It's not that the Philosopher's Stone is narcissistic. As a miracle stone of a plane, no creature can resist its temptation.

He still has this self-awareness.

Yang Xidao: "The sage's stone is naturally yours, uncle, my nephew, I will be satisfied if I can earn this strength for nothing."

The White Snake Sword Master was overjoyed, "You are interesting, don't worry, my father and I are friends, so I won't even give you a sip of soup."

After becoming a Tier [-] powerhouse, the White Snake Sword Master is in a great mood, and the grievances between him and Yang Xi before are gone, so it is natural to be pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

The dead four third-order powerhouses all turned into pink particles. After Yang Xi inhaled some of them, he felt that his Cangmu Yanlong bloodline's ability bead had also been strengthened to the limit of the third-order, only one step away from the fourth-order away.

"There is still a lot of energy, is it absorbed by the Philosopher's Stone?"

"The energy on my ability bead has already exceeded the bottleneck of 43967. It seems that I want to upgrade and strip the ability, and I can really do it with this sage's stone."

"However, Feifei has to use the Philosopher's Stone first. It would be great if she can be cured completely."

Yang Xi never thought about comprehending the mysteries of laws through the ability of Cangmu Yanlong's bloodline.

First of all, although it has reached the third-order limit, it is obviously very unstable, and with the help of Ultrain, although Yang Xi can use this ability proficiently, it does not mean that he can comprehend its essence in a short time.

What Yang Xi is most familiar with are those abilities that he often uses.

Needless to say, stripping, Yang Xi's natal ability.

Secondly, there are metal control, puppet control, avatars, cross-dressing, gilded demon armor, and the ability of the hunting bow. Yang Xi also has some experience in its essence, and I think this is due to Yang Xi's understanding of the hunting Research on the idea of ​​magic meditation.

If Yang Xi can comprehend some profound meaning, it must be through these abilities.

The White Snake Sword Master said to the Light Erosion Saint: "Since the miscellaneous fish have been dealt with, it's time to settle the score between us!"

But the light eclipse saint said: "Don't worry, you should feel it carefully, two guests are coming too."

Following the direction indicated by the Light Erosion Saint, the White Snake Lord sensed it, and he really felt two powerful auras approaching!

"Good guy, I just broke through to Tier [-], and I'm about to face three veteran Tier [-] powerhouses?"

If it is said that he wants to have a fight with the Light Erosion Saint who abused him just now, the White Snake Sword Master can accept it, but now he is going to be involved in a fourth-order melee, no matter how crazy the White Snake Sword Master is, his heart is still beating.

Or take the Philosopher's Stone and run away!

After making up his mind, the figure of the White Snake Sword Master moved and suddenly appeared next to the Philosopher's Stone. He reached out to fish for the Philosopher's Stone, but just like Yang Xi before, he found nothing!

"What's going on? Is this alchemy matrix weird?"

The White Snake Sword Master didn't believe in evil, and used the "Baqi Mystery" he had just comprehended, with mysterious fluctuations in his fingertips. This time, he actually moved the Philosopher's Stone, causing its position to shift by one centimeter.

However, there is still no way to take away the Philosopher's Stone, as if this gem the size of a pigeon egg weighs tens of millions!

The Light Erosion Saint sneered: "How can you, a novice who has just stepped into the fourth level, be able to forcibly decipher the alchemy matrix left by Damon?"

As he said that, the Light Erosion Saint couldn't help sighing, no one would have thought that Daemon, who was extremely poor in magic talent, would even look at the old and immortal members of his family differently after returning from an adventure in the indigenous plane!

It can be seen how miraculous the Philosopher's Stone of the Azure Star Plane is, it will definitely help him revive his daughter!

"It doesn't matter! Since I can't get it, then don't want it either!"

Master White Snake Sword saw that he couldn't take away the Philosopher's Stone for a while, so he decided to destroy it.

Anyway, he is enough to earn enough to become a Tier [-] powerhouse, and it is acceptable without the icing on the cake of the Philosopher's Stone.

But the powerful blow of the White Snake Sword Master only slightly shook the seal matrix.

"How is this possible! I'm already a Tier [-] powerhouse!"

The White Snake Sword Master can't accept the restrictions. Even in the Ossaid plane, the fourth-order powerhouse has the potential to start a family, which is enough to be a big boss.

But now, he couldn't even destroy an alchemy matrix.

The light eclipse saint sneered, "Don't you know that the gap between the fourth level and the fourth level is even bigger than the gap between the first level and the third level?"

"The person who comprehends the mysteries of the 1 law and the strong man who understands the 10 laws of the esoteric are both in the fourth-order category, but the former is as immature as a baby in front of the latter!"


