If it wasn't for the live broadcast, Rita would definitely be drooling.

The sister fans and mother fans in the barrage are going crazy!

To be honest, Ye Fan's appearance is not as high as Yang Xi's, but his facial features are not bad, the most important thing is Ye Fan's eyes.

The so-called eyes are the windows of the soul. Ye Fan's firm eyes reveal a trace of innocence, like a glass of iced orange juice in a hot summer day. For these female audiences, it is healthy and delicious!

"My God, Ye Fan's ten-year old fan came to report!"

"I declare, I will wait for this little brother, and no one will try to snatch it from me!"

"Brother Ye Fan, my sister will give you a gift if you don't pay back the money!!!"

"It's amazing! I'm so thirsty! I really want to touch this pectoral muscle!"



The strong reaction from the female audience made Nabi feel a little bit annoyed, and muttered, if you have muscles, I have them too!

He pretended to inadvertently hold back his biceps, but found that no one was paying attention to him, so he had to give up resentfully.

Ye Fan put on the tights, stomped on the ground, jumped up on the tree trunk with the force of the recoil, turned over, adjusted his posture in the air, and kicked the poisonous wild boar's fragile nose fiercely, causing it to utter pain screams.

Under the pain, the stinging wild boar became beastly, and regardless of other things, the stingers on its body turned into rain of needles.

Ye Fan quickly dodged.

"Student, watch it!"

I saw the flamboyant Ao Chao, relying on his "target resistance", rushed forward carelessly, facing the poisonous thorns all over the sky, he couldn't avoid it!

He was still piercing himself with them, and only when some key parts were about to be pierced did he stretch out his hand and swing away.

The stinging wild boar shot wave after wave.

After a while, Ao Chao, who had almost turned into a hedgehog, said in a low voice: "It has limited poisonous stingers, and when I consume some of them, there will be room for us to attack, otherwise we will be like hedgehogs, and we will hurt ourselves if we attack it .”

He pulled out the venomous thorns on his face, because of the gluttonous blood, thick cuticles grew on his face, and these venomous thorns, which can penetrate ordinary humans, left only shallow wounds on Ao Chao's face !

"It's now, let's go together!"

With a loud roar, Ao Chao's whole body surged with strength, and he even forced out all the poisonous thorns stuck in his body, rushing towards the poisonous wild boar like a cannonball.

Ye Fan was not to be outdone, his speed was faster than Ao Chao, passing like a phantom, he came behind the stinging wild boar, turned around and stopped suddenly, and stomped heavily on the ground. Shaft, the muscles twitched all over his body, transmitting the momentum from the legs to the arms, and with a cannon punch from his right hand, he smashed hard at the bald joints of the stinging wild boar!

Eight times the physical fitness of human beings exploded, and the strength even faintly improved!

The angle of this heavy punch was also very ingenious, and it unexpectedly broke the hind leg joints of the Stinging Wild Boar with a click!

The stinging wild boar staggered back, and in the constant howling, was bitten by Ao Chao's gluttonous phantom fiercely on the neck, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood!

Even Marukyu who was on the side caught the right moment and shot a grenade into its mouth!


The grenade exploded, breaking the tusk of a poisonous wild boar.

The increasing injuries on its body made the beast even crazier. Its eyes turned red due to blood congestion, and its hind legs, which were broken by Ye Fan's cannon punch, actually supported its body at a strange angle!

The aura of the poisonous thorn wild boar is constantly gathering, and it seems that it is about to fight to the death!

"Not good, temporarily retreat!"

Ao Chao knew how terrifying the alien beast's counterattack was before it died. He once saw a professional hero who originally had the upper hand, but was finally bitten off by the berserk alien beast!

The intestines fell to the ground!

In a situation like theirs where they couldn't kill the alien beast directly, it was the best choice to avoid the period of rampage and slowly kill the alien beast.

Ye Fan didn't take the lead at all. Since Ao Chao had experience in dealing with strange beasts, it would be right to listen to him now.

Just as the two were planning to use the woods to cover their tracks and delay the time when the beast ran wild, a magic arrow passed through the dense woods silently and shot through the head of the poisonous wild boar with precision.

