"Manas consciousness?"

"Affiliated consciousness?"

Since it can be realized in reality, Yang Xi let this subsidiary consciousness be realized without thinking too much.

The process is similar to the materialization of a Horcrux, but a little different.

Yang Xi felt that this subsidiary consciousness called Mana Consciousness seemed to be customizing its own image through the preference of its own subject.

"He is perceiving my thoughts, so the manifested image should refer to my aesthetics. That's fine. If an ugly monster is manifested, although it does not affect the function, it is still uncomfortable to look at."

Finally, the subsidiary consciousness was born in a dazzling light.

When seeing "her", Yang Xi was deeply attracted.

The appearance and body of the subordinate consciousness in front of me have completely absorbed the characteristics of Yang Feifei, Ji Yourong, Lin Naixue and Blanche, and have also carried out perfect assimilation. Otherwise, the combination of various advantages is rough, and it will look more stiff.

Yang Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This...does it completely copy the idea of ​​the lover in my heart?"

Yang Xi has always thought that only he can understand his needs in this world, but now this idea will be changed. The one who understands him best must be the subsidiary consciousness provided by super brain power.


With a body that is better than Ji Yourong's, she has a sense of subordination, and with her bare feet, she kneels obediently in front of Yang Xi.

Yang Xi: "???"

What is this name?

And what's up with this pose!

This subsidiary consciousness must be mistaken!

237 Suzaku of Judgment (two chapters in one)

"Ahem," Yang Xi coughed to cover up his embarrassment, and said, "Call me the leader from now on."

The subordinate consciousness nodded obediently.

As Yang Xi, who has owned many puppet horses, he quickly noticed the difference between the subordinate consciousness and human beings.

This seventh sense Manas consciousness does not have human emotions, she is a special kind of existence, if you have to make a comparison, the artificial intelligence "Red Queen" in an ancient movie "Resident Evil" is quite similar to her.

It's just that the subsidiary consciousness is the product of supernatural powers, and the latter is the creation of technology.

The media they rely on are different. The subordinate consciousness can travel in the spiritual world, while the red queen lives in the ocean of data.

After upgrading to the third level, Yang Xi understood the true meaning of the name [Super Brain], and the subsidiary consciousness manifested by Mana Consciousness is like an in vitro super brain for Yang Xi to perform auxiliary calculations.

With this subconsciousness, Yang Xi will be much more convenient in the future.

She can help Yang Xi complete a lot of mechanical work, such as brushing up the proficiency of abilities, developing some moves with abilities, helping Yang Xi sort out the collected abilities, etc.

At the same time, she can also perfectly play any of Yang Xi's vests.

"Earlier, Mr. Qian fooled around and made nonsense that the boss who made supernatural potions in the adjudicative organization happened to be entrusted to my subordinate consciousness to play the role. Well, it was set to be the four-phase position above the zodiac position."

To be honest, it doesn't seem appropriate to call the embodiment of mana consciousness with the subsidiary consciousness.

Yang Xidao: "Which position do you want among Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu and Xuanwu?"

The subordinate consciousness sensed it, and smiled: "Didn't you just think about it in your mind? In fact, I am a part of your spirit, and I will always have the same thoughts as you. My name is Suzaku, the Suzaku who is in charge of the trial."


Yang Xi compromised, because the subsidiary consciousness, that is, the current Suzaku has manifested the appearance of his dream lover, and he will always unconsciously treat her as an individual.

But in essence, she is actually a part of her spirit, her seventh sense mana consciousness.

Just treat her as a portable smart terminal, some questions that I don't bother to think about, I can give her to do, anyway, the answer is the same as the answer that I racked my brain to come up with.

Alas, it would be great if I awakened this mana knowledge while studying. No matter how difficult the math problem is, I don’t need to draft it. I can just calculate it directly. .

"Then you, as a four-image figure, will leave it to you to design."

Suzaku nodded, the meaning of her existence is to help the ontology to be lazy, this is her job.

Yang Xi was drinking juice leisurely beside Suzaku, a black robe appeared on Suzaku's body, and the mask was dark gold, engraved with Suzaku patterns that were more complicated and exquisite than the zodiac signs.

But even the wide black robe can't stop Suzaku's graceful figure. In a sense, she is the most perfect woman that Yang Xi imagined, and even the second beauty of the world, Ji Yourong, can't match her she.

"Unfortunately, she is just a part of my spirit. There is no such perfect woman in this world."

Fortunately, now that Suzaku is wearing a mask, Yang Xi is not as awkward as before when facing her.

"Suzaku's body is a manifestation of spiritual power, so she should be able to land on the cloud top space."

"In a sense, she is more like a 'creature' belonging to the cloud top space than other members of our ruling organization."

