Seeing these barrages that jumped out to taunt the adjudication organization, some diehard fans of Youji and Shenhou couldn't stand it anymore.

They sent gifts on major live broadcast platforms one after another, and desperately used colorful bullet screens to squeeze out the massive amount of hostile speech.

"The Judgment is an organization that creates miracles. How can you ordinary people understand the strength of our Lord Youji?"

"Yes, yes, you can't stand up after kneeling for a long time, so you want others to kneel too?"

"If you ask me, the Judgment Organization will win this battle. I think even Mr. Haizhu is safe and sound. Otherwise, why are there no corpses?"

The barrage of the live broadcast seemed to have become a battlefield.

Those forces whose interests have been damaged due to the rise of the Judgment Organization are not the ones who are short of money. They have spent a lot of money and fought fiercely with the fans of the Judgment Organization on major live broadcast platforms.

The operators of these live broadcast platforms laughed from ear to ear and made a lot of money.

They even plan to set up a department dedicated to live broadcasting various actions of the adjudication organization.

This zodiac position is mysterious, there is no star position!

If there are no stars, there are so many strong people in the world!No matter how bad it is, the newly released Earth Demon Mask will make one, and simply let the peripheral members of this adjudication organization be the anchors.

Coincidentally, according to the clues uploaded on the Internet, people are extremely curious about the Temple of Four Elephants and Yunding Tiangong of the Judgment Organization!

If it can be shown through the live broadcast, it will definitely be a gimmick that can be hyped.

Unfortunately, I heard that the cloud top space of the Judgment Organization does not exist in the real world. It may be very difficult to broadcast live.

But the hard work pays off, there are so many strange and weird people in the world, and there is always someone who can solve the problem!

"Uncle You Chicken, you must win!!!"

In the square below, Qian Duoduo controlled the skeleton soldiers to help Ji Yourong and the others block the damage, while worryingly looking at the familiar and reliable figure in the sky.

In the crowd of the Heroes Association on the other side, Ye Fan had already clenched his fists. When the leader was in crisis, he was not even qualified to help!

This made Ye Fan, who has always been satisfied with his progress in strength, feel very guilty.

"I haven't worked hard enough! If I can become a fourth-order powerhouse, I can go up and help the leader share some pressure!!!"

Wan Jiu noticed Ye Fan's emotions, she gently stroked her boyfriend's back, full of worry in her heart.

She knew the importance of this Lord Youji in her boyfriend's heart. If something really happened today, it would probably deal a huge blow to Ye Fan.

The magic dragon looked at the chicken, thinking silently in his heart, never thought that you would encounter such a desperate situation even though you are so strong.

"So, what will you do? Chicken!!!"

Above the sky, the wind stirred Yang Xi's clothes.

Facing the contempt of the enemy, he did not show any irritation.

In a battle, the party whose emotions are led away will undoubtedly lose the initiative.

He, Yang Xi, has been in the supernatural world for a long time. He has experienced countless battles, and his combat experience has long been different. How could he make such a low-level mistake?

On the contrary, he has a trump card in his hand, which can easily make the light eclipse saint, who is pretending to be aggressive, lose his sense of proportion.

Yang Xi held the fake Philosopher's Stone between his index finger and middle finger, and said with a light smile, "I've taken out what you want, if you have the ability, come and grab it!!!"

As soon as the pink crystal diamond appeared, no matter whether it was the light erosion saint contender, Ouyang Guanhe or the deep blue commander, they couldn't help but suffocate!

This is a miracle stone of a plane! ! !

359 Run away! ! !

If you steal a brown object wrapped in tin foil from a chocolate factory, most people will assume that it is a piece of chocolate rather than some other indescribable thing.

Therefore, when Yang Xi took out the Philosopher's Stone that he had manifested, none of the Tier [-] powerhouses present thought of doubting the authenticity of the stone.

Even Tongtian, who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai on the platform, couldn't help breathing quickly.

This is the first time he has lost his composure since he came to the 05 defense line.

"This is the stone that can resurrect the dead?"

"If I can snatch it back, can Ah Ming come back to life?"

Along with Tongtian's excitement, the Immortal Sword inserted in the center of the square couldn't help trembling a few times.

Just this slight tremor, the murderous aura of this peerless fierce sword, stirred up a chilling wind in the square!

The Deep Blue Clan and the Judgment Clan, who were in the fierce battle, were forced to temporarily cease fighting.

Otherwise, if you are affected by this storm, you will have to shed a layer of skin if you don't die!

The state of the light-eclipsed saint is worse than that of Tongtian!

"give me!!!"

Without the slightest hesitation, his eyes were red, the flames on his body soared, turning into a white light, and killing Yang Xi!

The light flames that contain the profound meaning of purification swim like waves on his body surface. Except for the light-eclipsed saint who is wrapped in it and cleverly counteracts the power of purification, any supernatural person present, once touched, will be extremely powerful. Death is injury!

This is the strength of the fourth-order powerhouse of the Alfonso family!

Yang Xi sneered, stretched his free left hand forward slightly, and a black metal cone appeared on the palm of his hand.

"Huh? No law fluctuations? Tier [-] skills want to stop me?"

The light eclipse saint laughed wildly in his heart, this chicken pretended for a long time, it turned out to be really a silver wax gun head!

Those below the fourth level are all ants, don't these natives know?

The deep blue commander also rushed after him. After seeing the "divine metal" that Yang Xi condensed, he almost laughed out loud?

