Ouyang Guanhe couldn't help shouting out.

But at this moment, Ouyang Xuan was locked on by the vision of the earth, so he couldn't notice Yang Xi and the others behind him.

Yang Xi smiled and said: "Brother Ouyang, don't worry, we are all here today, and we will definitely not let anything happen to my nephew."

He was secretly laughing in his heart, he and Ouyang Xuan were peers on weekdays, now it feels very good to be an elder.

Ouyang Guanhe, an old fox, how could he not know what Yang Xi and Ouyang Xuan called each other?

But now he is happy to see the success of Youji's bad taste. Even if Ouyang Xuan can be promoted to the fourth rank, it will be difficult to persuade other families.

But if there is an adjudication organization behind the platform, then the other families will not dare to fart.

Today's adjudication organization, on the surface, has three fourth-tier powerhouses, and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance and the Iron Blood Army have lost him and Zhao Jinyin respectively. In terms of strength alone, the adjudication organization can no longer compete with the adjudication organization.

"Brother Youji, I owe you a good word."

Although Ouyang Guanhe wanted Youji to take care of the Ouyang family, he would not face it face to face, which would be annoying, and he had his own way.

Zhao Jinyin looked at Ouyang Xuan with flickering eyes. After she and Ouyang Guanhe fell out of the fourth rank, a new junior became a strong fourth rank immediately, which made her feel like the times were changing.

After all, not everyone can protect the human race from the old era to the new era like Bong Bang and Tong.

Perhaps, her historical mission with Ouyang Guanhe has been completed.

Thinking about it this way, she felt extraordinarily relaxed.

Yang Xi also noticed the change in Zhao Jinyin's mood, and his eyes were slightly surprised. He really didn't expect that a woman like Zhao Jinyin, who has a very gambling personality, could walk out of the blow of losing her fourth-level strength in such a short period of time.

However, this is also a good thing.

The earth vision finally took shape, and the entire Banana Island was in a doomsday scene.

The staff of the Qian family informed the residents of the situation through the media on the island long before the phenomenon of the earth appeared.

Knowing that this doomsday scene was created by a certain important person from the Qian family, although the residents on the island were still a little panicked, they did not cause riots.

Even some teenagers on the island came nearby with a live broadcast machine in search of excitement.

It's a pity that they were all taken away by members of the Qian family.

The money is not lost. To be on the safe side, I still don't want this matter to ferment prematurely.

Moreover, Ouyang Xuan is a member of the Ouyang family, and he became a fourth-tier strongman on the Qian family's banana base...

It is impossible to keep money without loss of blood.

He also couldn't figure it out, the unitary chicken took care of a lot of people, why didn't he see a single person who could break through to the fourth level.

Fortunately, he already knew that Ji Yourong had become a third-tier powerhouse, which was the strength of the two brothers Qian Youque and Qian Youming in the past.

In his hands, the Qian family has returned to its former prosperity.

To be able to continue to be a second family in the Liberty Alliance, money is also acceptable.

In this way, he looked at Ouyang Xuan much more kindly.

Anyway, Ouyang Xuan was still young, and he got along well with so many young people in the clan, so who would he be with?

Yang Xi's meditation experiment team also looked at Ouyang Xuan with admiration.

"Is this the phenomenon of the earth that will only appear when you become a fourth-order?"

Yang Xi once popularized this knowledge to Ouyang Xuan, and as a teaching assistant, Ouyang Xuan would naturally tell the members of the Demon Hunt Team.

The progress of Qian Weichen and Yang Chuyou, under the supply of magic crystals, has now exceeded the original expectation, and they have become super superpowers, widening the gap with other experimental subjects.

The two of them also faintly became the two peaks of the demon hunting team. The other members, whether they were in the supernatural group or the normal group, each chose to stand in one of them.

This is something Yang Xi didn't expect before.

Qian Weichen murmured: "Assistant Ouyang was with us before, he needs some comprehension to break through to the fourth-order powerhouse, but he didn't expect it to be so fast!"

Yang Chuyou's beautiful eyes were filled with admiration, "Other than Master Youji, brother Ouyang Xuan is the most powerful supernatural being!"