Yang Xi activated the spiritual imprint in the space between the eyebrows, and the spirit body entered the cloud top space.

It's still as quiet and serene here.

"Boss, I'm going to arrange all the Four Elephant Halls."

Originally, because he was afraid of trouble, Yang Xi only planned to open a Qinglong Temple and nine Tiangang quotas for a pilot operation.

But now that she has the help of the "smart terminal" Suzaku, she can handle the trivial matters such as collecting information and formulating tasks, so she can simply disperse all the Tiangang masks, and make the Qinglong Temple, Suzaku Temple, White Tiger Temple and Xuanwu Hall The four "online mission halls" in the temple are all open.

For Yang Xi, he only needs to make 27 Tiangang masks.

Moreover, the Hall of Four Elephants can also choose the sea area to settle in according to the azimuth they originally represented.

For example, in the sea of ​​iron and blood in the east, the branch of the judgment is the Azure Dragon Hall; in the Sea of ​​Heroes, the branch of the judgment is the Suzaku Hall;

This can also prevent personnel from performing tasks across sea areas, saving a lot of things.

Yang Xi, the vest of the "collateral branch of the Qian family", has obtained the star position "Bi Yuewu", who just happens to belong to the White Tiger Palace, and can serve as a representative of the adjudication organization when the peripheral members of the White Tiger Palace perform tasks next. The team leader guarantees the quality of task completion.

The so-called task completion naturally depends on whether Yang Xi's goal has been achieved.

Now he can come up with a series of tasks, such as - "Find out why Swordsman Rose misunderstood Youji as Jima's lover", "Investigate Byron Green", "Assassinate the leader of a certain organization" and so on.

Because as long as you have a Tiangang mask, you can automatically become a peripheral member of the Judgment Organization. In theory, no matter whether you are a sequence expert or an ordinary person, you can become a Tiangang position.

However, with the use of Tiangang masked people to perform the tasks of the adjudication organization, after accumulating points, the fact that they can exchange for supernatural potions in the adjudication organization has been accepted by the public.

Then, once the weak have the Tiangang mask, it will become his life-threatening talisman instead.

Although the strength of the lucky one who picks up the mask first is random, but the one who can finally have the Tiangang mask will naturally be a strong man from all over the world who is eager to have the supernatural potion.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be some people who want to spy on the secrets of the ruling.

But no matter who you are, in Yunding space, Yang Xi is a god, he doesn't want you to jump up and down, you squat for me obediently in Yunding space.

Soon, Suzaku arranged four main halls.

The first thing Yang Xi looked at was the first Azure Dragon Hall.

The "decoration style" of Qinglong Hall is relatively rough. The "task panel" is a water curtain standing in the center of the hall. Currently, there are no tasks on the water curtain.

Above the water curtain is a dome engraved with a blue dragon pattern. The green dragon on it is lifelike, just like the green dragon on the Yunding Hall.

After that, there are seven constellation positions located at the top, namely Jiaomu Jiao, Kang Jinlong, Ditu Raccoon, Fangri Rabbit, Xinyue Fox, Tail Fire Tiger and Jishui Leopard, while the position of Tiangang has no fixed position. location.

The Tiangang positions belonging to the Azure Dragon Hall are Tiankui, Tiangang... to Tianying, there are nine in total.

As a result, in Azure Dragon Hall, there are only two more peripheral members than official members.

"It seems that in the future, the entire Four Elephant Hall mission platform will be able to operate maturely. Each hall will need to add 72 more earth evil positions, and the four halls will have a total of [-] earth evil positions."

"With 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha, will all the sequence powerhouses be secretly peripheral members of our adjudication organization in the end?"

Yang Xi thought about it, if the Tiangang Disha mask later became the "key" to obtain the supernatural potion, this possibility is still very high.

There are many reasons why Yang Xi worked so hard to build the task platform of the Temple of Four Elephants.

The most fundamental reason is for self-preservation.

Although his strength is indeed very strong now, it is still unrealistic if he wants to wrestle with the three major forces. Yang Xi must have this self-knowledge.

After all, it took him 100 years to manage power after the emergence of supernatural powers before he reached the current scale. It is obviously wishful thinking for Yang Xi to surpass the three major powers in terms of hard power in a short period of time.

He had to consider, as the strength of the adjudication organization exposed to the outside became stronger and stronger, it caused the major forces to target it.

If Yang Xi was targeted by the three major forces at the same time and forced to hand over the method of making the supernatural potion, would Yang Xi hand it over or not?

The most important thing is that he doesn't have the technology to make supernatural potions at all. This is to hide his routine of stripping supernatural powers and misleading others from the beginning.

The so-called blocking is worse than sparse, it is better to directly open the Four Elephant Hall, a platform where "supernatural potions" can be obtained by completing tasks, to the three major forces.

