?

It's normal, being able to crack the super-level enchantment of one's own family through talent at the level of a half-baked magician-this kind of ability is too abnormal to appear among wild magicians.

Even if I meet it myself, my heart will be moved, let alone the Magic Association!


The most urgent task is not to think about these things, but to think about how to refute... how to persuade Saber not to go to war because of the other party's affairs——

Limulu quickly ran his own logical theory, and soon, he said: "But, if this is the reason for you to do this, then, I can only say that the poor must have something to hate, right? "

"What?" The young man was slightly taken aback, then saw Limulu turn around indifferently, and said calmly: "If you committed a crime because you were misunderstood as a criminal, then what is the difference between you and a real criminal? "

"You go to rob because you are accused of being a robber, and you rape after being accused of sexual harassment - what right do you have to cry?"

"It's different..."

"What's different? Oh, then I'll change it." Limulu said lightly: "You think it's unfair for us to kill you for no reason, so you simply gave up on yourself and started committing crimes against other people." , since others have treated you unfairly, you have to use the same injustice to retaliate against others, isn’t your mentality like this?!”


Here comes... this sense of familiarity!On the side, Saber, who saw this scene, couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and lowered her head.

"How come... I am obviously the victim..."

"Then am I not a victim?" Limulu glanced at the surrounding enchantment and said, "You destroyed the defense of my territory and brought people here. If I'm not here today, will my home be destroyed? Someone ransacked it?"

"No... no, I just..."

"If you have been maliciously and persecuted by the Clock Tower, I sympathize with you and am willing to help you—" At this point, Limulu stretched out his hand lightly, pulled him up from the ground, looked at him gently, and said, For a moment, the invisible water turned into a bondage and bound him completely, and Limuru also showed his fangs: "But also, you have to be responsible for your own affairs—"

He doesn't intend to hand over the other party to the clock tower in exchange for a bounty, not to mention that he doesn't like the small funding allocation, and more importantly, once it is handed over to the clock tower, under the condition of a designated seal, with his It is a bit too reluctant for him to apply for research permission for him who is only a professor now.

Therefore, it is more convenient to solve it in private and eat it directly-but executing the other party in front of Saber is already troublesome enough, if you eat the other party in person...

Saber's favorability is probably not directly constant at -999.

But no matter what, it is better to kill first...

Limulu looked at the dazed young man who was being refuted by Limulu at this time, and said in his heart—in order to prevent the other party from reacting, he said something shocking to the world.

"Wait, master!" On the other side, Saber, who saw this scene, although what Limulu said was reasonable, she always felt that something was wrong—and, after getting along for more than a week, she had already understood her own family. How good is the Lord at sophistry: "Even so, he is not guilty of death, right?!"

"If you just refer to burglary, it's really not enough." Limulu didn't hesitate this time. He temporarily let go of the murderous intention before because he felt that the other party was not a threat to him, but now, under the situation that he was obviously passive, he did not hesitate. He raised his hand without hesitation, and with the movement of his little hand above his head, the flooding icy mist slowly condensed into an ice crystal weapon like a guillotine, and the execution began——

"But didn't I say it? He himself also highlighted his intentional behavior of causing mysterious leaks—to make the Queen and the entire country's political system aware of the existence of magic, which will cause a large number of hints to fail. Once this really happens This kind of thing will cause devastating turmoil."

"For this reason, as a future monarch, I can tell you very clearly, Saber." While speaking, Limuru waved his hand, and the ice ax like a guillotine fell instantly—"What the law and politics department must learn Section 342 of Article [-] of the Magic Association Guidelines, in view of the above specific situations, if necessary, you can directly... deal with the hidden magician, even if it is handed over to any magician for judgment, he should not live."

"Huh..." Listening to Limulu's explanation word by word, she clearly knew that the other party was explaining it to her specially, but for some reason, Saber always felt that the more she listened to it, the more angry she became. She took a deep breath, and the wind When he began to condense the invisible sword with the magic power, he suddenly thought of the promise he had made with the other party——

The principle of non-interference.

After hesitating for a while, Saber finally dissipated the brewing magic power, and looked elsewhere with a complicated expression.

Limuru didn't lie, this is the way of handling things in this era... Saber comforted herself, but no matter what, she still couldn't agree with the other party's approach.

"You can let him go."

Half an hour later, Saber, who had been silently staring at Limuru, suddenly said, her green eyes full of seriousness, "It's like letting those ordinary people go."

At this time, Limulu is repairing the barrier. The layout of a large barrier is not as simple as just placing a skill in the game. He needs certain materials and formations, and even a specific psychic or even a psychic. Fortunately, most of the materials are in stock in the old house, and there is no need to prepare an additional magic furnace for sufficient magic power.

Hearing this, Limulu slowed down the movement of placing the materials, and replied: "Hints don't have much effect on magicians, because mystery will have a negative effect on magic power and slow countermeasures on magicians. In other words, even if I release a strong hint to her, one day it will loosen, and it may cause future troubles."

"What's more, I don't think he can really hide forever under the executors of the Association of Magicians. One day, he will still be caught by someone other than me & at that time, he who was sent to the Clock Tower, It is easy to find out the memory about today, which is not good for me."

