After Qingmo's voice rang in everyone's ears, the thunder light on his body became more and more dazzling!


the breath of him,

It bloomed to the point of terror in an instant!


In an instant, the sky turned into a thunderstorm, and endless thunder appeared in the sky!

That terrifying thunder, like huge thunder snakes, roamed and roared in the Thunder Ze, exuding a terrifying power that would destroy the world!

And at this moment,

Qing Mo was shrouded in thunder,

It seems that the Lord of Thunder controls the power of thunder between heaven and earth!

watching this scene


They all showed a dumbfounded expression,

There was a horrified light in his eyes, and a huge wave was set off in his heart! ! !

Control the power of thunder! ! !


This method is really terrifying!

Even the scarlet-blooded thunder dragon in the distance, deep in the eyes at this moment, is full of horror!


The huge red-blooded thunder dragon obviously felt a strong threat, and suddenly let out a huge roar and roar 1

The huge roar made the whole world vibrate violently, as if it wanted to suppress the sound of thunder in the sky!

With his great growl,

between heaven and earth,

It reminded me of more terrifying monster roars and roars!


Then I found an army of monsters like a tide,

Roaring towards Qingmo, the devil cloud covered the sky and the sun, full of murderous aura! ! !

Horrible army of demons,

Under Lei Long's order, head towards Qingmo and kill him!

Qingmo at this moment,

For example, the true god of thunder, bathed in Lei Ze, the murderous aura in his eyes is surging and surging!


When the monster came rushing,

The endless thunder in the sky,

Suddenly it rained heavily,

Roaring down from the sky,


Overwhelmed by the army of demons,


The whole world seemed to become quiet in an instant,

All demon armies are covered by thunder,


it's quiet

just for a moment...


The thunder suddenly exploded, and the endless thunder light erupted in the army of monsters!

The huge army of powerful monsters was completely torn apart by the thunder in an instant, and all the monsters disappeared in an instant...

Turned into green smoke! ! !

And the ground where the demon army is,

A huge deep pit with a radius of several miles appeared, and in that deep pit...


Lightning flashes,

Turned into a thunder abyss! ! !

This horrible scene,

In the eyes of countless people,


Everyone was frightened by this earth-shattering blow!

Xiao Anshan and Wu Dingkun, who had just rushed to the scene, widened their eyes at this moment, staring at the army of tens of thousands of monsters in a daze, and were instantly wiped out by Qing Mo's blow, and a scene of a bottomless thunder abyss was blasted out, I just feel like my brain is buzzing...

"This is... the power that a great master should have!?"

Wu Dingkun gulped down a mouthful of saliva, and he was dumbfounded: "Even if it's me, I can't do it..."


Xiao Anshan's eyes were equally horrified at this time, his whole body was stiff, and he seemed a little sluggish: "Is the Zhetian method so overbearing? The power of heaven, earth and thunder can already be manipulated!?"

"The power of thunder can be manipulated, isn't that..."

"The power of fire can also be completely controlled?!"


"The power of time and space, can you comprehend it?!"


"The potential is unlimited!!!"

Xiao Anshan has long been very optimistic about Zhetian Fa.


He never dared to think,

The method of covering the sky can be overbearing and powerful to such an extent.

Qingmo, a cultivator in the realm of heaven and man, can control such a terrifying power of thunder...

Then after his cultivation level has been raised, how terrible things can he do?

This is really...

It's too scary!

Even people like Xiao Anshan and Wu Dingkun were shocked.

The teachers and students of the Mozhou Martial Arts High School, as well as countless viewers in the live broadcast room, watched as Qingmo raised his hand and instantly destroyed thousands of demons...

Everyone's eyes widened.

There was a storm in my heart,

Looking at Qing Mo bathed in thunder in the sky as if seeing a ghost!

"Manipulate the power of thunder?! How did he do it?!"

"Heaven and Earth Thunder, listen to my order! Too domineering!!"

"Cultivating the method of covering the sky, can you comprehend the power of various laws of heaven and earth?! Can all natural forces such as water, electricity, wind and fire be manipulated?!"


After the audience in the live broadcast room recovered from the shock, they exclaimed again and again, full of shocking yearning for the Zhetianfa!

At this time, the teachers and students of the Mozhou Martial Arts High School recovered from the shock, and they were also talking about it. There was a huge change in the way they looked at Qingmo!

"What Principal Qingmo has done, none of our Martial Arts Academy teachers can do..."

"Is it still necessary for us to practice martial arts?! Do you want to switch to the method of covering the sky?!"

"Now I believe that the method of covering the sky is powerful enough. I think it is necessary for me to practice the method of covering the sky!"


Students from Mozhou to colleges are talking a lot at the moment.

many people,

For the method of covering the sky,

Started to get excited,

Thinking that I might be able to, switch to the Zhetian method and abandon martial arts!

The figure in the sky bathed in thunder, manipulating the power of the heaven and earth thunder, and extinguishing thousands of demons with a single gesture made them full of longing! ! !

At this time,

The teachers and students of Tianyi Cultivation Academy,

Seeing his headmaster show off his supernatural power, everyone's eyes were full of admiration, and they all exclaimed! ! !

And then,

Qingmo in the sky,

For all eyes below,

They didn't care, but stared at the huge brontosaurus in the distance!



Qingmo's figure,

Disappeared in place in an instant, the secret of the sky-shrouding method was displayed by him!

In the blink of an eye,

Qing Mo appeared in front of Lei Long...


Wu Dingkun has been staring at Qingmo,

Looking at Qing Mo's figure, he seemed to teleport in the blink of an eye, and appeared in front of Thunder Dragon, which was tens of miles away, his pupils contracted violently, and he couldn't help but gasp!

"What kind of method is this?! The speed of movement can reach such a level?!" Xiao Anshan on the side also had a look of horror: "This speed has completely crushed me, it's too terrifying..."

"Such terrifying speed is enough to give him a crushing advantage in various situations!"

"Under the same realm, he is invincible!!!"

At the same level, he is invincible! ! !

Xiao Anshan's words fell into Wu Dingkun's ears, making him nod subconsciously, agreeing very much.


At this moment,

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