"Today, I will take this opportunity to let you all see the real horror of immortal cultivators!"

Boom! ! !

As soon as Qingmo said this,

In an instant, the students and teachers of Tianyi Cultivation Academy below,

Excited and hot rays of light bloomed in each of the pupils, which seemed very exciting!

They heard from Qingmo's words,

Qingmo wants to attack that terrifying big monster,

To those who are from the Immortal Cultivation Academy these days,

Show the true terrifying strength of a powerful immortal cultivator!

Not only the teachers and students of Tianyi Immortal Cultivation Academy were shocked after hearing Qingmo's words.

After listening to Qing Mo's words, Mozhou Martial Arts High School and those who were watching the live broadcast became excited in an instant!

"What is a real powerful immortal cultivator like?!"

"I've never seen the power of a truly powerful immortal cultivator. I'm curious..."

"The meaning of Qing Mo's words seems to be that he wants to attack that monster at the level of a great master? Can he deal with it alone?!"


The audience in the live broadcast room talked one after another.

Everyone was shocked by Qingmo, and planned to take action against the monster in the realm of the great master.


Also a little worried.

Qingmo, a great master of heaven and man,

Can it deal with countless monsters plus monsters in the realm of a great master? !

To know,

Those monsters are very cruel,

If you are not careful, you will be torn to pieces by the demon!

Under the spotlight,

Qingmo's expression,

But very calm and collected,

He looked in the direction of the demonic aura of the Great Master Heavenly Man Realm!


at this time,

In the monstrous sea of ​​blood in the distance,

Suddenly there was a more terrifying sound,


A monster as huge as a giant mountain,

Appeared in the sea of ​​blood in the distance, revealing a pair of scarlet eyes the size of a millstone, staring at Qingmo's direction from a distance!


That gigantic monster,

He also felt the aura of Qingmo, a celestial being, a strong human being!


This demon moment,

Qingmo was locked!

the eyes of countless people,

Also noticed at this time,

The demon that showed his figure,

The moment I saw that gigantic demon,

Countless people suddenly felt their scalps go numb, and expressions of horror appeared on their faces...

"Crimson Blood Thunder Dragon?!"

"It turned out to be the Red Blood Thunder Dragon?! The Red Blood Thunder Dragon appeared once 30 years ago!!!"

"This guy is terrifying! His armor is as hard as iron and stone, even a master in the realm of masters can't hurt him at all!"

"When the red-blooded thunder dragon appeared 30 years ago, more than a dozen strong men in the realm of heaven and man besieged him, but none of them could kill him..."

"Later, a strong Martial King made a move to kill the Scarlet Blood Thunder Dragon!"


At this moment, Liu Dongqing and the others only felt their scalps go numb!

Chilled all over!

None of them could have imagined,

At this time, the demon that appeared,

It turned out to be the famous scarlet-blooded brontosaurus!

Not only is this thing terrifying in power, it can even manipulate the power of thunder and spit out lightning!

A strong man in the realm of a grand master will also suffer serious trauma if he is hit by the thunder sprayed by him!

And now,

Qingmo is a strong man in the realm of heaven and man,

Can it deal with such a terrifying big monster? !

For a time,

Everyone tensed up,

They all worried for Qingmo, worried that he would not be the opponent of this terrifying red-blooded thunder dragon!

"Run away!!!"

After Liu Dongqing recovered from the horror, he suddenly shouted loudly to Qing Mo: "Qing Mo, tell the students to run quickly, you and I and other teachers will stay behind, so as to hold the Scarlet Blood Thunder Dragon's attention, Let the students break through first!"

"This monster is too terrifying, we can't deal with it!"

"Let's buy the students some time to retreat!!!"

Liu Dongqing faced the terrifying Red Blood Thunder Dragon,

The first thing I thought of was to let the students retreat,

And he, Qingmo, and other teachers with stronger cultivation levels stayed behind to buy time for the students to retreat!


Qingmo listened to Liu Dongqing's words,

The look on his face was very calm, and he turned his head to look at him, his eyes were shining with a deep light...

"It's just Thunder Dragon."

Glancing at Liu Dongqing, Qing Mo turned his head, his eyes fell in the distance, the Scarlet Blood Thunder Dragon who was staring at them with scarlet eyes said lightly: "Today, I will use the method of covering the sky to come A dragon-slaying battle."


As soon as Qing Mo finished speaking, his aura suddenly bloomed.

As his breath blooms,

In an instant,

His whole being has undergone earth-shaking changes,

The void around him began to twist and vibrate violently.

The endless rune law, the light flickered around him.

his breath,

It is climbing crazily at an extremely terrifying speed!

and his body,

It exudes bursts of divine light,

Inside the body, there seemed to be an ocean roaring, and the crashing sound made the world tremble!

Qingmo's strength has risen to the peak of the Four Pole Realm! ! !

After the power of the cultivator at the peak of the four poles exploded to the extreme, he roared and roared in all directions in an instant!

In an instant,

the whole world,

They were all shrouded in terror!

Such a horrible breath,

All of a sudden, Liu Dongqing and the others showed horror on their faces and stared at Qing Mo dumbfounded!

And then,

That red-blooded thunder dragon,

A terrifying cold light suddenly bloomed in the eyes,

It seems to be stimulated and provoked by Qing Muran's breath,

In those blood-colored eyes that were as big as a millstone, there was a monstrous killing intent, majestic and majestic, with a monstrous momentum!

breath of both sides,

start colliding,

In an instant,

The sky became distorted,

The wind howled between the sky and the earth, and the sky overhead flashed with thunder!

The two sides confronted each other across the air! ! !

Just when Qing Mo and the Scarlet Blood Thunder Dragon faced each other across the air...

Xiao Anshan and Wu Dingkun,

Already leading the great army under his command,

He rushed to the front line of the battlefield and approached the area where Qingmo and the others were!

At this moment,

They've sensed it,

The terrifying aura erupting from the Red Blood Thunder Dragon fluctuated.

For a time,

Xiao Anshan and Wu Dingkun,

The expression on his face suddenly changed wildly, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

"The situation is not good..."

In the depths of Xiao Anshan's eyes, there was a trace of anxiety: "There is a monster in the realm of a great master, and the teachers and students of Tianyi Xiuxian Academy and Mozhou Martial Arts Academy are in trouble..."

"Deep in the battlefield, what happened?!"

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