Just the sturdy appearance and huge body make other inland residents who don't know the inside story envy, that there is such a beautiful ship.

As the owner of the alchemy ship, the Qian family naturally had VIP access for Yang Xi and the others to go up the gangway.

However, when it was time to board the ship, they found a group of people making trouble, and the vicinity of the six-star alchemy ship "Dolphin" was extremely lively.

Qian Lao frowned, and ordered: "Ah Fu, go and see what's going on."

The butler, Afu, hunched over and walked slowly towards the crowd.

199 Master Arthur, are you interested in the photobook?

After a while, Ah Fu came back, and he whispered something in Qian Lao's ear.

Qian Lao stroked his beard and said, "A member of the Percy Chamber of Commerce?"

A Fu nodded, "Persey Chamber of Commerce, the second son of the Green family, Arthur Green."

"Why did this kid come to Lukang City?"

"Originally, he would take the four-star alchemy ship of the Percy Chamber of Commerce back at the port of Shazhou City, but he heard that our Fanhai Chamber of Commerce arranged a six-star alchemy ship in Lugang, so he rushed over."

"It was just a matter of arranging a few more rooms, but Master Arthur asked the chamber of commerce to temporarily arrange a platinum suite for him."

Mr. Qian was a little puzzled: "Aren't there enough platinum suites?"

Ah Fu nodded, and said: "There are a few platinum suites that are under maintenance, and it will not be enough to arrange all the young masters and ladies, and Master Arthur has also taken a fancy to Room 608."

He glanced at Yang Xi, "It happens to be the room prepared for Young Master Yang."

Hearing this, Yang Xi smiled slightly and said, "It turns out that it's such a trivial matter, just give him my room. I don't have high requirements for this."

Yang Xi said it on his lips, but he was sure that the Qian family would not do this.

He only pretended to be polite.

People from Posey Chamber of Commerce?

Do you want to send express delivery thousands of miles away?

"This..." The housekeeper A Fu looked at Mr. Qian hesitantly, he knew that the master attached great importance to Yang Xi and his party.

Sure enough, Elder Qian rejected Yang Xi's proposal without hesitation, "Just give him the next-level suite, the second son of the Green family, and let him mess around!"

If he offended the adjudication organization because of Arthur, wouldn't all his hard work be in vain?

At this time, a freckled blond young man walked over, his eyes never left Ji Yourong from the beginning to the end.

Fortunately, this kind of thing was very common since childhood, and Ji Yourong didn't bother to talk to rude people like Arthur.

"It turns out that Mr. Qian is also on this boat. No wonder there will be a six-star alchemy boat arriving in Hong Kong. Arthur sends his greetings to you!"

He temporarily withdrew his gaze from staring at Ji Yourong, and saluted Mr. Qian to say hello.

Mr. Qian just responded lightly, told Ah Fu a few words, didn't pay much attention to Arthur, and led everyone to the Dolphin.

Qian Duoduo and others naturally left Arthur aside, only Yang Xi glanced at him with interest.

After Yang Xi boarded the boat together, Arthur said to a middle-aged man behind him in dark glasses: "After getting on the boat, check who lives in Room 608."

"The Qian family? Hehe."

The golden bangs of the freckled youth were blown up by the sea breeze, and there was a touch of disdain in the long and narrow eyes.


After arriving on the boat, everyone was taken to their respective platinum suites by the waiters.

In addition to the high-end decoration and service, the biggest selling point of the Platinum Suite is the beautiful scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The designer ingeniously set up a platinum suite at each landscape point. The gold color of each platinum suite is unique, so they are far apart from each other on the ship.

In Yang Xi's Platinum Suite No. 608, you can see the distant homeland and the churning sea from the top. The name of the suite is also called "Wanderer".

At sunset and sunrise, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, opening a bottle of mellow red wine and savoring it alone, you may have a new understanding of your past life.

Yang Xi was sitting on the dark green leather sofa with a glass of 100% freshly squeezed orange juice, looking into the distance.

This is the first time he has left the mainland so far.

"I hope they can all live happily."

Yang Xi gulped down the sweet orange juice, and ate some pan-fried foie gras with golden caviar.

It costs thousands of blue coins just to order the meal on board, but the guests of the Platinum Suite can enjoy it for free.

It's just that for Yang Xi now, a few thousand blue coins are not worth mentioning at all.

This is the way this world is, anything that is free will never be worth mentioning to its free object.

But for the tourists in the ordinary suites on the lower floor, when they pay for the most expensive dish, they will feel a little bit painful.

knock knock knock.

The door was knocked.

Yang Xi just swallowed the food in his mouth, picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, Shi Shiran opened the door.

Sure enough, it was Arthur and his party.

Yang Xi smiled and said, "Here we come."

His smile caught Arthur and the others off guard.

Did you make a mistake, when you see someone approaching you aggressively, even if you don't want to be cowardly, you have to keep a straight face.

Where did you say it with a smile?

This made Arthur's originally prepared lines useless.

Could it be that this guy has been waiting for us?

Well, I guess they knew the prestige of our Green family and made preparations to give up the apartment early, so they are quite discerning.

Since others are so sensible, then I, Master Arthur, will let him live, so as not to say that I am domineering and unreasonable when it is sent back to the Liberty Alliance sea area.

Cough cough, Arthur cleared his throat to make his voice sound more friendly, and said, "Seeing that you're on the road, then I'm not welcome, do you need my people to help you carry your luggage?"

