Yang Xi led the crowd to land on the bottom of the inverted triangle of Wudao Peak, where there is a path winding upwards.

As for why they didn't land directly on the square at the top, it was only because of Yang Xi's sense of ritual.

But many teenagers and Ouyang Xuan didn't know it, and obediently followed Yang Xi up the stairs to the square at the top.

In the center of the square, there is currently only a three-meter-high stone tablet, on which the Shewutu is lifelike and full of charm.

"Okay, everyone, please sit down and visualize Shewutu. After absorbing enough demon-hunting energy, let the spirit body return and start cultivating."

At Yang Xi's order, the eighteen teenagers began to meditate according to the posture of five hearts in reality, breathing three times long and one short, and imagining shooting Wutu.

Looking at this scene that seemed to be preaching in ancient mythology, Yang Xi and Ouyang Xuan looked at each other, and they both sighed sincerely.

Although this whole process was proposed by Yang Xi, Ouyang Xuan also provided a lot of useful advice based on his meditation knowledge accumulated over the years.

Ouyang Xuandao: "Brother Youji, I've been thinking about a question recently."

Yang Xi nodded slightly, and said, "Brother Ouyang, it's okay to say."

"About this visualization, I have been thinking about what it is."

Yang Xi was a little moved, could it be that he just wanted to get out of Ouyang Xuan's secrets from the big bosses, and really had unexpected gains?

"As far as I know, in fact, Mr. Bangbao, Mr. Tongtian and my father, the way they perceive is different, but it is closely related to their own abilities."

"Although they couldn't convey their Tao to us specifically, they also tried to describe it through language."

Yang Xi's ears were pricked up. These big guys definitely surpassed the third rank, otherwise it would be impossible to protect the human race for so many years and suppress countless Xiao Xiaoxiao who dare not show their heads.

Yang Xi didn't want to let go of any dry stuff about their secrets of becoming stronger. What if it could help him strengthen his stripping ability?

"Master Blast summed up his Tao as the mystery of power."

"Master Tongtian summarized his way as the mystery of killing."

"And my father summed up his Tao as the secret of speed."

"I don't know about the other top powerhouses, but I think they can be summarized as a kind of mystery."

"This may be the domain of Tier [-]!"

Yang Xi looked at Ouyang Xuan who was talking eloquently, and infinite inspiration seemed to explode in his mind, and the super brain power continuously connected many clues collected recently.

Suzaku, the subsidiary consciousness, also fully mobilized to integrate, eliminate, and calculate various clues.

For a while, the entire cloud top space felt a little unstable.

Yang Xi murmured: "That's right, the visualization map is the evolution of Tao, and it is the explanation of the fourth-order powerhouse's own profound meaning!"

Ouyang Xuan also looked at the Shewu stele standing in the center of the square with ecstasy, "This visualization even includes a strong man with the ability of a hunting bow. When he broke through to the fourth level, what he understood Arrived Profound Truth!"

"However, being able to embody his own profound meaning into a painting, this strong man has reached an extremely deep level of comprehension of his own profound meaning!"

Ouyang Xuan also gradually understood why human beings, who are powerhouses of the fourth rank, were unable to express the profound meaning they had comprehended.

It is because their understanding of their own path is not enough to form this kind of visualization.

Perhaps, when Tong Tian comprehended his killing secrets to a certain extent, he casually drew a sword mark on the stone tablet, which contained his killing secrets.

And latecomers who comprehend this sword mark will be able to slowly comprehend his killing secrets, and with the correct meditation posture, breathing frequency and energy running route, they may be able to cultivate his Horcrux-type supernatural power Zhuxian array!

Yang Xi calmed down his excitement. He never thought that he would be able to achieve this kind of harvest at the beginning of the experiment.

He secretly said in his heart: "I'm afraid, if I want to quickly enhance the stripping ability and break it from the third level to the fourth level, I have to find the secret that fits the stripping ability."

"But I have no idea about the profound meaning of stripping the ability!"

Yang Xi was a little distressed.

Referring to the information obtained so far, the ability of blasting is unknown. According to rumors, it is said to be a very common power-enhancing system, so he realized that the ability of the "Power Profound Truth" to reach the sky is the Horcrux system's Jade Immortal Formation, um, killing and Jade Immortal Formation The title of Ouyang Guanhe in the picture is Fengshen, who seems to be a supernatural being of the wind element system, and his secret meaning is "speed", which is also very reasonable.

But what are these mysteries, Yang Xi has no idea, only knows a name, his eyes are darkened.

The only thing I can touch now is the mysterious charm on Shewutu, and Yang Xi doesn't know how much he has comprehended.

