Matsushima Aoi scolded him, "Shut up, don't embarrass the organization!"

But Narazo, as if he hadn’t heard of it, was still crying uncontrollably, with a puddle of yellow urine dripping from between his legs, “My lord, please forgive me!”

Yang Xi thought he was noisy, so he used mental shock to calm him down. At this moment, Nara Zang had already lost his fighting spirit, and he didn't hold on for even a second, and just lay down in seconds.

In front of the magic dragon, Yang Xi concealedly lifted the "star-attracting ring" out of the metal skin. He believed that the magic dragon's insight ability must have observed this.

Activate the stripping ability to loot the ability.

[Ability: Shadow Escape

Introduction: You can use shadows to create fuzzy clones and fight in the ninja world.

Evaluation: C-level, not bad ninjutsu inheritance ability.

Ability: Snow Maiden

Introduction: Summon Shiki Goddess Yuki to help him fight, or choose to merge Shiki Gods into the body.

Evaluation: Grade A, cute little snow, mobile air conditioner in summer. 】

After reading the introduction, Yang Xi felt that the person who used the shadow escape ability was really useless. Although the evaluation of stripping the ability this time was rare without irony, this shadow escape ability is really strong, but the owner is a piece of wood.

However, the avatar created by this shadow escape is different from the avatar created by the [clone] ability. The former has no intelligence and is just a combat avatar formed with rough shadow strokes, while the latter is a real body, physically similar to Yang Xi's. Generally the same, but the strength cannot be compared with the main body, and after disappearing and returning, there will be a memory sent back.

And [Snow Maiden] surprised Yang Xi even more. After fighting for so long, he always thought it was an elemental ability, but it turned out to be a summoning ability!

Wow, this is the ultimate dream of all men!

Generally, summoned objects will not go against the wishes of their masters, this, this... Summoned Snow Maiden, Yang Xi said that she was a little uncontrollable.

As for the fusion shikigami battle in the back, Yang Xi will never consider it. Although the strength will become stronger, but our combat power is not bad, isn't it.

The snowflakes all over the sky finally disappeared, and the sunlight penetrated the clouds and fell mottledly on the ground.

Xuenv finally died, and Yang Xi pierced Nara Zang's vitals with a metal thorn.

So far, the three supernatural beings of the Sakura group have all been wiped out.

"Next, whichever of you two will go first."

The voice of the man in black wearing a platinum mask was very calm.

"Still going together?"

038 If one doesn’t work, then upgrade two

There was silence in the hero studio, and the two commentators stared dumbfounded at the arrogant man in black on the screen.

But the barrage became active again.

"Did I hear you right? This guy actually wants to fight two, and the opponent is the prodigal swordsman and the dragon?"

"Is this man in black out of his mind? Our magic dragon can hang him with one hand, okay, what kind of bastard is he?"

"But I don't think the man in black looks like he's bluffing. Can he really fight two A-level heroes at the same time? It's too scary!"

"By the way, what's the name of this boss? He's always a man in black and a mask. What if he's not human!"

"...Uh, I can speak with my lips. Just now, the Demon Dragon seemed to call out his name when he was talking to the Prodigal Swordsman. Is it called Youji or You Ji?"

"Look at his mask, could it be that his name or title is called Youji?"

"The title of a person with supernatural powers is related to his supernatural powers. What kind of power does the chicken represent?"

"Are you blind? He is obviously a strong man in the metal department. Youji is probably a title within the organization, like the twelve zodiac signs..."

"I'll go, how about this second grade!"

"I feel like I'm already a fan of this Youji, it's so domineering!"

Unlike the joy of the barrage, the atmosphere in the commentary booth is a bit dignified.

Director Ge frowned and analyzed it before finally expressing his understanding.

"Everyone, this one is the chicken, right?" Director Ge confirmed the address with the staff, "His words are not just as simple as looking arrogant, but also a tactic in the heart!"

"Just imagine, if you are one of the Prodigal Swordsman or the Demon Dragon, as an A-level hero, under the premise that the opponent is so provocative, can you really do a gang fight regardless of face? Although we hope to solve it quickly This is a battle of supernatural beings, but I think there is a great possibility that only one of the dragon and the prodigal swordsman will make a move."

