"What! This Daemon is actually Master Damon!"

"Look carefully at his face, it is somewhat similar to the statue of Master Daemon!"

"But Master Dimon, how could he be from Ossaid!"

The anger in Yang Xi's eyes grew stronger, "Damon, my patience is limited! Don't force me to kill you!"

Hearing Yang Xi's threat, the smile in Dai Meng's eyes disappeared, "Don't say I have your sister as a hostage in my hand, even if it's a fair fight, you don't even deserve to lift my shoes!"

"Do you think that with the strength of the three of you, you can kill those two trash?"

"If it wasn't for me, your human race might have been on the brink of extermination. Speaking of which, this is my second great favor to your human race!"

Yang Xi, Blast and Chris were shocked at the same time, "The mysterious power just now was your handwriting?"

Damon said: "Otherwise, besides me, who else can do this!"

Yang Xidao: "But aren't you a celestial seed at the peak of the fourth rank? How could you interfere with the bronze celestial rank of the fifth rank!"

Dimon laughed loudly: "Ignorant guy, who told you that I only have a fourth-order peak?"

With Daemon's unbridled laugh, he grew a head of silver-white long hair, and his face became extremely handsome, like a legendary god's mansion, giving people an extremely oppressive feeling.

"Standing in front of you now is the great silver heavenly powerhouse, Robin Alfonso!"

Silver position!

These four words were like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts hard.

The Bronze Celestial has already existed beyond their imagination, so what kind of terrifying existence is this Silver Celestial?

Robin said slowly: "Damon is just a clone I created in order to seek a breakthrough."

He seemed to ignore the tense atmosphere, and said full of memories: "I am the fifth level of the refining plane treasure, and the silver level is already my limit."

"When I exhausted my potential and could no longer move forward, I chose to divide my soul into two parts and put one part into a descendant of the Alfonso family."

"Unfortunately, a separated soul is never an independent soul, so my avatar named Daemon is a useless one without magical talent."

"But for one with an infinite lifespan, everything can be changed!"

"Do you know why I taught alchemy to you stupid natives?"

"You think I'm the kind of virgin who doesn't ask for anything in return? Haha, this is just a means for me to accumulate enough plane luck to attract the treasure of the plane, the Philosopher's Stone!"

"The Philosopher's Stone is called the Philosopher's Stone because it likes to be close to sages. What can be more sage than spreading the alchemy stone to a race?"

"With the help of the Philosopher's Stone, I have completely completed the two parts of my soul, and the clone of Damon has truly become an independent individual! I have the capital to cultivate magic power!"

"I want to use this avatar to advance to the fifth rank as a heavenly seed, so that I can hit the legendary golden heaven!"

Robin's series of explanations made everyone dumbfounded.

No one can accept that the forerunner who is so respected by the human race is just a tool made by the alien race to break through the realm.

But sometimes, reality is so cruel.

Yang Xi said bitterly: "But why do you still leave the alchemy handbook and the matrix pointing to the Philosopher's Stone?"

Robin replied: "Naturally, it is for that destined person to bring the remaining Philosopher's Stone back to the plane of Ossaid."

"After I use the Philosopher's Stone, the rest of the plane's treasures are already invisible to me according to the rules, but as long as the predestined person can bring it to the Ossaid plane, with my Silver Sky The real deity, there are naturally ways to find it!"

Yang Xi shook his head mockingly: "It turns out that all of this is just your calculation. I naively thought that we were really friends!"

Robin stretched out his hand: "Yang Xi, we can naturally become friends, as long as you give me your stripping ability and control mysteries, after I become a golden heaven, I can even let you follow this path! "

"Even your people don't have to hide in the little blue star plane, the gate of the Ossaid plane will be open to you!"

Robin's voice was full of bewitchment, and the future he described was indeed extremely attractive.

Chris suddenly said: "Don't be fooled by this kind of guy! I don't know what your hole card is, Chenlong, or Youji, but I know that once you hand over that hole card to the enemy, we will fall into a completely different situation." Moving situation!"

Chris, who is also a "bad guy", has a keen sense of the same kind.

Although he was temporarily confused by Yang Xi's communication with this Ossian, he knew that this silver celestial named Robin was definitely not a good thing!

Although he tried his best to hide it, the malice never dissipated.

"Brother!" Yang Feifei laughed suddenly, "Don't forget the ideal and mission of our adjudication organization, we are going to drive the Ossaid people out of the Azure Star plane!"

"Whether it's a low-level fighter or a silver heaven, none of them can appear here!"

"I love you, brother, and mom and dad"

Yang Feifei smiled freely, and as the smile froze, she exploded into a burst of light.

The law of the fourth-order self-destruction fluctuates, causing the strong people of the race to be blown away.

But Yang Xi stopped at the spot in a daze. My sister died?

His beloved sister blew herself up?

For that shit ideal!

His most important person!

died! ! ! !


Yang Xi cried with her head in her arms!

That desperate voice sounded like a ferocious beast roaring! !

The eyelids of Blast and Chris around him jumped wildly, and the strong man's intuition told them that Yang Xi's danger level was constantly rising.


Chenlong's mask became fragments, revealing Yang Xi's grief-stricken face.

"Damn you!!!"

He appeared in front of Robin in an instant and punched hard.

This punch easily tore through the plane barrier!