That's it?

This guy, Youji, pretended to be bluffing for a long time, and finally used such a third-order limit skill?

Well, I have to say that this skill is terrifying in the third-order category, but it's a pity that it doesn't have the blessing of laws and profound meanings. In terms of powerful skills, it is nothing more than a local chicken Wagoll!

Ouyang Guanhe smiled wryly!

Could it be that this chicken is really just a third-order extreme powerhouse?

Was it him who was holding on just now?

That's all, after all, he is a human with supernatural powers, so if you can save it, save it!

However, there is no need to be so cautious about the attitude towards the adjudication organization in the future.

Haizhu, the Tier [-] powerhouse, is probably their strongest combat power.

It's a pity that he just died in battle

Ouyang Guanhe carried out the secret of speed, and was about to rescue Yang Xi from the crisis of death.

But I sensed a mysterious and extremely obscure law and meaning appearing out of thin air! ! !

The high rank of this mystery made his speed mystery start to tremble! !

It's not just him, the face of the light-eclipsed saint and the commander of the deep blue suddenly changed, and he said inwardly, "Oops, this chicken is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!" ! !

Can the aborigines really comprehend the meaning of the law of this rank?

Even the head that was hot all day, calmed down all of a sudden!

Just now, he even wanted to sit back and watch the chicken be killed, and then snatch the Philosopher's Stone from the hands of another world.

In this way, even if it is blasting, it is not easy to say anything to him!

But what is the profound meaning of this law?

It is actually higher than his killing secret! ! !

His incomparably handsome face was full of shock, what kind of monster is this guy called Youji! !

Yang Xi's "Controlling Profound Truth" is an existence that sucks up all the original power of the Philosopher's Stone!

If this source of power is used on Ouyang Guanhe's speed mysteries, maybe he can directly become a powerhouse of the fifth rank!

But these are extremely precious, condensing the miraculous power of a plane, but they can only push Yang Xi's control mystery to 3!

To put it bluntly, let alone mastering the secrets, even if one of its three branches of the secrets "decomposition", "fusion" and "energy" is randomly pulled out, it can beat everyone present at the level.

Only Tongtian's killing secrets can wrestle with them.

Although this guy is extremely conceited, he has to say that without Yang Xi, he is indeed a super genius on the Azure Star Plane.

Even on the plane of Ossaid, which has a deeper background, that is a rare figure!

And Yang Xi's operation that caused the collective shock of these fourth-order powerhouses was just to use the control of the secret to make up the third-order limit skill of the god-made metal, and it would probably be able to exert the strength of 1 to control the secret!

After all, most of what is involved in it are energy mysteries, and as for decomposition and fusion, they are only a little bit involved.

But even the power contained in 1 mastering the profound meaning is enough to make these fourth-order powerhouses look pale!

The fluctuation of the law's profound meaning is transmitted, and the suppression of the rank even makes the flame of the light-eroding saint tremble!

This black metal vertebral body was instantly compressed into a needle!

It is such a three-inch long thin needle that gave the three fourth-tier powerhouses in the battlefield the illusion of being overwhelmed by a mountain!

Even to the sky, under the pressure of this level, three Horcruxes flew out from behind.


Kill the fairy!

Trapped fairy!

The three fairy swords spun around him, forming a formation similar to the three talents, and only then did the pressure given to him by "God-made Metal Completion" be excluded!

While Yang Xi suppressed the enemy with this "half-movement" move derived from the secret of control, Shi Shiran "used" the Philosopher's Stone.

After a while of pretending to sing, the counterfeit powder in Yang Xi's hand was shining brightly.

In the dazzling pink light, Yang Xi's shouting voice came!

"Resurrection!! Chenlong!!!"

With a click, Yang Xi crushed the "Sage's Stone"!

The voice was spread out by him on purpose, and the eyes of the light eclipsed saint were about to burst. He no longer cared about the fear in his heart, and rushed forward desperately!

However, when the pink light faded slightly, the man with the pig mask appeared beside Yang Xi at some point!

I saw half of his body in the vortex of the imaginary world, and the traces of the half-cut just now disappeared.

Fans of the ruling in the live broadcast room happily posted barrage.

"I said Master Haizhu is not dead, do you believe me now?"

"Where's the troll? Climb out for me to eat farts!"

"The verdict is invincible, the enemies who came to make trouble today, all have to die to me!!!"

Seeing the appearance of Haizhu, the one with the most exciting expression was the leader of the deep blue.

"How is it possible, I have clearly cut a lifeline!"

He simply accepted the fact!

Could it be that the mysteries of my lifeline are fake?

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and his hairs stood on end!

Instantly turned into a blue light far away!

"Run, run, run away!!! If you don't run away, you will die!"

Even in the face of Tongtian, the commander of Deep Blue has never been so panic-stricken! !

The panic of the deep blue leader made Chris and others below stunned. The boss ran away?What should they do?

But how could Yang Xi let him run away like this?

"Death to me!!!"

The thin black needle shot towards the vest of the dark blue commander, as if the space had been pierced!

And Hai Zhu was also fighting with the Light Erosion Saint, and directly and predictably ambushed a fist-sized imaginary vortex on the route he charged over!

Yang Xi took the opportunity to use the control secret to complete the fourth-level moves, which are more powerful than the divine metal!


The scream of the light-eclipsed saint resounded through the entire 05 defense line!

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