Many orthodoxy will not do anything to Buddhism before the Buddhism completes its westward journey.

It is equivalent to saving Buddhism by oneself.

Because humanity is supervising.

Originally, he thought that even if the Buddhist sect could survive this catastrophe, it was at most because many orthodoxy did not dare to fight to the death.

Going through Buddhism will also hurt your vitality.

But now it seems.

The background of Buddhism is too amazing, so amazing that he also feels threatened.

That's why I regret it.

"If there is no vow of humanity, the anger of many orthodoxies will be enough to raise troops again and destroy Buddhism in one fell swoop!"


Li Shimin suddenly swears.

His complexion was a little cloudy and uncertain.

Buddhism is so strong, but he is declining, which makes Li Shimin's heart suddenly have demons.

If you want to directly take Jiuding to destroy the Buddhist sect, you don't even care about the scourge.

However, just when he was about to do so.


A beautiful girl dressed as a maid came from outside.

The familiar voice brought his thoughts back to reality.


"Sister Wu ordered me to come and ask you!"

"Do you still remember the original intention of planning this catastrophe?"

Accompanied by these words.

Li Shimin's original evil thoughts melted away like spring and white snow.


"My original intention is to weaken the Dao system in the world! Buddhism is so strong, it shows that it is a good knife!"

"And it's half disabled now, why am I afraid of this knife?"


Ask for flowers!Ask for an evaluation ticket!Ask for a reward!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for more tickets!Please customize!work.

Chapter 320 Nine Shangguan Wan'er's plea, the little girl is so easy to deceive! (seek full determination)

Accompanied by Li Shimin's demons all disappeared.

His vision returned to clarity.

The original idea of ​​carrying Jiuding to destroy the Buddhist gate dissipated, and looked at the daughter she once loved most in front of the hall.

Today's Shangguan Wan'er.

He was silent for a while.

After all, I didn't talk to this daughter again.

Instead, he closed his eyes.

"Go back and tell Wu Cairen!"

"I have allowed the Buddhist sect to participate in the seizure of the heirloom!"

"But don't mistake yourself!"

"Make a good knife, otherwise I don't mind violating humanity again!"

The former Li Lizhi and the present Shangguan Wan'er nodded silently when she heard the words, and glanced at her old father with gray temples.

Nodding with displeasure in his heart, he took his leave.

And wait until Shangguan Wan'er "Nine Nine Seven" left.

Li Shimin opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar figure who left.

I thought silently.

"is it you?"

"The strong man from Buddhism?"

"I didn't pay attention to you all the time before!"

"But come to think of it, if there are other strong people in Buddhism, it must be you!"

"It seems that you are really not an ordinary pawn!"

"I underestimated you!"

"However, it's not too late!"

Thinking of this, Li Shimin said.

"Come here, it is secretly said that King Jin will come to see you, and you must not disturb any existence!"


In a shadow at the corner of the hall, a being walked out slowly and retreated in response.


On the other side, Wu Meiniang, who was standing in the courtyard admiring the flowers in the courtyard, listened to the footsteps behind her.

said with a smile.

"How did he say!"

Li Lizhi, Shangguan Wan'er shouldn't have said with a complex expression.

"Father asked Buddhism to make a knife, don't mistake yourself, otherwise he won't mind violating humanity again!"

Wu Meiniang smiled, and with that smile, all the flowers in the garden were overshadowed.

"Sure enough, it's Emperor Tang!"

"Didn't let me down!"

"It's a qualified superior!"

Shangguan Wan'er bit her lip, although she didn't know what this uncle was doing.

But for some reason, she had a premonition that her father was no match for this uncle.

Not only because of some things she vaguely understood these days, but also maybe because of the ancestor her master took her to meet that day.

That kind of existence is like a heavenly man.

Too detached.

The means are too powerful.

In the past, maybe she was still young and didn't feel it, but as she gradually got older, she became more knowledgeable.

Only then did I realize that the method of inserting my uncle into Buddhism, and then making my uncle the future co-lord of Buddhism, and then inserting him into the palace, has already surpassed the imagination of countless existences.

It has deceived the two most powerful forces in the Three Realms, and even vaguely, the shadow of that master ancestor can be seen behind this westward journey.

But Buddhism and his father are still ignorant.

This situation gave her a bad feeling.

Subconsciously, she said.

"Uncle Master?"

"Huh?" Wu Meiniang frowned.

Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly changed the vocabulary.

"Sister Wu!"

"Hmm!" Wu Meiniang's face cleared up again.

She is still a little girl, how can she use such an old vocabulary as Shishu.

Compared with my senior sister, age is my biggest advantage!

Shangguan Wan'er didn't know what was going on in her uncle's mind, at this moment she only wanted to ask him for one thing.

I saw her pause.

Finally said.

"Sister Wu, I don't know what you are doing!"

"But can I please!"

"Can you leave Datang alive in the end?"

Listen to Shangguan Waner's words.

Wu Meiniang turned her head in surprise, squinting at the girl in front of her.

After watching for a while, the nervous little girl was convinced that the other party hadn't revealed anything to Li Shimin...  


"what are you talking about!"

"How could I possibly beat His Majesty the Tang Emperor!"

"If His Majesty the Tang Emperor knows that your daughter is so unconfident to him, I'm afraid he will be angry!"

Shangguan Wan'er, who was in a hurry, didn't think too much, and blurted out.

"But even the emperor is a disciple of the master!"

"How could the father be able to fight..."

But not yet.

Wu Meiniang interrupted her and said.

"All right!"

"You talk too much!"

"I protect you only because of Senior Sister Changsun. There is not much love between you and me. I don't owe you anything!"

"Even you owe me!"

"However, one thing I can tell you is that Li Tang has never been the target that the master wants to deal with!"

"Li Tang is not qualified to let his old man plot against him!"

"Even, in a sense, we have a common goal!"

Hear this.

Shangguan Wan'er was a little surprised.


Wu Meiniang looked at Shangguan Wan'er who was full of surprise, her face remained unchanged.

 2.8 I had some strange thoughts in my heart.

"Well! The little girl is easy to deceive!"

Then, Yoyo returned to the palace.

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