However, as the price of omnipotence... the Haika family has never reached the peak in any field, and in any position, it can only be an assistant, not a dominant position.

Born... a courtier?

Saber looked at the other party's reflection in the window lightly, lowered her green eyes, and felt helpless in her heart.

And two years ago, because Limulu wanted to rebuild the family, and couldn't find the right manpower to carry out the financial operations involving billions of dollars, he could only do it by himself. After being discovered by Lidel, this A courtier was sent to Limuru's hands by Lidal.

However, Sasha, who advocates omnipotence but does not have the ability to "master it", has found the possibility of being truly omnipotent in Limuru. Limuru, who is stronger than her in any field Lu, with the help of the great sage, any knowledge can be easily obtained, and that skill that seems to have reached its peak-let her completely become Limulu's number one fan girl. After requesting permission to leave the Achelot faction, The Haika family turned to join the Tempest family. In this family that has not yet become the monarch, it has become the first faction follower in the family of twelve families, and she herself has officially taken over the Limulu family. Among the No.2 retainers, the position of steward.

However, rather than being the butler, it would be more appropriate to say that the head maid is more appropriate... After all, the butler is only responsible for the transfer of subordinates, but the only person that Rimuru's family can manage so far is Saber, and Sasha More responsibilities, but to share part of the pressure for Limuru, freeing Limuru from all kinds of things that need to be handled personally, and taking care of Limuru's daily life, and Saber has completely become a real driver Part-time bodyguard.

But even so... Sasha was still full of dissatisfaction with Saber, she even wanted to snatch the positions of bodyguard and driver together!

And hating a person is often mutual. Coincidentally, Saber often doesn't want to talk to the other party. In her opinion, Sasha's almost paranoid loyalty to Limuru is even more terrifying than her stubbornness. Even if she is asked to kill people, she can immediately come back with the head and tell her that the earth is square, and she will support it without hesitation.

this is too scary!

Saber can quarrel with Limuru. Although she will be very unconvinced if she loses, she will be willing to quarrel, but she really doesn't want to talk to Sasha—because Sasha doesn't make sense at all!

As for Sasha, at the beginning Saber was regarded as a strong opponent by her, but she suddenly found out that the opponent was extremely rubbish and became disdainful. Being generous, not caring, and wanting to change her attitude is absolutely intolerable for Sasha.

It's not because she's jealous, or that she likes Limuru, but simply because she thinks that Saber is not worthy of that position, even if she changes someone, she won't be so upset.

"Although I noticed it a long time ago, I didn't expect you to say it like that." Saber lowered her eyes and said in a low voice.

She didn't want to refute anything. After all, she seemed out of place with everyone around Limuru, and the only person who could make her feel comfortable was Eilaire, or because the other party was just a naive little girl, and maybe in the future she would be Second Rimuru.

"Because this operation is very important, I don't want your stupid thoughts to continue to interfere with Master Limuru's actions." Sasha said lightly, her voice unchanged: "Master Limuru is very concerned about the upcoming disintegration. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. The disintegration of the Soviet Union means the end of the Cold War. The world structure will undergo another huge change, and the light of science and technology will fully exert its strength in the next time, so I want to issue this advice to you. "

She put her hands behind her back, leaned forward slightly, and met Saber's blue eyes with an expressionless face: "Du- put away your stupid kindness, the Soviet Union after bankruptcy will be a trip to hell, your task is just Guarantee Rimuru-sama's safety, is it okay?"

Snapped! Saber clenched her fists.


"It seems to be noisy."

Limuru, who was heading to other large classrooms, paused slightly, and the voice of the great sage came from his mind.

"Huh? Sasha and Saber? Well, let them go."

Sasha has not been dissatisfied with Saber for a day or two. Recently, she wants to go to the Soviet Union with her every day - but there are so many things in the clock tower, plus finances, personnel deployment, etc., it is really impossible to take care of the overall situation without Sasha... ... Limulu thought helplessly: I can only say that throwing away the shopkeeper is really addictive.

Since having Sasha, Limulu no longer wants to touch those messy data and files.

