For example, if a person's mental power is 10 Hz, then when he is in a sleep state, the mental power "fired" to the outside world is only about 3 to 5 Hz, and when he is active during the day, it is basically 7 to 9 Hz. When intensified, the external mental power can reach 10 Hz, or even exceed 10 Hz.

The mental power scale is a scale to measure mental power through the released mental waves (also known as mental particles, it is said that mental power also has wave-particle duality).

In order to measure his own strength more accurately, Yang Xi had no choice but to buy a mental strength scale from the gold panning shop of the up owner.

"The sales volume is actually more than 100 million."

Yang Xi clicked his tongue secretly, he didn't expect to make so much money by making videos.

Thinking of this, he also wanted to make a living at the bb station. After all, the Internet is very developed now, and the original paper media is gradually declining.

"Maybe the next step is for me to develop into the self-media, and solve the problem of funding for the operation by the way."

After doing all this, Yang Xi looked at the time and found that it was two o'clock in the morning without knowing it.

"Wash and sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow."

Just as he was about to enter the bathroom with the toiletries, the door of the rental room was pushed open.

A woman in her 20s came in, with big black waves and flaming red lips, plus a crop top and hot pants, revealing her snow-white thighs.

Yang Xi was also a man, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Presumably this was the last tenant.


Yang Xi nodded politely, the girl seemed to have cried, and her eye makeup was blurred.

"If you don't mind, I'll use the bathroom first... Ugh!!!"

The girl reeking of alcohol stumbled into the bathroom and vomited while lying on the toilet.

It seems that she drank a lot of alcohol, which made Yang Xi have some guesses about her occupation.

The clean white floor tiles in the bathroom were covered with the girl's footprints and vomit, and this messy scene made the jade legs stretched out a lot.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Yang Xi saw the girl laying still on the toilet bowl, walked over to pat her, and found that the girl had fallen asleep, black tear stains spread to the corner of her mouth, and there was a red mark on the left side of her face. Yang Xi counted, a total of four fingers.

Got slapped?

Seeing that she couldn't wake up the girl, Yang Xi planned to ask Ding Lan to come out to help, after all, men and women can't accept each other.

Although it was late, he still had the courage to knock on their door.

"Hache~, Xiao Yang, are you still awake at this late hour?" The female teacher opened the door sleepily.

Yang Xi pointed to the girl in the bathroom: "Why don't you do her a favor? After all, she's a girl, and it's not convenient for me to be an old man."

The female teacher glanced at the girl, shook her head and said, "I think you'd better let her go, anyway, this is not the first time."

"It's getting late, I have to go to work tomorrow, Xiao Yang, you should go to bed early."

After finishing speaking, the female teacher closed the door, leaving Yang Xi, who was a little surprised, to hesitate at the door.

It seems that this girl had some unpleasantness with the female teacher. As for what it was, Yang Xi didn't bother to ask.

In desperation, Yang Xi could only go out on his own.

"Hey, can you get up?"

Holding her last hope, Yang Xi patted the girl's face, and found that she was as drunk as a dead pig, so Yang Xi had no choice but to hold her up and walk out of the bathroom.

Fortunately, this girl is thin, so it is easier for Yang Xi to hold her.

Without the key to her room, Yang Xi lazily opened her bag to look for it, and put her directly on the sofa in the public area.

Originally, she wanted to find a blanket to cover her with, but since she just moved here, Yang Xi only had one, so she had to find a coat to put on her.

[Ability "brain overclocking" detected]

[Ability: Brain Overclocking

Introduction: Make the brain reach an overclocking state in a short period of time, greatly enhancing the brain's computing power

Evaluation: Grade F, the potential is very impressive, but the owner doesn't seem to realize that he has the ability...]

Seeing the evaluation of Yang Xi, she was also speechless for a while.

Ability needs to be practiced, except for some geniuses who awakened to A-level, most people's abilities were F-level when they first awakened.

Many people awaken their supernatural powers because they have a vague mental throbbing, knowing something is different ignorantly, and then accidentally discover that they are supernatural beings amidst external stimuli.