When the brains of the strange beast exploded into a flower of blood behind its head, the sharp sound of shooting arrows sounded.

"Supersonic arrow?"

Whether it's Ye Fan, Ao Chao, Wan Jiu, or Luo Chen's mentors, they didn't notice the arrow in advance.

It wasn't until the three-no girl with a horcrux bow and arrow slowly approached that they realized that this B-level beast stinging the wild boar was killed by Li Zitian's arrow.

Luo Chen looked at the girl who didn't seem to have any fireworks in the world with approval. This girl's strength has increased a lot!

Too bad it's not his student.

Ao Chao walked up to Li Zitian, and said with a shocked expression: "Eldest sister, do you want to be so fierce! My junior and I worked hard to drive the stinging wild boar to a desperate situation and run away as soon as you appeared. Give it a second for the arrow!"

"Doesn't this make us both incompetent?"

Ye Fan also looked curiously at the cold Li Zitian, who looked so strong, it seems that I haven't worked hard enough!

Add a few sets of push-ups at night!

Ao Chao still sighed exaggeratedly, "This beast is not considered weak in the B-level, but it was given a second by the elder sister who is at the same level as you. I don't know if it has knowledge under the spring, whether it will feel ashamed!"

Unexpectedly, after Li Zitian took back the Horcrux, she said a few words lightly.

"Class B?"

"I'm long gone."

194 four seas

Although there were twists and turns in the second selection competition of Yenching University, it was successfully concluded in the end. A total of [-] candidates advanced, and what awaited them was the final round of selection competition.

But this has nothing to do with Yang Xi.

In the first trial, because he was worried about Ye Fan, he chose the spirit body to come to fight instead.

Originally, even if he didn't play for him in the second game, he would come to Ye Fan, just in case.

But by mistake, Yang Xi had to go to the second district to work, and Ye Fan could only participate in the selection alone.

Looking at Ye Fan who was a little embarrassed standing on the promotion stage with Marukyu and others, Yang Xi in the sky smiled knowingly, "I've adapted very well, and I've also made friends."

In the evening, the apartment Ye Fan rented.

Ye Fan brought over the peeled oranges and put them in front of Yang Xi, "Boss, eat the oranges."

He's still not good at expressing his emotions.

Yang Xi thought about it, but still did not reveal his true colors, and still met Ye Fan as a chicken, and Yang Feifei was also dressed as a rabbit.

This can save a lot of trouble. Fortunately, Ye Shuang is also a sensible child. Although he was curious, he didn't ask too many questions.

She also knew that she could have this kind of life thanks to the mysterious leader that her brother said.

"Feifei, take Ye Shuang to the room first, we have something to talk about."

After all, she is also the little brother's younger sister. The so-called sister control knows the sister control, Yang Xi does not intend to use psychic powers to make Ye Shuang faint.

"Ye Fan, you have developed [Exercise] very well, so your ability level will be raised to A level."

With that said, Yang Xi took out the supernatural orb on Ye Fan's body and upgraded it to A-level.

[Ability: Exercise

Introduction: The five senses, strength and speed can be continuously strengthened through exercise, and the upper limit is 64 times that of one's own racial talent.

Evaluation: Grade A, not many people can develop to the limit...]

64 times the physical fitness of human beings, it can definitely be described as superman. The speed alone can reach Mach 2, which is faster than the A-level hero Purple Wing with speed-type abilities.

And it is an all-round improvement. Ye Fan, who has developed A-level training to the limit, may not have any opponents in the A-level category. Even the S-level strong, he can barely fight.

But these are all based on Ye Fan's hard work.

Yang Xi patted Ye Fan's shoulder with a smile, and said, "From eight times to 64 times, do you have the confidence to do it?"

Ye Fan didn't say much, but nodded with firm eyes.

Not to mention that he has become obsessed with the pleasure brought by surpassing his own limit, just to repay Yang Xi's kindness, he will also develop his training ability to the extreme.

