When Ouyang Xuan was studying literature, he also dabbled in alchemy to a certain extent.

"But in alchemy, activity cannot be transferred. Could it be that the Judgment Organization already has some kind of technique to use activity?"

"This activity, is it possible that it has something to do with the ability?"

"Is this the key that my meditation method is missing?"

Thinking of this, Ouyang Xuan couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and asked for advice to the Suzaku consciousness that hadn't left yet: "Your Majesty Suzaku, may I ask if your organization used the activity of the animal organization in the process of making the supernatural potion?" '?"

Under Yang Xi's instruction, Suzaku glanced at the ordinary-looking man, "Do you call it 'activity'? Inside the ruling, it's called a supernatural factor."

After she raised the star-absorbing ring in her hand towards Ouyang Xuan, she disappeared in place as if blown away by the wind.

Ouyang Xuan muttered to himself, "Is it a supernatural factor?"

At this moment, he has a very strong interest in the Judgment Organization. Perhaps the opportunity for him to realize his own meditation method falls on the Judgment Organization.

Looking at the thoughtful Ouyang Xuan, Yang Xi also became interested in him, "This kid is interesting!"


Using the same operation, Yang Xi and Suzaku finished dispatching the other two A-level potions.

He also met two other influential figures on the Four Seas List, the ruthless Chen Tianyang and the unrestrained Xia Yubei. Although they also left a deep impression on Yang Xi, they couldn't arouse Yang Xishou's younger brother like Ouyang Xuan. interest of.

How should I put it, although these two people are strong, they are still relatively strong caterpillars. Although Ouyang Xuan is not as strong as them, he is already forming a cocoon. As long as he has an epiphany one day, he may be able to completely break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly.

After finishing all this work, Yang Xi finally has the leisure to use his own dark energy cubes.

"It's already reached the seventh island chain. Through the matrix gem sensor, the Philosopher's Stone is still in the west, probably in the occupied area."

The eighth island chain and the ninth island chain are absolute forbidden areas for strong human beings, but for Yang Xi, relying on his ability to disguise, maybe he can disguise himself as a strange beast and sneak in.

But sneaking into the occupied area means facing ruthless and endless alien beasts, and even encountering aliens.

Yang Xi knew very little about the methods of outsiders. To be on the safe side, it was best to improve his strength a bit.

From the current point of view, because of the inability to disassemble the SS-level power beads, Yang Xi felt that it would be more cost-effective for him to concentrate a large amount of dark energy into a relatively powerful power bead.

Yang Xi had some guesses in his heart, maybe today is the time to witness the limit of his current [stripping] ability.

Only Yang Xi and Suzaku's consciousness can see the dark energy cubes, which were thrown into the horcrux-type supernatural beaded golden god demon armor in large quantities.

This gray ability bead is like a black hole, ruthlessly devouring thousands of dark energy cubes.

One thousand units!

Five thousand units!

Ten thousand units!


Rao Yang Xi, the master, can also feel the increasing coercion from the gray power pearl.

Its color is gradually fading from gray!

In the end, after consuming nearly 2 units of dark energy cubes, the gray-white orb could no longer absorb dark energy.

The dark energy cube it contains stays at 43967 units, and if Yang Xi throws one unit of dark energy cube, it will be directly bounced off by the smooth surface of the supernatural bead.

"It's nearly twice as much as entering the SS level. Could it be that this is the number of dark energy units contained in my own [peeling] ability?"

"Before the peeling ability is not enhanced, all the following ability beads may not exceed this number."

"It seems that in addition to looking for the Philosopher's Stone, obtaining meditation methods from outsiders must also be put on the agenda!"

The dark energy content has nearly doubled, and the gold-plated armor of gods and demons has naturally become stronger than before.

The fastest speed has reached Mach 45, and some pseudo-third-order material and elemental attacks can basically be ignored, and the three skills have also been strengthened to a corresponding degree.

Especially the third skill weapon, condensed state, even if it didn't absorb other people's attacks, relying on Yang Xi's own power, the ability can easily make the magic stick grow to the level of [-] meters.

"I guess, with Shenhou vest's current strength, there shouldn't be any suspense in entering the top ten in the sequence, right?"

Yang Xi has never fought against the top ten players in the sequence, so this is just his personal guess.

"Now there are less than [-] units of dark energy cubes left, and then upgrade the disguise ability to see if it can enhance the power of some camouflage skills."

