Under the cover of avatar ability and strong mental power, this is not a difficult task.

Haizhu's avatar moved its fingers slightly, and a virtual vortex appeared in front of the three of them.

When the three of them stepped out of the whirlpool of the imaginary world, Ouyang Guanhe and Tongtian had already stopped in mid-air.

Yang Xi said slowly: "Welcome the two great drivers."

Ouyang Guanhe was a little shocked when he saw Haizhu, who was suspected to be a fourth-ranker, standing respectfully beside Youji.

"Could it be that the strength of this chicken is still higher than that of a pig?"

"Could it be that this guy has been hiding his strength!"

Tong Tian looked at Yang Xi and Hai Zhu's avatar calmly, with no extra emotion on his face.

Ouyang Guanhe smiled, cupped his hands at Yang Xi and the two avatars, and said: "This time I took the liberty to come to watch the ceremony, and I hope your organization will not be offended."

Yang Xi said with a smile: "Master Fengshen is serious. It is our adjudication organization's honor to have a series of powerful people come here! Not to mention, this 05 line of defense is also the territory of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, and our adjudication organization is only temporarily borrowing it." , I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t been able to pay a visit to you, the number one powerhouse in the Liberty Alliance Sea Area.”

Ouyang Guanhe said: "Your Excellency Youji's words are wrong. With your organization, how dare I call myself the number one powerhouse? Let's make progress together!"

While Yang Xi was chatting with Ouyang Guanhe, the alchemy boat carrying the Rangers behind also caught up.

On the deck of the alchemy ship, Ye Fan and Marujiu, who were wearing the uniform of the Night Ranger, were reminded by Shrek, who was wearing the uniform of the Ice Ranger, and turned their eyes to the five points in the sky.

"It's a big scene, Lord Tongtian, Lord Fengshen, and the two zodiac signs of the Judgment Organization, what do you think they are talking about?"

Hearing Shrek's question from the green clay, Ye Fan was indifferent, he just looked at the sky lightly, and the seal of the brow puppet disappeared in a flash.

Wan Jiu quickly took over the quarrel, if it was before, she would not be so nervous, but now she knows that she and Ye Fan are both spies placed in the association by Master Youji of the Judgment Organization, and she is afraid that something will happen. Be careful of revealing your identity.

"Who knows? Those who ruled are quite mysterious to us, but to Lord Tongtian and Lord Fengshen, they might be old acquaintances!"

Chlorite Shrek nodded, "It's true, the bosses must know each other, and it's probably just reminiscing about the old days."

On the other hand, the Demon Dragon on the other side of the deck had an unnatural expression on his face.

"Damn it, this guy, Youji, can actually talk and laugh with Lord Tongtian? Could it be his strength?"

Secretly, Demon Dragon, who already possessed super strength, felt bitter in his heart. Every time he felt that he had shortened the distance with Youji, reality would always give him a slap in the face.

The explosive girl on the side also complained: "The guys who judged are obviously so powerful. When they were in Lukang City, they had to pretend to be so interesting!"

Thinking of the Chenlong who beat them up all by himself, Baomei thought he was cuter, at least not as hateful as a wily guy like Youji.

"This guy actually chose to sacrifice himself in order to save Lukang City. I was sad for a while at the time." Baomei leaned on the railing, the sea breeze fluttering her short hair, "Fortunately, the ruling will revive him tomorrow. It sounds ridiculous, but I hope the Tribunal succeeds!"

There is an inexplicable emotion in the eyes of the explosive girl.

She didn't even notice it herself.

In the sky, Yang Xi finally finished his greetings with Fengshen Ouyang Guanhe. Tongtian didn't interrupt during the whole process, but just hugged his shoulders and looked at Yang Xi and Haizhu avatar lightly. As for Bi Yuewu avatar, the weak Qian family, Yes, he ignored it directly.

Yang Xi said cheerfully: "There is still one day left before the resurrection ceremony starts, so it should be the finale appearance as the two adults!"

The implication of this sentence is that the resurrection ceremony hasn't started yet, you two old guys exude a fourth-order aura, what are you doing to lure me out.

Yang Xi is not afraid of any conspiracy between the two, because if they want to take action against the Judgment Organization, Ouyang Guanhe and Tongtian don't have to be so high-profile, wouldn't it be nice to sneak up on him?

Under the sneak attack of these two people, even Yang Xi, who has comprehended the secret of 3 control, will probably suffer severely.

Ouyang Guanhe said: "The so-called don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. I came one day in advance to bring news to your organization."

He glanced at Hai Zhu's avatar: "Your Excellency Hai Zhu should know, on Chishuang Island, that fourth-level outsider, the Light Erosion Saint."

There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of Lord Fengshen, "This guy, for the Philosopher's Stone, dared to venture into the world, we can join hands to take him down!"