After hearing Yang Xi's transformation, Molong sneered, his thoughts were similar to Director Ge's analysis, and he felt that Yang Xi was betting that he would choose to fight alone for the sake of the A-level hero's self-esteem.

"I said, are you underestimating me? Even if you don't say that, I won't join forces with the prodigal swordsman to deal with you."

The reason is naturally not for the self-esteem of the so-called A-level hero. He cares more about the ring on Yang Xi's hand than what Yang Xi said. His intuition tells him that the secret of the disappearance of the ability is related to this shape. Fancy rings matter.

To defeat an opponent, one must know him.

The magic dragon hugged his shoulders with both hands, and lightly tapped the toes of his combat boots on the ground, and his whole body fell beside the prodigal swordsman.

"The ring on his hand is weird, maybe it has something to do with that."

As a participant in that meeting, the prodigal son naturally understood what the dragon said.

The prodigal swordsman wiped his sword with the snow on the ground, "Don't worry, I want to see how he does it."


The magic dragon nodded and gave way to the battlefield.

In fact, if he doesn't make a move, it will also put pressure on Yang Xi.

"Should you take the shot first? What a pity, I plan to try one-on-two. After all, you two are the best among A-level heroes, so it shouldn't make the battle too boring."

The two flowing long strands on the prodigal swordsman's forehead moved with the wind, "As long as you defeat me, the magic dragon will naturally attack."

The snow on the sword flowed down together with Aoi Matsushima's blood, converging on the ground to form a pool of blood, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds after the snow stopped.


The sword moved.

The wind also moved.

A sword light illuminated the entire live broadcast room, and the audience in front of the screen couldn't help but close their eyes.

Out of scruples about Yang Xi, the prodigal swordsman unreservedly erupted his Gale Sword Intent.

Yang Xi turned all the surrounding metal into liquid, condensing into a hard and smooth round shield.

The sword intent cut metal, making a piercing sound.

Yang Xi snorted coldly, stepped on the metal block and flew quickly at a height of half a meter above the ground like surfing, getting close to the prodigal swordsman.

He didn't choose to use metal for long-distance attacks, because the Wall of Sighs of the Prodigal Swordsman restrains almost all hidden flying weapons below A-level.

The metal sword condensed from the fingertips collided fiercely with the prodigal swordsman's saber, bursting out sparks.

But Yang Xi's real purpose is actually the prodigal swordsman's sword!

Before the battle started, he tried to control the prodigal swordsman's sword, but it is estimated that this sword is the same as Yaodao Muramasa, and it is also a beast weapon. Its material itself is not metal at all, so it cannot be controlled.


Yancy can attach his own metal to it!

"Thinking beautiful!"

The prodigal swordsman sensed Yang Xi's intention, and a new sword intent was aroused on the blade, directly "blowing" away Yang Xi's metal liquid.

Missing a hit, Yang Xi immediately fled away.

The metal shield in mid-air turned into liquid metal and gathered around Yang Xi again.

The first round of the fight, a draw!

Yang Xi was secretly helpless. Although he took the time to look at some development methods on the Internet after obtaining the metal ability, after all, it had just been promoted to A-level, and Yang Xi was completely unable to exert the power of metal control under such haste.

As an A-level hero, the prodigal swordsman abandoned the metal products on his body long after he discovered Yang Xi's supernatural attributes.

As long as he wears an earring, Yang Xi can kill him in seconds!

In the back-and-forth battle just now, Yang Xi didn't just use metal to control such a supernatural power, the super brain's five senses were strengthened, the psychological hint of puppet control and the saber technique of the Sun and Moon Three Swords Style combined, Yang Xi In order to be evenly matched with the prodigal swordsman in close combat.

"I have to make a decision. If I don't upgrade to an A-level ability, it will be difficult for me to quickly defeat the Prodigal Swordsman, let alone a demon dragon that is watching behind me."

Yang Xi decisively disassembled the A-level ability [Snow Maiden] he had just harvested until there was only one C-level ability orb left, and used the disassembled dark energy cube to upgrade the control couple to A-level.

