When Liu Yuan heard the word "organization", he secretly thought that it was so.

Youji Godfather is indeed not a loner, there is indeed a huge organization behind him.

I'm afraid that Kunlun Brokerage Company is not qualified to give it shoes. Could it be that those S-level organizations are second only to the Heroes' Association?

"Of course, godfather, don't worry, don't you know who our organization is?"

Liu Yuan probed, his little heart beating.

"Listen to me and speak slowly." Yang Xi slowed down his tone.

"Do you know the nature of the ability?"

"In fact, everyone on Azure Planet has the potential to become a supernatural being. The difference between supernatural beings and ordinary people is that they have one more thing."

"This thing is called the 'power factor' by our organization."

"Did you see the ring on my hand? This is a star-absorbing ring made by the organization. This ring can plunder the ability factor from the person with the ability."

"And through a special method, the supernatural factor can be made into a 'supernatural potion' that allows ordinary people to have supernatural powers."

Yang Xi mysteriously took out the starry sky-colored "power potion" from his pocket.

Liu Yuan's hands began to tremble: "Is this what your godfather said, the method that allows me to obtain supernatural powers?"

Yang Xi nodded: "As long as you drink the power potion, you will have the power immediately."

"Godfather, give me this supernatural potion, I can do whatever you want!"

Liu Yuan's eyes still couldn't move away from the "supernatural potion". If it weren't for the deterrence that Yang Xi always brought, he would have gone up to snatch it recklessly.

Yang Xi threw the power potion to Liu Yuan: "Drink it, after you get the power, you will discover the beauty of power!"

"After you become a superhuman, the organization will naturally need you to work."

028 Please give me a chance to pay!

This, this is for me?

Liu Yuan was very surprised, he was ready to sell himself, but the other party didn't ask him for anything.

Yang Xi smiled slightly, expressing his satisfaction with Liu Yuan's reaction.

Just want this effect.

Let Liu Yuan feel the warmth of the organization first, and I am afraid that he will not give up his life for the organization in the future.

Tears welled up in Liu Yuan's eyes. He felt a sense of being recognized, so he stopped hesitating and opened the genetic potion and gulped it down.

Well, the taste is really good, and the taste is also very layered.

Liu Yuan caught the last drop of genetic medicine with his tongue, smashed it in his mouth and savored it more carefully than when he drank tens of thousands of bottles of expensive red wine.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the supernatural potion was burning his esophagus, and finally he let out a long and full belch.


"Godfather, how long will it take for this genetic medicine to take effect? ​​Is there anything I should avoid afterwards?"

Yang Xi patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder, and put the activated E-level werewolf power beads into his body.

"Do you feel a little hot all over your body now, as if your cells are burning potential?"

"It... seems to be a little bit, and my previous sleepiness disappeared immediately."

Nonsense, I put energy drinks in it.

"That's right, the potion has begun to take effect."

[Ability: Werewolf

Introduction: Gain the power of werewolves

Evaluation: Grade E, with it, you are a little wolf on the green grassland! 】

"Please feel carefully if there are some changes in your body, and concentrate your attention on the position between the eyebrows."

Liu Yuan did as he said, and he felt a slight pain between his brows, as if something was about to break through the ground.

"I feel it now."

Liu Yuan's voice became rough and rough, the hair on his body also became thicker and worse, and there was pain like tissue growth on his face, and at the same time, his gaze changed from looking up to Yang Xi to looking down.

The clothes on his body were bursting, and the powerful chest muscles and abdominal muscles appeared on the body that had been hollowed out by the wine.

Liu Yuan's heart was filled with ecstasy.

"Godfather, could it be that what I awakened is also the ability of the transformation department?"

Yang Xi replied: "To be more precise, it is the ability of the blood system."

"The ability of the blood system? Compared with my brother's magic dragon transformation, which one is stronger or weaker?"

Liu Yuan's pupils also turned into vertical pupils without emotion, and his first thought when he got the power was to compare himself with his brother.

