Yang Xi yawned and pinched the face of her cousin Shirley.


Shirley covered her face ferociously, and bared her little tiger teeth.

Yang Xi was happy, and pinched the other side of her fleshy face, and said arrogantly: "Can you pinch it a few times for me?"

If it was Shirley from before, she might have stepped forward and wrestled with Yang Xi.

But after going through so much, she just shifted her position in dissatisfaction, and muttered: "Smelly Dulan, this lady is not as knowledgeable as you!"

The night time passed by every minute and every second, but Walker did not come back for a long time.

Hood couldn't sit still an hour ago, but because of Walker's order, he had to pace the courtyard.

The other clansmen also looked worried, and even Yang Xi felt something was wrong.

Could it be that something really happened?

Soon, a huge blue flame appeared in the night sky, and a furious dragon chant resounded throughout Guangming City!

But after only a few seconds, the horizon returned to calm!

"not good!"

Hood no longer hesitated, turned into the night sky.

Yang Xi and the rest of the tribe quickly followed and flew towards the source of the sound.

In the end, several Cangmu Yanlong hovered over the Cangwu Avenue in front of the City Lord's Mansion, and found Walker's tattered body lying in a pool of blood.

392 Something Enough to Make a Tier [-] Shot

Because of the existence of several third-order Cangmu Flame Dragons, the surrounding air became extremely hot.

But anyone at the scene, seeing the silent core members of the Keith family hovering in mid-air, would have the illusion of bone-chilling silence.

This group of Cangmu Flame Dragons are like suppressed volcanoes, if they are not careful, they will erupt completely.

"Who is it! Who is it!!!"

Hood raised his head to the sky and howled, his tone full of anger and regret.

If he could insist on following, his brother might not end up like this!

Like many clansmen, Yang Xi also looked at Hood with a "sorrowful" face, and at the same time quickly analyzed the situation on the scene.

Walker is a powerhouse at the limit of Tier [-], and the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline is notoriously resistant to fighting.

But the time of the battle just now was very short, that is to say, Walker was almost killed within a few moves.

In this way, he was either killed by a group of strong men of the third-order limit, or simply shot by a strong man of the fourth-order.

Or besieged to death by a group of third-order extremes plus a fourth-order powerhouse.

And in the City Lord's Mansion at this moment, there happened to be the defenders of Guangming City.

It is not impossible for the number of strong men in the Guangming City defenders to do this.

At the same time, the platinum deacon of the Hundred Cities Federation that Walker secretly came to meet tonight, as a Tier [-] powerhouse, he also has enough strength to kill Walker instantly.

But will it be them?

Yang Xi looked at the Guangming City defenders in white uniforms in front of the opened gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

When he looked at the defenders looking at Walker's body, the expressions of astonishment, surprise, and gloating were not like the expressions that the murderers should have at this time.

So, the murderer was the deacon standing on the side hall like a night owl?

But if he was the one who made the attack, when the Keith family members arrived, he should continue to use the method of thunder to wipe out the roots.

As a strong man who was killed from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​fire, he still has this decisiveness.

But he just didn't do it

On the ground, Hood, who had regained his human form, was holding his brother's body, his clothes were stained with blood.

The reason in his eyes has disappeared, he just stared at the group of Guangming City defenders and the adult above the side hall, "Did you kill my brother!!"

More and more family forces rushed over, they looked at this side from hundreds of meters away, and kept whispering.

The time and place of the death of the patriarch of Keith's family are too ambiguous!

As one of the candidates, he should not have appeared on the side of the City Lord's Mansion.

However, he died on the Cangwu Avenue.

"Now the Keith family should withdraw from the battle for the city lord, right?"

The onlookers all looked like they were watching a joke.

To be honest, Yang Xi's performance last time comparable to that of the Celestial Seed has already made many supernatural families who have taken root in Guangming City feel threatened. If the Keith family is given the title of Guangming City Lord again, is it okay?

The "General Chifeng" of the Guangming City garrison was a burly man with an inch head. He wore a black cloak and replied without emotion: "Your brother's death has nothing to do with us."

Hood gritted his teeth and said, "I still have to quibble, you were the first to appear on the scene!"

"You defenders have long been guilty of evil. When the three of us were besieged by assassins in Dongcheng District, you didn't see you. I'm afraid these four assassins were yours in the first place!!!"

General Chifeng didn't fluctuate at all. He stared at Hood coldly and said, "I told you, it has nothing to do with us."

But Hood persisted, "If you hadn't shot and killed my brother, it would be impossible to still be the lord standing on the side hall!"


From the direction of the side hall, there was a scolding sound.

A melodious beep passed through a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, avoided Walker's body, and hit Hood's body.

Immediately, the third-order supernatural warrior of the Keith family was knocked down to the ground without any resistance, and his body twitched unconsciously.

A power that contains the profound meaning of law is raging in his body.


Shirley screamed, changed back into human form, and rushed to Hood who was lying on the ground.

Yang Xi helped Hood up one step faster, and at the same time carried his father's body instead, and said to the platinum deacon Occam on the side hall: "Because of my father's death, my second uncle's mood is not stable, I implore the deacon to be merciful."

The figure above the side hall snorted coldly, raised his hand, and the pleasant voice reappeared.

At this moment, it was that power that was withdrawn into his body.

"For Walker's sake, today I don't care about this guy's outspokenness."

