"Brother Green, use up the supernatural potion quickly, it will expire after the time limit."

Yang Xi smiled faintly at Chris, he felt very comfortable after completing his goal.

Chris changed back to human form, sighed helplessly, waved his hands, and sent his sister to the ring with blood energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Victoria landed on the ground, she gave her brother a hard look, her little face flushed with anger.

"Brother, I'm wearing a skirt!!!"

"Um, are you gone?"

"Xin Hao, I'll cover it!"

Chris breathed a sigh of relief, if his sister really disappeared, then he would be more guilty.

"Here, this is the supernatural potion my brother won for you."

Chris handed the supernatural potion of the starry sky cloak to his sister.

Victoria took the tube of mixed drink and looked it up curiously: "Will drinking it give you the Horcrux-type starry sky cloak?"

This sentence, the girl said to Yang Xi.

The girl's smooth forehead involuntarily brought back memories of Yang Xi, and he smacked his mouth involuntarily.

Cough cough, what are you thinking, this is someone else's sister!

"Miss Victoria, if you drink it, you can become a supernatural being. Don't worry, with Master Suzaku around, there will be no accidents!"

At this time, the director also focused on Victoria. She will be the first member of the non-judgment organization to take the supernatural potion under the live broadcast camera.

Theoretically speaking, as the eldest lady of the Green family, she cannot be the trustee of the ruling organization.

If she really possesses supernatural abilities after drinking the supernatural potion, then the technology of the Judgment Organization will be widely recognized.

Otherwise, it has always been used by people inside the ruling, and self-directed and self-acted dramas are not ruled out.

Victoria looked at the mixed juice and suddenly felt a little regretful, would it be too bad to drink?

But under the attention of so many people, she was too embarrassed to retreat, opened the test tube, and gulped down the mixed juice.

"Ha~~~! So spicy!!!"

The juice remained along the corner of Victoria's mouth. After all, it was juice that had been left for two or three days. Yang Xi also added a lot of miscellaneous things. The taste must be a bit strange.

But... spicy?

White girls have weird taste buds!

The live barrage flew up: "So the taste of the supernatural potion is spicy? My ancestral home in Rongcheng, inland, said that I can fight. First, I will take a few hundred tubes to rinse my mouth!"

"Wow, why is Victoria ranked as the seventh most beautiful woman in the world? I absolutely love this little golden cat!"

"Hehe, let me tell you, white people age quickly. This age is basically at the peak of Victoria's forehead, but Ji Yourong's peak period can be waited for a few years. When she becomes a young girl, then it will be called a praise." !"

"Brother, be steady!!"

"I heard that white women have body odor. I wonder if it's true?"

"Just because of Victoria's beauty, I'm into body odor too!"


I have to say that the barrage is the fastest place in the world. We are obviously drinking supernatural potions live. Why do you focus on the shelf life of white women?

The moment Victoria drank the supernatural potion, Yang Xi flicked it with his fingers and accurately inserted the supernatural bead,

So far, the three secrets of the Green family, Chris, Arthur and Victoria, all have the means left by Yang Xi.

If the Percy Chamber of Commerce really has entanglements with the Deep Blue organization, then Yang Xi can countermeasures, and has a variety of options.

"Well, I feel that there is indeed an extra force in my body!"

In Victoria's delicate voice, she manifested a deep and beautiful starry sky cloak.

Wow, the cloak was unfolded, and the small and exquisite Victoria was taken up for a few laps. Because of the sudden relationship, Yang Xi and Chris on the ring saw Victoria's white and smooth thighs under the skirt of the suit at the same time. Indescribable clothing with strawberry texture.

"Wow!!!! I...I can fly la la la!!!"

Above the ring, Victoria fluttered in panic and joy.

Chris snorted coldly when he realized that his sister was gone, and went up to save her.

The starry sky cloak pushed Chris a few times unhappily, it hasn't played enough yet!

It seems that the character of this B-level starry sky cloak manifested by Victoria is quite naughty. I don't know if she can control it in the future.

"Wow, I've really become a supernatural user! And it's a B-level Horcrux-type supernatural user, the starry sky cloak, I really want it!!!"

"In the front, it's very easy for you to want this cloak, just have a brother who is on the world list!"

"Which one should I choose between the upgraded potion and the normal potion, I'm so confused, what should I do!"

"I will bid 1700 Azure Coins to buy the Tiangang bit mask online!"

"Why did the boss come up with this number?"

"Oh, here's the money for my meal."


Seeing the effect of the supernatural potion and the mischievous starry sky cloak, the ones in the barrage also happily flew up.

After Victoria refused Chris's help and flew off the stage by herself, Yang Xi announced the start of the next part of the press conference.

"The battle for Tiankui's mask has begun. I think Senior Nie Xiaoguan from Campbell Construction should be the first to come on stage!"

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Nie Xiaoguan laughed, jumped onto the stage, and clapped his hands at the members of the big family and supernatural organization: "Nie will accept this Tiankui mask today. If there is anyone If you want to learn about Nie's Cloud Dispelling Palm, just come up!"

After all, Nie Xiaoguan used the supernatural ability of the inheritance system, and with Paiyunzhang, he directly wiped out the trail left by Tantaiyao.

"Well, it looks more pleasing to the eye this way!"

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, Nie Xiaoguan is the powerhouse of Sequence No. 65 after all, for a while, the S-level power users in the audience showed hesitation.

"I, Walton, come to meet your cloud-dispelling palm!"