"For Saber, it's also a good thing for her to understand how people around her think of her."

Thinking of Saber, Limuru sighed again, a little helpless.

In the past two years, most of the things have gone smoothly, and even a sudden accident can be regarded as a perfect ending under his handling. Only Saber—the relationship between the two has hardly improved at all. The way he behaves is indeed like a deBUFF that keeps losing favor with Saber...

"Well, if you can keep Saber from returning to the Seat of Heroes for two years, it shows that you are quite powerful."

"Just stop making sarcastic remarks." Hearing this, Limuru rolled his eyes: "Look at Sasha, and then think about Kyle back then. I think about the cute and understanding Sly like me." Mu, after getting along for a long time, how can we become friends, right?"

"For ordinary people, when a friend does something that you don't agree with, you will indeed turn a blind eye, but obviously that is not the way of thinking of a kingly character."

"...Yeah." Limuru sighed, walked in the corridor, and immediately lowered his head to look at the textbook—as for Saber, let it be.


In terms of the way of thinking of a kingly role, as a friend, after you do what they think is a "wrong thing", they will feel guilty for not stopping you, and at the same time try to pull you back. Keep going wrong."

And in the same way, it is precisely because I care that I will stop it.

Limulu has always been disapproving of Saber's philosophy, but in other aspects, she attaches great importance to the relationship between the two and her state, and because of this emphasis, Saber has always endured inner suffering and followed him. His side wanted to repay him, so even if he was numb, he would try to stop Limuru every time.

Two years later, Limulu has also gradually discovered the gradually deformed relationship between the two. At first he thought it was just a conflict of ideas, but now it seems that, good guy, the way of thinking is different, what do you want him to do? !

He let out a sigh of melancholy again, Limuru completely turned his body into spirit particles with a swish, and drifted away with the wind—for two years, he had thoroughly analyzed the blood provided by Saber every day, although he failed to steal Saber's unique skills, such as Innate abilities such as the red dragon factor, intuition, and magic power release may be crushed directly because of the in-depth analysis that may touch the alaya consciousness, so Limuru did not directly analyze the power of the heroic spirit, but wanted to wait for the Holy Grail War Everything is ready, and then do it after leaning on the root.

But it’s not without gains. In addition to being able to simulate the magic power of Saber and having thoroughly analyzed Avalon, it can be made with materials, and also learned some of Saber’s moves, such as the wind king enchantment, which is acquired through magic power. The move, and the biggest surprise is that it is the most convenient for Limuru to obtain a physique like the heroic spirit of the opponent.

As a monster like slime, especially Limuru, whose bloodlines are almost completely alien, a few human characteristics can no longer affect him. Limuru's form is just mimicry after all. In fact, he is a group of magical creatures, and in this case, it would be very convenient to simulate a heroic spirit that is essentially composed of spirit particles and magic power.

Limuru didn't think of this before, because Limuru always thought that spirit sonization could not transfer the body, because it is obviously common sense that a heroic spirit would lose spirit sonification after gaining a body, but Rimuru had forgotten it back then. This world already has a transmission mechanism such as a spirit seed transfer device, which can turn the body into a spirit seed and transfer it quickly.

So, it wasn't until a long time after mastering Reishi, that Limuru suddenly remembered that he was ridden in the face by the portal after Bathmelo and the choral team suddenly appeared in Austria to attack White Wing Lord, oh, there is such a thing A thing... Then, secretly swallowed the portal...

This caused the choral team to be unable to retreat and almost completely wiped out. Otherwise, with the strength of the choral team, it might really be possible to retreat completely.

For this, Limuru still felt a little guilty...

However, Limuru didn't tell anyone about his ability to transform spirits, including Saber and Lidel around him, and he didn't use it a few times, because he felt that this ability could give He makes an alibi.

Thinking of this, Limulu, who had already appeared in front of a gloomy door full of weird runes, raised his lips and knocked on the door. He also put on a hood, although this could not hide his face , It seems useless, but it also represents his attitude that he doesn't want others to see.

