"There is nothing but!" Lu Ming looked at Wu Mei seriously, "Do you think I am greedy for life and afraid of death? If I am afraid of death, I will not participate in this battle, but we can obviously save the lives of the boys under us by [-]% , why not do it?

Just so that the rich people in the back can make the alien beast into a handicraft for fun, or make it into medicinal wine? "

Lu Ming's words were deafening, Wu Mei let go of her teeth biting her lower lip, and nodded.

Up to now, survival is the most important thing.



Liu Yuan is shirtless, supporting his own weight only on his right index finger. He is carrying out weight training in the officer's gym. There is a five-ton boulder on his back, which looks very scary.

You know, the current him has not yet transformed, and he can already possess such power.

Thinking back to when Yang Xi slapped her ten times in the bar, who would have imagined that the libertine back then could become the muscular man he is today.

So, choice is always the most important.

If Liu Yuan hadn't shamelessly recognized Yang Xi as his godfather, it would be impossible for him to become the third-tier powerhouse he is today.

A pair of black sea shoes stopped in front of Liu Yuan, making him feel a familiar yet unfamiliar voice: "Long time no see, Ah Yuan."

Liu Yuan is like being struck by lightning!

It was the voice of his cheap brother!

Liu Yuan turned over and placed the boulder lightly on the smooth ground, as if placing a sponge.

Then, he looked up at the magic dragon in combat uniform.

Many words came to my lips, but I didn't know how to say them.

Although he has always suspected that he and the magic dragon are half-brothers, and the relationship is far from as close as the latter wants.

But after all, from childhood to adulthood, Demon Dragon's care for him was not mixed with moisture at all.

"elder brother……"

When Molong heard that his younger brother recognized him, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

For a moment, he regretted that he came to the world.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be separated from Ah Yuan, who he watched and grew up with.

But now, he began to rejoice again, if he hadn't come to the world, maybe he would really part with Liu Yuan.

"Good boy, he's taller than me now!"

Molong patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder with some relief.

In the untransformed state of the two, Liu Yuan, who is the younger brother, is half a head taller than him.

He can appear here, which shows that Demon Dragon has accepted the reality that his younger brother is stronger than himself.

However, he didn't intend to make it clear.

Liu Yuan felt a little embarrassed. When he was in Lukang City, he hated Molong's way of getting along with him like a child.

Just kidding, his majestic Young Master Liu's name should be reported, and in the entire Lukang City, who doesn't know?

If they knew that Liu Yuan was treated like a child by his elder brother, where would he put his face?

If it was before, Liu Yuan would have slapped Molong's hand off long ago.

But this time, for some reason, he didn't do it.

He just looked at his brother in a daze.

I haven't seen it these days, the magic dragon has turned darker a lot, but the sharpness in his eyes is stronger than before.

After staying for a few more seconds, Liu Yuan came to his senses and asked, "You... why are you here?"

He knew that the Demon Dragon had been foreshadowed by the Heroes' Association. He would have heard that the Rangers of the Heroes' Association were also in the army, so he went to look for him, but of course he couldn't find it.

Molong was a little embarrassed by his younger brother's question. He couldn't tell Liu Yuan that it was because he was too strong and his elder brother's self-esteem couldn't bear it, so he told his teammates to lie and avoid him, right?

But this time he came out, the main reason was to see the scene where Liu Yuan was decapitated.

The dragon deliberately stayed away from his younger brother. At that moment, the regret in his heart couldn't be added.

Fortunately, Liu Yuan was fine in the end, and that's why the brothers meet today.

When Molong was worrying about how to explain it to Liu Yuan, the latter came up with a new explanation instead.

"That's right, it must be from the Heroes' Association, and the new Rangers have come to support them!"

Looking at his younger brother with bright eyes and an embarrassing face, Molong was a little surprised, and nodded along the way.

After the two brothers said some homely things again, Molong was about to leave, but Liu Yuan told him to wait, and ran out bluffing.


Yang Xi was "resting" in the room, but he was actually focusing on the main body. When Liu Yuan knocked on the door, he was still lying down.

Seeing Yang Xi, Liu Yuan suddenly became hesitant.

Yang Xi is not a chicken vest now, so it is not easy to teach him a lesson, so he can only ask patiently: "What's wrong, Ah Yuan."

Liu Yuan scratched his head in a rare way, "That...captain, I beg you to make it happen!"

this kid?

Yang Xi was a little puzzled, what's the matter with Liu Yuan, why would he need this biyuewu vest from himself?

"Tell me, I can help, I will definitely help you."

Liu Yuan became more and more embarrassed when he heard the words, but finally said: "I think, can I borrow some points from you, I still owe the organization a loan..."

Yang Xiqi said: "Why do you want points?"

"Well, I want to exchange for an S-level healing fruit."

"Healing fruit? You have werewolf blood, why do you need to exchange for healing fruit? Besides, S-level ones don't have much effect on you!"

Liu Yuan explained: "It's not for me, I saw the magic dragon, this fruit...is for him."

He didn't know what he was thinking, and when his brain twitched, he thought of such a thing.