He couldn't help smiling wryly: "There is a direction, but the point is that there is no way!"

Yang Xi also discovered some disadvantages. Compared with those powerhouses like Blast who only have a single ability, he has too many abilities.

More is not good, and it is really difficult to comprehend the profound meaning by his own strength.

Yang Xi couldn't help but think: "It would be great if the secrets can be taken away!"

But immediately, he quickly denied his idea.

Profound meanings are in the fourth-order field, and his upper limit of peeling abilities is only 43967 units of dark energy cubes. It is just a relatively powerful third-order ability user. It is the Arabian Nights.

"Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Anyway, I also have the idea of ​​​​a demon hunting meditation now. I can't do it. I will upgrade the demon hunting bow to 43967 dark energy units, and then I will slowly use the meditation method to improve."

"Maybe this can also raise the upper limit of my own dark energy?"

Yang Xi looked around at the youngsters around him, "Let's see the cultivation effect of these little guys first."

Ouyang Xuan also began to comprehend Shewutu. For a while, only Yang Xi, who was wearing a rooster vest, was standing in the entire Enlightenment Peak.

Being idle is also idle, Yang Xi simply went offline to observe the demon-hunting energy that these teenagers inhaled into their bodies, to see what factors affect the efficiency of cultivation.

Even with the assistance of super brain powers, this kind of research on meditation is still too brain-intensive.

Returning to reality, sensing the varying amounts of demon-hunting energy in these teenagers, Yang Xi suddenly remembered the content of "magic affinity" in Master Daemon's alchemy handbook.

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It was mentioned in Master Daemon's letter that he took the risk and came to the Azure Star plane to find a way out precisely because of his poor affinity for magic power.

"Presumably this magic affinity is a crucial factor in the cultivation of meditation."

According to the amount of dark energy absorbed into the body of the eighteen teenagers present, Yang Xi tried to compare the strength of their talents.

Because it was a group experiment, the strength of mental power between the group of supernatural beings and ordinary people was not the same, so the demon hunting energy transformed by the former through the visualization of Shewutu was significantly more than that of the latter.

On the premise of the same level of mental strength, the group of Yang Chuyou also had differences in the amount of demon-hunting energy converted by each person.

This chick changed the most, followed by another boy named Qian Weichen.

It seems that these two people are naughty, but they still have a certain strength.

"It's just that how much Shen Yun has been comprehended will also affect the amount of demon hunting energy."

"I shouldn't simply compare the demon hunting energy currently contained in their bodies, but should compare the efficiency of each experimental subject's absorption of dark energy, so as to reflect their own magic affinity, or dark energy affinity strength."

With the assistance of Suzaku's consciousness, Yang Xi also gradually obtained the approximate range of each teenager's dark energy affinity through a large amount of data analysis.

As far as this talent alone is concerned, Yang Chuyou is still the highest, fully three times that of the person with the lowest affinity for dark energy.

And Qian Weichen was a little behind, probably only a little more than double.

Their cultivation speed is obviously faster than others, even catching up with those peers who have become supernatural beings.

"It seems that I chose the right person by mistake."

Yang Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he just wanted to punish him a little bit. He didn't expect that by mistake, he chose the two people with the highest affinity for dark energy to cultivate the idea of ​​hunting demons from scratch.

"However, according to the cultivation speed of the two of them, Yang Chuyou, who is the fastest, needs eight months to develop a super ability, and Qian Weichen also needs a year."

"What tests them is not only talent, but perseverance!"

Thinking of this, Yang Xi smiled slightly, determined that for such things, as long as the pressure from the outside world is strong enough, they will definitely be able to persevere.

And he happens to be very good at putting pressure on people.

"Hey, what's going on with Ouyang Xuan?"

Yang Xi cared about the experimental subjects who cared about him, but he ignored the cultivation situation of Ouyang Xuan, his partner.

According to his thinking, Ouyang Xuan, who is third in the world list, has a mental strength that these little kids can't match?It must be a blast to practice, because when Yang Xi cultivates by himself, the effect is also very good.

But what surprised him was that although Ouyang Xuan converted a huge amount of hunting energy, the efficiency of his absorption was indeed shockingly low.

Much less than the worst experimental boy.

"No way, the efficiency of absorbing energy is so low? Doesn't this mean that Ouyang Xuan's affinity for dark energy is very low?"

"It shouldn't be, he can have the current strength, in terms of talent, he should be top-notch in the whole world!"

Yang Xi couldn't figure it out.

But then, he thought of the key point that Ouyang Xuan is different from this group of teenagers. He already has supernatural powers. There is a solidified soul circuit in his body, but this soul circuit does not match the hunting energy!

"So, it's because he's cultivating the second ability?"