The door opened automatically, and Limulu stepped inside and looked at the disgusting bottles and jars and all kinds of weird goat's feet and rabbit's claws. Although he has been here several times, no matter how many times he looks at it, he still feels terrified what.

"I remember that you still have class in the afternoon, why come to me when you are free? Professor Limuru." On the desk full of instruments not far away, in the shadow of the whole body, only the dark cloth was exposed. Xi Sang was fiddling with a pile of rotting flesh, and he didn't know which unlucky demon was summoned by the other party to become research materials.

Chapter 110, Limuru is actually at a disadvantage, you are finished, Lemonhead!

"Well, no matter how many times you come here, you will feel that there is a reason for the lack of people in the inheritance department..." Limulu searched for a long time before finding a clean place to stay. Looking around the gloomy lounge, chuckled.

In the Inheritance Division, not only Brisisan's lounge has this style, but the entire academic city basically maintains this kind of existence like the domain of ancient gods.

"Don't say something so misleading, Professor Limulu." Brisisan changed his gloves from the shadows and turned around, "It's just because there are too few people who care about heresy."

"Speaking of which, this is the first time that Professor Rimuru has come to me on his own initiative, and visited me directly in private, and he came in such a sneaky way that is not in line with the etiquette, oh oh... Maybe you finally figured it out and plan to get rid of Meast Yaqing?"

"I'm joking." Hearing this, Limulu took off his hood, revealing his blue hair—"The purpose of my visit this time is because of El-Melloi."


"Your Excellency Brisisan should know about the 'influence event' that occurred against the parliament not long ago."

"Well... an old man like me usually doesn't care about the current system... But this should be the topic of the last monarch's meeting, right?" Brisisan said lightly: "I remember that the reason is that Archie Secretary Lott used his influence to intervene in the British political circles, which resulted in a warning from the legal department, right?"

"Yes." Hearing this, Limulu smiled slightly, and said softly, "Although Your Excellency Brisisan has never been interested in modern things, you should know the difference between the ruling party and the opposition party, right?"

"Oh, I really don't know..." Brisisan seemed to smile, and said, "I've heard of the Labor Party, or it's because the party's policies seem to be unfriendly to magicians."

"Yes, because of this, the Conservative Party has won three consecutive general elections." Limulu raised a hand and said calmly: "In 79, 83 and 87, the Labor Party was in opposition almost all the time."

"Is this all because of Sir Acelot?"

"Well, you can't say that... After all, the Conservative Party belongs to the old aristocratic system, and its own policies are more in line with the interests of most magicians and even nobles. However, in terms of secular influence, most aristocratic magicians They are still immersed in the feeling of superiority, and they will not lower their bodies to care about such things."

The Achelot family, on the other hand, rose during the Industrial Revolution, and after joining the Conservative Party after the decline of the Liberal Party, they have always had absolute control over this party—plus the influence of the huge capital empire on the world today, almost It can be said that he is a villain who single-handedly manipulates the secular world, and he is also one of the shadows of Britain and even more countries.

But in fact, as one of the twelve sects, it is not surprising that Archelot himself did this kind of thing-and the interference in the three general elections in the past ten years has no problem, which also shows that other monarchs basically do not care. Or an attitude of turning one eye and closing one eye.

Only this time... Limulu narrowed his eyes and chuckled lightly, "Because of a conversation Kenneth had with us, next year's general election will be won by the Labor Party, and that's why it happened."

"However, was it jointly suppressed by the court assistant and Qing Yinuolai?" Brisisan said with great interest, "So you came to ask for my help?"

"No." Hearing this, Limulu shook his head.

"Achelot was warned, and even raised the issue. The most likely reason is that it violated the interests of most magicians. This dissatisfaction even gathered with the respective monarchs, and then ruthlessly participated in a book."

"But Brisisan, do you think it possible?"

Brisisan belongs to neutralism, and belongs to a special family that does not care about world affairs, but the reason why this kind of family does not care about world affairs but still has a huge footprint is that apart from the huge funds allocated by the clock tower itself, it is more because of them Have sufficient knowledge and ability to plunder and squeeze other magicians, while ordinary magicians will do everything possible to obtain resources from the world.