Ever since he was a child, he really never gave Magic Dragon anything, at most, he bought a cake symbolically for his birthday.

Yang Xi suddenly realized, a little funny in his heart.

This kid has grown up a bit after all.

"I won't lend you the points. I happen to have an S-level healing fruit, so I'll give it to you first."

449 The Enemy Arrives

The magic dragon is waiting outside the gymnasium, and there are still five hours left before their team performs the task, so he is not in a hurry.

After seeing his younger brother, a knot in his heart has been opened, so he can still enjoy the surrounding scenery with a more comfortable mood.

Not to mention, although the urban area of ​​Chishuang Island is dilapidated, looking from the clean and intact base to the distance, the scenery of the combination of steel and concrete and nature is really different.

Liu Yuan slipped back like a gust of wind.

Molong looked at his younger brother with some amusement, as if he saw Liu Yuan who was a little naughty back then.

"Go slowly, you'll be fine if you fall, but it's not good to smash the infrastructure, it's all made by the engineers and soldiers."

Liu Yuan curled his lips, although he said it was a long time to reunite, but he still hated being controlled by the magic dragon.

"Here, take it, don't die."

I don't know if Liu Yuan is not used to giving things to the dragon, or because of some other feelings, he stuffed the things into the dragon's arms, and left in a bit of embarrassment.

The magic dragon was a little baffled at first, and then he saw clearly what was in his arms, which was an S-level healing fruit.

When he looked at Liu Yuan's back, he suddenly felt warmth in his eyes.


Ye Fan was talking on the phone with his younger sister. Ye Shuang has grown up a lot.

Originally thought that after leaving the inland, it would be difficult for the little girl to adapt.

Unexpectedly, her life in the Sea of ​​Heroes was much happier than before.

However, apart from the fact that the customs of the four seas are very different from those in the inland areas, having Ye Fan, a brother who is known as a genius, is also one of the reasons.

After all, after knowing Ye Fan's terrifying talent, many factions within the Hero Association wanted to win him over.

But Ye Fan himself is a person who only knows how to cultivate hard, so these sugar-coated shells naturally hit Ye Shuang.

Like expensive luxury dresses, exquisite hand-made things, and everything that Ye Shuang's eyes lingered for more than three seconds while shopping, they would be delivered to her room.

But Ye Shuang is also a smart girl, she knows the reason why she has all these things, so she never loses herself.

Her ideal, like her brother's, is to join the adjudication organization and run for the leader's cause.

During this time, she had begged several times, but Yang Xi refused.

After all, the current situation is not dangerous enough to require a little girl to work hard.

"Brother, you and sister-in-law are going to come back alive!"

On the other end of the phone, Ye Shuang had tears in his eyes.

Although the news on the TV was full of good news, the casualty numbers flashing in the corner let Ye Shuang understand how terrible this war was.

"Shuangshuang, don't worry, with me here, I will never let your brother do stupid things."

Marukyu squeezed away Ye Fan who was looking at his younger sister with a smirk, and patted his chest which was not of much size to reassure.

She also gets along well with Ye Shuang, and there is no such conflict that her girlfriend and sister-in-law disagree because the boy is a sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, I will entrust my brother to you!"

Ye Shuang also realized that crying and crying now would make her brother and sister-in-law worry, so she couldn't hold back in this regard.

Ye Fan said seriously: "Don't worry, brother, you still don't understand?"

"Understood brother, you are the second best!"

After exhorting each other again, the video call was hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Marukyu sat down with some relief.

She looked at Ye Fan, her eyes were no longer as relaxed as before, but a kind of confusion.

Before this level of war is coming, who will not be nervous.

Fortunately, they have the care of the ruling organization.

"Yezi, you said that the 'rebirth gift package' provided by the organization is reliable?"

Marukyu had already prepared for the worst in his heart.

Ye Fan frowned and said: "What are you thinking, you will be fine, with the leader here, we humans will surely win."

"is it?"

After experiencing the Battle of Chishuang Island, Marukyu has a deeper understanding of the Ossaid's martial arts, and feels a little uneasy about the future of mankind in his heart.

Ye Fan saw his girlfriend's worry, but it was not the case in his heart.

But whenever his fighting spirit decreases, as long as he thinks of the leader's reliable figure, Ye Fan can always regain his confidence... With such a great existence as the leader, it is only a matter of time before the Azure Star people drive the colonists out.

Even if it can't be solved in their generation, his son, his grandson, and the human race will definitely regain their homeland in the future!

What he can do now is to use his best efforts, at the right time, to burst out with the most dazzling brilliance, to illuminate the way forward for the human race and for the judgment, and after that, even if he falls like a meteor, he will still be there. No hesitation!


As night fell, Yang Xi was suspended in the sky wearing a rooster vest.

He is the only one who knows the whole situation.

The perspective of each avatar is feeding back a lot of information.

The number of enemies, tactics, and distance are all under his control.

With Suzaku's help, he could even roughly simulate this war.

To be honest, the situation of the Azure Star Human Race is not optimistic.

Although the fourth order of Ossaid is arrogant and conceited, their strength is indeed strong.

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