He made up his mind that if they fought against each other later, he would rather resist Tongtian's damage than face to face with Yang Xi again.

"It's obviously just a native!"

The arbiter once again lamented his own inadequacy, it's fine if this blue star has just one explosion, why is there an extra chicken!

The fourth rank of the Azure Stars all stared sideways at Yang Xi's moves.

Especially Tongtian, although his complexion didn't change, but his vigilance towards Youji and the adjudicative organization has once again increased a lot.

I thought Youji was about the same strength as Ouyang Guanhe and the others, but he was just pretending.

But I didn't expect that he could actually use this level of moves now, compared with him in the state of three swords, he is not too far behind!

Thinking of the information about Youji, Tongtian couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"When he appeared in the interior, he deliberately pretended to be an A-level supernatural user. He is really shameless!"

Now Tongtian is a little uncertain whether this guy is hiding anything now.

"Do people in the Judgment Organization like to follow this style? No wonder Blast is so afraid of them!"

After Yang Xi had finished gaining momentum, he gently pushed the flying shuttle-shaped divine metal out.

In an instant, everyone felt in a trance that there was a black light splitting the sky and the sea.

Only a crisp puff sound was heard, and the small and sharp black metal easily slipped through the crack of the cage of the iron tower!

To the people inside the iron tower, the crisp sound became a noise that tormented the ears under the constant reverberation.


Chris couldn't help covering his ears and screaming.

At this moment, his state looks very strange, like an alien full of tentacles, entangled Qian Youque tightly.

Because Qian Youque is an individual infected by the deep blue consciousness, he is more careful in devouring this time, so as not to be eroded himself.

If you lose your self-awareness, then you will really lose your wife and lose your army!

Qian Youque, who seemed to give up resistance, opened his eyes suddenly, but the eyes that were originally emotionless burst out with a frightening light at this moment.

He didn't say any nonsense, screamed up to the sky, abandoned the energy absorbed by Chris like a strong man cut off his wrist, and flew straight to the hole pierced by Yang Xi with only a small amount of power left.

"Where to go!!!"

The Iron Tower General, who had recovered from the shock, shouted loudly, raising his fists high, attacking like an arhat.

Facing the menacing enemy, Qian Youque did not choose to fight recklessly, but speeded up and rushed towards the exit.

His once dull facial features are now full of longing for freedom!

When Yang Xi pierced through the cage of the iron tower, his mental power was attached to the divine metal, so he naturally "saw" the situation inside the iron tower.

He noticed the change in Qian Youqi, the puppet-like feeling of Duoduo's father disappeared, replaced by agile eyes and full of emotions.

"Could it be that this guy broke free from the erosion of deep blue consciousness?"

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't think about it at all.

But after all, Yang Xi himself just escaped from the tiger's mouth of Deep Blue Consciousness, seeing Qian Youque's demeanor, he would inevitably have such speculations.

"Looking at the mixed energy in Chris, what the two of them are doing inside the tower should be devouring money!

Regardless of whether Qian Youque regains his sense of autonomy, I can't let him fall into the hands of the Iron Tower General! "

The god-made metal in the flying shuttle state spun around in the air, and shot towards the iron tower general!

"damn it!"

General Iron Tower knows the power of this flying shuttle, even his iron tower cage can be broken, and his physical body is in a hurry, unable to compete with it.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to put his flag down, gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing Qian Youque, and instead avoided the god-made metal.

This also created a chance for Qian Youque to escape.

He rushed to the light recklessly and escaped from the oppressive and dark cage!


Although the outside world is only shaving wind and thin air, Qian Youque feels extremely at ease inside!

"I didn't expect it to be a blessing in disguise. Although I was deprived of most of my power, I was able to get rid of the erosion of deep blue consciousness!"

At this moment, his strength has been greatly reduced, and he should be at the level of comprehending the profound meaning of a soul-seed. Compared with before, he is much weaker, but what is commendable is that he has regained human emotions.