After all, Yang Xi is going to sneak into the occupied area pretending to be a strange beast next, and this disguise skill may lose the chain.

Upgraded the cross-dressing ability to S rank.

[Ability: Cross-dressing

Introduction: It can change clothes in 0.0001 seconds, and the portable space can be used to place clothes (6/15). It can greatly change the body shape, appearance and voice, and can set a specific personality and provide acting assistance.

Skill 1000: Camouflage, which can perfectly disguise the appearance and breath of any creature, and creatures with a mental power 0 Hz stronger than themselves cannot see through. (The number of people in disguise is 2/[-])

Skill [-]: Transgender, change the target's gender for seven days.

Evaluation: S grade, good use will result in good use, evil use will result in evil. 】

"The S-level cross-dressing has been strengthened a lot!"

First of all, the number of dress-up slots has increased. Now Yang Xi can play a total of [-] roles, including the twelve zodiac signs plus Qinglong, Baihu, and Suzaku. In theory, he can play all of them by himself.

However, with Yang Xi's current strength, he no longer needs to use enough vests to bluff.

Before the upper limit of stripping abilities is resolved, it is the most correct plan to recruit more obedient subordinates and let them inherit the zodiac and star positions.

For this reason, Yang Xi planned to bring Liu Yuan by his side to train him. Although he didn't know the reason, this brat who didn't become his puppet was not so loyal to his rooster vest.

Before Yang Xi was still in the Youji Palace in Yunding Space, he took the time to chat with Liu Yuan for a while, and learned about his recent situation.

With the combination of these two B-level abilities, Liu Yuan actually gained a firm foothold in the hero world and became a very popular A-level hero.

With his current gift commission, it would be no problem to buy himself some sports cars.

However, he was not complacent at all because of these things, but he wholeheartedly wanted to complete the task entrusted to him by Youji Vest - to control the Kunlun Economic Company.

Moreover, not only being a puppet of the mechanical war hero, his goal is to completely seize power!

Yang Xi was really surprised that Liu Yuan didn't even recognize his own father for the sake of the Youji vest.

His current plan is to collect black information on the board members of the Kunlun Hero Brokerage Company and several other A-level heroes, and use both kindness and power to make them fall to him, turning the board of directors into Liu Yuan's voice.

Not to mention, this guy Liu Yuan is really talented in intelligence work. Several members of the board of directors have been forced to succumb to his lust.

They really didn't expect that Liu Yuan, who has always been a playboy, would have such means!

And Ye Fan, this kid has developed his training ability to fifty times the physical fitness of ordinary people. Although he only has A-level abilities, his actual combat power has surpassed the average S-level enhanced abilities.

I heard that the inland supernatural power conference is about to start. Ye Fan, Maruki, and Russell, these three first-year freshmen, together with sophomores Li Zitian and Ao Chao, defeated the mighty junior Seniors, you have won the qualification to represent the Hero Department of Yenching University to participate in the power conference!

I have to say that Yenching University Hero's third year students are really unlucky. If they meet this group of perverts, they probably won't have a chance to show their face before graduation!

Among the five, Ye Fan and Li Zitian are the strongest. The goal of the Hero Department of Yenching University is very clear this time. In addition to the team championship, at least two single-person champions must be won.

Because the teachers and leaders of the hero department know that Ye Fan and Li Zitian already have S-level combat power, and it is a sure thing to be warned by the Hero Association. If you don’t take advantage of this time to win more championships, you will definitely regret it in the future!

And this little girl, Li Zitian, also caught Yang Xi's attention.

If there is no such thing as Ye Fan, I am afraid that she is the most dazzling genius in the Heroes Association.

When the space anchor is sent to Ye Fanna, Yang Xi has to find a chance to find out how evil Li Zitian is!

Concentrating his thoughts, Yang Xi turned his attention back to the upgrade ability.

"The left-behind Si Snake avatar should also have an SS-level ability. Should I choose Shadow Dungeon or Plasma?"

The shadow escape ability mainly lies in flexibility. In addition to the shadow tentacles, the damage depends on the ultimate move "Instant Prison Double Shadow Kill".

And the plasma ability is very simple, the higher the level of the ability, the more powerful and the scope of the plasma will be expanded. If Yang Xi is desperate for the SS level plasma ability, he can destroy the entire Banana Island.

