It was also during this time that Temujin was influenced by the magic star and began to spread the Ninefold Holy Sacrifice.

Countless nobles who have tasted the sweetness of the Holy Sacrifice.

Began to frantically support Temujin's foreign wars.

But also this day.

An era has begun.

This terrifying war machine was activated under the influence of the Ninefold Holy Sacrifice Law.

The whole world is crawling at the feet of this war machine.


The world trembles.

Countries were destroyed one by one and fell under the iron hoof of the Mongol Empire. No one could stop such a group of strong men with extraordinary power.

Even if part of the Holy Sacrifice Law leaked out.

But also because it is incomplete, it cannot compete.

Even over time.

They also began to be influenced by the magic star and became dizzy.

Nuo Da Central Plains soon and gradually became unable to satisfy this group of extraordinary beings who had been controlled by the magic star.

The Mongol Empire took the lead in the Western Expedition.

The end of the earth.

Countless blood food.


The magic star hanging high in the sky, with the passage of time and the increase of sacrifices, finally no longer hides.

It began to truly have its own terrifying power.

The demon god's ravings became more and more clear.

Many people even comprehended more martial arts and supernatural powers.

No one can stop this era.

Killing has become the main theme of this era.

until one day.

Genghis Khan's sudden betrayal and serious injury stopped this era for a moment.

Over the years, Temujin has been looking for a way to get rid of the magic star.

Because of his great talent and strategy, he understands that there is no free food in the world.

He has practiced to the sixth level, and he is increasingly inseparable from the magic star, and even gradually becomes not himself.

It scares him.

But also because of the spread of the Holy Sacrifice Law.

The magic star is powerful.

He quickly noticed his behavior, and then attacked him.

Genghis Khan looked at the grandson with the magic star hanging behind him, as if he saw his former self.

That's crazy.

Immediately smiled miserably.

In the end, only the last words of Mie Jin were left behind, and he passed away sadly.

Because he knew that all this was unstoppable.

And after.

Mengge Khan inherited the will of the magic star.

more terrifying.

Even spanning Eurasia and whipping the whole of Europe, the reputation of God's Whip spread throughout the world.

The real blood and darkness.

The whole world seems to be completely sinking under this force until one day.

A man born extraordinary is born.

Three-year-old spoke the truth.

Become a saint at the age of ten.

At the age of 17, he became the existence of the leader of Sakya.

interrupted the process.

He comprehended a new method in the Ninefold Holy Sacrifice Method.

Wake people up.


"My name is Basiba, and I am a Bodhisattva who lives in the world. I have achieved the holy fruit. If all living beings visualize me as a Buddha, I can unravel the demonic nature of the demon star!"


PS: Basiba has his own person, but the history in this book is all fictional, don’t substitute it into history.

Chapter 180 Nine Basiba's calculations, devouring the magic star! (seek full determination)

His body was shrouded in a sacred halo, like a living god Buddha, sitting in the temple.

Countless nobles from the Mongol Empire came to worship him.

Bathe in the Holy Light.

Many practitioners of holy sacrificial rituals who were originally controlled by the demonic nature quickly returned to normal.

Even Mongke Khan came to his senses, terrified and furious at his betrayal.

I just want to order that the whole clan no longer worship-the magic star.

However to this.

Ba Siba stopped him, said.

"This is just a solution to the symptoms but not the root cause. It cannot stop thousands of herdsmen from yearning for the power of the magic star!"

In this regard, Mengge Khan looked at the countless noble leaders not far away, his pupils shrank.

Obviously understood this too.

into silence.

It took quite a while.

Mengge Khan continued.

"Since the holy Buddha can comprehend such a way to save my thousands of people, there must be a way!"

"Also ask the saint to teach me!"

Ba Siba pondered.

"All living beings see my sacred fruit, sacrifice my real body with the nine-fold holy sacrifice method, and use me to filter the sacrifice to the magic star. I will turn into a long-lived heaven and isolate the demonic harassment for many tribes!"

"And in this process, I will also prevent the growth of the magic star, and even wait for the right time to completely purify the magic star!"

Accompanied by Basiba's voice fell.

Meng Ge Khan shook.

He looked at Ba Siba with some doubts and uncertainties, but in the end, it was for his strength and his own status.

Between mouth-lip quivering.

Still agreed to the other party's request.

Even if he knew it, the other party might have his own plan.

But even Mengge Khan, the man who terrifies the world, understands that today's Mongol Empire is inseparable from the power of the Ninefold Sacred Sacrifice!

And it was accompanied by Mengge Khan's promise.


More and more people's sacrifices began to change, and they first sacrificed to the Longevity Heaven, which is Basiba.

Of course, because of fear, most people tacitly did not announce it to the world.

Who is the so-called Changshengtian?

And Basiba is just a famous holy Buddha of a grassland tribe.

And this.

Ba Siba didn't care at all.

Because he has his own calculations.

"There is no need to chant my name, because I will indeed become the immortal one day!"

"Hold countless powers, replace the role of the magic star, and become the source of sacrifice, and I will naturally become holy!"

Ba Siba thought silently.

"I knew it as early as the first time I practiced the fourth holy sacrifice method!"

"The magic star is a hoax. The magic star's method of passing down the sacred sacrifice is a tool for harvesting all spirits and gathering essence."

"The real function of the magic star is to gather all the spirits to sacrifice, and all the spirits to create a god and demon to return!"

"Bearing the hatred of the Five Hus back then, come back to take revenge, although it's not just about revenge."

"But I don't need to understand, I just need to use this deception and scheme to achieve myself!"

"With my powerful spiritual power, I construct reincarnation and shine the light of the soul! Awaken and deceive these people!"

"Let them offer sacrifices to my soul, and retain the offerings that originally belonged to the magic star. Then in turn extract the vitality accumulated in the magic star, and benefit all people!"

"During this process, while maintaining the balance of the magic star, at the same time using the Buddhist teachings and my spirit to continuously refine the demonic nature within it."

"One day, I will gather enough essence, and my soul and mind will be sharpened to a certain extent!"

"And at that time, I will become a real god and Buddha, I am the sky!"

Thinking of this, under Bhaspa's holy and peaceful face, infinite fiery ambitions soared in his chest.

Of course, a certain balance needs to be maintained.

Reduce the feedback of priest power.

Because once someone breaks through to the sixth holy sacrificial method, maybe someone will see what I'm thinking.

For this reason, maybe you can make some other plans.

Looking at Kublai Khan who treated him with extra courtesy, Ba Siba showed a clear and satisfied smile.

"The prince is willing to pay homage to the Buddha and accept precepts, so the poor monk naturally dare not refuse!"

Mengge Khan was still too vigilant.

Perhaps, I need a more obedient sweat.

This one is good.

A mother compatriot with Mengge Khan, he is tall and virtuous, and has enough ambitions.

Ba Siba was thinking in his heart, but he began to explain the Dharma to Kublai Khan.

And Kublai Khan in front of him also showed incomparable piety, as if he really sincerely worshiped the Buddha.

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