So no matter what Limuru chooses, the relationship between the past and the future seems to have been determined.

A time paradox...?

Limuru touched the other person's head, lowering her eyes lightly.

"If you want to go back in time, you must get rid of the Mobius ring and operate from the perspective of the observer. In modern terms... the time paradox is a joint that cannot be avoided. point." In the tomb, below the ancient heart, and the observatory, Amnetfiss looked at the past that had gradually become clear on the observation center and the distortion had been alleviated, and muttered to himself: "Sure enough...the time distortion here , is it related to Limuru?"

If this cannot be solved, then even if it is possible to go back in time, it will be impossible to figure out whether human beings are doomed to perish in the future, or [human beings are extinct because of their own actions to change history].

"But, professor—" At this time, an astronomy student in charge of instrument operation said doubtfully, "The past we observed before was actually blurry and distorted, right? Does this mean that The past is not clear?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to confirm—"

The monarch of Amnetfis smiled lightly, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Just as the spiritual tomb is the foundation of all magic, and what happens inside it can affect everything, Professor Limulu, as a phantom species This kind of existence, which is itself a mystery, is fully qualified to affect the past."

"This also means...if an ordinary person has the aptitude for magic from the Age of Gods, maybe he can also have the same aptitude to change the affect the future!"


Sighing, when Limuru instructed those personnel to send Kaye Kuro intact to Achelot's house, considering Professor Limuru's recent action of making the entire clock tower full of wind and rain and the current With such an imposing manner, several people could only nod and agree after looking at each other.

After all, they are only responsible for sending the relevant survivors to the ground. As for who adopted them, it really has nothing to do with them...

When Limulu walked back to the man in the hood, the appointed time had just arrived, and the door of the passage opened again, but this time, no one came out again.

The two slowly stepped into the deep and huge passage. In the darkness, Limulu's senses gradually began to blur, and his sense of direction began to disappear completely. The distorted space of dimensions, entering the underground in the gap of the world hierarchy——

Along the way, for some reason, the man in the hood didn't continue talking.

And because Limuru was also thinking about Huaye Jiulang, he searched for more information about each other with the great sage-this made the two of them surrounded by silence all the way, until 5 minutes later, Limuru was stunned After being illuminated by the blue light, he raised his head in astonishment, only to see that the sky above his head was already covered with blue luminous crystals, not only on the top, but also began to crowd around like a dungeon. Under the feet of fellow diggers, or in the corners of the surrounding streets, blue crystals are everywhere.

The spell crystal is a kind of high-strength rare material that can store magic power, and even store various mysteries and magic power due to different characteristics. The most precious one is of course located deep in the ancient heart. It is rumored to be the crystal of the dragon's heart fragment, and the most precious The rubbish ones are the kind of blue crystals that can be seen everywhere in the shallow layer. The only function is that it will glow because of a little magic power. It can only be used as a blue crystal for lighting.

The color of the crystal gradually becomes darker, and in the depths, the dark blue tunnel will even become dark red, filled with the color of blood. From there, it is the excavation layer that produces rare materials, about ten feet underground. about a kilometer.

After passing through the tunnel, the two of them walked in under the blue light, and the number of pedestrians on the road gradually increased, and even gradually reached the point where they were like students among students, but everyone saw two people. People who passed by showed more or less hostile and suspicious eyes towards Limulu and the others.

"It seems that the environment here is not very friendly." Limulu smiled lightly and said, "Obviously, I remember that the rules of mining cities are similar to those of academic cities. Hands-on is prohibited, right?"

"That's true, but there shouldn't be any behaviors in the academic city that are always doing black hands during missions?" Hearing this, the hooded man can lower his voice and chuckle: "No matter how happy it is on the surface , but because of different factions behind the scenes, they can betray at any time... This is the mining city Magfias."

"Happy? I didn't see it..." Hearing this, Limulu couldn't help muttering while looking at the gloomy eyes around her.

He Limu was loved by everyone on the ground, where did he suffer from such eyes? !

I just can't bear it, okay? !

"General digger families have their own territories, and those who wander here are wild diggers and spies." Hearing this, the hooded man saw the indignant expression on Limulu's face, and couldn't help but chuckled softly: "It's tradition to be hostile to outsiders, isn't it?"

