Before he could open his mouth to speak, there was a booing from the crowd.

"Tch, I thought who it was, it turns out that Liu Shao, the slap master!"

"Stay back girls, it's said that this guy likes to hit women."

"It's really unlucky, a good BBQ fun was ruined by a scumbag."

Obviously, Liu Yuan has become a well-known Internet celebrity through the slap video. These college students recognized Liu Yuan at a glance, and because of their youthful vigor, they didn't give him the name of the second son of the Liu family. Divide into thin noodles.

Liu Yuan was speechless in anger.

What's the matter, I'm such an idiot, it's rare that I want to kindly remind that there are strange beasts nearby, but I still have to endure other people's abuse.

What happened to me being slapped?

The one who slapped me was my godfather. Isn't it justified for me to beat my son?

I wanted to drive away directly, but no matter how many people died, Liu Yuan still said angrily: "You stupid bastards, you still eat barbecue when the alien beast comes, just wait to be eaten by the alien beast!"

After he finished speaking, he stepped on the gas pedal and slipped away. He had done his best to repay his grievances with virtue, and what happened next had nothing to do with him, Liu Yuan!

The sound of the Ferrari faded away, and a girl in the crowd stared blankly at the red color disappearing at the end of the road, "Is what he said true?"

A male student with a fit body and a cropped cut said with a sullen expression, "He just doesn't want us to have a good barbecue. You can believe this kind of scum!"

"That's right, Ah Wu is right, I guess he just saw Lulu's beauty and wanted to strike up a conversation."

"Never mind his nonsense, the pork belly is almost ready, first come, first served!"

No wonder these boys saw Liu Yuan who was driving a Ferrari, they looked stunned and began to scold him. It turned out that they were afraid that this rich second generation would come to snatch the girl.

The other students went to grab the freshly baked charcoal-grilled pork belly. Only Lulu, who was wearing jeans and black boots, looked thoughtfully at the direction Liu Yuan came from.

Ah Wu, whose gray hooded sweater could not cover his chest muscles, carried two pieces of perfectly grilled pork belly, "overcoming obstacles" all the way, "What are you looking at, do you really believe that bastard's nonsense?"

A scumbag rich second generation like Liu Yuan is the enemy of a young man like Ah Wu from an ordinary wealthy family who is motivated and likes to exercise. Ah Wu must nail this kind of guy to the pillar of shame and whip him vigorously, so as to prevent the girl he likes from thinking Bad signs were born.

"Thank you!" Lulu took a bite of the pork belly from A Wu, and before she chewed the crunchy meat a few times, she discovered the abnormality at the seaside.

"Awu, what do you see over there?"

Ah Wu turned his head when he heard the words, "What is it, don't be suspicious! Damn it!!! There are so many strange beasts!!!"

He threw away the half-eaten barbecue in his hand, "Don't eat it, run quickly, the strange beast is coming!!!!"

Lulu watched the alien beast approaching desperately, and she recognized that it was a D-level alien beast riding a wave, and it was impossible for their feet to run past him.

It turned out that that person was not lying...

Liu Yuan patted the steering wheel in annoyance, "Being kind as a donkey, I'm not suitable for this kind of thing. If I, Liu Yuan, meddle in other people's business in the future, I'll take my godfather's surname!"

"But if that strange beast is really chasing me, these college students will be dead!"

"Damn, if you die, you die, anyway, they don't know me!"

After a few seconds.

The Ferrari drifted a turn directly on the coastal road, leaving two expensive tire tracks on the ground.

"Damn it, isn't it just a D-rank beast? If I'm afraid of even this kind of scumbag, how can I surpass the two stinky guys at home!"

Ferrari roared back the same way.

The college students had already run hundreds of meters, and at this moment they really wished they could eat less meat just now, so that they could run faster.


Talang Ryoma shouted excitedly, after running for so long, it is finally about to open!

At the end of the line was the fat man who was in charge of the barbecue just now. The sprint of several hundred meters had almost exhausted his physical strength.

He could even feel the splash of water behind him, "You guys, all of you stretched out your hands shyly while eating my barbecue, and now I'm about to be eaten, and no one turns back!"

The fat man had already smelled the stench of the strange beast, so he stopped running and turned his head to face Treading Ryoma.

"Damn Xipi, run whatever you want, none of them can escape!"

"Everything has to be..."


The red-eyed beast bit off half of Fatty's body...

052 That touch of flying red

"Fatty!!! Damn it!"

Ah Wu dragged Lulu to the front, usually he had a good relationship with Fatty, but now seeing his friend die tragically, his heart was bleeding.

But as an ordinary person, what can he do?

"It's all your fault. When someone came to remind us just now, run quickly, and no one will die!"

"Hehe, you didn't talk about feelings just now?"

"Stop arguing, even if we ran for the first time just now, we might be caught up by the strange beast! I knew that I would play games obediently in the dormitory, and I still haven't played eight positioning matches this season!"

Those who spoke were all running in the front, with other companions behind them, so they had room to bicker. The girls at the tail of the team had pale faces and feces and urine. The closer the alien beast got, the weaker their legs became.

"I... I don't want to die!!!"

Suddenly, the short-legged girl who ran at the end became ruthless, accelerated up, and pushed down the classmate in front of her.

"what are you doing!!!"

The people who saw this scene couldn't believe it, everyone is clearly a classmate!

The short-legged girl didn't speak, her eyes were full of tears, but her expression was very firm!

She doesn't want to die, she wants to live, even for a few more seconds!

In desperation, the fallen student was picked up by Talang Ryoma and thrown into the air, then caught and swallowed in one gulp.


The strange beast chewed excitedly, making a creaking sound.

He deliberately slowed down, so that he could slowly enjoy the human fear.