"..." Hearing this, Saber lowered her eyes, and said coldly: "Sure enough, it's for myself after all..."

"Then I'm not for myself, who am I for." Hearing this, Limulu raised his head without any fluctuations in his mood, looked at the other party and said, "Saber, do you know why I always answer your questions? These things , I don’t even need an explanation at all.”

"..." Hearing the other party's sudden question, Saber also suddenly realized this. After thinking for a while in doubt, she shook her head and asked straightforwardly: "Why?"

"So you see, you think about other people every day, but you never know what I'm thinking." Limulu smiled self-deprecatingly: "Saber, you will make the people around you very tired, you know ?"

"First you care about yourself, then you care about the people around you, and finally you care about those who have nothing to do with you... Is that a normal person?"

"But we are not ordinary people, shouldn't the strong protect the weak?"

"Then who will protect the strong? Don't the strong deserve to be understood and saved? Can they only save themselves?" Limulu said lightly: "And your thinking just exacerbates the situation. A contradiction?"

"The strong have no one to save, so they should protect themselves and care more about themselves, shouldn't they?"

"You..." Saber frowned, and said helplessly, "Are you sophistry?"

"Master, you have always been good at sophistry."

"I'm just good at explaining." Limuru turned his head away and continued to busy himself with his own affairs: "I always feel that mutual understanding is necessary for people to get along, but Saber, let me answer the previous question first. The reason why I always treat you Answering every question is precisely because I think that if we can understand each other, our compatibility will become better."

"Master, is this what you are talking about now?" Saber turned her head, her green eyes met Limuru's golden eyes, and she said stubbornly: "In the final analysis, master, don't you also not understand and agree with me? way?"

Hearing this, Rimuru was silent for a while.Afterwards, her tone became a little gentler. If Lidal was here, she might have realized that Limuru had entered a state of anger and started to explode.

"Then when did you hear that I questioned your thoughts and prevented your actions? Even if there is a dispute every time, isn't it because you have to ask questions in the first place?"

"Understanding doesn't mean approval and support, Saber!" Limulu stood up coldly and said, "It's that you clearly feel that you are doing something wrong from your own standpoint, but considering that you are thinking from your standpoint, change After thinking about it, I found out that it was right, and I will force myself to hold back, and I will not stop and make trouble!!"

"In the final analysis, you probably don't even know your own essence, right? Saber, I at least understand what I'm doing this for, clearly working hard for my own benefit—and what about you?"

"Protect the weak? Save others? Yes, Saber... Let me ask you, you can say that the child did not receive the correct guidance, and his future is too far away, we don't think about it—but, this person now Woolen cloth?"

"Don't do anything to let him go back, even if you don't consider the adverse effects on me, even if you don't consider the commotion caused by him touching other magicians and some dangerous enchantments everywhere, just say that he caused the hint to loosen, Do you know how many people will die in vain because of him?"

"When you see someone who needs to be rescued, you will lend a helping hand, but you don't care whether the other party is an executioner who takes pleasure in killing. You are addicted to the rescue game and can't extricate yourself, but you never think about the follow-up results. Even if you are a criminal They should also enjoy human rights, but they completely deny the pain of those who were killed by him."

Limuru tilted her head, her eyes were full of indifference:

"In the final analysis, Saber...you are just immersed in... the self-satisfaction and pleasure brought by saving others, so what qualifications do you have to take responsibility for others?"

Chapter 106, When one party's relationship decreases, the other party's relationship will heat up, this is a scumbag

boom!It was a slash straight into the sky, mixed with the soundless roar of the wind and violent air current fluctuations, invisible and lightless.

Saber didn't completely release the holy sword, she just used the wind to slash forward as if venting, and slashed angrily at the tree next to Limuru.

There was no rebuttal or questioning, just trembling all over, trying to restrain the arm that was constantly trying to condense the magic power——

That was the deepest memory in Limulu's memory.

From that day on, Saber never showed an expression other than cold in front of Limru, nor did she say anything other than "yes, master".



In London, in the rest office of Clock Talimru, a blue ball is rolling around with its head full of regret!

"What kind of disease did I suffer from to say that kind of thing!!!"

"I have been unswervingly walking on the road of opposites." The great sage added helplessly: "Okay, let's put aside the matter of Saber for now. Today is the day when Lidel returns. Did she see your decadent look?"

Huh... Hearing this, Limulu stopped her rolling body, stood up and sat down behind the desk dejectedly, and sighed.

Half an hour later, Lidel sat across from Limulu, her legs were crossed, and the corners of her lips curled up looking at Limulu's appearance: "You seem very unhappy about my return?"

"No..." Hearing this, Li Mulu twitched the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly, "To be honest, I'm really happy that you came back..."

"Hmm." Lidal shook her body, the twin ponytails on the back of her little head slightly swayed, she leaned forward and said with a smile, "Is it because of Saber?"

Seeing Limuru froze for a moment, Lidal immediately rolled her eyes, and sure enough... she guessed right.

"After all, as your current assistant in name, he is not in your office, but greets me in the corridor. No matter how you think about it, you feel like you are arguing again." Lidale picked up the black tea in front of her, and breathed helplessly. He said lightly: "But judging by your appearance, you really care about the other party."


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