"But there are more than two kinds of abilities in my body. Why can't I practice so quickly?"

A flash of inspiration flashed in Yang Xi's mind, "Yes, the way the power exists in my body is different."

In the body of ordinary supernatural beings, supernatural powers exist in the form of soul circuits, but in Yang Xi's body, the plundered supernatural powers exist in the form of supernatural power beads, and there will be no soul circuits and special energy conflict situation.

"But the stripping ability of my body, is it possible that it also exists in the form of the ability orb? Or, I simply have too strong affinity for dark energy, even if my body is covered with the soul circuit of the stripping ability, I can still Easily practice the second ability?"

Yang Xi prefers the first explanation.

A large amount of demon-hunting energy escaped from the youngsters' bodies, and turned back into the original dark energy.

But in Yang Xi's perception, the dark energy escaping from their bodies was more or less contaminated with impurities.

Perhaps after many years, when the number of human beings practicing meditation increases dramatically, the dark energy of Azure Planet will no longer be as clear and pure as it is today.

At that time, people's cultivation speed will also decrease.

Yang Chuyou was the last one to open her eyes. Having absorbed a lot of demon hunting energy, her demeanor changed slightly. The moment she opened her eyes, her eyes became sharper.

"Why do I feel refreshed, as if I don't need to sleep anymore, and my stomach doesn't even growl."

Yang Chuyou got up, moved his body, and found that his physical fitness had been enhanced to a certain extent.

"It feels like there's something extra in my body!"

The other teenagers in the normal group also felt this way more or less, but it was not as obvious as Yang Chuyou.

This is actually quite normal, after all, for ordinary people, they have really absorbed the energy of hunting demons.

This is a change from scratch, and naturally there will be different experiences.

But this will also be like this at the beginning, and after the second or third practice, it is estimated that there will be no such wonderful feeling.

After all, the accumulation of demon hunting energy is still very slow. If they want to taste this "breakthrough" pleasure again, they probably have to wait until the day when they successfully cultivate their supernatural powers and solidify their soul circuits in their bodies.

The difference in practice efficiency between the potion group and the normal group also made Yang Xi discover some flaws in his meditation method.

"From the point of view of the stage of cultivation from ordinary people to supernatural beings, the efficiency of Demon Hunting Meditation's ideas is still low. If ordinary people who are not as good as the experimental subjects want to cultivate supernatural abilities, I'm afraid. Nothing will work in three to five years!"

"This has to be a little bit smarter. If you are some stupid people, I'm afraid they won't be able to cultivate their abilities until they die."

"Also, this is not what I want. Demon hunting meditation is too universal and too specific. It is only effective for those who have the ability of the demon hunting bow."

"If there is a highly universal meditation method that can allow most supernatural beings to practice, it will be effective in changing the status quo of human beings."

After all, it is so difficult to create a meditation method. According to Yang Xi and Ouyang Xuan's speculation, only the fourth-order powerhouse can create it when he has a thorough understanding of his own profound meaning.

How many fourth-orders can the Azure Star Human Race have now?

How to solve the spread of this vision map?

We can't let Tongtian strike out a sword that contains the profound meaning of killing everywhere he goes, even if he is a fourth-order powerhouse, he will have to live and die from exhaustion.

Yang Xi sighed: "It seems that it is still imperative to go to the fallen island chain and even the southern mainland."

Ouyang Xuan broke away from the state of cultivation. Although he is not as sensitive to energy as Yang Xi, he can still judge that his effect is not good.

But this did not affect his mood. His purpose of participating in this experiment was not to cultivate the ability of the hunting bow.

It was to create his own meditation ideas, and after seeing the demon hunting meditation ideas provided by Yang Xi, he had some direction in his heart, which was much better than the previous black eyes.

In the days that followed, Yang Xi's life was like this: three points and one line to accompany the teenagers in their practice, and from time to time discuss with Ouyang Xuan the improvement of the idea of ​​meditation.

At the same time, he was also preparing to mix into the fallen island chain, and this opportunity finally arrived.

On this day, just as Yang Xi returned to his commander's mansion and took back Bi Yuewu's avatar, the siren sounded shrill on the 05 front.

Several months after the Judgment Organization and the Qian Family began to take charge of the defense, the first alien beast invasion finally ushered in!

There are four powerful super beasts leading the team, and the rest of the super and super beasts gather together to follow, and together with the huge waves created by the water element beasts, they are constantly approaching the human island chain defense line!

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The powerhouses on the 05 defense line all rushed to Yang Xi's side immediately.

Duan Libang, Ziyunjian, the strong sequencer, the gem collector, and the flame fighter stood solemnly on Yang Xi's left.

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