What follows is a brilliantly written description, which makes Yang Xi a little confused by boasting about Shenhou. No wonder this editor can become a staff member of the Four Seas List. With just a few videos, he can write a big composition eloquently and call people He froze for a moment, really powerful.

"...In summary, with the adjudication organization becoming active in the Four Seas region, we expect more new faces to appear on the sequence list."

With Suzaku doing those boring jobs for herself, while Yang Xi's own strength has steadily increased, he has instead lived the life of a long-lost otaku.

And after that battle, not even a strange beast appeared on the road.

After watching the short video, enjoying the food of the chef on the Dolphin according to the menu, and playing with the girls on board from time to time, I arrived at Fanhai Island in the third island chain, the Qian family's base in the four seas, in such a leisurely way.

Yang Xi followed Mr. Qian and appeared on the deck. Looking at the Fanhai Island, which is full of the style of the first district, he faintly became excited.

His "36 Tiangang" plan is to stage a wonderful show, so that these country bumpkins from all over the world can experience the routines of the adjudication organization!

242 Tiangang Project, Really Wonderful! !

At the port of Fanhai Island, the left behind members of the Qian family all shed tears of excitement!

Since the fall of a large number of strong members of the family, the lives of the Qian family members, regardless of direct or collateral lines, have suffered a devastating blow.

Other industries in the four sea areas are either entrusted to others to manage, or sold cheaply to local forces.

There is no way, many of the Qian family's properties are built on the basis of the Qian family's monstrous power. Without the guarantee of hard power, they will not care about you at all. Some remote islands even have cleansing activities against the Qian family's properties. , Stealing market share directly with violence.

In addition, in the past, the Qian family acted domineeringly at its peak, offending many forces.

Under the power of the two Qian brothers, these forces could only swallow their anger. When something happened to the two of them, they would retaliate even with profit, and one was more ruthless than the other.

One-third of the Qian family members died, and even Qian Lao and Qian Duoduo were forced to move to the inland Lukang City.

"It's finally today!"

"The chance for my Qian clan to revive is back!"

"The old patriarch is the old patriarch, no matter how difficult the situation is, he can find a way to break it!"

"Tell me, is this Yang Xi from our Qian family? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"It doesn't matter whether he was in the past or not, as long as he is willing to contribute to our Qian family, he is No. 30 in the world list!"

Many ordinary people cast their curious eyes on Yang Xi, this young man has attracted countless eyes of people from all over the world since the beginning of the free customs.

Killer Whale Slayer, S-Class Pirate Necromancer, and in the end, he was undefeated in nearly a hundred moves under the hands of the Sequence powerhouse, and was even bestowed with a star position by the mysterious and powerful Lord Shenhou.

Although everyone doesn't know the gold content of the star position, judging from the strength of this zodiac position, the star position must also be an important position in the adjudication organization!

This Yang Xi, the nominal offshoot of their Qian family, is undoubtedly a rising genius in the world!

Qian Shile, the only surviving S-rank strongman of the Qian family, stood in the welcoming crowd, looking at the gray-haired but energetic old Qian in the crowd, his heart couldn't help but feel agitated.

As a collateral branch of the Qian family, he missed the battle due to injury and survived by luck.

Seeing the decline of the Qian family step by step over the years, and the murder of one clansman after another, he blamed himself for not being able to live up to his expectations. He was not as domineering as his two brothers, even Qian Miaomiao.

His psychological pressure can be imagined. Now that the money is not lost and he has unprecedented thighs, he is finally relieved, and his back, which has been forced to straighten, is also slightly bent.

There was a silent young man beside him, looking at the returning alchemy ship, his expression was relieved.

As a collateral branch of the Qian family, Yin Hai was originally just a follower behind Big Brother Qian Miaomiao, and when he went out to make trouble, he just stood behind and waved the flag and shouted.

But in the past few years, facing those young strong men who came to provoke him, in order not to embarrass the Qian family, he risked his life in every battle. Although the ranking has been upgraded all the way to 47th, for him, the pressure It's just too big.

Yin Hai cast his eyes on the handsome young man next to Mr. Qian, and he could vaguely see how bohemian Brother Qian Miaomiao was back then.

"I hope this Yang Xi can be a bit stronger. I just want to fill in the numbers later. I, Yin Hai, have never been a strong person."

Yang Xi and his party went through the guard of honor and came to the port pier. The old man held Qian Shile's hand vigorously. This nephew who was proficient in eating, drinking and playing in the past now has crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and frost and snow on his temples. , more than ten years older than his actual age.

The two brothers Qian Youming and Qian Youque, at his age, still look like 30-year-old youths.

Originally, Mr. Qian, who opened his mouth to speak in many situations, looked around at the many clansmen behind him, and when the words came to his lips, he couldn't speak.

Finally, with trembling lips, he slowly spit out a few words: "Thank you everyone!"

The eyes of many clansmen were red, and even Qian Duoduo bowed his head and began to sob. The Qian family has been really aggrieved during this time!

Fortunately, they have found a way out!