Fundamentally speaking, even if the factions are different, there is no difference in the essence of the practice.

And the two of them understand better that if it is really because the magicians under their family have been infringed on by their interests, then it should also be a family that is also aristocratic. Judging from the current relationship, no matter whether it is the order of Gaius or Euryphus. , in order to maintain the superficial friendship, they will at least give a reminder, or choose to attack after saying a word in advance.

"What's more, this intervention itself has the acquiescence of the court assistant?"

"Oh? What's the reason for such judgment?"

"This involves another secret." Limuru shook his head, but did not answer directly.

Gaiusling found Lidal after that meeting, and the general meaning was that he supported the Achelot family's decision and would give a lot of support.

Proposals that have already been rejected in parliament will clearly come with penalties if they go ahead.

And Limulu knew that Gaiusling itself belonged to the number one puppet family under Barthemero, and on the surface he drew a clear line with Barthemero, and made friends with Archelot, but in essence it was the other party's one. As a loyal dog, he naturally understood that this was actually a form of compensation.

However, considering that only a few people, such as Urifis and other old foxes, have discovered this secret, other monarchs take it for granted that Gaius Ling is wearing a pair of pants with Archelot. Obviously it can't be used as a basis for judgment, so Limulu simply concealed it, and then sneered and said: "But since the senior court assistant will come out to fight against the line with his support, it shows a problem——"

"That is to maintain the principle of fairness and justice." A glimmer of light flashed in the shadow under Brisisan's hood, and there was a hint of a smile in his magnetic voice: "There is something that other monarchs have proposed and strongly opposed." Under such circumstances, the court assistant will propose the parliament to allow the majority of monarchs to vote."

"But if most monarchs make trouble, they will definitely inform you with the mentality of not offending to the end, unless they are in a state of hostility to the monarch. Oh, are you doubting the monarch of Meastia? Your Excellency Limulu."

At this time, he had cleaned up the blood and material traces on his body, and walked over with a pot of tea, but even if he was face to face, he couldn't see his face clearly, and there was still a shadow under his hood, like a black hole Absorb everything: "Then, why does the court assistant want to do this?"

He asked a question, but just as Limulu was about to answer, he chuckled and said, "Probably because your factions have gotten too close recently?"

Limulu raised her eyebrows, chuckled lightly and said nothing.

Dividing the aristocratic group has always been the most steadfast check and balance policy of Barthumello, especially if Limulu really rises, the existence of the aristocratic faction in the Twelve Monarchs of the Clock Tower will occupy a terrifying seven seats , This means that the balance of the separation of powers is beginning to be broken. Even if the absolute neutral seat of her is removed, once the remaining six seats are united, it will become a terrifying situation with absolute right to pass.

However, if he rashly suppresses the noble faction, Urifis is not easy to provoke - although he does not have the title of the three major nobles, but as the actual leader of aristocraticism, the other party is the absolute "fourth noble". The hidden setting has almost been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Originally, she could also use the opposition between Gaiusling and Achelot to check and balance aristocraticism. There are signs of easing up, and with the annihilation of the choral team, there is still a period of time before the formation of a new choral team. During this period of time, the dominance has declined, and finally Barthemelo, the Queen of the Clock Tower, cannot stand on the sidelines. Yet?

Brissey shrank in the shadows, staring at the tea in her hand in a daze——

Ah...and since Limulu also said before, changing the results of the general election to support the Labor Party itself violated the interests of many aristocratic magicians. This in itself is a form of suppression, right?The most important thing is that this ridiculous suppression was passed on to Achelot through the mouth of Kenneth, a disciple of Urifis. In other words, Urifis knew about this matter and agreed to it. of.

No, in other words, it was right that Barthemelo approached Urifis from the very beginning, but she was sure that Urifis must not take the initiative to infringe on the interests of his own members because he belongs to the position of aristocratic leader. Even less good at influencing the secular behavior.

