"Oh, I remember a client wanted the eyes of this strange beast, where are the eyes!"

Qian Duoduo looked at the metal beast with a dazed expression, feeling like he couldn't do anything.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just pick one and stuff it in."

There was a noisy sound from the workplace where the staff gathered together, and Qian Duoduo also felt that it was time to leave.

Yang Xi turned on the super brain, and he noticed something was wrong.

The noise over there was more like screams.

"Something's wrong, something unusual happened over there!"

Qian Duoduo moved closer to Yang Xi's side, his little head squeezed out of Yang Xi's arm abruptly.

"Uncle, it's time for us to evacuate. It is estimated that the work over there will be finished. Hurry up and slip away. As long as you follow me, I guarantee that you will be fine."

Yang Xi noticed that Qian Duoduo was picking out those few wolf hairs in his pocket, and he also pretended not to know, anyway, they were just a few nothing special hairs, and judging from their hardness, they seemed to be used as brushes.

"You go first, I still have something over there."

The so-called artist is bold, so Yang Xi ran directly to the workshop where the accident seemed to have happened.

At the same time, the suit has also changed from "infiltrator" to "chicken".

"Ahhh!!! Help!!!"

A staff member with a face full of mucus broke open the door and ran out, but his body was dragged back, followed by a crackling sound of chewing, which made people feel horrified.

"Hurry up...press the alarm, this beast...has been resurrected!!"

The last shouts of the staff came from inside.

Although it was clear that Yang Xi was not from the Alien Beast Corpse Processing Center, the staff member still asked Yang Xi to ring the alarm before he died.

"The alien beast is resurrected."

Yang hoped for the half-open door, the smell inside was very strange, bloody smell accompanied by sour smell, it was disgusting.

At the same time, Yang Xi felt like he was being watched.

"But buddy, at least you tell me where the alarm is."

"Da Da... Uncle, why are you still standing here? The strange beasts are alive. Why don't you run away?"

Qian Duoduo was doing a quick run-up on the spot, flying up with his small hands, but he remained motionless.

"You...your waist..."

At some point, Qian Duoduo's waist was wrapped around a tentacle covered in mucus, but she didn't realize it.


As soon as the words fell, Qian Duoduo was dragged into the dimly lit work room, leaving only a prolonged scream.

Yang Xi secretly thought it was bad, the previous staff member was pulled in and was eaten within a few seconds, Qian Duoduo's small body was not easy to eat.

Yang Xi couldn't sit idly by, after all, the girl and her were destined, and she helped him sneak in here by mistake, and he rushed in after the tentacles before he had time to think about it.

It was too dark inside, Yang Xi rubbed a ball of fire in the air to illuminate the surroundings, and found that the source of these tentacles was a skull, and Qian Duoduo was holding the parts that he had just taken from the metal beast and stuck the skull. mouth, to avoid the fate of being bitten off.

"Uncle help me!!!"


With a flash of inspiration, Yang Xi activated the metal deformation ability he had just harvested, controlling the part of the body of the metal beast in Qian Duoduo's hand to completely cover the mouth of the skull, and also cut off the tentacles that were entangled with Qian Duoduo.

The girl Qian Duoduo was also clever. The moment she landed, she took out the wolf skin she had just cut from her storage bag to wrap herself in. With the protection of the tough wolf skin, Qian Duoduo avoided being pierced by the bones below like a forest of knives. .

Yang Xi activated the lighting range of the flame, and only then did he truly see the true face of the revived beast.

Its main body is the skeleton of a strange beast, which is filled with black tentacles. The tentacles support this huge skeleton. The chewing sound just now came from a big bloody mouth wrapped in the skull. It turned out that It is the heart of this strange beast!At this moment, it has become the feeding organ of the resurrected skull beast!

Yang Xi couldn't help sighing: "My darling, creatures like alien beasts are really out of touch with reality..."

021 Cut off water flow

"Uncle, come here and help me, these tentacles wrapped around my body are so painful!"