As long as they cooperate with the adjudication organization, after their Qian family regains the resources that the eight major chambers of commerce should have, they will definitely be able to revive the family!

Standing in the crowd, Yang Xi felt the eager eyes of everyone in the Qian family, resisted the urge to touch his nose, and showed a warm smile.

No matter who reads it, they have to give a thumbs up and praise Yushu Linfeng.

Many clansmen with daughters in their families are secretly thinking, otherwise, sending their precious daughters to take down Yang Xi would be considered a meritorious service for the family.

But when he saw Yingying Yanyan beside Yang Xi, he sighed at the same time, this task is probably more difficult than Fuxing the family.

After taking the wind and washing away the dust, Yang Xi came to Qian Lao's other garden.

Qian Lao didn't live in the patriarch's house. He was afraid of seeing things and thinking about others, so he moved to the other garden where he lived after retirement.

Although it is called Bieyuan, it covers a large area. There is also an artificial lake inside, an artificial island on the artificial lake, and a square pavilion on the island.

Yang Xi was brought here by Mr. Qian to taste the fragrant tea. At some time, there was already a drizzle outside the pavilion.

"Mr. Qian, let me just say it straight. In three days, an adult from the organization will come to Fanhai Island. We will announce the first step of the plan."

The money is not lost to the old man, he quickly sat upright, all the way here, the adjudication organization is passively accepting the temptation of other forces, is it finally going to make a move this time?

"I don't know which adult is here? Does the Qian family need to make any preparations?"

Yang Xi smiled slightly and said: "The title of the adult here is 'Suzaku', and her status in the organization is higher than that of the adults in the zodiac. She is in charge of the trial, and I can secretly tell you that the supernatural potion is hers. handwriting!"

Qian Bukui was shocked. He always thought that it was impossible for the adjudication organization to come out.

Who would have thought that they would actually rush to Fanhai Island this time!

On second thought, this might be a reassurance given to the Qian family by the adjudication organization. Even a boss of this level has come to meet, so what else can the Qian family have to worry about.

Satisfied with Qian's not-losing expression, Yang Xi said again: "This time, we need the Qian family to find a few more media from Four Seas Netherworld to hold a press conference, and the organization will provide the entire Four Seas people with a chance to become stronger!"

"We call it the 'Tiangang Project'!"

Afterwards, Yang Xi explained his plan, but there was no need to elaborate on some of the key points.

But the money is not lost, after all, he is also an old stickler. After Yang Xi introduced the whole Tiangang plan, he couldn't help clapping his hands.

"This step of your organization is in seconds!!!"

Yang Xi smiled and said nothing, dealing with the old fox is sometimes very convenient.

243 You may make small profits, but I, Yang Xi, will never lose money (two in one chapter)

After finishing talking with Mr. Qian, Yang Xi began to make preparations for the subsequent "Tiangang Project Press Conference".

The matter of finding reporters, major families, and organizations of supernatural beings to support him has been handed over to the Qian family's connections.

The first thing Yang Xi has to do is to disperse 35 Tiangang masks to random locations around the world before the press conference.

The remaining mask was naturally for display at the press conference.

Originally, Yang Xi planned to use Universal Express to deliver the goods at random, but after thinking about it, it was a little unreasonable. Fortunately, when he killed the Canglong Envoy, he stripped him of the ability that could solve this problem.

Yang Xi summoned the No. [-] dragon—Splitting Dragon.

A small blue dragon appeared in front of Yang Xi, circling intimately around him.


Yang Xi rubbed the finger-sized Canglong Horn, making the little thing make a comfortable cry.

"Okay, I have a task for you."

Under Yang Xi's control, the split dragon split into 35 little blue dragons.

Yang Xi tied the masks to them one by one, and input energy according to the distance.

The little blue dragon with the least energy input probably disappeared before flying out of the third island chain, and the mask would naturally fall off.

However, in order to prevent the mask from falling into the depths of the sea, Yang Xi told these frolicking little dragon boys to find an island with people to hibernate as soon as possible before they sensed that their energy was running out.

Moreover, Yang Xi asked these little dragons to consume all their strength in advance after finding a good location, so as to create a vision to attract the attention of nearby residents.

In this way, the Tiangang mask will not be buried in unknown corners.

After everything was done, the little dragons reluctantly bid farewell to Yang Xi, and left Fanhai Island in the dark.

This is just a first-hand preparation.

Yang Xi hopes that before his Tiangang project is released, someone has already landed in the Genting Palace, and then he will give the first lucky person a small reward, such as a B-level or A-level supernatural potion.

Then use mental hints to this lucky guy to show up on the Internet and tell everyone how leathery the Tiangang mask of the Judgment Organization is and how effective the supernatural potion is.

Originally, Yang Xi wanted to clear the bills by himself, but after much deliberation, he could use spiritual hints to guide some peripheral members who were relatively weak in the early stage, so there was no need to go out on his own.

Moreover, although Yang Xi only intended to treat these peripheral members of the Tiangang position as tools for him to work for, it does not rule out that there will be supernatural beings who are loyal to the organization and have good talents.