"Let's choose the plasma ability, after all, it is the main output ability of the snake clone!"

Yang Xi then upgraded [Plasma] to SS level.

[Ability: Plasma

Introduction: Manipulate plasma to attack enemies

Ability [-]: Plasma Rainstorm

Skill [-]: Plasma Baneling, create plasma worms with simple intelligence, and use self-detonation attacks to cause a lot of damage.

Skill [-]: Plasma Destruction Cannon

Evaluation: SS rank third rank, ...]

After throwing the upgraded power beads to Si Snake clone, Yang Xi quietly left here.

After going to the top of the mountain to check again, there was still nothing unusual.

However, he suddenly sensed that one of his F-level power beads had appeared near Banana Island!

"It's Chris? Sure enough, he is also from the dark blue family?"

Yang Xi let the main body return to the secret room, and the spirit body descended on the puppet Arthur.

When he opened his eyes again, the surrounding scenery had changed.

Surrounded by male members of the Green family in elegant suits.

Including Arthur, three young people of the same age from the Green family sat side by side, looking at a group of uncles and elders with dark blue eyes in front of them.

In the center of Chris's eyes, the blue light is the most prosperous.

"After the destruction of the Qian family's high-end combat power last time, the organization's second chance to create a Tier [-] powerhouse has come, but I have worked hard to win it for you!"

"As the men of the Green family, I hope you can live to become the strongest of the deep blue family!"

"We, the Green family, will surely be able to sacrifice our bodies in the irreversible situation of alien colonization, and pass on the fire of human civilization in a more advanced form!"

At this moment, Chris showed a compassionate expression on his face. Ever since he went to another world by chance, he resolutely joined the deep blue clan, a notorious race in countless planes.

His eyes were extremely firm, "As long as you can leave a trace of fire for the human race, so what if you bear the eternal infamy?"

276 The Dark Blue Alien with Transference Ability

"Did this Chris be stimulated by something?"

Yang Xi, whose spirit body descended on Arthur, looked at Chris in surprise.

To betray mankind is to betray mankind. Is it necessary to call yourself so noble?

But what happened to the adoring eyes of the nearby Green family members, brainwashed?

Yang Xi wondered, although the control area of ​​human beings has been continuously eroded by the impact of the alien beast colonial army, but it is not the time of life and death, right?

Fortunately, not all Green people will be persuaded by Chris' passionate speech. A chubby little cousin with rabbit teeth beside Arthur stood up and said, "I don't want to be a monster, let me go home!"

With his chubby little face, he bravely faced Chris.

Usually in the family land of the Green family on Posey Island, Chris has always been a talkative big brother image, and he also takes good care of his younger brothers and sisters, so at this moment, the rabbit-toothed cousin is not afraid of Chris turning his face.

Unexpectedly, when Chris heard his words, the smile on his face suddenly froze. He stared at the rabbit-toothed cousin and said, "Who do you call a monster?"

Although the little cousin of the rabbit tooth was a little scared by Chris's low tone, after all, the people around them were all the elders of the family. With these people around, the rabbit tooth boy felt that Chris would not dare to do anything to him!

"Cousin Chris, I...I'm not afraid of you!" He seemed to have noticed the change in the atmosphere, the blue light in the eyes of these uncles and elders gradually became as intense as Kesley's.

Fortunately, the eyes of Arthur and another middle-section boy beside him were normal human eyes, which made him feel at ease.

"Arthur, tell me something, why does your brother feel like a different person!"

Cousin Rabbit Tooth felt that even if what he said just now angered Chris, if he asked Arthur to say a few words to ease his pain, he should be able to get over it!


Yang Xi looked at the rabbit-toothed boy with sympathetic eyes, this guy didn't realize his current situation at all.

Chris and the others have exposed their true colors. If you don't join their ranks, just wait to be dealt with.

Sure enough, Chris sighed suddenly, "I knew that not every Green tribe could agree with my ambition."

"You...what do you want to do?"

The fat man with rabbit teeth felt that something was wrong. Could it be that this Chris really planned to beat him up in front of so many acquaintances?

"For the continuation of the fire of human civilization, any sacrifice is worth it!"

After Chris murmured a few times, he put his hands on the little fat man's cheeks.

"I warn you, if you touch my face again, I won't let you go!"

Although the little fat man continued to speak stubbornly, he was relieved in his heart. If he just squeezed his face, he could still accept it.

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