Qian Weichen curled his lips and said: "Then you are wrong, how can Mr. Youji be compared to Ouyang's assistant teacher? If it weren't for the organization providing a large number of magic crystals, he might not be able to break through to the fourth level so quickly gone."

"Didn't you also use the magic crystal? Why didn't you break through to the fourth level?"

The two were still bickering, but the thundercloud that had been brewing in the sky for a long time finally smashed down.

For a moment, the originally gray Banana Island was suddenly illuminated by a bright green light!

The entire cloud layer was instantly filled with green thunder and lightning, and then at the center of the thunder cloud, a thunder that pierced the ground so hard that people couldn't open their eyes struck down!


After the loud noise, everyone couldn't help shivering!

This... looks scary from the side, and Ouyang Xuan is still directly below Thunderbolt!

Can he carry it through alive?

At this moment, Yang Xi and Ouyang Guanhe's people also fell silent and looked at Ouyang Xuan with full attention.

On the wasteland, Ouyang Guanhe's eyes looked directly at the vision of thunder, without the slightest fear, on the contrary, there was a kind of joy like enlightenment!

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone.

"Today, I must prove the fourth order!!!"

Chapter 498


On the ground, a giant orange sword appeared!

Ouyang Xuan's Horcrux is Xuanyuan Sword!


Xuanyuanjian's power kept rising, from the initial stage of the third stage to the limit of the third stage, and finally, under the thunder calamity, he successfully broke through to the fourth stage.

Ouyang Xuan's eyes burst out with a frightening golden light, and at this moment he is like the emperor in ancient mythology!

Facing the green thunder calamity, he had no joy or sorrow on his face, he just stabbed lightly with the sword!

Xuanyuan Sword's sword tip meets the thunder, and the emerald green thunder wraps around the sword like a big snake, wanting to charge towards Ouyang Xuan relentlessly.

Feeling the power of the thunder, Ouyang Xuan chuckled lightly and said, "Try the profound meaning of breaking the army that I have comprehended!"

In an instant, a sword glow appeared from the ground!

As if someone swung a sword to cut off the thunder, the shock wave swept all around!

Yang Xi was a little surprised, Ouyang Xuan comprehended the profound meaning of the law, its rank is not low!

The vision of the earth completely dissipated under the sword glow, and Kong regained its blue color.

Although Ouyang Xuan's body was tattered, his overall aura was indeed impressive.

As if a piece of rough jade has been carved halfway through, just looking at it can make you feel extremely handsome!

Yang Xi was amazed in his heart, "Does this Breaking Army Profound Art also have an appearance bonus? This guy doesn't look so handsome on weekdays!"

The vortex of the imaginary world reappeared, and everyone in Yang Xi came to Ouyang Xuan's side first.

Ouyang Guanhe could no longer control his agitated heart at this time, he stepped forward and hugged his son.

"Good boy, I know that your achievements are no worse than mine!"

Ouyang Xuan who was hugged was a little confused, isn't his old man fighting on the front line?

When did you come to Banana Island?

However, he soon saw three black-robed masked figures, and he was slightly shocked. It is rare for three zodiac signs to appear at the same time.

Yang Xi saw Ouyang Xuan who was a little stunned, and said with a smile: "This Ouyang Xian...brother, I want to congratulate you for entering the ranks of the fourth rank. From then on, our human race has one more strong man who can carry a piece of his head! "

Zhao Jinyin and the others also sent their blessings one after another. The belated money was not a loss to me, and they even brought a car to Ouyang Xuan to wash up quickly.

Ouyang Xuan also knew that he looked disheveled by the thunder and lightning, and it was really indecent with several female relatives around, so he apologized and got into the RV in embarrassment.

"Mr. Qian, you're doing well these days!"

Yang Xi has always respected the old man who doesn't lose money. Without the old man's help, although he can still achieve his current achievements, the process must be more tortuous.

The money is not lost because he is a good person. He saw that Youji and the others had come back, and there was no look of despair on their faces. Although the war was only publicly broadcast live at the start of the war, he could guess that in this counterattack, they Terran wins!

At this time, even though he was an old man with one and a half feet in the coffin, he couldn't help feeling excited. If he wasn't afraid of being laughed at, he would have howled twice.

