
After a long time, Chris smiled, "Snake, I'm waiting for myself to digest my strength, what are you waiting for?"

This is the reason why he hasn't done anything all the time. He originally thought that the Si snake on the opposite side would launch an attack, but who would have thought that this guy would actually give him a chance to digest his new strength.

From the outside, there is no turbulent cyclone around Chris's feet at this moment. He has just absorbed the power of the dark blue alien, but he can make a hole in the ground with just a casual step.

The Si snake avatar said coldly: "I'm waiting for you to finish digesting, too weak enemy, it's meaningless."

Chris was taken aback when he heard this, this guy is so crazy!

"Interesting and interesting, then I must thank you for waiting for me."

He stretched out three fingers, "How about dividing you into three sections?"

Si snake did not answer.

Chris shook his head, "So you don't like talking?"

"I advise you to say a few more words now, because if a person dies, he can't speak!"

Chris burst into flames in an instant, his handsome face was covered with blue ferocious veins.

His body is full of spiritual energy. From the perspective of the snake clone, it seems that everything in this space is being distorted by his existence.


The color of the blue light blade has become more pure, making people feel frightened at a glance, let alone being hacked.

Even if it is a powerhouse of the third rank, if he is slashed by the first blade of this strength, he will probably lose half his life!

The light blade pierced Si Snake's body, and at the moment when many viewers caught their hearts in the live broadcast room, Si Snake turned into a shadow.

The shadow collapsed, and gathered into sharp tentacles again in the air, piercing towards Chris fiercely.

Chris reached forward with his left hand, condensing a black shield to block all these tentacles.

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed towards the seven o'clock direction and slashed again.

There, the Si snake avatar just switched over.


The Si snake avatar had to switch positions again, but in the same way, Chris followed closely as if he could predict it.

I saw the two of them constantly changing positions, and everyone in the live broadcast room was dazzled, as if there were several snakes and Chris existing at the same time.

The blue and white thunder light was on, and Si Snake was forced to use the skill of plasma rainstorm to protect himself.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of meteor-like plasma balls, only he, as the releaser of the ability, could survive.

Even if it is as strong as Chris, in the face of such a range of big moves, he temporarily gave up chasing and killing the Si snake, and turned into bats to scatter in all directions to avoid damage.

With a wave of his hand, the Si Snake clone released dozens of plasma banelings, flapping their wings and chasing the scattered bats.

"What kind of bug is this? It looks like an enlarged version of a firefly!"

Some netizens in the live broadcast room were surprised by the appearance of the plasma baneling.

Indeed, with a scorching blue glow in the abdomen of a plasma baneling, it looks very much like a firefly.

But what is stored inside is amazingly powerful plasma!

The flying speed of the plasma bane is still higher than that of a bat!

Soon attached to the bat's back.

Chris secretly thought it was bad, but it was too late.

Explosions sounded one after another, and the bats were charred by the plasma in the air, and fell to the ground, turning into ashes!

Only a few surviving bats gathered together and became Chris.

He looked gloomy at the Si Snake avatar. After the fight just now, Chris had already determined that this guy was not as strong as him, but he didn't expect that he still suffered a big loss under the Si Snake's combo!

"Sure enough, although the strength of supernatural beings has a great influence, if you use the right method in battle, it is not impossible to defeat the strong with the weak. Si Snake, I underestimated you!"

"But how many times can you use this kind of big move?"

Chris no longer suppresses the strength in his body, and the snake in front of him is not an easy character to deal with. He has no room to stay to guard against the dark Suzaku!

The blue light in Chris's eyes became more and more intense, and he instantly dragged everything around him into the night crow's dreamland!

At this moment, he can fully use the night crow's dream of the seventh level, and he doesn't believe it. It's fine that a strong mental system like Suzaku can break free from the night crow's dream, but Si Snake, a supernatural being of other departments, can also have such abilities. Overbearing mental power?

But unfortunately, he didn't know that the Si snake in front of him was Yang Xi's clone.

The consciousness of the avatar is at the same level, and the strength of the mental power of the snake is the strength of Yang Xi's mental power!

The illusion of torture fell on Si Snake, but he remained motionless like an old monk in meditation!

In an instant, a series of dreams fell, just when Chris thought he had succeeded.

Under Si Snake's mask, a pair of clear and slightly mocking eyes suddenly opened!


Crash, the dream disappeared like fragments, and the plasma cannon slammed into Chris' body!

When the army was about to launch, Chris used the life-saving blood pool again. This was the second time he used this blood-incarnation skill in a day, and it would cause his body to lose half a year of life.

Fortunately, Chris, who is now a third-order dark blue family, doesn't care about the lifespan of his original body.

Just when he was about to kill Si Snake desperately, there was a sound of breaking the sound barrier in the sky!

A strong figure landed on the ground and hit Chris's body just back into human form with a stick!

The tyrannical force pressed across it, and this human body was smashed into pieces in an instant!

Yang Xi didn't stay behind the stick at all, and used a strength of [-] dark energy levels.

Chris, whose body died, turned into a blue light and was about to escape without the slightest hesitation.

Originally, he thought that at most there would be another Suzaku here, but he didn't expect Shenhou, a pervert, to be there!

There are two zodiac signs and one quadruple sign, and he even gave a fart!

Suzaku's beautiful figure wrapped in a black robe appeared in the air, and she opened her mental blockade mercilessly.

Why didn't Chris know that she had this skill?

In the blue light, the small face in the middle of the root body twisted for a while, spit out a large number of concentrated primary particles, and Chris's root body withered a lot at once.

These condensed primordial particles corroded a fist-sized hole in the spiritual blockade, and Christie slipped out, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

In the live broadcast, Si Snake, Shen Hou, and Suzaku stand together, surrounded by suburbs that have become terracotta due to the fight between everyone.