After a while, the two came to the end of the passage, which is the entrance to the mining city - here, the first thing that catches your eyes is a tall building, the whole body of which is carved by high-grade ore and magic crystals. Misty halo.

"Next, you only need to go inside to show that your identity has been authenticated before you can enter, and I can only send you here." When he got here, the hooded man suddenly stopped in his tracks: "Then, let's say goodbye here , Your Excellency Rimuru, look forward to meeting next time."

"Ah." Limulu nodded, and just as he raised his foot to step into the building, he suddenly turned around and said, "Speaking of which, you are not the student that Tranbelio asked you to do, right? "

"Huh?" Hearing this, the man in the hood was slightly taken aback——

"Your clothes don't fit well, it will be more suitable to find someone with a similar body shape next time..." Limulu sighed and said, "And I can't even detect your face under the hood. The head of the Anatomy Bureau can have such strength, but I really don't know why you need to go to great lengths to hide your appearance—”

"Well, although I don't know who you are, but you have the guts to attack the head of the Department of Skeleton and Anatomy... you shouldn't be an ordinary person, right?" Limulu smiled lightly, "I'm also looking forward to meeting you next time."

After finishing speaking, Limulu turned around and stepped into the hall, leaving only the man in the hood watching his back silently for a long time, showing a helpless smile.

He lifted his trouser legs - well, sure enough, he was too tall and too thin?

"Ah, damn it, the teacher is still so sharp—" Hartress turned around and walked back into the shadow of the passage, slowly took off his hood, and when a strand of long fiery red hair waved down instantly, All the people around fell into a coma with a thud—he took off his uniform and threw it aside, sighing lightly: "But it's okay... at least I didn't find my identity."

Because it would harm the so-called human beings and destroy this brilliant civilization, the proposal to redevelop the tomb was rejected.

Well, so stupid and so... brilliant!

But teacher... Even so, you can't deny that the return of the Age of Gods will revive your family again, and make the mystery bloom and bear fruit in this world again, right?If you don't want to be a villain, let me do it well.

"But before that, I hope you like the gift I gave you."


"He attacked a ministerial position and letting him go like this might get you into some trouble."

Ah, that's true, but those guys from the Law and Politics Department are troublesome, but if they rashly expose their identities or arrest them by force, it will do me more harm, right?

Limulu thought faintly:

The other party has extremely strong strength. Judging from the perceived magic power, he is at least a first-class magician, and his identity must be extremely important. According to the questions he asked me along the way, he probably wanted to figure out what I mean. The redevelopment of the spiritual tomb, or the attitude of the magic of the age of gods.

It is very possible that he is an important person sent by other monarchs to test my attitude. After all, the distance between me and Urifis is too vague recently, and Urifis is a fanatic of the redevelopment proposal of the spiritual tomb... ...It's normal to be worried, even, I wonder if he is the monarch I have never seen before.

"Soronia? If it's him, it's really possible. According to the other party's information, the other party also has the authority to enter and leave the tomb at will. After all, he is a famous collector."

So I have to behave a little better, anyway, no matter whether it is or not, judging from the friendly attitude of the other party, it is always right to be friendly back.

Limuru smiled lightly, raised her golden eyes to look at the guards in front and said, "Hi, I'm Limuru Tempest."


At this time, the outside world——

Lidal blinked her eyes and looked at the red-haired kid in front of her who looked like she was twelve or thirteen years old with a dazed expression on her face.

Although Limuru had told him that he would go to Albion in the next week...but...he didn't tell him that he would adopt an adopted son back! !

In the other place, Tranbelio was holding a steaming bowl of coffee, and handed it to a young man wearing only a shirt with a tired face——

"Thank you, teacher." After the young man who seemed to be around 27 or so took a sip of coffee, Tranribeo sat down on the sofa with his tall body, and said lightly: "So, in this way, when you By the time you got there, you already missed the time to meet up with the little guy, right?"

"Yes, at first I thought it might be that they deliberately let me miss the appointment, thus destroying the relationship between you and Your Excellency Limulu, so I came to you directly in a panic... But I didn't expect... at this time... Confirmation of Rimuru-dono's arrival in the mining city has already arrived."

"The ore magic that can make you unconscious for an hour on time without any weakening... Most importantly, are you sure you saw the other person's appearance?"

"Yes, teacher, I'm sure that's the Patriarch of Fidia, and I once had a relationship with him."