"Ahem, what about this? For the time being, you should not be your brother's opponent. He has an A-level ability, and although your ability is a comprehensive bloodline, the level is not high, only E-level."

Liu Yuan in the werewolf state seemed to be hit by a bolt from the blue.

"E-rank? I just awakened and became an E-rank cannon fodder?"

Liu Yuan stared blankly at his two huge claws. What hit him more than having no power was that his awakened power was only E-level.

"Wait, godfather, why are you so sure about my ability level? We haven't done any ability tests."

Yang Xi thought to himself, this kid is not stupid.

"So I tell you not to worry, silly boy. The reason why I am so sure that your ability level is E-level is because what I gave you is the E-level ability potion."

"E... E-level supernatural potion?" Liu Yuan's vertical pupils shone brightly, "Godfather, does that mean there are more advanced supernatural potions?"

"This is natural. The organization's capabilities are beyond your imagination, but for members like you who have just joined the organization, in principle, you can only be given F-level supernatural potions. For the sake of calling me a godfather, I just replaced you with an E-rank."


The werewolf's huge body instantly knelt down and hugged Yang Xi's thigh: "Godfather godfather godfather! Is there any A-level supernatural potion! I'm your only godson!"

Yang Xi once again refreshed his understanding of Liu Yuan's lower limit. It turns out that a person can be shameless to this extent.

By the way, how can you be sure that you are my only godson?

"Don't worry, brat, the organization has its own rules. Only when you have accumulated a certain amount of meritorious service can I give you corresponding rewards. At that time, let alone an A-level power potion, even an S-level power potion you Do you think the organization can't give it?"

"Merit value?"

Looking at Liu Yuan's silly and cute appearance, Yang Xi wondered if the E-class werewolf blood was actually Erha blood?

Yang Xi put aside the wolf's paw holding his thigh: "Listen well, our organization is called 'judgment'..."

After Yang Xi's explanation, Liu Yuan finally understood how powerful the power behind the adjudicative organization was, and a strong man as powerful as his godfather was actually only one of the twelve zodiac signs of the organization.

"From now on, you will be more clever in your work under my subordinates, and you will make great contributions to the organization. Naturally, one day you will come out ahead. At that time, both of us father and son will become S-level powerhouses, and it will be considered a good story."

The message gasped, what does the godfather mean by this?Has become an S-level powerhouse, could it be that he is already an S-level existence now?

Liu Yuan didn't dare to say too much, and asked cautiously: "Then godfather, how can he quickly obtain meritorious service within the organization?"

"Naturally, it is to complete the tasks issued by the organization. You are my subordinate. After I receive the tasks from the organization, I will give you the ones that are suitable for you. After the completion of the tasks, you will be indispensable. In addition, hand in useful information to the organization. Resources can also be obtained corresponding merits."

"Godfather, what are the specific resources?"

The brat finally took the bait. This is what you asked my godfather to tell me. Yang Xi cleared his throat, pretending not to care, and said, "Naturally, it is something that can strengthen the foundation of the organization, such as exotic animal materials, technological weapons, and intelligence."

Liu Yuan was anxious: "What about the money? Doesn't the organization need money?"

Yang Xi pretended to be suspicious: "Money can also be exchanged for meritorious service, but I usually don't do that."

Hearing Yang Xi's words, Liu Yuan was stunned. Also, what is the identity of a godfather, he must disdain to exchange money for meritorious deeds.

But he is different, and Liu Yuan is so poor that he has only money left.

"Godfather, I can invest in the organization now, no, hand in 500 million blue coins!"

"This..." Yang Xi's tone was a bit reluctant, "You are my subordinate, how can you exchange money for meritorious deeds? No, no!"

Liu Yuan activated the thigh-hugging skill again: "Godfather, you don't need me, so just give me this chance to pay, I know it won't change much, just change to a D-level ability!"

"This..." Yang Xi was still a little embarrassed.


Liu Yuan felt that Yang Xi was letting go, and hugged his thigh even harder, and burst into tears at the same time!

Yang Xi pretended to be helpless and said: "Okay, okay, then you first hand in 500 million, not much!!"