To everyone's surprise, the Lav Chamber of Commerce, the weakest of the eight chambers of commerce, was the first to jump out and challenge the strong Sequence.

Didn't they say that they even had to kneel and lick the No. 72 Rose Swordsman?How can you have the courage to act wildly in front of Nie Xiaoguan?

Ordinary S-level powerhouses are delivering food in front of sequence powerhouses!

Only Yang Xi looked at Walton solemnly.

"There's something weird about this guy!"

263 Alien Reappearance

In the stands, a faint blue light swirled in Jima's eyes, "The soul is still a little flawed, the expression on Walton's face is a flaw, but it's okay, he's about to die in battle."

Soul colonization is a strong control skill of the deep blue family. By inserting one's roots into the target's spirit body and then controlling the opponent, this will directly destroy the will in the spirit body and make the target a walking dead.

It is a skill that can only be comprehended by the deep blue clan of the third rank.

This soul-gathering is much more brutal than Yang Xi's puppet control, but it also has its advantages. After the soul-gathering, it can heal its own injuries by burning life energy, and it can also increase its own strength to a certain extent.

If Nie Xiaoguan underestimated Walton, he would definitely pay a heavy price.

"Walton? I haven't heard of it, but since you want to taste the power of my cloud-dispelling palm, then I will do as you wish!"

Nie Xiaoguan slapped Walton with a palm, and the internal force far surpassing the ordinary S-class came out majesticly.

The audience in the audience were almost pulled by Paiyunzhang's qi machine!

"This is the strength of the No. 65 powerhouse?"

Many S-level powerhouses organized by supernatural beings were very thankful that they hadn't been on stage just now.

If they were to face the power of this row of cloud palms themselves, they might be seriously injured if they didn't die!

This Walton of the Uruk family is slightly stronger than them in terms of strength. He dared to challenge Nie Xiaoguan, and he was a bit overconfident!

Jill couldn't bear to close his eyes, since Walton is also a family member he is familiar with, I'm afraid his mind will be smashed now!

But under the circumstances that everyone was not optimistic about, a spear made of condensed purple flames appeared in Walton's hand. As an S-level elemental power user, Walton can control the purple flames to form various arms.

Among them, the spear is his best kind!

I saw the purple flaming spear rising at the sight of the wind amidst the energy of Paiyun Zhang, thrusting itself towards Nie Xiaoguan!

"good eyesight!"

How rich is Nie Xiaoguan's combat experience?It was obvious at a glance that Walton's shot actually found a flaw in his palm!

Unexpectedly, there are such talents in the Uruk family!

It's a pity that he looks dull.

He smashed the flaming spear from a right angle with the palm of his hand, and gathered his internal strength with the other hand, reaching for Walton's chest.

After all, Walton was just a puppet controlled by "Jima" remotely. Before he could react, he was hit by a slap in the face, flew out, and landed heavily on the ring!

Nie Xiaoguan was not a bloodthirsty person, and he didn't kill with this palm, but only broke some of Walton's ribs, making him temporarily lose his fighting power.

"Acceptance... huh?!"

Before Nie Xiaoguan finished speaking, he realized that Walton turned over strangely, let out a low growl like a beast, and rushed towards him, with a purple sledgehammer condensed in both hands!

"how is this possible?"

Nie Xiaoguan looked at Walton's collapsed chest, and there was this faint green flame over there!

"You still have the ability to heal?"

"But you are like this, aren't you courting death?"

Nie Xiaoguan slapped Walton's chest hard, but he was also rubbed by the flame hammer, his right arm went numb instantly, and the hot purple flame ignited!

Nie Xiaoguan quickly mobilized his internal energy and extinguished Zi Yan!

But after being hit with a palm, Walton stood up again, and fought Nie Xiaoguan with his life!

"What's the matter with this Walton? Isn't it just a Tiankui mask? As for being so desperate?"

"If the Uruk family are all such ruthless people, why would they still be at the bottom?"

"I think things are weird. I have been in contact with Walton. He is a timid person. It is impossible to be so fierce!"

Yang Xi stood silently on the sidelines, and he moved his gaze from the arena to what Uruk's family saw.

I saw Jill who couldn't bear it and "Gemma" who was smiling.

"Something is wrong!"

At this time, a burst of shouting broke out on the ring, and Nie Xiaoguan got angry after being slapped by Ziyan. One palm after another, the internal energy poured out like money, and Walton was beaten into a sandbag!

But... Walton, who was already in tatters, still stood up unsteadily, with the same dull expression on his face!


"It's almost time for fire!"

"Jima" licked his lips, and activated the skill "Original Rampage".

The commander let the large amount of primordial particles stored in the rhizome of the dark blue seedling be poured into Walton's body in one go!

He stopped suddenly, and a few seconds later, blue light shot out from his seven orifices.


The screen on the ring shattered, and all the cameras of the live broadcast organization were destroyed!

The water friends who watched with great interest were speechless for a while looking at the snowflake screens on their mobile phones and computers. These live broadcast organizations have made so much money, and they will lose the chain at critical moments!


As if bubbling, the blue substance started from Walton's eyebrows and kept gushing out.

Then it flowed down his skin, transforming him into a candle-like existence.


Walton was transformed into a dark blue alien by a large number of primordial particles!

This is a dark blue alien transformed by an S-level powerhouse!

With a bang, Walton, who had been beaten all the time, disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, his fist was deeply buried in Nie Xiaoguan's stomach!

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