The Phidia family is one of the families belonging to the Meastrean faction, which obviously seems a little unreasonable.

"Well, if it is the Fidia family, this level of ore magic is reasonable, but in this case, what is their purpose?" Tranbelio smiled and shook his head: "Stop the little guy Entering the tomb? I don't believe that Meastea would dare to do such a thing at this time."

"An undisguised face? Is the shot the iconic ore magic?"

"Then teacher, what do you mean..."

"Evidence left on purpose." Tranbelio said lightly: "In that kind of attack situation, you can't use magic to confirm whether the other party is disguised as someone else through the transformation technique, so naked before attacking you , It’s nothing more than telling us in this way, even if you tell the Law and Political Section about this kind of thing, it will only lead those troubles to Meastea.”

In other words, it might be better to say that the purpose of the other party's deliberate doing so is to avoid leaving any trouble for the little guy and the law and politics department later. He is really a caring attacker——

So, the attackers were done by someone on the little guy's side?

Who will it be?

Tranbelio was absorbed in looking at the coffee - proficient in ore magic, transformation and modern magic... There are not many people of this level in the impression, right?

The inheritance department where the dean and Brisisan are?Or Solonia who came back early?

Or is it the existence of the noble group?

But most importantly... what was the motivation?It can't be purely just to pour dirty water on Meastea, can it—?

"Uh...well, teacher, what do you mean..."

"Let's put this matter aside, there's no need to inform the legal and political department." Tranbelio said lightly: "The two sides are fighting fiercely, if you can't get involved, don't go in, save yourself from being used as a gun... "

Chapter 134, The Girl Like a Slave ([-] words)

Rimuru stepped into the mining city.

Pedestrians coming and going, bustling streets, shops selling food—everything is very much like the royal road RPG in the legendary fantasy novel located in the Middle Ages.

However, although the entire street is bustling, it is also full of mud. Apart from the few buildings from the branches established by the Magic Association and the Secret Skeleton Anatomy Bureau, almost none of the buildings contain composite materials with many modern elements.

Not to mention seeing modern facilities such as cars and street lights.

Not only that, but the atmosphere here is also quite bad. The hurried pace makes everyone here look extra nervous, everyone lowers their heads, and rarely talks to other people except their companions. According to the hooded man, the excavator People in the city are loyal and survive in the family unit, although the purpose of doing so was originally a strategy for people from different factions to maximize their interests.

But after hundreds of years of fighting openly and secretly, more and more people became wild diggers, and most of the outsiders sneaked in with evil intentions, it became a situation where diggers reported to the group to keep warm.

Of course, there is another reason for this situation... If you want to survive underground, the only production value is to dig.

Food cannot be grown here, and the manufacturing industry is almost monopolized by people from the Clock Tower and the Anatomy Bureau. Even water needs to be obtained from the outside world.

Therefore, for the people living here, the only thing that can prove their value has become a cherished material——

Well, it is not so much a mining city, it is more like a group of slave mines raised in captivity...

Limulu lowered her eyes slightly, although it was very inhumane, but considering that it was beneficial to her own interests, well, let's suppress the pity in my heart.

I heard that the first few generations were families who voluntarily came down to pay for the monarchs. I wonder if their families survived and are still protected by the monarchs?

Presumably, it has disappeared into the long river of history with the passage of time, right?

Well, first of all... find someone to inquire about the nearby families, see if you can win the lottery and find the forces under Meastea!

Although the people here are very vigilant... But with my appearance, I can be considered harmless to humans and animals, right?

Limuru touched her fourteen or fifteen-year-old slightly childish face, tilted her head—hey, she showed an innocent smile.

He looked around, and quickly locked his eyes on a man with a Chinese face, who seemed to have a sense of justice and an honest man, walked up confidently and tugged at the corner of his clothes—"Hey... "

However, before the words were finished, the other party showed troublesome eyes, pulled out the dagger at the waist without saying a word-whee, he actually cut his clothes and walked away! !

"...Huh?" Limulu was the only one left staring blankly at the hem of the clothes in his hands, his face confused and messy in the wind.

no!Come again!

The vigilance of middle-aged people is too high, it is not easy to attack, since this is the case... Limuru looked around carefully again, most of the people are traveling together in small groups, and people in this situation often remind each other But it is difficult to gather information, so... still need to find someone to act alone...