Robin was also a little surprised, he didn't expect this little girl to blow herself up so decisively.

But facing Yang Xi's fist, he just raised a finger.

"The speed of light limit is opened!"

A tinnitus-like noise appeared, and everything around was stained with a holy milky white.

This is Robin's Silver Domain, and he uses the laws and profound meanings he has comprehended to cover this area.

Yang Xi's fist was easily blocked.

Afterwards, without seeing how Robin did anything, Yang Xi flew out like a cannonball.

By the time Blast and Chris caught him, Yang Xi was covered in bruises.

Chris had a look of disbelief: "This guy, when did you do it!"

Robin showed a satisfied smile: "You really are able to absorb other people's power for your own use. After eating my combo, you can still stay awake."

"After absorbing the power of the two bronze celestial ranks, it seems that you are not far from the silver celestial position. Not bad, not in vain. In order to test the reality of your supernatural power, I killed two bronze celestial positions of the same race. If a few other old guys find out, it will be a big deal!"

After confirming the power of the stripping ability, he was very satisfied. This kind of heaven-defying ability should belong to him!

"This Ossian is really a silver celestial!" Chris smiled wryly. "At first, I thought that after I became a bronze celestial, I might be able to end the war alive! It seems that God doesn't want me to live!"

"Fortunately, I have sent them out in advance."

In Robin's Silver Domain, he couldn't even see through his opponent's moves, let alone defeat him.

Yang Xi also calmed down: "You're talking about the group of new humans, right? I didn't expect the last hope of the human race to really fall on your shoulders."

At this moment, Blast, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"You two listen to me carefully."

His eyes shone with wisdom. This strong man who had guarded the human race for nearly a hundred years was still thinking hard about a way to break the situation when the two younger generations gave up hope.

"This guy's silver field seems to be related to the speed of light. He was able to defeat Yang Xi in a way beyond common sense just now. I'm afraid it's because in this field, he can easily exceed the speed of light, so we can't see how he is. Do it!"

Chris's eyes lit up: "What do you mean, he used a super-light punch?"

Yang Xi also thought of something, after all, he personally experienced Robin's attacking moves.

"No, if it was a super-light speed fist, my injury would be more serious. It is more like he modified the value of the speed of light to achieve a pseudo super-light speed!"

Chris said: "So, he is not very good!"

Yang Xi shook his head: "This is even more terrifying! Our view of time is closely related to the speed of light. He can modify the speed of light, and maybe he can also modify time."

"How can we fight like this, let's just surrender!"

Chris was discouraged.

At this time, Blast patted Yang Xi's shoulder: "Since you already have a clue, I won't say much about the battle!"

"Now tell me, is it true what the enemy said that you can absorb the strength of others to enhance your own strength?"

Yang Xi thought that blasting was that kind of pedantic defender, so he had to educate himself at this time.

But he didn't bother to lie at this time, nodded and said: "Yes, my stripping ability and control mystery can absorb the power of others and make myself stronger."

Blast smiled gratifiedly.

"Good boy, I am really relieved to have a latecomer like you in the human race!"

Robin in the distance interjected at this moment: "Are you finished? Forgot to tell you, in my domain, nothing can be hidden from me."

He squinted his eyes and smiled: "You are indeed the one I like, and you can see through the mystery of the moves with just one fight."

"Indeed, within the limit of the speed of light, I can even affect time!"

While talking, he didn't see him make a move, and new wounds appeared on the three of Yang Xi's bodies.

The strength of Blast and Chris was lower than that of Yang Xi, and they suddenly became a little miserable.

Fortunately, Robin didn't seem to have any intention of killing them, "Have you seen my strength?"

"No form of power can span a long period of time. The moat between me and you cannot be crossed by the three of you conspiring!"

"Hand over the stripping ability, although time is in the silver field as I fiddle with it, but we still don't want to waste it!"

Blast laughed, "Robin, you underestimate us. Time is indeed irresistible, but there is one thing that time cannot erase!"

"That is our determination to restore peace to the Azure Planet!"

The explosion suddenly extinguished his vitality, he looked at Yang Xi firmly, "absorb my strength, I feel that you are not far from the silver heaven."

"I entrust the future of the human race to you!"

His rough palm fell on Yang Xi, who was completely stunned.

He never thought that Blast would make such a choice.

In order for him to break through to the silver position, the patron saint of the human race gave up his already infinite life without hesitation.

Yang Xi took out the blasted bronze seal almost numbly.

When Robin saw this scene, he secretly thought that it was not good, and came to kill again!

Chris, this suits but explodes!

He bumped away Yang Xi like a prophet and blocked Robin's attack!

"How is it possible, how can you see me at the other end of time?"

Robin was shocked and angry. He felt that things were out of his control.

But when he looked into Chris' blank blue eyes, he swallowed bitterly.

"You bastard, in order to temporarily block me, you actually volunteered to be infected by the deep blue consciousness!"

There is only the existence of the golden sky like the Queen of Dark Blue. When manipulating Chris to fight, he can restrain Robin a little in the silver field!

But only for a while!

But just for a while, it was enough for Yang Xi to absorb the warm bronze seal.

The catalyst of the crown of the holy spirit was completely used up, and the magic power on Yang Xi's body also broke through the critical point after absorbing the power of the three bronze heavens!

At this moment, he saw countless familiar people.

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