Qian Duoduo moved to Yang Xi's side pitifully, hoping that he could help remove these broken tentacles.

Only then did Yang Xi notice that there were barbs on the surface of these tentacles, which directly caught Qian Duoduo's flesh. Just now, the girl rolled several times, and the barbs penetrated deeply.

"You girl, you know that curiosity can kill people, so you have to follow me."

"I thought you knew some inside information and wanted to make a fortune with you!"

Qian Duoduo felt that Yang Xi had been here for so long, so she took a few unremarkable hairs (although these hairs were already lying in her storage bag), and ran over to join in the fun when she saw how dangerous it was here. In the loop, it must be the matter of making a fortune that made Yang Xi dare to take risks.

This thing of making a fortune?How much money is she missing?


But now she also regrets it.

"Hold on." Yang Xi helped Qian Duoduo take off a tentacle with great difficulty, and found that the girl was in pain with tears and snot all over her face, but she held back and didn't shout out.

"Why don't you cry out the pain?"

"I'll save some energy and run later!"

Yang Xi smiled dumbly, and activated the puppet control ability to help Qian Duoduo relieve a little pain.

"Hey, why doesn't it hurt a little bit?" Qian Duoduo asked curiously.

Yang Xi fooled her: "I ordered the Butong acupoint for you, so you will feel better."

"Uncle, there are really such things as acupuncture points, so can you give me a few more."

"Beautiful thinking!" Yang Xi gave her a headache.

After finally helping Qian Duoduo remove the tentacles hanging from her body, Yang Xi sent her away: "Get out of here quickly, this strange beast is full of weirdness, it's not the corpses you want to slaughter."

"Got it, uncle!"

Yang Xi turned his head, only to find that Qian Duoduo was putting the tentacles he just took off into his storage bag.


Yang Xi ignored her and focused on the skeleton beast, who was dealing with the metal that sealed his mouth.

There are dozens of tough tentacles constantly whipping the metal plate, which has deformed it a bit.

Yang Xi murmured: "It seems that this strange beast is a bit stupid. If it wants to eat, why does it have to pass through the mouth of the skull? The ribs in front of the heart are not blocking it!"

As if aware of Yang Xi's mocking eyes, the skeleton beast turned ruthless and directly changed the target of the tentacles' destruction. It actually forcibly split the part of itself connected to the metal, and with a bang, the upper and lower rows of teeth were connected to the skeleton. The metal plate falls onto the slime below.


The cave beast, whose mouth was finally free, raised its head to the sky and screamed, and the tentacles all over its body danced wildly, and they all lashed towards Yang Xi!

Yang Xi didn't dare to take it hard, and manipulated the metal on the ground to form a protective shield in front of him.

The tentacles lashed at the metal cover, directly denting the thick metal cover.

Yang Xi seized the opportunity and launched a mental attack on the skeleton beast!

An invisible mental shock wave aimed at the heart with a bloody mouth.

——However, it didn't work.

The tentacles hit the metal cover like a torrential rain. Although the metal cover prevented it from breaking, it was constantly being beaten into the ground, and Yang Xi's living space was constantly being compressed.

"Uncle, can you light my barrel of gasoline!"

Qian Duoduo took out gasoline from the storage bag and threw it up!

The gasoline barrel hit the skeleton beast with a parabola, and Yang Xi concentrated on rubbing a fireball inside the gasoline!

With a bang, the gasoline barrel exploded in an instant, and the flaming gasoline rained down on the beast and began to burn continuously.

The heart of the strange beast screamed piercingly!

"So it's the flames that he's afraid of!"

Yang Xi felt a pity in his heart, if his fire power level was higher, he might be able to seriously injure this strange beast without relying on gas and oil.

"Uncle, hurry up, we will split the bill between six and four, you four and I six!"

Qian Duoduo desperately ran towards the strange beast, but was grabbed by Yang Xi from behind.

"Swipe—" A saber slashed fiercely half a meter in front of Qian Duoduo, leaving a half-meter-deep mark on the ground.