"Your Excellency Chicken, Lord Fengshen, Lord Valkyrie..., our human race...won?"

Qian Bukui asked this question with some trepidation. Although he still guessed it in his heart, he still wanted to hear affirmative words from these big shots.

Yang Xi and the others looked at each other, smiled and nodded at Qian Bukui, "Fortunately, we have won this counterattack!"

"Good! Good! Good!!!"

Qian Bukui's eyes turned red instantly, "It's really double happiness today, both Ouyang You broke through to the fourth level, and our Freedom Alliance returned with a big victory, we must celebrate it!"

Zhao Jinyin looked at Qian Bukui's old face that vaguely resembled Qian Youque's, and suddenly felt a pain in her heart.

She thought of Qian Youque's words before she blew herself up, and she couldn't help but get wet again.

Qian Bukui sensed Zhao Jinyin's emotions, but also thought she was happy for the victory, so he didn't ask any further questions.

But Yang Xi and the others naturally knew the reason.

It's just that Mr. Qian is old, and now is the time to be happy. If there is a shortage of money, he will be stimulated if he fails to pay.

Ouyang Guanhe made eye contact with Yang Xi and chose to remain silent.

At this time, Ouyang Xuan also came out of the RV, and changed into festive clothes.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they saw it.

Even though he became a fourth-rank powerhouse, Ouyang Xuan still looked a bit naive in front of his relatives, friends and elders. He touched his head and said belatedly: "Father, since you are back, come here, this counter-offensive battle We humans won?"

Ouyang Guanhe nodded and said: "That's, it's not to see what your father is doing. I have carefully planned for so long, how could there be a possibility of failure!"

He concealed the difficulties and obstacles in the process like everyone else, but seeing the three of Yang Xi, he still couldn't help blushing and coughing a few times: "Of course, the zodiac position of the adjudication organization also played a big role in the war."

Yang Xi shook his head helplessly, "Okay, the battlefield is still a mess, and we also noticed that you broke through the fourth level, so we rushed over to chat. Since you have successfully become a fourth-level powerhouse, follow me Waiting to go to the battlefield."

He took a deep look at Ouyang Xuan, "Now we really need the news of your breakthrough to stabilize people's hearts, otherwise the live broadcast of our celebration will not be easy to proceed!"

Yang Xi's words made Ouyang Xuan's face change. Unlike others, he is already a fourth-tier powerhouse. He didn't notice it because of the breakthrough and the joy of reunion just now, but now he noticed the aura of his father and aunt ...not the fourth order.

"Brother Youji, my father and the others are..."

"Shh, let's announce it later. This matter should have been kept secret, but if you break through, you can do it again, right, Brother Ouyang?"

Listening to these confusing titles, when everyone was confused, Ouyang Guanhe and Zhao Jinyin understood what Yang Xi meant.

He wanted to directly announce the news that Ouyang Xuan had advanced to the fourth rank, so that the two of them's fall would not affect the morale of the entire human race.

On the contrary, it will encourage the next generation to practice hard!

The one who is famous is his own son anyway, Ouyang Guanhe is so happy.

Tong left the battlefield, and he didn't know where to go to heal his wounds. Others thought it was Tong Xiaosa, but Yang Xi and others didn't know that he was trying to save face, and it was obviously a matter of letting Maotu heal a few times.

But Tong has chosen not to.

The only problem was on Zhao Jinyin's side.

Because if you do this, it will cause a certain loss to the reputation of the iron-blooded army. After all, they don't have a new fourth-order birth.

But after going through so much, how could Zhao Jinyin still be so arrogant?

She nodded and said: "Let's arrange it like this, this is the luck of the human race."

a few days later.

The logistical force has finished sorting out the battlefield, and the wounded soldiers have been sent to the medical ship.

A large number of soldiers who could persist were reorganized and regrouped, waiting for Yang Xi and others to review.

The new live broadcast machine has been launched, and the whole world will share the joy of victory for the first time!

The deck has been laid out.

It has to be said that the efficiency of the logistics department is indeed very high. The heroes who need to be commended have already put on new uniforms and are waiting for the appearance of the fourth-order adults.

When Yang Xi and the others appeared in front of the live broadcast camera, there was a huge cheer from the whole world.

"Long live the human race!!!"

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