Arthur also raised his head and glanced at Yang Xi, and walked into suite 608 familiarly. It seemed that he had been here many times.

"By the way, our Green family has paid for your expenses on board this time."

Arthur felt that a little reward should be given to those who are knowledgeable.

Well, that's what Dad taught me.

But Yang Xi said: "Master Arthur, I have something to take up a little of your time."

Arthur saw the half piece of pan-fried foie gras left on the tea table, and couldn't help moving his index finger. He was thinking of ordering one for himself, but he heard Yang Xi's words.


He looked back at Yang Xi, with some suspicion in his long and narrow eyes.

Isn't this kid a guest of the Qian family?

Why did you suddenly find me, I have something to do with Arthur Green?

And it was after I snatched his platinum suite.

But idle is idle, let's just listen.

After he also ordered the pan-fried foie gras, Da Lala sat on the sofa, raised his legs, lit a cigarette and said, "Tell me, if you have anything to report to me."

Yang Xi has nothing to report to Arthur, he just wants to turn Arthur into his puppet.

This Arthur Green is a member of the Green family who controls the Percy Chamber of Commerce, and his status is also very important. To Yang Xi, it is a godsend to be able to communicate face to face so easily.

The most important thing is that this kid came to the door.

All that needs to be done now is to create an opportunity to be alone with Arthur.

Thinking of Arthur's eyes staring at Ji Yourong before boarding the boat, Yang Xi took it into his heart, and in front of many bodyguards, he whispered in his ear: "I don't know if Master Arthur is interested in Miss Yourong's private room photo. But I have worked hard in recent days."

Arthur was shocked, Ji Yourong's private room photo?

That, that, that...how could you not be interested?

He glanced at Yang Xi suspiciously, and said, "Really?"

Yang Xi patted his chest, "I dare not lie to the second young master of the Green family!"

"Then take it out and have a look."


Yang Xi quickly rubbed the index finger and thumb of his right hand.

Arthur understood that the guest from the Qian family opposite wanted money.

This made Arthur believe it even more.

"You make a price."

Yang Xidao: "How about this, Master Arthur will take a look at one first, and then I will make a quotation."

Arthur licked his lips, "Hurry up, I'll check the goods first!"

Yang Xi glanced at the bodyguards who were also expecting at the door.

Arthur understood in seconds, and ordered: "Go and stay outside for me, don't you know how to respect Miss You Rong's privacy?"

The bodyguards came to the door with a bit of regret.

In the platinum suite, only Yang Xi and Arthur were left.

When Arthur touched Yang Xi's eyes again, his consciousness instantly entered a boundless dark space.

The ability to control couples was activated successfully.

200 Arrival at Free Customs

Yang Xi began to browse Arthur's memory as usual.

Compared with the jerky feeling when browsing the hot and sour powder Superman's memory for the first time, the way Yang Xi reads the doll's memory now can be described as practice makes perfect.

What is the first ray of consciousness that human beings were born at the beginning? This is a philosophical question that has plagued many scholars on Azure Planet. Thanks to his unique advantages, Yang Xi has some superficial understanding.

Souls are different from each other from the beginning, even if they are all blank papers, they are also blank papers of different textures.

It seems that "soul reincarnation" exists, but...Yang Xi always feels that the pure reincarnation theory cannot fully explain the phenomenon he has seen.

The composition of the soul, there are old things and new things, "reincarnation" is only a part of the truth, at least the many sinful spirits that Yang Xi has handled, their wills have been crushed into ashes, how can we talk about "reincarnation" " said?

Arthur's memories are shown continuously like a movie, and Yang Xi also sees the different growth paths of residents from all over the world and residents from inland areas.

Although Arthur is a child of a big family, his growth environment may be very different from that of ordinary people all over the world.

However, the characteristics of the inhabitants of the world, such as "sturdy", "adventurous" and "romantic", were slowly added to Arthur's personality from the time he was born.

Perhaps it is because most of the residents of the four seas face the magnificent ocean, and perhaps most of the residents of the four seas step on undulating decks.

The sun in their impression always rises from the sea, and when the sun sets, it will instantly blur a large red sea.

They are different from the inland humans. Residents living in the forefront of the world, no matter how high or low, may die in the battle with the alien beast army.

Here, human beings are not the "top of the food chain" in the inland textbooks, but a race full of tragedy and romance facing the threat of genocide.

The residents of all over the world will fall into almost pessimistic despair because of the defeat in the war, and for the continuation of the race, they will burst out with a huge fighting spirit in an instant!

Perhaps, this is the reason why so many powerful people can be born in the four seas.

A gentle mother, a group of maids, a cruel father, a strong brother, and all those ambitious uncles...

Unknowingly, Yang Xi, who had already activated the super brain, accelerated Arthur's memory like a horse watching flowers. He saw a young man being gradually educated by his family, from naive to cunning.

Finally, in some fragments, he found what he needed.

One of Arthur's uncles, an inconspicuous and fringe figure in the family, suddenly rises in a short period of time and gradually becomes one of the people in power.

Now, he has also become a powerful sequence expert, the existence of the Green family second only to Arthur's father.

Byron Green!

A man who came from a side line, but gradually became one of the family's talkers by virtue of his own means and strength.

Yang Xi fixed the picture on a close-up of Byron's face. This was a family banquet in Arthur's memory, and it was the moment when Byron was rewarded after annexing a small family through a perfect layout.

At that time, Arthur was about 13 years old. Sitting next to his mother and sister, he inadvertently saw the strange blue light flashing in Byron's eyes.

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