But he didn't intend to use spiritual means to get the answer he wanted from Liu Yuan's mind.

At his current stage, he sometimes feels that it is a good thing to be able to maintain a certain degree of curiosity.

As he continued to comprehend more profound meanings of laws, Yang Xi noticed some changes in himself—it seemed that his "human nature" was decreasing, while his "divine nature" was increasing.

Even my younger sister, Yang Feifei, had this situation.

Perhaps, this is the challenge that Tier [-] powerhouses need to face.

Although the increase in divinity will allow Yang Xi to get twice the result with half the effort in comprehending the profound truth of the law, he always feels that he still needs to maintain more humanity.

Otherwise, even if he becomes a superpower who has crossed countless planes, and even loses human emotions, what is the meaning of trouble?

"Okay, time is precious, so I won't be too polite."

Yang Xi smiled and said, "I saw you using the Ancient Saint Physique today. How is it? Is this skill easy to use?"

When Ye Fan heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment: "Easy to use is easy to use, that is..."

Marukyu on the side said angrily: "You are not allowed to use the ancient holy body so overloaded in the future, it consumes all vitality!"

As he spoke, Marukyu's eyes turned red.

When she thought of her boyfriend expending a lot of vitality in order to save everyone, she felt very uncomfortable.

If she had a choice, she would rather consume her own vitality.

Ye Fan looked at Wan Jiu, if not for the presence of the leader, he would definitely hug his girlfriend into his arms to comfort him.

"This is something that can't be helped. If I hadn't made a move at the time, everyone might have died in the hands of those two Ossaid powerhouses..."

"That's what I said, but I just can't bear it!"

Yang Xi was full of dog food, and regretted coming over tonight.

"Okay, okay." He interrupted the affection between the young couple, "I came here today to solve this problem for you."

He handed Ye Fan a mass of rich life energy, "The life energy contained in it is enough to make up for the vitality you lost today."

"But after all, it's external energy, so it's better to use less!"

Although the consciousness above the life energy has been annihilated, the things on the soul level are too profound, and Yang Xi dare not guarantee that there is absolutely no problem.

If Ye Fan went mad because he used too much life energy, then Yang Xi would be at a loss.

Following Yang Xi's instructions, Ye Fan absorbed life energy into his body.

He felt that the life force that had been consumed quickly filled up.

If Ye Fan's vitality is regarded as a tank of water, then the water in the tank has already been drained by one-third, but now it has returned to the full state again, and even looks like it is overflowing.

"Control your life energy and don't let it act on your wound. After all, you didn't go to a medical supernatural person for treatment, and your injury suddenly healed, which will cause unnecessary suspicion."

Hearing Yang Xi's request, Ye Fan quickly collected his energy and controlled the life energy spreading to his body surface.

Those large and small wounds have not healed.

However, although he still has wounds on his body, Ye Fan's energy is completely different from before.

"Okay, I won't disturb your young couple's intimacy."

After Yang Xi finished speaking, he disappeared from the scene.

Only the red-faced Marukyu and the silly-smiling Ye Fan remained.

"What are you looking at, you idiot!"

"Marumaru, you are so beautiful!"

"Ms. Ben is naturally beautiful, it's up to you to say!"

"No, no, I think you are more beautiful tonight!"

"You poor man, why are you so glib today? Ah! What are you doing!... Bad guy, lock the door first!"


The sea breeze blows on Yang Xi's face, and the wind with a fishy smell is actually refreshing.

"Brother Yang Xi, haven't you slept yet?"

Ji Yourong appeared behind him in a combat uniform.

Yang Xi was a little surprised. He originally thought that everyone had already fallen asleep at this moment.

After all, they had experienced such a fierce battle during the day, and they were not like him, with unlimited energy.

"Can't sleep, come out and blow some air."

Yang Xi smelled a burst of fragrance, and his right arm warmed up. It turned out that the girl Ji Yourong had already sat next to him.

"Why, can't you fall asleep?"

Although Ji Yourong felt a little weird tonight, Yang Xi didn't point it out.

The second most beautiful woman in the world pushed her hair behind her ears, revealing the black mole the size of a sesame seed on her left earlobe.

Under the slightly drunk moonlight, Yang Xi felt that Ji Yourong's side face was so white that it could squeeze out water.

It seems that the effect of the healing fruit is really good. It has only been half a day, and her injuries have completely healed.

It's just that the half of Ji Yourong's face that had been burnt had better skin.

She sighed faintly: "Yeah, I can't sleep either. When I close my eyes, I will be engulfed by flames today, so I just went out for a walk. I didn't expect to meet Brother Yang Xi."

"You performed very well today. If it weren't for you, that Ossaid fire-type power user might have caused even more damage!"

"...Actually, I didn't do anything. All along, I haven't done well enough. Obviously my ability is not weak, but in the end...I can't protect the people around me. When Blanche was affected, I It should be able to save her!"

As she spoke, tears welled up in the girl's eyes, hitting the leather battle suit one by one, and falling into the beach along the surface of the battle suit.

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(from the new novel group 712205071)

"What nonsense, Blanche was affected by the aftermath of the battle of the fourth-order powerhouse, and no one has reacted, let alone you?"

