Another sword of judgment fell, and Yang Xi avoided it again by switching shadow clones!

The entire saint's base is crumbling under the fierce battle between the two super A-level powerhouses! !

072 Slightly better

To be honest, Yang Xi's situation is quite bad now. Although the Si Snake vest has two A-level abilities, the state of the Priest of Light is too buggy, unless Yang Xi can completely kill him before he can use the Holy Light to heal , otherwise this guy is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death.

Sword of Judgment, a divine art that is almost comparable to designated skills, really refers to where to hit.

Moreover, the attack effect of the Sword of Judgment is to purify matter, and it has nothing to do with defense. If Yang Xi could not use the shadow escape clone to switch positions, I am afraid that he would not be able to last for so long.

"Hahaha! Regret it! Let you refuse to ask for my money just now! What the hell do you think you are cheap?"

The priest of light slashed down another sword of judgment.

He still broods over the fact that he used the blue pill, which means that he is likely to be slowly controlled by the mysterious forces who provided the pill in the future.

"You must force me to eat this B thing! Now you are satisfied? Isn't it good to come out and leave a way for others to survive? Both of us are A-level abilities, why do we need to fight to the death! Grass!"

Yang Xi ignored the priest of light who was cursing, and avoided his attack wholeheartedly.

Although the Sword of Judgment was purifying his shadow clone, fortunately, the consumption of this ability was not as high as the plasma, so Yang Xi could spend it with him.

But Yang Xi didn't intend to do this. At this moment, he still has two psychic abilities that are useless.

"Kill him directly the moment he is under the illusion, maybe he won't have time to heal himself at all."

While Yang Xi was thinking about this strategy, the Priest of Light slashed three more swords. While switching positions, Yang Xi kept arranging the Shadow Clone closer to the Priest of Light.

"There's something weird about him..."

Yang Xi noticed that there seemed to be blue light spots around the body of the Priest of Light.

This is definitely not caused by his plasma ability.

This abnormality became more and more obvious as the Priest of Light overdrawn his abilities, and even his healing ability didn't seem to be able to reverse this state.

Extraordinarily weird.

Perhaps this is one of the side effects of the blue pill.

The priest of light also noticed that Yang Xi had changed his strategy, but he didn't care at all. No matter what kind of attack, as long as he couldn't kill him immediately, he could heal himself immediately. Can establish a victory.

Rather than guarding against Yang Xi's attack, he prefers to focus on observing the regularity of Yang Xi's switching positions.


The distance between Yang Xi and the Priest of Light finally reached the attack range of the mental shock wave.

The priest of light in the "concealed" state is difficult to aim at. If Yang Xi's sixth sense is not so accurate at this moment, it would be difficult for him to even hit the priest of light with his attack.

it's here!

Yang Xi used a mental shock wave in the direction of seven o'clock behind him!

An imperceptible shock wave hit the Priest of Light accurately!


Priest of Light felt that his brain seemed to have been severely gouged by a hammer!

A plasma ball the size of a washbasin directly blasted at the dazed Priest of Light.

However, at the moment when the plasma ball was almost burning to the priest of light's eyebrows, this handsome white man suddenly opened his eyes.

The sense of danger of death made his hairs stand on end, and he only had time to turn to the left a little bit.

The plasma ball directly took away half of his body!

Holy light falls!

The priest of light with only half of his face left was bathed in the holy light, and new body tissues were continuously repaired by the holy light.

Almost died! ! !

Priest of Light is horrified!

"You... what was that attack you just now? It wasn't plasma, nor was it a shadow!"

"You turned out to be a three-line superhuman!!!"

Yang Xi's face was very ugly, he didn't expect that it only took such a short time for the Priest of Light to get rid of the trembling state.

His mental strength is probably one of the best among A-level supernatural beings.

The priest of light continued to hide, and his figure became elusive on the battlefield.

His voice seemed to float from all directions.

"I was almost killed by you, but I have also seen through your abilities. It is my honor to be able to kill a powerful three-line ability user like you."

"Then... goodbye."

The sword of six judgments appeared in mid-air, floating above Yang Xi's body and all the shadow clones existing in the battlefield with a holy radiance.

Priest of Light's face was very tired. Even when the blue pill stimulated the body's potential, summoning six swords of judgment in one breath was a very extravagant thing.

He felt that the superposition of the power of these six sacred swords might kill even S-level supernatural beings!

The sword of judgment slashed at the head, no matter which shadow clone Yang Xi switched to, he would be severely injured!

He seems to be in a desperate situation!

But...Yang Xi also became ruthless, the body was ready to take the sword hard, and at the same time as the sword of judgment fell completely, he used the profound meaning of shadow escape, instantly killing double shadows.

In an instant, the Wudaoying clone passed through the body of the Priest of Light from all directions.

The priest of light quickly used the holy light to recover from his injuries.

But to his surprise, it seemed that this terrifying move...did not cause any harm to him.

Four seconds.