For example, Yang Feifei's supernatural ability was discovered when he directly stunned him with a mental shock when he encountered a human trafficker.

"I'm afraid this girl just thinks she's smart sometimes..." Yang Xi shook her head, "It's just that her clever brain hasn't been used in the right way, otherwise she might still be a top student now."

Yang Xi decided to strip off the girl's abilities. First of all, the girl didn't know that she was a person with abilities. The most important thing is that the ability of brain overclocking combined with mental shock is simply a killer. Yang Xi decided that he should be more decisive. , at most, when there are more abilities in the future, give this girl some compensation.

The strange yet familiar substance was stripped from the girl by Yang Xi, forming a red bead.

['Brain Overclocking' stripping completed! 】

003 Alien Beast Invasion

['Brain Overclocking' and 'Psychic Shock' are abilities of the same family, should they be fused? 】

"It's actually possible to combine the abilities of the same series?"

Yang Xi was a little surprised, but he immediately chose to merge.

In his perception, the two supernatural orbs in his body devoured each other under the influence of their abilities, and his mental power was constantly oscillating, which made him feel a slight sense of weightlessness.

【Completion of fusion】

[Ability: Ultra Brain

Introduction: Actively launch a mental shock, greatly improving the brain's calculation and deduction capabilities.

Evaluation: Grade D+, this is a double-edged sword, use it with caution. 】

After the successful fusion, Yang Xi felt drowsy like a tide, and Yang Xi fell directly on the bed and fell asleep.


early morning.

"Knock, knock, knock." There was a knock on Yang Xi's door, and when the door opened, a handsome girl stood at the door with a rabbit hairpin.

"Thank you last night."


Who are you, girl?

Yang Xi thought for a long time before realizing that this pretty-looking girl in pajamas was the big wave last night.

Unexpectedly, Su Yan looks very pure, completely different from the first impression.

"Return the coat to you. Thank you last night. In fact, I am a little conscious, but I am too tired."

Yang Xi took the clothes, and after rubbing off the gum from his eyes, he regained consciousness a lot, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's a matter of little effort."

Sniffing the smell of the coat, unexpectedly there is no smell of wine, but a light plant aroma.

The girl explained: "I specially scented your coat. I smelled too much alcohol last night. By the way, my name is Lin Naixue."

"My name is Yang Xi... Are you in good health? Is there any discomfort?"

Yang Xi asked tentatively, after all, she just stripped off her abilities last night, although this girl didn't know that she once had abilities.But it seems that the stripping ability has not affected her life, so Yang Xi is relieved.


Stuffing the last bite of fried dough sticks into his mouth, Yang Xi took out a wet towel and wiped his hands carefully, then opened the file on the computer.

This is the video material he asked for from his colleague Fan Peng. As a semi-official newspaper, Lugang Evening News still has the authority to record these events.

The 17-inch screen in the office is very high-definition, and everything seems to return to the day when the accident happened.

This is No. 158, Bute Street, Honey City Convenience Store.

It was originally a video edited by several cameras on the street, but under the deduction of Yang Xi's ability [Super Brain], he seemed to see the scene from the first-person perspective.

Under the overclocking of his brain, his ability to collect and process information has reached a terrifying level, even the ant-sized ingredient list on the milk jug left by passers-by who fled in a hurry.

Yang Xi felt that his brain was like a high-load cpu, constantly heating up.

The Glacier Brave is constantly avoiding the attack of the "Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf" and leading it to the place where the crowd has already dispersed.

Strange beasts come to Azure Star through "black cavity", and the appearance of black cavity is very fast. Human society currently has no way to predict it. It can only rely on the cooperation between the official and major hero brokerage companies to arrange enough heroes around the world to come. Stop the invasion of alien beasts in time.

The size of this bloodthirsty demon wolf is not outstanding among the similar ones that have appeared before. The one that appeared in the fourth area three years ago was five meters high and nine meters long, causing huge casualties, while this one was only three It is about one meter high and about six meters long, but it is already a monster comparable to a bus.

The Glacier Brave is constantly restraining the alien beasts, moving quickly regardless of the terrain by constantly creating ice surfaces under their feet, and at the same time constantly attacking the bloodthirsty wolf with freezing air bombs.