Yang Xi comforted: "Besides, don't we have healing fruits? Blanche's leg was healed a few hours ago!"

Maybe it was because there was no one around, so Ji Yourong cried even more presumptuously, "But... that was exchanged with your points, Captain, and one or two thousand points are enough to exchange for a tube of supernatural potion!"

Yang Xi couldn't help but smile: "Hey, it's okay, I have accumulated a lot of points!"

"I also used a healing fruit, but I'm still carrying a loan from the organization, so I can't pay you back at all! Woooooo..."

Ji Yourong seemed to let go completely, and burst into tears.

Yang Xi stared blankly at the girl in front of him. To be honest, this was the first time he saw Ji Yourong who lost his composure.

This strong girl has always been quiet and calm.

She kept restraining her emotions, but did not vent them out.

Today's battle during the day was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Yang Xi hugged her up: "Stop crying, it's just some points!"

After crying in Yang Xi's arms for a while, Ji Yourong came to his senses and stood up blushing.

"Yes... I'm sorry Captain, I didn't mean to dirty your clothes."

Yang Xi looked at the chest covered with snot and tears, and said nonchalantly: "It's a small matter, just throw the washing machine later."

"Captain, I will definitely return the points I owe you!"

Just kidding, Ji Yourong ran away, leaving a series of embarrassing footprints on the beach.

The moon was shattered by the waves, Yang Xi looked at the silver scales, but he didn't know that Li Caiwei was staring blankly at his back a few hundred meters behind him.

447 Little People ([-] in [-])

The alchemy warships of the Ossaids continued to move steadily on the sea despite the beating of the waves.

Many water-type supernatural beings are hunting, and a large number of fish, shrimp, and sea goods are pouring into the supply boat. After a few hours, these sea goods will become the military rations of Ossaid soldiers.

As for those beasts with huge appetites, they need to go to the depths of the ocean to find food by themselves.

It is strange to say that it has been more than a hundred years since the magic power of the Azure Star plane was enlightened, but only the first generation of supernatural beings appeared in the human race, and other animals and plants were not affected by the soaring concentration of magic power.

Many scholars of the human race have speculated whether some kind of shackles restrict the evolution of species other than the human race.

At the current speed of the new coalition forces, they will be able to approach the waters near Red Frost Island in two days.

In the distance, dozens of bright spots appeared on the horizon, and an elite team was immediately dispatched from the outpost to investigate the situation.

"I have seen the Arbiter!"

Major Ossaid of the elite team breathed a sigh of relief after confirming the identity of the person who came, but he was obviously taken aback when he saw that the Green Flame Dominator and the Red Devil were not among the people who came back.

"Even the two of them are dead? How can the natives be so strong?"

But of course he wouldn't ask these words.

The arbitrator ignored these elite teams, and didn't even slow down, just passing them directly.

However, the members of the mercenary union wrapped in the bubbles were released by him.

Although he could instantly recognize the identity matrix of the mercenary union on these people, he still had to guard against them after all.

In case spies got mixed up because of his negligence, it would still be his face.

However, what he didn't know was that the real spies had long been on the command ship of the new coalition forces, and they were in chaos.

Yang Xi's Duran avatar was watching the battle on Red Frost Island from the beginning to the end.

At this moment, in the commander's suite on the warship, he was holding a glass of kiwi juice, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, watching the approaching arbitrator.

This old man did have a skill, and played a lot of tricks on Aunt Zhao.

If you think about it, how can you get to the top of the mercenary union in such a chaotic New Fry Continent without any means or scheming?

The competition on the side of the Ossaid people is much more intense than that of the Azure Star people.

In Four Seas, as long as one becomes a Tier [-] powerhouse, one can easily climb to an extremely high position among the three major forces.

Even if you don't want to mix with the three major forces, you can build a little king yourself like the Lord of Chaos Sea, and do whatever you want, basically no one will restrict you.

But on New Fry Continent, if you want to climb to the top, the fourth step is just a stepping stone.

Not to mention the intricate family ties, and the remote control from the original plane.

To be honest, the fourth level of the Ossaid people is not as comfortable as the fourth level of the Azure Star people.

After all, Duran's avatar is the commander-in-chief of the new coalition army. After noticing his gaze, the arbitrator also nodded his head from afar as a compliment.

After all, this time their mercenary union was able to complete the plan of "buying a masterpiece show", and this kid from the Keith family also provided "policy assistance" very interestingly.

For this kind of people who know how to advance and retreat, the arbitrators have always been generous.

He even wanted to re-establish the "cooperative relationship" with the Keith family on the side of Duran's avatar.

After staying without the attention of the arbiter, the smile on Duran's avatar faded, "The next step is the real tough battle, I hope everything will go according to plan."

He has already passed on the latest information. As a spy, he has done his best.

buckle -

The door was knocked.

"come in."

"Your Excellency Commander, the adults of the fourth order invite you to the top garden."

Hearing this sentence, Du Lan's avatar focused his eyes, nodded and said, "I see."

This suddenly opened meeting must have something to do with the arbitrator who just came back.


The top floor of the command ship.

Here is a huge hanging garden, about half the size of a football field, full of all kinds of exotic flowers and green plants.

Some are from the new Frye continent, and some are high-end goods from the plane of Ossaid.

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