The surviving residents of Banana Island breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"This dark blue family can boast for a lifetime, but it escaped under the hands of three powerful Judgment Organizations!"

"Yes, both Si Snake and Shen Hou are far superior to the average Sequence powerhouse. I'm afraid they have the strength of the top [-] Sequences, not to mention the Suzaku who is clearly above the two of them!"

"Banana Island is lucky this time. If there were no people from the Judgment Organization, I am afraid that the hundreds of thousands of residents on this island will all die in this disaster, right?"

"Yo, I didn't expect that the squad of the Freedom Army would arrive after the fight. Do you think they have been waiting outside the island for a long time? As soon as the powerful dark blue family escaped, they immediately came up to claim credit and act as the savior. It's really not enough. Where's Bilian's!"

Yang Xi naturally couldn't see the barrage of discussion. It was a coincidence that the incident on Banana Island did not develop towards the worst.

If he didn't come to the island to send things, he might not be able to take care of Si Snake.

Yang Xi didn't pay much attention to the fact that he had just arrived at the Freedom Army squad, and gathered up the remaining corpses of Naipeng and handed them over to them.

He and the Si Snake clone left the scene, and as for Suzaku's consciousness, it disappeared into the air forcefully.

The Banana Island incident shocked the entire Four Seas region.

While people were shocked by the killing of the Deep Blue Clan, they also expressed their appreciation for the actions of the Judgment Organization to turn the tide.

Nowadays, although the reputation of the Judgment Organization cannot be said to be well-known to every household, anyone who has a little knowledge of the supernatural world knows that there is such an organization, which is powerful, mysterious and responsible.

The three major forces have kept the Deep Blue Clan secret for so many years, and it is this adjudication organization that secretly resists and eliminates them.

More people want to join the Judgment Organization, but unfortunately, the Judgment Organization only provides 36 Tiangang positions.

As a result, these supernatural beings who wanted to join the Judgment had no choice but to choose to join the ally of the Judgment Organization, the Qian family of the Fanhai Chamber of Commerce.

This is what Qian Lao didn't think of at the beginning.

However, among these supernatural beings flocking to the Qian family, there are many spies with ulterior motives. As an established force, the Qian family naturally has its own set of solutions to this kind of matter, and Yang Xi doesn't need to worry about it.

The Qian family was thriving, but the Green family inevitably began to decline after losing a lot of combat power.

Fortunately, before Chris left, he took away all the members of the Deep Blue family. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Green family to get rid of the suspicion in the investigation of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance.

After some operations and compensation, the Green family was also identified as victims, and finally they were not expelled.

However, the strength of the Green family has also fallen to the same level as the Uruk family. If it is not supported by a strong sequencer, the status of the eight major chambers of commerce may not be guaranteed.

These have nothing to do with Yang Xi, after a few days of rest, he has passed the space anchor and returned to Lukang City.

Here, a new power conference will be held.

Ye Fan, Li Zitian and other strong players of the new generation will compete against talents from all over the world on behalf of the Hero Department of Yenching University.

"The long-lost urban atmosphere."

Breathing the air of Lukang City, Yang Xi couldn't help sighing.

Ten meters in front of him, three beautiful figures were shopping, and Bao'er, a chubby girl, had also grown a lot taller.

Everything seems like yesterday.

282 Divine Metal

At this moment, Yang Xi's appearance is that of an ordinary-looking man, the kind that no one would care about when placed in a crowd.

Looking at the familiar back not far away, he finally did not step forward, turned to Ye Fan beside him and said, "Let's go, take me to see where you are going to compete tomorrow."

Ye Fan nodded knowingly. He already possessed 49 times the physical fitness of ordinary people, and he was keenly aware of the slight sadness of the leader.

Although he didn't know what happened, but if the leader didn't tell, he wouldn't ask.

Just half an hour ago, after receiving the notice from the leader, he dismissed his girlfriend Marukyu and found a place to be alone.

After a short wait, the leader suddenly appeared beside him. After checking the development level of his training ability, he raised his hand and upgraded it to the first level.

This made Ye Fan feel very ashamed.

Today, he has 49 times the physical strength of a human being, almost overwhelming the younger generation of the Hero Department of Yenching University, and his growth speed even attracts the attention of the head of the department and the principal.

Only Li Zitian, who is also perverted, can contend against him a little bit.

Although he didn't feel complacent, Ye Fan felt that he could help the leader a little.

But the leader lightly raised his upper limit again, letting him know that he still has a long way to go before becoming the right arm of the leader!

My previous self was too naive.

"Don't put too much pressure on it, you know?"

Yang Xi stopped and looked at his little brother with concern in his eyes.

He could see the pressure in Ye Fan's heart.

"You are already doing very well, but if it were me, I wouldn't be able to perform as well on your path."

Ye Fan felt even more ashamed after hearing this.

Because of his slackness, he actually asked the leader to take care of his mood!

Ye Fan, Ye Fan, you really can't be lazy anymore!

"Perhaps, it's time to squeeze in some more exercise from the time with Wanwan!"

After confirming their relationship, Ye Fan and Wan Jiu still have plenty of time to spend together every day.

Classes, meals, daily walks after meals, watching movies or hiking once every three days, etc.

Among them, hiking is Ye Fan's favorite way of dating, because he can run with weights for training, and sometimes accidentally step on a few holes on the road, causing passers-by to look sideways.

Seeing Ye Fan lowered his head and thinking about something, Yang Xi smiled and was about to change the subject when a few young people walked up to him.

Looking at the face, it seems to be from the third district.

Headed by a man as strong as a brown bear.

He was wearing a black jacket and smelled strongly of alcohol. He held a cucumber stick under his nose and sniffed it.

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