In this way, Urifis will inevitably look for Achelot, who is extremely good at this aspect and has eased the relationship, to make a deal, so as to put pressure on Achelot, which belongs to the neo-aristocratic faction. , In this way, no matter how good the relationship between the two parties is in the future, the internal members will turn against each other because of this incident.

Ah... As expected of the lord of the court assistant, what a trick to drive away the wolf... But if this is the case, then the final parliamentary question, will it also be self-directed and acted?

Well, this shouldn’t be the case, after all, someone who acts like a clown and plays Barthumello will never do it, Brissand is sure of this.

Even if it is such a divided attitude and action, if someone questions him, Barthomello will admit it cleanly, right?

"Tsk... Thinking about it this way, the court assistant is also aristocratic." Brisisan handed the water to Limulu, and his hoarse voice filled the air: "Your aristocrats really live in dire straits. Middle..."

"Who says it's not." Limulu sighed, took a sip of water and said, "It seems that Brisisan has already figured it out? Oh, it's really a keen sense of analysis and smell..."

"It's just a little bit of experience as an old antique." Brisisan said softly: "Actually, I'm quite curious about how Master Yulifu moved Urifis, and how Sir El-Melloi moved Archie. What about Mr. Lott and yours?"

"Of course, I know it's a little presumptuous for me to ask, but I still don't understand why you...why come to me and tell me these things?"

Brisisan smiled hoarsely, like the whisper of a devil, exuding invisible darkness: "Professor Limuru looks as if he firmly believes that I am on your side."

"What's the point of you telling me this?"

Hearing this, Limulu suddenly put down the teacup that was handed to his mouth, and after a long time, he suddenly raised his head and said seriously: "I do regard you as my side, Brisisan. "

"I don't know what the conditions that Barthemelo and Urifis negotiated, but I can tell you the conditions that Professor Kenneth persuaded me and Lidelle, and this happens to be the main reason why I came to you today. Purpose."

"It's been a year and a half, Brisisan, and the confrontation between me and Meastea has been going on for a year and a half." Limulu said lightly: "But the position of the monarch cannot be shaken through confrontation and challenges." Yes, and the so-called famous family cannot be climbed by being recognized. The contributions to the magic world are comparable, and the achievements of the current Patriarch can also cancel each other out. In this case, it is not a state of competition, but In the state of defending and attacking, the attacking side can only wait for the opportunity given by the opponent."

"Other than that, this goal can only be achieved by more than six monarchs proposing to initiate a decision to veto a monarch's crown."

"There is another method, and that is when the monarch dies unexpectedly and has no successor." Hearing this, Brisisan raised a finger teasingly, and whispered seductively: "Get rid of him, kill him!" family, that’s fine too.”

Of course, Brisisan couldn't help flirting with the other party, but what surprised Brisisan was that Limuru nodded and said seriously, "I've considered it."


"But it's a pity that Meastea is strictly a research school of magicians, and it is indeed not difficult for me to completely eliminate them, but—let's not consider the consequences of destroying a famous family for no reason, just If it is an action, it will lead to obstacles in many ways because of interests."

"But if you want to have no obstruction, you must persuade other monarchs, but in this case, it is actually no different from opening the decision to veto the monarch's crown."

"Huh..." Hearing this, Brisisan's tone became a little more helpless: "It seems that I underestimated the unexpectedness of your actions... Then, so what? You want me to completely stand by your side , to deny the existence of a monarch?"

"Na Limulu, do you know how much this will cost?"

"Of course I know, that's why I agreed to Professor Kenneth." Limulu laughed, and said softly: "Because Kenneth gave me the reward... He is confident that you will stand by my side and help I have your support."

As soon as this remark came out, Brisisan's movements froze, and both of them fell silent.

After a long time, Brisisan chuckled lightly: "Oh, oh, this is really..."


"Indeed." Limulu said lightly, "Before I saw you, I was just skeptical, but when you showed that you listened to me so much and said this, I understood."

"Sure enough, Brisisan, you decided to support me from the very beginning... or a long time ago."

"And I... was tricked by that guy Kenneth..."

"Hey, right?"

Brisisan raised her head, and what came into view was... Limuru's smiling eyes, which were already bright.

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