At that time, after going through layers of assessments, they can also be allowed to become stars and become the backbone of the organization.

These people are best cultivated by Yang Xi. For example, people like Ye Fan who are strong-willed and good-natured, but have no supernatural powers or weak supernatural powers. Everything about them comes from Yang Xi. With the gifted power beads, even if they become anti-bones later, Yang Xi can restore them to their original settings, turning them into the original strength of passers-by, pressing them on the ground and rubbing them.

I believe that these traitors who once possessed great strength will probably be confused on the spot...

In this case, Yang Xi can classify these rebellious boys.

If there is value for use, let him act as a double agent to obtain all kinds of information about the forces behind him; if there is no value for use, of course, just throw it into the sea to feed the fish.

Yang Xi himself must admire his own brain, this Tiangang plan can not only increase the influence of the adjudication organization in a short period of time, but also greatly ease the various schemes of the major forces on the organization.

Now that the Tiangang mask has been sent out, the missions of the main halls must be arranged first.

When Yang Xi came to Yunding Space, he found that it was more real than last time.

The biggest contributor to this is naturally Suzaku, the subsidiary consciousness that Yang Xi allowed to move freely in the Yunding space. She seems to be running her own nest, polishing various details of the Yunding space little by little.

Inside the White Tiger Palace, as the "mission hall" where the tool man may be refreshed first, the tasks here have already been arranged by Suzaku.

Just like what Yang Xi thought, the tasks in the White Tiger Palace are divided into three types: ordinary tasks, intelligence tasks and confidential tasks.

Ordinary tasks are some daily resource-collecting tasks, such as the active tissues obtained after killing strange beasts, which can be sent to Yang Xi through the channels of the Qian family, and he can use this to strip out the supernatural beads and dark energy, and then Then convert one-tenth of the harvest into points, and give the tool people as rewards.

However, when the Qian family is responsible for delivering these materials, some of the dark energy will definitely be lost, and some of the materials will also need to be paid to the Qian family. The function does not have the ability to accept items. Perhaps with future upgrades, this function can be enabled for tool people.

Of course, currently using the little blue dragon can also realize the ability to move goods, but it consumes too much energy of Yang Xi, and the little blue dragon goes back and forth, and the tool people have to wait too long, which is very inconvenient.

Moreover, the offspring split by the split dragon are also ambiguous in terms of combat effectiveness, and they may lose supplies if they encounter a slightly stronger opponent.

So after much deliberation, the Qian family's channel is the safest.

As long as the materials are gathered in one place, Yang Xi will switch a vest regularly to strip off the dark energy.

During the whole process, Yang Xi made money without losing money.

Yang Xi can even cooperate with the Qian family to use part of the resources to make supernatural equipment, so that the things that the tool people can exchange become more abundant.

The point exchange system used to maintain the balance here, Yang Xi didn't have to use his brain to think about it, the subsidiary consciousness Suzaku took care of all this, it was extremely convenient.

Intelligence tasks, as the name suggests, are to collect information and exchange points. As for how many points can be exchanged, it can also be judged by Suzaku who is online for a long time.

The collected information can also be sold to tool people to recover points. Yang Xi will definitely have to harvest a wave of leeks, and the cost of selling information must be more expensive than when buying it.

The last is confidential information, such as assassination, infiltration, etc. When this kind of information is on the mission panel, there will only be a series of code names, time and place, and when it really starts, the specific mission content will be conveyed through the spiritual imprint in the mask .

The reason for doing this is to prevent leaks. At the same time, Yang Xi also thought that the mission target is very likely to be one of his tool people.

He had already thought of this scene. After a group of peripheral members of Tiangang who received the confidential mission gathered together, when the time came, the mission they received was Suzaku's cold female voice.

"Mission content kills the Tianying star, the mission reward is 100 points."

Afterwards, the eyes of the other masked men turned coldly to the tragic Tianyingxing.

This is also a means for Yang Xi and Suzaku to punish the traitors in addition to directly killing the traitors. After the two-pronged approach, the awe of these tool people for the Judgment Organization should be maintained at a relatively high level.

If it is not particularly necessary, I dare not have any bad thoughts about the organization.

As the solidification of Yang Xi's seventh sense, Suzaku can process a large amount of data at the same time. For her, it is very easy for her to do multiple tasks at once.

Therefore, if she didn't fight anyone directly, she could easily condense multiple bodies with her mental power—as long as Yang Xi provided enough mental power.

But among so many bodies, only one has SS-level combat power.

But in Yunding Space, what Suzaku is doing temporarily is just maintaining the "task system" in the background, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't show up.

After completing these preparations in Yunding Space, Yang Xi returned to reality and began to make prizes for this press conference.

After all, it is the first time that the Judgment Organization has shown its face in front of the people of the world. It is not good to be too stingy. Yang Xi decided to bleed a lot, and use a B-level supernatural bead as a gimmick to push the atmosphere of this press conference to a climax. .

In the same way, it is also to show everyone how powerful the effect of their own product "Power Potion" is!

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