Ouyang Guanhe felt that this fourth-level outsider must have a detached position in the occupied area. Maybe he was a key for human beings to pry open the "meditation blockade" of outsiders.

This kind of opportunity is really once in a century!

When Yang Xi heard this, his expression was a little weird. Is this light eclipse saint really here?

Admired, Yang Xi asked himself from his standpoint, he really wouldn't dare to do this without the ability to pretend, isn't this just throwing himself into a trap?

It's a pity that the Philosopher's Stone has already been used by Yang Xi, and even the consciousness inside has been used to make Xuanwu out of waste.

This light eclipse saint is destined to be nothing but a bamboo basket.

The warm voice of Haizhu's avatar sounded: "I didn't expect that a word I said casually on Chishuang Island really inspired this fourth-order powerhouse."

Ouyang Guanhe also said with a smile: "People from other worlds are indeed more upright. This time, I hope that everyone in the judgment can cooperate with us, and everyone will work together to take this guy down. While removing hidden dangers for our free alliance sea area, it can also be regarded as doing the same for us. A great contribution to the future of the entire human race!"

Yang Xi, who was in the state of the chicken vest, was about to echo a few words, but Tong Tian, ​​who had been silent all this time, said, "I can help you, but the premise is that I can use the Philosopher's Stone to revive someone."

Tong Tian's speech choked Yang Xi and Ouyang Guanhe, who were chatting hotly, and the scene suddenly turned cold.

Yang Xi glanced at Tongtian and then at Ouyang Guanhe.

Is this guy here to mess things up?

Is this Tongtian's brain broken?

You didn't communicate well beforehand?

Ouyang Guanhe was also very surprised. When he told Tongtian about the effect of removing the Philosopher's Stone, he also found some abnormalities in this guy, but he felt that there was a blast, so Tongtian should not be so arrogant, right?

Didn't he go back to the Hero Association?

Did you not tell the blaster about this, or did you mean blasting?

The Hero Association is going to take action against the Judgment Organization?

Ouyang Guanhe narrowed his eyes, if this is really the case, then the situation will suddenly become complicated.

It would be a lie to say that the Ouyang family is not afraid of this emerging force, but Ouyang Guanhe is a smart person, and he would not act rashly without knowing the details of the ruling organization.

"Blowing up this guy, could it be possible to get some information?"

Yang Xi said coldly: "Lord Tongtian's hand is stretched too far. This sage's stone is of great use in our judgment, so we are sorry."

Tongtian glanced at Yang Xi, and said lightly: "I hope you don't regret it."

349 Take the law fragments as prizes (two in one)

Tongtian didn't say anything more, and flew straight back to the box on the alchemy ship.

Ouyang Guanhe was a little depressed. Originally, he thought it would be no problem to persuade Tongtian to do a little favor this time. The strength of Light Erosion Saint was about the same as him. With the joint efforts of him, Tongtian and Haizhu, he would be able to capture him easily.

But I didn't expect that there would be problems on Tongtian's side.

"Oh, Your Excellency Youji, don't blame Tongtian, he has this kind of personality!" Ouyang Guanhe patted his chest, and the armor on his battle suit ping-pong, "As for the matter of the light eclipsing the saint, don't worry, I will Do your best to help!"

The commander-in-chief of the Free Alliance Sea Area blinked, "After all, the Judgment Organization and our Ouyang Family are both forces in the Free Alliance Sea Area!"

In fact, this is also the reason why Ouyang Guanhe extended an olive branch to the adjudication organization.

There is still a certain gap in the high-level strength of the Free Alliance Sea Region compared to the Hero Sea Region and the Iron Blood Sea Region.

There are many reasons left over from history, and I can't explain it clearly for a while.

The Alliance of Chambers of Commerce, a major force that controls the entire sea area of ​​​​the Free Alliance, can also be called the "Ouyang Family" and its seven younger brothers.

As far as the current situation is concerned, although other families are supported by strong people, they are not at the same level as the Ouyang family in terms of quantity or quality.

Ouyang Guanhe, the fourth rank, is the only seedling in the entire Free Alliance sea area.

Before, he still had great hopes for the two brothers of the Qian family, but he didn't expect that during the period of his retreat, the two fell into a coma and disappeared, which made him secretly think it was a pity.

The rise of the ruling now, for Ouyang Guanhe, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As long as their interests are closely tied to the free alliance sea area, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance will not have to pick up leftovers when the three major forces divide up the spoils.

Faced with Ouyang Guanhe's vague intention to win over, Yang Xi neither refused nor agreed.

Yang Xi will not let down his guard easily until he understands the true intentions of the high-level human beings.

Looking at the entire human history, Yang Xi knows that his own race can be said to be the most warlike and infighting race in the world.

If it weren't for the overwhelming colonial pressure of the Osaid people from the outside world, maybe these three major forces would be able to fight to the death.