It's just that he is also very clear about the memory of being controlled by the deep blue consciousness during this period.

Thinking of the human compatriots he had harmed during this period of time, he, who had just tasted the joy of freedom, was swallowed by an even more uncomfortable feeling of regret.

Sometimes, the thing that hurts human beings the most is feelings.

This feeling of remorse, in just a few seconds, tortured Qian Youqian so much that he wanted to die.

Qian Youque kept replaying the scenes before the death of those strong human beings who were ruthlessly hunted down by him.

Most importantly, he also hurt his first love, Zhao Jinyin.

Seeing the former lover who had already burned his original source, Qian Youque really wished that he had died in that accident.

"Traitor, die!"

A look of ruthlessness appeared in Tongtian's eyes with his hands behind his back, and he shot at Qian Youque with a fairy sword.

Yang Xi secretly thought it was bad, he hadn't had time to tell these people about his discovery.

"Wait a minute, Uncle Qian seems to have regained his consciousness!!!"

Yang Xi's words surprised everyone, especially Zhao Jinyin's delicate body.

"You said that you lacked him and regained consciousness?"

"Tongtian, hurry up and stop!"

Tong Tian frowned, but he didn't let his fairy sword stop, "Even if he regains consciousness, it won't offset the crimes he committed, right? I have to give an explanation to so many human warriors!"

Everyone knows that Qian Youque has killed many powerful human beings during this period, and many of them are third-tier masters.

"But a fourth stage of regaining consciousness, for us"

The first thing Ouyang Guanhe thought of was still the counterattack situation!

But Tongtian ignored him. In his opinion, relying on the power of Qian Youque, who was full of blood from his own race, would tarnish his Tongtian's reputation!

When Qian Youque saw the sky-high sword light approaching, he felt no nervousness or fear, but felt more at ease than ever before.

Just now he tried his best to escape, but he just didn't want his own strength to be used by the enemy.

To be able to die on the famous Zhuxian Sword now is not in vain of his hard training for so many years.

"It's a pity that I haven't had time to meet Duoduo and my father in the future. They must have worked hard during this period of time."

Just as he was waiting to die with his eyes closed, a void vortex appeared behind him

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The hand of Hai Zhu's avatar stretched out from the vortex of the imaginary world, and grabbed him in. jsjr

Tongtian's Immortal Sword remained undiminished, and by coincidence, it crashed into the iron tower general who came out.

If it weren't for the latter's quick response, maybe this time he wouldn't be the leader, but he would have to suffer a lot.

When Qian Youque opened his eyes again, he was already surrounded by the fourth rank of the human race.

Seeing the lovers and friends he used to know, Qian Youque was ashamed and ashamed.

The good thing is that he is not a person who is not responsible, and immediately said: "Everyone, I will explain the crimes committed by Qianmou clearly one by one. It is a time of war, please let me take the blame and make meritorious deeds. If I can survive afterwards, How about obeying the laws of the world?"

Hearing Qian Youque's words from the heart, several fourth-order humans exchanged glances.

Tong Tian said: "It's unnecessary, I have already gained the upper hand at this moment, and I don't want you, a sinful person, to help!"

Ouyang Guanhe thought more far-reaching.

Now that he has ignited his source, he doesn't know if he can last until the end of this counterattack.

Although there is an adjudication organization, but according to Youji, they seem to be eyeing the territory of Chaos Sea.

Then once he dies in battle, the Chamber of Commerce Alliance will not have a fourth-order seat.

Qian Youque, who has regained consciousness, is trustworthy in terms of strength, background, and character. The only shortcoming is the sins he bears.

"Brother Tongtian's words are wrong. Speaking of which, you should be a victim too. Those mistakes before were not because he wanted to commit crimes subjectively, but because he couldn't help himself!

In our four seas, murderers with a history of mental illness have a chance of being exempted from guilt. The situation of missing a brother is much more serious than ordinary mental illness! "

Hearing Ouyang Guanhe's words, Zhao Jinyin's eyes lit up. If Qian Youqian could clear up her previous guilt, she would definitely be happy to see it happen.