Just when the White Snake Sword Master was doubting his life, two figures appeared above the light curtain at the same time.

The cyan light on one body disappeared, and the blue mist on the other dissipated.

The former is the actual controller of the Liberty Alliance, the "Fengshen" Ouyang Guanhe of Sequence 003. He is wearing a blue battle robe, with the commander's epaulets on his shoulders, shining brightly.

The other blue-haired, red-eyed, ordinary-looking man is the deep blue commander who has been lurking in the dark. His aura is slightly weaker than Ouyang Guanhe and the light-eroded saint.

326 Picking up cheap pigs (two in one)

Counting the White Snake Sword Master, four fourth-tier powerhouses appeared on Chishuang Island at the same time. Perhaps this is the highlight moment since its birth on this border island.

Ouyang Guanhe glanced around, his eyelids twitched, "Damn it, I just wanted to come over to see the excitement, but I didn't expect there were three fourth-orders here, and they're all fucking aliens!"

He secretly became vigilant, but he didn't run away immediately.

Having comprehended the mysteries of speed, he thought that no one could catch up with him, so he was not in a hurry.

Besides, he is a majestic Sequence 003, the strongest in the Liberty Alliance Sea Territory, cough, he should be the strongest, and those guys in the ruling can't tell the depth, so they can't all be Tier [-], right?

As one of the cards of human beings, how can he leave as soon as he arrives?

Ouyang Guanhe squinted his eyes, "Before I felt that the Tao was disturbed, could it be because this guy broke through?"

He could sense the somewhat unstable state of the White Snake Sword Master.

"Damn it, there is another fourth level on the outsider's side?"

He cursed angrily, this is not good news for humans.

Commander Deep Blue did not look around like Ouyang Guanhe. From the beginning to the end, his eyes were fixed on the Philosopher's Stone lying inside the seal.

"It's really the Philosopher's Stone!"

Rao is the well-informed leader of Deep Blue, and it is also the first time that he has seen a miracle stone of a plane at such a close distance!

"If I have the Philosopher's Stone, the speed at which I comprehend the profound meaning of the law can be greatly improved. In this way, my status in the clan will definitely rise greatly. Maybe I can go to the mother plant to receive baptism, then I may also become a noble offspring!"

For every deep blue family, becoming one of the offspring is their lifelong pursuit.

The Light Erosion Saint said: "The two of you are probably here for the Philosopher's Stone, but after all, it belongs to our Alfonso family. Why don't you two give me the Philosopher's Stone in exchange? How about giving these things to you?"

He waved his hand, and a small mountain of magic crystals appeared behind him. There were thousands of them. Judging by their purity, apart from gamma-level ones, there were even a few rare beta-level ones!

The dark energy contained in this pile of magic crystals alone exceeds one hundred thousand units!

Ouyang Guanhe glanced at the pile of magic crystals, with a smile in his eyes, he had heard of magic crystals before, and it seemed that they could be used for quick cultivation.

But this made him not want to leave. This bald alien is so generous, I am afraid that the value of that piece of pink crystal diamond is far higher than this pile of magic crystals!

At that moment, Ouyang Guanhe made up his mind that even if he couldn't grab it, he couldn't let others get this piece of stone called the Philosopher's Stone!

The deep blue commander was also unmoved.

The deep blue clan has planted spies on the human side, so why not make some arrangements on the New Frye Continent?

They also have a few cities over there, and he really doesn't lack magic crystals.

"Your Excellency, are you joking? The Philosopher's Stone is the crystallization of miracles in the plane, so how could it belong to a certain family?"

"Your Excellency just reported his family name. Alfonso, as a wealthy family in the Ossaid plane, has always flaunted himself with justice. Is this how you invaded the treasures of the native plane?"

Deep Blue commanded a burst of yin and yang, but the mouth of the Light Erosion Saint was not weak either.

"Our Alfonso family doesn't deserve it. Are you despicable dark blue bugs? You can even abandon your own mother's body. What qualifications do you have to discuss these things with me?"

These fourth-order powerhouses have been arguing and not doing anything, and it is also out of caution.

They all want to get a little more information about the other party. If they can perceive clearly what the other party has comprehended, and understand a few percent, they can formulate tactics according to local conditions.

The deep blue commander and the light eclipse saint said so much, but they helped Ouyang Guanhe figure out the current situation.

This Philosopher's Stone turned out to be a treasure from their Azure Planet, so it couldn't fall into the hands of outsiders!

"I didn't expect this guy to be from the deep blue family, but why is his eye red?"