"Very good!" Yang Xi nodded in relief, "Continue to work hard in the next selection exam, I will have to travel far away."

Ye Fan asked, "Where is the leader going?"

Yang Xi turned his hands away, looked at the clouds outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and said with a little expectation: "Four Great Seas."


Lukang City, Kunlun Hero Brokerage Company.

Liu Yuan sneaked along the wall and finally slipped into his brother Molong's office.

As the company's A-level hero, Magic Dragon has its own suite-style office in Kunlun Building.

In addition to the upscale reception room, there is also a bedroom and private bathroom.

Liu Yuan pushed open the door skillfully, he already knew this place like the back of his hand, and he had stepped on it several times in order to obtain information.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to know exactly when the magic dragon will be away.

Liu Yuan's frequent visits made Molong think that his younger brother was guilty of "taking away" his position as heir, and told him several times that it had nothing to do with it.

After searching for a long time, Liu Yuan finally found the information he wanted in the safe.

Liu Yuan didn't even need to guess the password of the magic dragon's safe—it was his birthday.

"Hey, what's the matter with my cheap brother, all the passwords are my birthday, it feels weird."

Liu Yuan complained, picked up the information and began to skillfully take pictures.

Unconsciously, Liu Shao's photography skills have made great progress, it is really fast and accurate!

After the filming was finished, Liu Yuan changed the layout of the office back to the original, whistled and pushed the door out.

As soon as he left with his front foot, the magic dragon with his back foot pushed open the half-hidden door and came out.

Molong shook his head and said, "I don't know what Ah Yuan wants information from the four sea areas, but now that he has it, he should be happier."


Liu Yuan found a parking lot in a shopping mall. After parking the black McLaren, he tried to connect to Genting Palace through a spiritual contract.

"Hey, don't you have to wait this time? It seems that the godfather should not be busy."

Liu Yuan felt a suction force coming from the space between the eyebrows, and then the spirit body appeared in the Yourooster Palace.

After seeing Yang Xi in the rooster vest and Liu Yuan in the blue dress, he respectfully greeted him, and then he talked about the whole process of obtaining the information as if asking for credit.

Liu Yuan suddenly scratched his head in embarrassment: "But... this information is in reality, how can I bring it to Youji Palace?"

Yang Xi smiled and said, "You just need to recall the scene where you saw the information just now."

With that said, Yang Xi temporarily gave Liu Yuan permission to manifest items.

Liu Yuan did as he was told, and a piece of information immediately appeared in his hands.

After flipping through it, he was surprised and said, "This is exactly the same as the one in my reality!"

Yang Xidao: "Human memory is full of secrets. Maybe you can't recite this information at all, but the spiritual contract can extract it from your mind."

After finishing speaking, Yang Xi took over the information from Liu Yuan.

[Introduction to the Four Great Seas: There were originally two continents where humans lived and multiplied on Azure Planet, called the Southern Continent and the Northern Continent. After the Great War, the Southern Continent was completely colonized by aliens, and one-third of the human population was enslaved... …

The strong in the sequence turned the tide and established the defense line of the island chain in the four major regions...

The three major forces, the Heroes Association, Iron Blood Army and Chamber of Commerce Alliance were established...

Northern Continent Political Reform...]

This information briefly introduced the current situation of the entire human race, and then described the respective situations of the four sea areas by category.

The Jagged Sea Area in the east is in charge of the Iron Blood Army; the Heroes Sea Area in the south is in charge of the Hero Association; the Free Alliance Sea Area in the west is in charge of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance; Armed under the overall planning and deployment.

The one with the greatest pressure is naturally facing the sea of ​​heroes who colonized the mainland from another world, but the Heroes Association is also the most powerful existence among the three major forces.

What Yang Xi mainly looked at was the information on the waters of the Western Freedom Alliance.

There are many reasons.

First of all, the forces of the Qian family of the Fanhai Chamber of Commerce, the "ally" of the Judgment Organization, are distributed in the Liberty Alliance Sea Area.

Secondly, in the information provided by Vera, the Deep Blue Clan is also suspected to be inextricably linked to the Percy Chamber of Commerce.

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