Then Yang Xi could instead turn the potential danger of the hot-eyed supernatural potion into a tool for the adjudication organization.

Turn the crisis into an opportunity, use supernatural potions as bait, and attract a large number of strong people to serve the ruling.

The most important thing is that Yang Xi still has the final control over the supernatural orb. Even if the supernatural orb is given out, once the peripheral member wants to be unfavorable to Yang Xi or the ruling organization, Yang Xi can take back or seal the supernatural orb at any time , Beat this rebellious guy back to his original shape and punish him.

Later, Yang Xi visited the Suzaku Hall, the White Tiger Hall and the Xuanwu Hall. The "decoration" of each hall was very in line with the attributes of the four images they represent, and it also perfectly fit Yang Xi's ideas, as if he had spent his own money. A lot of painstaking thought out of the same.

This Suzaku is really convenient to use.

Moreover, Suzaku also made the ecology in the Yunding space more complicated and prosperous. Under the powerful computing power of the super brain, everything here is logically closer to reality.

For example, without the help of Suzaku's subsidiary consciousness, the entire Yunding space has no seasonal characteristics, and many plants in different seasons bloom and bear fruit at the same time in the same season.

Although people who come to Yunding Space will not notice these details, there are indeed loopholes.

But it's different now. Under Suzaku's correction, there are four seasons in the Yunding space.

Now, like the outside world, it is the end of spring, the climate is getting warmer, and the plants that are growing vigorously can be traced in reality.

Although, some plants have been modified to a certain extent to make them look more in line with the temperament of the Genting Palace Group.

After finishing these trivial matters, Suzaku quietly returned to Yang Xi's side, and accompanied Yang Xi to overlook this piece of land on top of the highest Yunding Hall on Yunding Mountain. Realized fantasy world.

Yang Xi sighed sincerely: "If this is a real world, how wonderful it would be."

Suzaku said: "Boss, what do you think is real?"

Yang Xi was a little stunned, why do you still talk about philosophy with me in a subordinate consciousness?

Part of my mental power, my seventh sense, want to discuss some philosophical issues with me?

Yang Xi glanced at Suzaku's graceful figure, and joked to himself, do you want to know more about it.

He paused and said, "The so-called real existence is naturally something that can be seen and touched."

But Suzaku said: "What if the truth of this world is actually the same as that 'brain in a vat' guessed in ancient times."

Yang Xi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's what you said."

The so-called brain in a tank is an interesting hypothesis. If one day, technology is developed enough to completely simulate all sensory signals, put a healthy brain in a training tank, and stimulate the brain with various arranged signals .

For this brain, everything he sees, perceives, and touches is arranged in advance. Even the interesting and absurd hypothesis of the brain in a vat, he is now confused because of the input code. Feel yourself reading this text.

The moment this hypothetical hits the heart is: "How can you guarantee that you are not in this predicament?"

Even, with Yang Xi's current ability, it is completely possible for an ordinary person to fall into an inescapable illusion, allowing him to start another life, or, confining his spirit body in this cloud-top space, to spend a life that is incomparable to him. The long years.

"What is real existence..."

Yang Xi suddenly had an epiphany, and at the same time he felt that his spiritual power was more refined.

This is different from the mental power that he had been accumulating because of stripping off other people's abilities before.

It is a very novel experience for Yang Xi to improve his strength without plundering others' strength.

"So, is this the feeling that someone else's strength has been strengthened after practicing hard?"

After spending these days in the supernatural world, Yang Xi finally tasted the experience of ordinary supernatural beings.

Ye Fan is probably feeling this feeling all the time, Yang Xi thinks that some time the spirit body will descend to see how he is doing recently.

Soon, he left this slightly pessimistic thought.

For him, as long as his important people are still there, then what is the truth of the world will become unimportant.

Later, Yang Xi and Suzaku began to test her other abilities, which was the suggestion given by Suzaku through analysis.

As the embodiment of Manas consciousness, she can follow the spiritual imprint of Yang Xi's brow space to enter the cloud top space for activities. Then, can she reach any spiritual imprint of signing a contract through the cloud top space?

Yang Xi first returned to reality, and then put the Tiankui mask on the other side of the suite.

A few seconds later, Suzaku's figure emerged from the character "kui" on Tiankui's mask.

As the seventh sense solidified by the super brain, Suzaku can use all the abilities of super brain powers. Her spiritual power comes from Yang Xi, which means that the "Suzaku" who is in charge of the trial in the adjudication organization is a strong man with a mental power of the third level. , but it will come near any spiritual imprint at any time.

For the preparations for the stars who etched the spiritual brand in the space between the eyebrows, she basically controlled their life and death.

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