The Sword of Judgment purified Yang Xi's right body, exposing his shoulders, arms, right lung and various internal organs.

three seconds.

Priest of Light laughed: "Hahaha, so you were just bluffing, I won this battle!"

one second.

Yang Xi stretched out his remaining left hand, snapped his fingers, and let out a sound from under the snake mask: "Explosion."


A cloud of black air was entangled in the chest of the Priest of Light, and he didn't notice it at all. He was about to mock Yang Xi's tragic situation, and his whole body exploded.

All that remains is a puddle of bloody tissue on the ground

——Among the A-level supernatural beings, the body of the Priest of Light is not considered strong. It is not surprising that the Instant Prison Shadow Killer can kill Yang Xihao in seconds.

Because he didn't expect the delayed outbreak of Instant Prison Ghost Killer at all, the timing of using his Holy Light Healing was brought forward.

At the same time, Yang Xi felt a piercing pain, and could go into shock at any time.

He switched his shadow clone to appear in front of the "corpse" of the light priest.

"Hopefully the divestiture still works."

If Priestess of Light's ability isn't available, Yancy's regenerate ability will also activate.

Regardless of the nausea, Yang Xi put his hand on it and activated the ability [Peel].

The familiar feeling returns...

Perhaps it was a relationship that was still "while it was hot", and the separation was successful!

[Ability: Heart of Light

Introduction: 1. Return to magic, able to restore the physical strength of people with abilities below B level.

Amplification, which can amplify the abilities of people with abilities below level B.

Concealment, which can conceal the figure of a person with abilities below A level.

Holy light heals, heals the wounds of self or targets below A level. (6/6)

The Sword of Judgment, purifies the enemy with a giant sword made of holy light.

Evaluation: Grade A, a passable inheritance ability. 】

Yang Xi didn't bother to sigh, Lian hurriedly activated the supernatural orb of the heart of light, and activated the holy light to heal and recover his injuries.

Bathed in the warm holy light, Yang Xi's right half of his body slowly grew out.

"Huh, I almost fell."

Sure enough, none of the A-level abilities can be underestimated.

"But what I didn't expect is that this guy also has blue pills."

Counting it, this is Yang Xi's first battle with a hero after using the blue pill, and the effect of this medicine is really terrifying.

No wonder so many heroes risk using it.

Yang Xi got up from the broken ground and looked in the direction of the Saints base.

There are still some miscellaneous fish that need to be dealt with.

073 Harvesting and arrangement

"Tsk tsk, when you killed the Priest of Light, you even destroyed your bank card."

With no one present, Yang Xi could finally say whatever he wanted.

But even if the bank card is still there, Yang Xi, who doesn't know the password, can't get the [-] million blue coins.

Because the ground was completely destroyed by the fierce battle between the two, it took Yang Xi a while to find the Earth Mage and strip the power from him.

[Ability: Earth Mage

Introduction: 1. Terrain change, using earth elements to change the terrain

2. Earth elemental summoning, summoning earth elemental creatures to attack

Evaluation: Grade B, replacing the circus is just around the corner. 】

Now Yang Xi is no longer excited by the mere B-level ability. Looking back on the feeling of getting the refractory shell for the first time, although it is not long in the past, it is still nostalgic.

Si Snake's black robe was damaged, and Yang Xi had to replace it with a Youji vest, but the mask of Si Snake was still on his face.

Strolling into the old lair of the saint organization, Yang Xi found that it was already in disarray, and there were even a few corpses of D-level supernatural beings along the way.

The cause of death appeared to be due to infighting.

At this moment, standing in the passage leading to the second basement floor, Yang Xi could still hear the sound of fighting at the end.

"Hey, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat."

Yang Xi sighed, and squatted down to collect five D-level power beads, four of which were of the body enhancement system, and luckily there was an elemental system.

[Ability: Wind Blade

Introduction: Create a wind blade to attack the enemy.

Evaluation: Grade D, you can play the real version of Ninja Fruit. 】

Since then, Yang Xi has assembled almost all the elemental abilities, including the basic four types of wind, earth, fire, and water, as well as the higher-level light, dark, wood, electricity, and metal. (Taking the heart of light as an example, it is an elemental ability and also an inheritance ability.)

Then, the third vest "Chenlong" in Yang Xi's plan can also appear.

In Yang Xi's setting, this vest can use the four basic elemental abilities. It may not be the most powerful, but it must be the most gorgeous.

At the same time, the character setting is the more arrogant one.

The age is about teens, which is a test of Yang Xi's tender acting skills.

A talented young supernatural being can make the Judgment Organization even more mysterious in the eyes of the outside world.

Yang Xi entered the second basement floor, and these supernatural beings who fought for the legacy of the saint organization didn't notice it at first.

It wasn't until one of the tall, thin, supernatural beings with fairly bright eyes spotted Yang Xi that they became strangely quiet.

"Boss... have they been completely killed?"

The rest of the people swallowed heavy saliva, " seems to be."

"Then what do we do now?"

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