A girl with a bob hair and bare-legged stockings stopped holding her chest. She said to the short-legged girl with relief, "I...I can't run anymore, so you don't have to push me."

The short-legged girl hesitated for a second and passed her directly.

"Dad... Mom..."

Girls with bob hair folded their hands and stood in place praying, waiting for the fate of being eaten.

... However, the strange beast seemed to skip her directly.

The water spray from the four hooves of the dragon and horse that stepped on the wave wet her skirt.

She opened her eyes in disbelief, "I... haven't I been eaten?"

In the next second, Talanglongma kicked her away, and the girl's body was shattered into pieces in the air...


Talanglongma yelled happily, hoofed and continued to chase.

"No, everyone will die if this continues. Has anyone called the hero hotline?"

When citizens encounter a strange beast attack, they will call the hero hotline for help, and the live broadcast robot of the hero association will be dispatched accordingly, and will also notify the nearby heroes on duty.

"We have fought, but the nearest hero from our side will take half an hour to arrive... There are also alien beasts invading on the other side of the coastline!"

"I said don't come by bus, at least you can rent a car by yourself and hope to run!"

"Damn, we can only rely on ourselves, don't run in one direction, run separately!"

The few surviving people glanced at each other, and immediately dispersed in groups.

Those who are lucky may be able to persist until the hero arrives, or they may run into the shelter.

Lulu persisted for a few more steps, panting, she finally pulled her hand away from A Wu, "A Wu, I can't run anymore, don't worry about me running by myself."

How could Ah Wu give up on the girl he likes?

He took Lulu's hand again, "Fool, you don't know my physical strength, running with you is a piece of cake."

There was another scream from a classmate behind him, Ah Wu said: "The alien beast wants to eat you unless it steps over my corpse."

Lulu smiled wryly and shook her head. She knew that what A Wu said was serious, but she was not moved at all, because it could not change their fate of dying.

Talang Ryoma chose their direction.

The drone of the Hero Live Aircraft buzzed in the sky, and Lulu smiled at the camera in the sky.

Even if you are going to die soon, you should be more beautiful and free and easy before you die.

Ah Wu looked at the Talang Ryoma running towards them, with despair and a trace of... hesitation in his eyes.

If he gave up on Lulu now, he might be able to survive.

Lulu saw what was going on in his heart, and said in relief: "Awu, you go, maybe after eating me, the beast will chase others, so you can survive."

Ah Wu glanced at the live broadcast robot in the sky, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shook his head and said, "Let's die together."

Seeing that A Wu didn't listen to the persuasion, Lulu just said thank you lightly.

Hero Live.

"Hi everyone, I'm a new commentator Rita. The heroes are attracted by another alien beast that invaded Lukang and set up defenses. It takes half an hour for the fastest hero to arrive. For the time being, this D-level alien beast will ride the waves. There is no one to stop, nearby citizens please evacuate urgently!"

"Repeat, a D-level alien beast disaster occurred near Highway 271, please be careful and avoid the nearby residents!"

Rita, a beautiful commentator with a yellow shawl and curly hair and a tear mole hanging from the corner of her eye, is working hard to broadcast the alarm. Before she became a commentator, she was a female player of an e-sports team and once endorsed a well-known e-sports chair brand.

Her partner is also a newcomer commentator "Nabi", but this Nabi is a male, the opportunity to step into the hero live broadcast commentary session was a beef noodle poisoning incident that shocked the whole region. From then on, before the key competition, no player dared to Eating a bowl of beef noodles really makes the beef noodle businessmen in the whole district love and hate.

"Everyone watching this live broadcast, let us pray together for the victims of the alien beast disaster below, and hope that the heroes can arrive at the scene as soon as possible!"

The staff has already noticed the boys and girls who are about to face extinction, but the director did not choose to broadcast this cruel scene live. The picture is a distant view, with heroes riding motorcycles, or relying on their superb physical fitness to support them from all directions.

"Oh, it's a pity, such a beautiful girl is going to die soon."

"This man didn't abandon the girl and let him go, he is also a man who values ​​love and righteousness!"

"So what? If you don't have the strength to protect the girls, why do you come to the coast to die? Are these college students' safety classes for nothing?"

"When a person is about to die, just say a few words. Today is also an evil door. Why are there two strange beasts?"

What the staff didn't know was that there was another D-level beast training frogman who had been killed by Yang Xige on the surface of the sea, and failed to invade the coast.

At this moment, Yang Xi was also flying fast on the metal frisbee, and he could already see the figure of the dragon riding the wave.

"That is……"

Yang Xi noticed a touch of red speeding along the coast.

"...that kid Liu Yuan?"

This Ferrari Yancy has seen.

In the live broadcast room, the female commentator Rita suddenly shouted: "Look, there is a Ferrari rushing towards the beast!"

Nabi wondered, "Could it be that some hero has arrived?"

The barrage of the live broadcast is all "no". Sometimes the news of the water friends is better than the commentary.

Lulu and Awu also noticed Ferrari's voice, "That guy is back again?"

The girl's eyes finally ignited hope again. If she had a car, she might be able to outrun the beast.

053 Shocked Dragon

Screaming brakes sounded, white smoke came out from the tires of the Ferrari, and there was a burning smell in the air. Liu Yuan stopped the car one meter in front of the two of them in a thrilling manner.

A Wu hurriedly pulled Lulu to the side of the co-pilot to open the door, but Liu Yuan got out of the car.

Ah Wu was stunned, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Liu Yuan stared at the approaching beast, but did not look at A Wu, "I can only take two people in this car."

In the hero live broadcast room, water friends have recognized Lukang's new Internet celebrity "Liu Shao".

"This guy dared to take such a big risk in order to pick up a girl. I love it."

"It's really a rubbish rich second generation, you don't want to die just to pick up girls!"

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