Flame-like blood energy evaporated from the surface of the bloodthirsty wolf, blending with the ice generated by the freezing gas bomb.

Yang Xi pressed the pause button here.

The scene of the freezing air bomb exploding and spreading on the bloodthirsty wolf was played back and forth again and again.

Then he called out the freezing air that erupted in the moment when the Micheng convenience store was hit.

There is a qualitative gap in the power of the two.

"As an A-level hero, Glacier Brave can definitely freely control the power of the freezing air bomb."

"Maybe it's a tactical consideration?"

"No... No, his expression tells me that he has been using all his strength since the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf approached his body about 10 meters away."

As a reporter, Yang Xi has dabbled in micro-expression reading skills, and now in the super brain state, his ability to read micro-expressions is on par with criminal experts who have been handling cases for many years.

"If he has been using his full strength from this point in time, why is there a sudden change in power? Judging from the power of freezing air, in a very short moment, his strength has increased by more than three times!"

"There must be some unknown secrets in it!"

"I just need to find the video in the middle of the two rounds when he fully exerted his ability, but his strength suddenly skyrocketed!"

Yang Xi held the pen in his mouth, and started to check frame by frame.

"It should be between the fifth and sixth rounds of freezing air, what did the Glacier Brave do to make the power of his ability soar!"

Yang Xi clenched his teeth like a shark smelling blood, and quickly intercepted the video recording between the two freezing air bombs.

The cameras from five angles captured the details of the battle between the Glacier Brave and the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf in different corners.

The fifth shot of freezing air hit the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf's nose, causing him to roar in pain!

The glacier brave stepped on the ice and passed through the facade of a mala tang shop, and landed on the asphalt road. The ice slag bloomed behind his feet like a lotus flower.

The blue bangs covered the glacier hero's eyes. He seemed to gather energy for a few seconds. When the bloodthirsty wolf turned around, he clenched his fists and released a huge freezing bomb!

The freezing air bomb froze half of the bloodthirsty wolf's body, but it was blasted away by the burning blood!

After playing it over and over again, Yang Xi finally found a clue!

The moment the glacier brave crossed the word "hot" on the ice, he covered his mouth redundantly with his left hand.

This is different from his previous habit of stepping on the ice. Whether it is for the convenience of maintaining balance or being handsome, the hands of the glacier brave are spread out on both sides.

But only this time, before landing, he deliberately covered his mouth with his left hand.

This is the only suspicious point Yang Xi found, his intuition told him that there was something tricky here.

Yang Xi saved this short video on his mobile phone. Although this may be his suspicion, he must investigate the truth of the whole thing!

Fan Peng at the desk next to him poked his head over: "What's for lunch?"

"Do you want to eat the frog pot? It's a bit cold, and I just want to eat something warm. The yellow pepper pot below with the dragon head frog is really a must! I invite you to this meal, which is a replacement for the one I owed you last time!"

Fan Peng pulled Yang Xi and walked outside the newspaper office. Unlike "ordinary employees" like Yang Xi, Fan Peng is a supernatural person. His index finger and thumb form a rectangle to take photos and videos. It can be uploaded to the device through the bluetooth of the little finger desert. This ability was dubbed "paparazzi" by him.

The "paparazzi" allowed him to avoid many checkpoints where the camera equipment was confiscated at the gate of the dinner party of many celebrities and dignitaries, so as to take enough explosive photos.

It's just that he usually sells these photos to other tabloids, earning a lot of commission.

"Damn it, it's so cold today, don't these girls feel the temperature?"

Fan Peng, who was rubbing his hands, stared at the long-legged girls coming and going outside the frog pot restaurant.

Yang Xi smiled faintly. I'm afraid that my good friend doesn't know that girls have something called a bare-leg artifact.

Fan Peng rolled his eyes at Yang Xi who was rubbing his hands beside him: "It would be great if I could have dinner with these lovely young ladies, but it's a pity that I'm surrounded by you, a big man."

For some reason, Yang Xi suddenly thought of Lin Naixue.

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