"No... no, I want to be as old as you..."


"Hey! Sister Yourong, there seems to be someone behind you!"

"There's no need to use this kind of little trick on your sister's side, right? As soon as you stick your butt, you girl, I know what color shit to poop!"

"Really! There is really someone, Uncle Youji!!!"

"How dare you lie!!!"

Yang Xi watched the two girls fight, no, to be more precise, it should be the scene where this "Miss You Rong" unilaterally ravaged Qian Duoduo, there was a trace of embarrassment.

Because Ji Yourong's clothes showed a little bit of spring in the pull, this girl actually has a waist!

Based on the principle of a gentleman, Yang Xi pulled his eyes aside and coughed twice to remind himself of his existence.

Ji Yourong heard the coughing sound behind him, turned around and saw that his body froze immediately.

This, this, this... is really a boss.

Her new "husband"!

Ever since Yang Xi defeated Demon Dragon (Ji Yourong's former Internet husband) and the Prodigal Swordsman in one hit, she has become Yang Xi's die-hard fan.

God... God!

Ji Yourong wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in!

She would only be so crazy in front of Qian Duoduo, if outsiders were present, she would still care about her ladylike image.


Ji Yourong's heart was bleeding, what scene could be more embarrassing than revealing the most ferocious side in front of his idol!

But she has been in the supernatural world for so long anyway, and she switched from the female tyrannosaurus form to the gentle and pleasant "Youda's sister" mode in an instant.

This kind of speed and this kind of acting skills that don't require changes in costumes made Yang Xi amazed.

Sure enough... the girl around Qian Duoduo is also a wonderful flower.

Ji Yourong pushed a strand of hair behind her ear with her little finger, and greeted Yang Xi with a toothless smile, "Hello, Mr. Youji."

Stepping forward with her right leg on a black high heel!

Such a slight twist of the crotch, such a tilt of the head to the left, revealing a high nose bridge and perfect body curves.


Yang Xi grabbed Qian Duoduo like a chick and came to the side.

"Sister Yourong, is there something wrong here?"

Yang Xi pointed at Qian Duoduo's head and said.

Qian Duoduo gave Yang Xi a blank look, suddenly thought of something, and reached out his hand to take out a wad of cash.

"Here, uncle, this is the 1 yuan I owed you last time, order some."

Yang Xi accepted Qian Duoduo's money in a daze.

This girl... does she carry so much cash with her?

079 The first cooperation with Fanhai Chamber of Commerce

Oh, by the way, Yang Xi suddenly realized that Qian Duoduo's ability was a storage bag.

Stuffing the money into his pocket casually, Yang Xi patted Qian Duoduo on the shoulder and said, "I came to you today to discuss a big deal."

Although the girl Qian Duoduo is greedy for money, judging from her willingness to pay back the money, she is still very principled when it comes to money. Yang Xi wanted to outsource the project of moving the treasury to her.

"It's not that our organization has seized the saints in the second district and wants to deal with it. I will leave this business to you, everyone acquainted!"

At first, Qian Duoduo hated being patted on the shoulder by Yang Xi. She felt that she would be treated like a kid, but when she heard the word "business", all these unpleasantnesses were forgotten.

"Uncle Youji, you can't joke about money, how big is the business?"

The Saints organization can have a large organization of A-level supernatural beings. They have been in Shazhou City for many years, and they are engaged in the business of pornography, gambling and drugs. There is a lot of money in their coffers.

"I didn't pay attention, it should be more than [-] million?"

Yang Xi made a rough estimate. The more than 100 girls only took some cash and jewelry, which was about 3000 million "compensation fees". Only then did Qian Duoduo get on the line of the Fanhai Chamber of Commerce.

These chambers of commerce that deal in exotic beasts will also be involved in other transactions.

"Is it just over 1 million?"

Qian Duoduo didn't believe it. An organization as big as the Saints would be worth less than a billion dollars. How could Uncle Youji say [-] million?

In fact, this is a mistake made by Qian Duoduo. For an organization as big as the Saints, the money they earn will definitely not be left unused. The profits they earn every year will be used to invest in casinos, hotels, etc., which can be left in the treasury. So much is actually quite powerful.

Moreover, the [-] million in the bank card of Priest of Light must be counted, and the three B-level masters will definitely get some dividends.

"That's all, do you want to do it?"

"Do it! Why don't you do it! I want to get 10 points!"

Yang Xi patted Qian Duoduo on the head, and said with a smile, "Ten percent? Are you kidding? It wouldn't be worth so much if you were sold by weight?"

"I'll give you 100 million labor fees, is it too much?"

In fact, Yang Xida can directly steal Qian Duoduo's ability, but it's not necessary. He values ​​Fanhai Chamber of Commerce's ability to digest this treasury.

Qian Duoduo did a quick calculation, curled his mouth, and puffed out his small chest, "I'll do it for 200 million!"

Yang Xi thought to himself, I only gave so much activity funds to my confidant, you little money fanatic, you really dare to open your mouth and come here!

"90, do it or not!"

"150 million!"

"80 million!"

"Don't, uncle, how can you make such a counter-offer!"

"70 million!"

Qian Duoduo was discouraged, and hugged Yang Xi's thigh without letting go, "Just do it, don't let it go."

Yang Xi patted Qian Duodu's forehead with a smile, "I'll give you the address. When I arrive in Shazhou City, District [-], my colleagues will look for you."

"Is it that snake that can discharge electricity?"

"Yeah." Yang Xi nodded, "After this matter is over, our organization has more important things to cooperate with your Fanhai Chamber of Commerce, and then it won't be such a small labor fee, work hard, I am optimistic about you! "

Frankly speaking, Yang Xi just fell in love with the exotic beast weapons in the Fanhai Chamber of Commerce's inventory.