"With the help of Lord Fengshen, the light eclipse saint will definitely come and go. It is time to capture the power of the fourth-order foreign world. I am afraid that the ranking of Lord Fengshen will rise in the sequence!"

"Where is it, I'm just icing on the cake. With Your Excellency Hai Zhu and You Chicken present, this light eclipse saint can't make any waves."

Ouyang Guanhe had a smile on his face, and his purpose was very clear.

No matter what the attitude of the Heroes Association is, the Light Erosion Saint, the fourth-order alien powerhouse, must be eliminated.

Because this threatens the stability of the Free Alliance Sea Area.

As for whether to intervene in the affairs between the Heroes Association and the Judgment Organization after this huge hidden danger is resolved, that is another matter. No matter who you help, the ultimate goal is to increase your own strength.

Yang Xi was chatting with Ouyang Guanhe Business, but he was also secretly making his own plans in his heart.

Tong Tian didn't hide his coveting for the Philosopher's Stone at all. It can even be said that he didn't pay attention to the Judgment Organization at all.

There's a lot of information here.

First of all, Tongtian can become Sequence 002. As a fourth-order powerhouse, he will definitely not be a fool.

After Yang Xi exposed Haizhu's suspected fourth-order information, Tongtian dared to "bully" the ruling, so he must have nothing to fear.

I don't know whether his confidence is his own strength or the power of the Hero Association.

However, Yang Xi was not afraid.

There is one huge difference between Judgment and other forces so far.

Because of Yang Xi's various operations, the adjudication organization does not have a base in the real world.

The only place with a little family background is the 05 line of defense.

But Yang Xi, who has comprehended the mysteries of the imaginary world, can also take Liu Yuan, Blanche and others away at any time.

Even if the Heroes Association has the ability to hunt down the entire world, Yang Xi can let them stay in the small temple of the imaginary world for a while.

Besides, it really angered Yang Xi. As a Tier [-] powerhouse, it would not be too easy for him to attack the Heroes Association's territory.

But he won't do that.

After all, the alien beast army deployed by the Ossaid people is still staring at the human beings outside the defense line. If the Heroes Association really messes up and the alien forces take advantage of it, it will be the humans behind the defense line who will suffer.

After chatting for a while, Ouyang Guanhe and Yang Xi landed on the defense line together.

Here, I have to praise the efficiency of the Qian family.

In just a few days, Mr. Qian arranged for the family's engineering team to construct several buildings on the 05 defense line.

The house-building technique of that earth elemental supernatural being is simply breathtaking.

When Yang Xi saw it, he felt that the secret base he created in the mountain belly of Banana Island was like a beggar's nest, and it was incomparable with the mansion carefully built by this master architect.

There is no way, Yang Xi thinks that he will not lose to him in the control of the earth element, but when it comes to the detailed layout of the house, he has to use a lot of relevant architecture and interior design knowledge, Yang Xi has not dabbled in this aspect .

With Yang Xi's current knowledge in architecture, it is already luck to be able to create a magnificent Yunding Temple.

This is also thanks to the relatively simple structure of the temple. There is no master bedroom or secondary bedroom, and there is no dry and wet bathroom. As long as there are a few large pillars and randomly placed seats, some details can also be used. Covered by clouds and mist, it is not convenient.

Besides, people who enter the cloud top space will not have the leisure and elegance to pay attention to the details in this area, and have long been shocked by the various magical functions and powerful benefits inside.

It really doesn't work, ahem, Yang Xi can still use "ancient style" to prevaricate, isn't it.

"However, when the safe zone in the imaginary world expands in the future, I will borrow this old man from Mr. Qian."

Taking advantage of one more day, the supernatural being who was carefully polishing various interiors felt his chrysanthemum tighten. When he turned his head, he only saw Master Youji who was chatting and laughing with Master Fengshen.

Weird, weird, could it be that I peeked at the film yesterday, who knew about it?

The earth elemental power user scratched the back of his head in wonder, and continued to stare at the construction team.

Soon, the alchemy ship also docked.

In this regard, there are several rangers from the Hero Association and the children of the major families of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance. They cannot be compared with those small families and forces that stayed on the 05 defense line a few days in advance.

If it weren't for the fact that the host is a well-known adjudication organization, this group of uncles would really be difficult to serve.

Yang Xi's Bi Yuewu avatar also made a confession, and led Liu Yuan and others to meet the young leaders of the major forces with the identity of the adjudication organization's star position, the commander of the 05 defense line, and a collateral branch of the Qian family.

How can I say that when he was in Fanhai Island last time, he had a few friendly exchanges with those geniuses on the Four Seas List.

The first to come down were two acquaintances, Ji Ning and Tantaiyao.

Ji Ning still looked like a stinky fart, as if the person who was deeply educated by Yang Xi last time was not him.

Tantaiyao actually changed to short hair, and her whole temperament changed drastically. It seems that the last battle stimulated her a lot.

Alas, this girl is too strong.

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