Perhaps it is necessary to explain, Platinum Deacon Occam said to Yang Xi: "Your father's death has nothing to do with me. As the Platinum Deacon of the Hundred Cities Federation, I will not attack any family in Guangming City without the order of the Federation."

After saying this, the fourth-tier powerhouse quietly left the side hall.

Yang Xi looked at the direction in which he disappeared and was speechless, and it was fine for others. As a fourth-order powerhouse, Occam would not know who killed Walker?

If the enemy is at the fourth level, there will definitely be a wave of law and profound meaning at the moment of the shot.

It's a pity that because things happened too fast, and the opponent should have deliberately concealed the fluctuation of the law, Yang Xi, who was one step late, had no way of confirming which law killed Walker.

He wouldn't believe Occam's high-sounding words just now. From the current point of view, he is the most suspicious.

"Could it be that Walker's death is related to the thing from the Mercenary Union?"

Yang Xi thought of the mysterious Walker some time ago.

Even Walker, who pretended to be his own son Duran, didn't reveal what this thing was.

"Is it something that is enough for the deacon of the Hundred Cities Federation to take a huge risk and kill Walker?"

"Then what is this thing?"

"The attitude of the Guangming City defenders is also very strange, they are also hiding something"

Yang Xi felt very troubled. He originally thought that Walker's becoming the city lord of Guangming City was a certainty, so his mission of lurking in the occupied areas of the Southern Continent was almost completed.

But the things in this world are so wonderful, and they are almost close to the final information. Walker's death brought everything back to the starting point.

"Should I choose pn, and directly force the fourth-order powerhouse?"

Looking in the direction of the side hall, Yang Xi felt a little ready to move.

But in the end, reason prevailed over him.

"It doesn't matter, Walker dies as soon as he dies. I might as well wait until the dust of the city lord of Guangming City is settled, and then pretend to be the core member of the family that finally won. This is the best alternative at present."

Yang Xi glanced at the crowd, including the Clark family and the Murphy family.

"However, before that, I have to figure out the origin of the thing in Walker's hand."

A thing that is enough to make a fourth-order powerhouse take action, what is it?

393 Dulan, from now on you will be the head of the house!

Shirley cried, "Duran, what should we do?"

Although Occam withdrew his strength and made Hood no longer twitch, he still fell into a coma.

It's just a random blow from a fourth-tier powerhouse, and the third-tier Hood can't parry it.

Those people in the sky who maintained Cangmu Yanlong's transformation also looked at Yang Xi questioningly, and now he seemed to be the new backbone of everyone.

"General Chifeng, my uncle has offended me just now." Yang Xi nodded at the defenders of Guangming City, and led his clansmen to leave the scene.

Looking at the Keith family and his party leaving in the night, the expressions of the various forces remaining at the scene were different.

"It's a pity. The Keith family was going to soar into the sky. This accident may make them decline."

After all, in Guangming City, the combat power of the third-order limit is a very important deterrent.

"It's hard to say. I think this Dulan is quite heroic in his handling of things. He was able to maintain this level of calm after his father was killed. It is even more well-founded. At this sensitive time, he led a group of people to make the most correct decision." choose."

"Yeah, if he chooses to offend Deacon Platinum like Hood, maybe the fourth-tier powerhouse will be furious, and the Keith family will have to be expelled tonight!"

"Tell me, who is the murderer? Walker is not an idiot!"

"Huh, who knows? The Mercenary Union, the Bernadotte Empire, and the Alien Beast Alliance are all possible. I believe that the Hundred Cities Federation did not make a move. After all, they can definitely sanction the Keith family on the bright side."

"Perhaps, the adult in the side hall is taking advantage of this mentality?"

"Hey, who is right? What a troubled time! If we Ossaid people can be as united as these natives, why should we be trapped in this little blue star plane?"

"Walker is dead? Is this what you said?"

The voice that had been gentle at first was now a little annoyed.

"What about that thing? Has that thing fallen into the hands of the Hundred Cities Federation?"

Sombra was also a little panicked, why is this guy Walker so unreliable, a strong man with the limit of Tier [-] will die as soon as he says he will die?

"My lord, do you think Walker threatened Occam with that thing, so he killed him directly?"

The gentle voice slowly calmed down, "No, it shouldn't be. This Walker went alone. If he had any brains, he would never have brought that thing with him."

"In that case, the things should not have fallen into the hands of the Hundred Cities Federation? As long as we recover them in time, the layout of the union in the Hundred Cities Federation will not be exposed."

"What are you still doing in a daze, go get it back!"

"Yes, this subordinate is going to the Keith family!"

"Idiot, it's almost dawn now! Just wait until it gets dark, as long as you get ahead of Occam, this guy is probably more anxious than us."

The gentle voice regained some confidence, "Even if this thing falls into his hands, there is still room for turning around, and we can even use this to make bolder attempts."

"My lord, what do you mean?"

"Hmph, what do you think?"

Heiye's flattering voice sounded: "I admire you!!"

After returning to the family, Hood basically recovered his normal mobility.

But his mental state was still not very good, and he sat in a daze beside Walker's restrained corpse.

Walker lay quietly in the stone coffin, some broken limbs had been stitched up by the restraint master, and some makeup was put on his face, he looked as if he was asleep.

Yang Xi didn't strip him of his abilities, after all, he doesn't lack dark energy now, and he already has the Cangmu Yanlong bloodline.

After all, we have been together for a while, so let's give Walker some face.

Except for Shirley, the other clansmen were all dressed in battle attire and were waiting outside.

"Second Uncle, what should we do next?"

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