Ouyang Guanhe complained about the appearance of the deep blue commander, and interjected: "You two, why are you talking so much? This sage's stone should belong to our Azure Star Human Race!"

This Fengshen lord shook his hair a little coquettishly. Only in front of the strong at the same level would he not put on the airs of the commander-in-chief and Sequence 003, and completely let himself go.

"I'm not as hypocritical as you. Although this thing is mine in name, I will give you a chance. Whoever forces it will take it away. Whichever one of you is ready, come up and make gestures with Ouyang Guanhe."

Ouyang Guanhe moved his body, and his whole body was beeping.

Damn it, those who have been cultivating and cultivating have not had a good fight for a while!

I think back when he was young, he was either fighting or on the way to fight, how fun it was!

Yang Xi looked at the commander-in-chief of the Freedom Alliance who was swearing in mid-air like a ruffian, and was speechless for a while.

In the video projection last time, this guy is quite serious!

I didn't expect him to be such a rambunctious person!

How did a guy with this kind of character cultivate a good boy like Ouyang Xuan?

The contrast is too great!

Ouyang Guanhe's words made the Light Erosion Saint and the Deep Blue Commander laugh. The top powerhouse among the natives is also straightforward and cute.

The Light Erosion Saint said: "That's right, in front of the Philosopher's Stone, it's unreasonable to speak without fists!"

Deep Blue also had a red light in his eyes, and said mockingly: "After talking so much, I still have to do it in the end. You savage low-level species can't escape this kind of limitation."

When it comes to fighting, the deep blue commander is not timid at all.

As the most advanced member of the Deep Blue family in this plane, with the help of Lord Zizhu, he comprehended the "Lifeline Profound Truth", which is the secret secret of killing the number one under the superior secret secrets.

A strong man who comprehends the mysteries of the lifeline can see the lifeline of the enemy, as long as he attacks along the lifeline in battle, he can defeat the opponent from the rule level.

Because of the weirdness and high efficiency of this kind of attack, the strong who comprehend the meaning of lifeline can often defeat the strong with the weak. Even if the accumulation of magic power is inferior to the opponent, they can still seize the opportunity to complete the comeback at the critical moment.

The fly in the ointment is that the more powerful the enemy's lifeline is, the harder it is to find.

If a fifth-level powerhouse stands in front of the deep blue commander, he may have to observe for a year without sleep before he sees a chance of lifeline appearing.

But whether he can seize this fleeting opportunity to complete the attack has to be questioned.

Fortunately, the leader of Deep Blue has observed the three fourth-tier powerhouses present, and he can see three lifelines on the Light Erosion Saint, and four lifelines on Fengshen. As for the newly promoted fourth-tier, His body was full of flaws, and he could easily find seven or eight lifelines.

Of course, with the activities of everyone's bodies, these lifelines are also changing at any time.

Seeing that these four strong men had kept their mouths shut for so long, but still did not make a move, the anxious Stone of the Philosopher decided to add fire to them.

He concentrated most of his strength and attacked the White Snake Sword Master!

In an instant, a pink glare surprised the White Snake Sword Master!

The voice of the Philosopher's Stone appeared in Ouyang Guanhe's ears, "Human boy, this guy is an Ossian, think about how much damage he will cause to the Azure Star human race when he grows up, and join me to threaten Killed in the bud!"

The old thing, the Philosopher's Stone, is really nothing!

It was the one who tried desperately to protect the White Snake Sword Master from breaking through just now, and it is also the one that provoked the strong to kill him now.

Ouyang Guanhe watched the pink glare hit the White Snake Sword Master coldly, and thought in his heart: "So this Philosopher's Stone still has its own consciousness, is this a spirit?"

The ancestral land of the Ouyang family is in the first district, so they are naturally influenced by the traditional culture of the first district.

Although he knew that this Philosopher's Stone must be using him for some purpose.

But, it's right!

As a member of the Azure Star Human Race, he would never allow this fourth-order powerhouse to grow up!

We must kill him while he has just broken through and his foundation is unstable!

The Ouyangguan River moved!

Having comprehended the mysteries of speed, he created two unique moves of his own.

The "Breeze Fist" created based on the "Slow Profound Truth" and the "Fierce Gang Keg" derived from the "Quick Profound Truth"!

At this moment, he is using his own slow punch!

It's like a breeze!

This punch slowed to the limit in everyone's eyes, but it was this illusion of slowness that made everyone palpitate!

The light eclipse saint and the deep blue commander used life-saving moves at the same time, and this strong human being actually locked on the three of them at the same time!

It can be described as extremely rampant!

What Yang Xi saw was blood boiling, Niu Pi, the boss of Fengshen, once he makes a move, it is a big move!

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