This...Anyway, stealing dark energy is just a touch, much faster than fighting.

Although it's a bit immoral, it's not that everyone is particularly familiar with it.

Yang Xi glanced at Ji Yourong behind him, ahem, he really lives up to his name.


Liu's villa.

Liu Yuan can't stand the life of the hospital anymore. He can't do this, that can't be done, and can't do anything. How can he collect information for the organization?How to accumulate meritorious service? How can he redeem his own C-level power potion if his contribution to the organization cannot be improved?

At E-level, he felt like a scumbag.

After finally upgrading to a D-level ability user, I felt a little bit, but was almost killed by the strange beast.

Now Liu Shao is determined to upgrade himself to C rank, no matter what he has to become an official hero!

After becoming an official hero, he would be able to work in the old man's company, which would make it easier for him to obtain more information.

Although he didn't graduate from the hero department of a regular university, after all, my father and brother are both bosses of the Kunlun Brokerage Company, and if they walk through the back door, the Hero Association will give it to them.

Moreover, Molong also got to know Liu Yuan a little bit. The way Kunlun Economic Company wanted to help him avoid the crime of using supernatural powers without permission was to first characterize him as a hero trainee of Kunlun Brokerage Company.

The hero trainees of the brokerage company can have a temporary license under the authorization of the guiding hero.

And Liu Yuan, who has a temporary license, will not only not be punished for this incident, but will even be rewarded by the Heroes Association.

However, compared with the money for Ferrari's soaking in water, the reward money is really drizzle.

Besides, if the Lugang City Heroes Association branch wants to sell this face, the mechanical war hero needs to use a lot of connections.

If it weren't for the recent "White Mouth Point Defense Plan", the relationship between the Hero Association and the major hero economy companies has been eased, and it is a bit uncertain whether it can be done.

Liu Yuan sneaked out of his room, carrying a luggage bag on his back, this time he planned to live outside for a while, let himself be free first, before shedding blood to the organization.

It's just that when passing by his own father's study, Liu Yuan found that the door was ajar...

At first he shivered, thinking that his old man was at home, so his behavior today can really be described as "self-inflicted".

When he summoned up the courage to push open the study door, he realized that there was no one inside.

The window was open, and the wind blew in, rattling a document on the old man's desk.

Mechanical Warlord still likes to deal with affairs at home. Liu Yuan has been playing in this study room since he was a child, and lost a lot of his things.

If it were Liu Yuan who had not obtained the supernatural power and the consciousness after joining the adjudication organization, it would be impossible to care about such a document that was casually placed on the desk.

Having time to read this document, Playboy Liu Shao thought it would be a good idea to date a few girls.

But now that Liu Yuan sees this document, he feels that it is full of temptation.

These are intelligence, intelligence!

He first looked around, um, nothing unusual!

It's the right time for Young Master Liu to do something!

Then he crept closer to the desk.

I saw the title of this document, which was "Several Requirements Regarding the Defense Plan of Baiqiang Point in Lukang City".

"White cavity? Arm?"

Liu Yuan's eyes lit up, this title is very valuable at first glance, bah, it is very worthwhile to contribute!

After a quick review, Liu Yuan became more certain that this document could definitely be exchanged for his C-level potion from godfather Youji.

"Old man, old man, I didn't expect that I am a supernatural being, and I have to eat your old man!"

080 Temporarily Borrowing Ultrain

After making an appointment with Qian Duoduo, Yang Xi went to find Hot and Sour Rice Noodle Superman without stopping.

He stepped on a metal Frisbee and landed on the balcony of Hot and Sour Superman's house. Hot and Sour Superman had obviously been waiting here for a while, and there were four or five cigarette butts on the ground.

Speaking of which, this was the second time he had seen the vest of Youji.

Yang Xi noticed that when he got close to Hot and Sour Fan Superman at a certain distance, the puppet mark on his forehead with the W in the middle disappeared for a moment. I'm afraid this is the way the puppet used to identify him.

Even if Yang Xi appears in front of him in another vest in the future, as long as he activates this mark, he will be able to gain the allegiance of Hot and Sour Fan Superman.

"sorry to keep you waiting."

"No, it's an honor for the leader to come to me in his busy schedule, no matter how long you wait, you should."

The hot and sour powder superman is respectful and authentic.

Sometimes Yang Xi wonders whether the puppet control ability will automatically add some dog-licking attributes to the puppet.

Yang Xi is not a person who likes to be flattered by others, but when he hears the compliments from Superman and Ye Fan, he still feels an indescribable sense of comfort in his heart.

"Here, this is the ability I said to give you earlier, it's spiritual."

In view of Superman's performance in hot and sour powder, Yang Xi decided to temporarily lend him the ability of [Super Brain].

Although this ability was stripped from Yang Feifei and Lin Naixue, it is of great significance to Yang Xi.

But Hot and Sour Powder Superman is already Yang Xi's puppet, so there is nothing wrong with temporarily lending this to his absolutely loyal subordinates to develop his own abilities.

The C-level super brain will not only provide hot and sour superman with extra mental power, so that he can more easily control the multiple of his transformation.

At the same time, it also gave Hot and Sour Fan Superman an extra hole card. When fighting the enemy in close quarters, he will send a mental shock wave.

This few tenths of a second of stupefaction is also a chance to turn things around for Hot and Sour Fan Superman.

Hot and sour powder Superman got some information about the use of the super brain in his mind, and a trace of ecstasy flashed across his face. He never thought that he could really become a dual-line superhuman!

With the super brain, even if he does not borrow the power of the blue pill, he basically has A-level combat effectiveness.

Excited, Hot and Sour Fan Chaoren couldn't help kneeling on one knee in front of Yang Xi, "Thank you, leader, for your success."

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