[Ability: Puppet Control

Introduction: Illusion interference can be performed on A-level targets, and brainwashing on B-level and below (including B-level) targets can obtain the target's absolute loyalty for ten years, and the soul can enter the doll's body for two hours a day for activities. (Number of dolls: 0/3)

Evaluation: Grade A, shameless skill]

The moment Yang Xi completed the upgrade, the prodigal swordsman saw his eyes under the mask, and suddenly felt a trance.

Yang Xi in front of him seemed to have become his long-dead sister.

"Gang, are you going to use your sword against me?"

The sword of the prodigal son hesitated.

But Yang Xi would not hesitate.

The metal directly stabbed the prodigal swordsman.

Originally, Yang Xi aimed at the vital point, but at the critical moment, the prodigal swordsman blocked it with his sword. The price was that a deep wound was drawn on his wrist, and the sword fell to the ground.

"Spiritual abilities? This guy is indeed a dual-element ability user!"

039 Magic Dragon Shot

"Oh my god! Why is the prodigal swordsman suddenly stunned!" The hat emperor exclaimed, "It was obvious that he was fighting back and forth just now, but why suddenly the prodigal swordsman just froze in place. Isn't this a target for the enemy?"

Director Ge said solemnly: "This chicken is probably a dual-element supernatural power! The prodigal swordsman has always been on guard against his metal supernatural power, and he was not mentally prepared for the enemy's spiritual-type attack. ah!"

"However, Youji's psychic ability is probably stronger than his metal ability, and he can so easily make an A-level hero hallucinate."

In the Xinghui box, Liu Yuan secretly applauded.

A godfather is a godfather. I guess you were playing with the prodigal swordsman before. Once you show your true skills, even if you are an A-level, you will have a second!

Glacier Brave was originally watching the live broadcast very relaxedly, and even had the time to joke with his female partner, but when he saw that Yang Xi's puppet control could disturb the spirit of the prodigal swordsman, he originally leaned on the back of the sofa. Can't help but straighten up!

This unitary chicken is really not easy!

Dual-line A-level abilities...

Among the crowd on the street, seeing that Yang Xi had the upper hand, Qian Duoduo was in the mood to drink the Oreo lava cocoa in her hand. When Uncle Youji was "suppressed" just now, her little heart was suspended again.

No, Uncle Youji is dead, so she doesn't have to pay back the money?

Ah bah bah!

A lot of money, a lot of money, you really have no conscience, how can you expect Uncle Youji to have an accident for just 1 yuan.

Uh, by the way, didn't I throw my S-level weapon to Uncle Youji?

Where is Yaodao Muramasa?

Qian Duoduo looked around the big screen on his feet, and found that this S-level weapon was lying miserably next to Xue Nu's body.


That's [-] million! [-] million! ! !

Qian Duoduo felt that she couldn't breathe, her heart was bleeding, she just threw out a hundred million things just like that.

She patted her little face, and said to herself, I said a lot of money, a lot of money, is your life worth [-] million?


The effect of the puppet illusion was unexpectedly good, which surprised him too. Could it be that the prodigal swordsman's mental strength is so poor?

No way, doesn't he have such a thing as Gale Wind Sword Intent, he can practice Sword Intent, and his willpower should be the same.

But maybe, there is a flaw in this guy's psychology, and he was accused of supernatural powers taking advantage of the loophole.

The prodigal swordsman's wrist was injured, his dominant hand could no longer hold the sword, and his strength dropped by half.

Yang Xi didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, the magic dragon was still darting aside.

Seeing the defeat of the prodigal son swordsman, Molong was a little surprised. He still recognized the prodigal son swordsman's strength, but he didn't expect this chicken to defeat him so quickly.

A black lightning flashed across, and the dragon landed firmly beside the prodigal swordsman, picked up his sword and handed it to him.

"Thanks for your hard work, leave it to me. You forced at least one of his hole cards. I guess he used this psychic power to kill Flame Boxer in the bar. After all, C-level power users have the same mental power as us. Incomparable."

While stopping the bleeding from his right hand, the prodigal swordsman instructed: "Be careful with his eyes, once he gets caught, your most important person may appear in front of you."

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