And in fact, it is true.

It's just that now that Ouyang Guanhe has spoken out against Tong Tian on behalf of the Union of Chambers of Commerce, she, the commander of the iron-blooded army, naturally has no choice but to speak out.

Yang Xi who was on the side also said: "Everyone, whether Patriarch Qian is guilty or not, we won't be able to tell for a while.

We can't even tell if he's faking his regaining consciousness at this moment, after all, the deep blue clan is notoriously treacherous and cunning!

But what he said is right, when it is time to employ people, let him take the blame and make meritorious service first! "

Tong Tian, ​​who had always been unhappy with Yang Xi, now finds him more pleasing to the eye.

"Youji is right, who knows if this guy is just pretending now?

Besides, even if he did the so-called meritorious deeds in this counter-offensive, can you guarantee that he will not relapse in the future?

You can really rest assured that a deep blue clan can enter the high-level decision-making of the human race! "

Ouyang Guanhe's face darkened, Tong Tian's words woke him up.

Qian Youque's experience is doomed that he will no longer be able to win the trust of others. Even if he is allowed to take the position of the president of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance, once his experience is exposed, he may not be able to convince the public.

After all, the human race is different from the Ossaid people. It is a pure single race, and there are more divisions of ethnicity and skin color inside.

The saying "Those who are not of my race must have a different mind" is not just a saying!

From this point of view, it can absorb many different types of intelligent people, and even non-human forces such as the Alien Beast Alliance can exist within the society. The system of the Ossaid society is undoubtedly much more inclusive than the Azure Star Human Race.

They claim to be a statement of society, but they are not arrogant.

Qian Youque has experienced so much, the pursuit of power has long been bearish.

Originally, he already had a death wish in his heart. The reason why he didn't commit suicide was that on the one hand, he sincerely wanted to make up for the mistakes he had made to his mother clan. On the other hand, he also wanted to see his family before he died.

Instead, he looked away, "You don't need to fight anymore, Qian knows that he has committed a serious crime, and he doesn't dare to expect to live. After this battle, I will let Master Tongtian deal with it!

Just now Chris has absorbed a lot of my strength, I am afraid that his strength has greatly improved, so let me be the vanguard for you! "

After speaking, he nodded towards Zhao Jinyin, walked out of the encirclement, and faced the gradually disintegrating cage of the iron tower alone.

Chris has completely digested Qian Youque's power, and his aura is more restrained, becoming somewhat unfathomable.

Even the Iron Tower General, who has always looked down on Chris, is a little bit awe-inspiring.

Originally, he thought that he could easily pinch Chris to death, even if he had some means, it would take a little more effort at most.

But first, he lost the confidence to win Chris.

"Is it possible to become so much stronger just by swallowing a relatively special fourth-order dark blue family, even before completely swallowing it? This kid is even more difficult than I imagined!

But why bother so much, he doesn't dare to betray Lord Red Emperor! "

Thinking of the powerful three brothers, even if they have become the best among the fourth-order powerhouses, General Tieta still feels a little in awe.

The Bernadotte family is also a well-known force in the Ossaid plane. The fourth-order powerhouse of this family is not a simple role.

Not to mention that the three Fairmond brothers were dispatched to the Azure Planet because they offended the Celestial Seed of the direct line of the family.

Otherwise, with the talents of the three of them, they would definitely not be given up and sent to such an ignorant, low-level indigenous plane.

Chris's eyes are a little clear blue, but they look obviously different from the blue eyes of the white people in the Azure Star race, full of a strange feeling.

"Uncle Que, you really let me down. As a member of the Deep Blue clan, are you planning to defect to the native camp?"

His grinning tone was full of ridicule.

Qian Youque was ridiculed by Chris, but the expression on his face was only regret.

"Chris, Miaomiao trusted you so much, but you betrayed him, but I also know your character, you must have suffered all these years!"

Chris was still cheerful at first, after all, his strength has improved greatly.

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