When Liu Yuan heard this, Pidianpidian began to transfer money to Yang Xi.

A few minutes later, looking at the changing balance on the shadow bank account, the corners of Yang Xi's mouth turned up slightly.

I'm also worried about the development of the ruling, it's not easy!

029 Missing Notice

"The money has been transferred to the organization's account, and you have obtained [-] merit points. It is a bit reluctant to change to a D-level supernatural potion, but I happen to have a task suitable for you here."

"What mission?"

Liu Yuan has turned back into a werewolf form, and the clothes on his body are tattered, as if he has gone through some ordeal.

"Do you know why I chose you? In addition to your own extreme desire for power, there is also your identity."

Yang Xi's tone was very calm: "You are the son of the A-level hero Jagged Warrior, and also the younger brother of the A-level hero Demon Dragon. Your identity means that you can easily obtain the information we need."

Liu Yuan secretly thought that it was indeed the case, the adjudication organization came to him for a reason, they were looking for the forces behind him.

Yang Xi could see what Liu Yuan was thinking, and said again: "My mission in Lukang City this time is to find out the forces behind the blue pill, which organization it is, and what their purpose is."

Liu Yuan was stunned: "The blue pill?"

Isn't the blue pill for that, what organization is behind it, isn't it the men's health company?

"Don't get me wrong, the blue pill I'm talking about is not for ordinary people, but for heroes."

For... for heroes, does it mean that heroes have different needs from ordinary people in this regard?

Liu Yuan felt that his worldview was slowly collapsing, old man... big brother...

Yang Xi had no choice but to beat Liu Yuan to the head. Anyway, now that he has the werewolf ability, even without transforming, he is thick-skinned and rough-skinned, which is completely different from the previous one who was too flamboyant and weak.

"Godfather, why are you hitting me on the head?"

Liu Yuan hugged his head aggrievedly, even an old man would not dare to treat him like this, but when Godfather Youji treated him like this, he felt like being treated as one of his own, and the sense of unreliability in his heart was reduced.

Yang Xi said indifferently: "Don't speculate on the purpose of the organization secretly. This blue pill has the same function as you imagined. It's all about enhancing people's abilities, but it's just about enhancing people's abilities. Well, it can almost instantly Enhanced about three times."

Liu Yuan's eyes lit up: "It can increase the strength three times, such a good thing?"

Yang Xi snorted coldly: "This thing is not as good as you think. It has many side effects. The information obtained so far is suitable for using this pill. The ability will be out of control, and the mood will become irritable and aggressive."

"That's it?"

Liu Yuan thinks this side effect is completely acceptable.

"Hmph, you kid, don't even think about using it. This kind of power is only temporary, and the supernatural potion of the organization is king."

Liu Yuan didn't make a sound anymore.

"So your most urgent task at present is to investigate the information about this blue pill. There is a hero in the Kunlun Brokerage Company who used this blue pill."

"Who, my father or my brother?"

"No, it's a new star that your company is currently promoting, the A-level hero Glacier Brave."

"It's actually this guy? Well, Li Canyang usually can't hang up, and he's a drug addict behind his back. I said, why did he deal with the A-level bloodthirsty wolf so fiercely last time by himself!"

"Collect the information as soon as possible. If there is a good receipt, you can publish a missing person notice for your cousin Li Qiye on the eighth page of the Lugang Evening News. We will meet here at eight o'clock that morning, and you can get D A super genetic medicine."


Qian Duoduo is sitting in a coffee shop worrying about it. It is rare for her grandpa to help her repay the debt once, but the question is where can she find this creditor?

I don't have contact information, and I don't know Uncle Youji's home address, how should I find it.

"It seems that I can only go to a newspaper to publish a missing person notice, and it will cost a lot of money, huh, huh, I will ask grandpa to reimburse me when the time comes!"

After making up her mind, Qian Duoduo pinched her nose and drank every drop of the bitter coffee. This was definitely the worst drink she had ever had.

"I don't know how Sister You Rong insisted on drinking this thing every day. She said it can increase breasts, but I don't know if it's true."

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