Soon, he once again locked on a young man who looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old who was walking towards him—he immediately stood in front of the young man and asked pitifully:

"Hey... Excuse me..."

"I don't know." Before Limuru could ask a question, the young man staggered away without hesitation and passed Limulu directly—not only that, he even accelerated his speed to prevent Limuru from continuing to pester him. speed.

This dealt a blow to Limuru's self-esteem!

When did he receive this kind of treatment, whether it was in the previous life or in this life...

However, a small blow cannot stop Limuru, if it is not for the Mining City, he is not allowed to do it... Huh!

Limulu held back her anger, tried her best to keep looking for the possibility of talking with a smiling face, until No. 17 left without paying attention, Limulu planned to give up with vain eyes, Suddenly, a voice like a silver bell came from behind him: "The clothes on your body are eye-catching, you don't look like a digger at all."

"Huh?" Limulu turned her head slightly, and the one who spoke to him was a slightly thin, petite girl about her height—when her black hair fell down in a mess, there was a line on her cheek. Little scars.

"Clothes...?" At this time, Limulu noticed that, indeed, among the excavators who came and went, most of them were wearing rather tight and sturdy clothing that made their activities more convenient, even if they had a little outfit Yes, it's nothing more than wrapping a cloak on the outside.

"A black windbreaker like yours, I have only seen it on the master magician in the central area... so you can see it as an existence from the outside world, and for most diggers, you are huge Trouble." The girl smiled slightly and said, "For the wanderers here, everyone will only talk to members of their own family."

"Oh? Then, if I want to become a digger, what should I do?" Hearing this, Limulu turned around, and the fake smile on his face gradually disappeared. He rubbed the corners of his stiff mouth and asked softly.

"Do everything possible to become a member of other families, or... to dig alone." The girl put her hands behind her back and smiled softly: "However, most families don't know the existence of a magician like you who looks like an outsider. I will accept it, huh... I don't even dare to be accosted."

"So, I still have to change my clothes? But obviously temperament cannot be concealed." Limulu said lightly, "Then why are you willing to take the initiative to talk to me?"

"Because I've been watching you for a long time." The girl scratched her cheeks, and said a little embarrassedly: "Since I saw you, you have been there to find people to talk to, and you are still such a good-tempered person after being beaten by seven people in a row." , I don’t think it’s some bad guy… right?”

"Besides, the feeling is quite pitiful...I really hate this feeling." Speaking of this, the girl seemed to think of something, and she lowered her eyes helplessly and said: "When you are in despair, even a kind-hearted person wants to If you want to make a move, you will be stopped by your companions, because those who are willing to help... will not live long."

"Although I also know this, if no one has been doing this, then it is even more impossible to change." The girl raised her head full of pity, and said with a bitter smile: "Well, but more importantly, obviously You look like a big shot, so I think it might be... an opportunity to help you?"

"..." Limuru looked at the other person's eyes, which were like amber eyes, but...

Limulu smiled lightly and said, "That's a good speech."

"Speaking of which, you have been hiding your hands because you don't want me to see the mark on your wrist?"

"Is that the family imprint? Well, although I have hit the wall so many times just now, I more or less understand the way of life here... For girls, especially girls who are pitiable like you... Wouldn't it be dangerous without the protection of family members?"

"So, what about your family members?"


Limulu sighed and said, "If I'm not wrong, they should be somewhere in the lower floor, waiting for you to take me there?"

Hearing this, the girl's pupils shrank suddenly, and she quickly waved her hand and said, "No... no, I..."

"Didn't lie?" Limulu interrupted directly: "It's true that you haven't lied a word until now. After all, facing an unknown magician, who knows if he has lie detection magic?"

Limulu believes that many things in the world can actually be judged by probability. When nine out of ten people on a street show ill will towards you, even if the remaining one shows kindness, then he will It shouldn't be feeling that I have finally encountered a one-in-ten chance, but should follow the more likely situation, that is, the goodwill of the remaining person is also malicious in nature.

There is a saying that there is no gambling dog that loses every day, but this sentence is actually more of a teasing nature. After all, reality is not a card game, there is no so-called guarantee mechanism, and there is no pseudo-random superposition probability. , if there is a certain probability that is biased towards [-]%, then in fact, this [-]% probability is very likely to not be triggered a thousand times or even tens of thousands of times.

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