An old figure appeared at the door of the workshop, his hair was messy, but his white coat was very clean.

The person who came was the director of the Alien Beast Corpse Processing Center, who came belatedly.

"It was you thieves who attacked my men?"

"It seems that I haven't shown my face for many years, and some guys who hide their heads and show their tails have forgotten who I am."

No water flow?

Yang Xi's heart was shocked. Duan Shui Liu was a powerful A-level hero in Lukang City more than ten years ago. In the last battle, he fought alone with the A-level alien beast, the violent giant ape, and finally cut him under the sword.

Why is the majestic A-level hero now working as the director of a corpse processing center for alien beasts?

Yang Xi, the head of the Heroes Association, knew it, but there was no need to waste resources like this.

But Gushuiliu should be a middle-aged man in his 40s, why does he look so old now?

Duan Shuiliu noticed the strange beast struggling in the flames, looked at the remains of his subordinates' corpses, and understood who the culprit was, but he was stubborn and did not change his words.

"Hmph, wait until I get rid of this bastard, and then I'll settle accounts with you guys!"

Duan Shui Liu snorted coldly, jumped up high and slashed at the strange beast.

The ability to cut off the flow of water is the [Big Dipper Knife] of the inheritance system. There are seven moves in total, and each move corresponds to one of the Big Dipper stars. Those who are capable can only temporarily avoid the edge.

"The first form of the Big Dipper - Greedy Wolf Slash!"

The sword energy turned into a giant wolf and rushed towards the strange beast. The strange beast had abandoned part of its ignited body at this moment, and several tentacles stood up to meet the enemy, but they were cut off neatly by the greedy wolf.

The tentacles of this strange beast are actually not tough. It used to be able to back metal partitions, and it was even more vulnerable to the knife energy of the broken water. But his horror lies in its powerful regenerative ability.

"Huh?" Duan Shuiliu frowned at Dao Qi who disappeared into the tentacles and slashed again, "Tianji!"

The sword energy turned into three, and cut at the beast from three directions. After all, Duan Shuiliu was once an all-powerful A-level hero, and he cut it out as soon as he fought. The weakness of this beast is the heart with a strange mouth.

However, the tentacles reacted very quickly, dividing into three directions to intercept the saber energy.

Cutting off the flow of water had already reached this point, and the three sword qi exploded in the air, directly blasting these tentacles, and temporarily exposing the heart from the protection of the tentacles.

"Heavenly Power!"

A straight knife air was poured directly into the heart of the strange mouth. This time, the heart that was not injured in the gasoline fire just now was directly chopped into meat paste, and all the tentacles fell to the ground without life.


Cutting off the flow of water to lift the knife upwards, and the cyclone formed by the knife air appeared on the ground, completely smashing these remaining tentacles into fine powder.

"It's all money, money..."

Qian Duoduo said distressedly.

But Yang Xi met Duan Shui Liu Luan's sharp eyes at this moment!

Those were a pair of murderous eyes.

022 Alien Weapon

The guards from the Alien Beast Processing Center were already surrounded outside the workshop, Qian Duoduo shivered and hid behind Yang Xi.

The hand that cut off the flow of water was holding the handle of the knife. This knife had accompanied him for many years of fighting, and now there were gaps in many places.

The Association of Heroes has also repeatedly proposed to directly help him change a new weapon. After all, as an A-level hero directly affiliated to the association, this is the treatment he deserves.

But he refused, this old buddy has been with him for many years, and its meaning has long been more than a weapon.

It is his best friend and his most trusted partner.

After that battle, Duan Shui Liu chose to return to his hometown and worked as a small director at the Alien Beast Corpse Disposal Institute in Lukang City.

In the entire Lukang city, only the branch president of the Heroes Association knew of his existence.

In fact, one of the reasons why he chose to stay in the Alien Beast Corpse Processing Center was that his injuries could not worsen by staying in this kind of place where the Alien Beast tissue had been burned all the time.

But despite this, his strength has also dropped from A-level, and now he can barely maintain the level of B-level.

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