And Qing Lan's somewhat indifferent personality kept her popularity tepid.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded.

"Oh my god! This is an A-level disaster, only a B-level hero will come in handy. Cutie Yandie, what are you doing here? Leave now!"

"That's right, don't pay attention to those trolls, you are still young, come out and fight side by side with Big Sister Qing Lan after you become a B-level hero in the future!"

"Protect our lovely Flame Butterfly! Gifts are ready."

Qinglan pulled Yandie to avoid a sonic circle of Soul Eater, and the outer wall of a residential building was destroyed behind her. Fortunately, the citizens here seemed to have been evacuated, and no more tragedies occurred.

Qing Lan condensed a blue whirlwind and tried to attack the eyes of the strange beast, but was blocked by the Soul Eater with its hard claws.


The cyan whirlwind exploded on the Soul Eater's claws, only destroying some of the hair and skin on its claws.


However, this only seemed to have the effect of angering the beast. It screamed again, and the ultra-high decibel sound made everything around it tremble.

A stone fell from a high altitude, narrowly passing through Qinglan's Danfeng eyes.

"Why are you here, C-level heroes are just cannon fodder in front of Soul Eater!"

Yan Die panicked and said: "I, I, I... I'm nearby, seeing Senior Qing Lan in a hard fight, I wanted to come over and help."

Qing Lan released another whirlwind to try to offset the sonic circle of the Soul Eater, but in the end it only consumed a small half of the power of the sonic circle.

The disturbed sonic circle exploded on the building, and the apartment building in Mingyue Community was like a biscuit being gnawed off in the middle.

The exposed location was the stairwell from the sixth floor to the fifth floor of the apartment. Half of the staircase was destroyed. Two unlucky people died directly in the explosion, leaving only three adult women and a five or six-year-old girl.

It was Lin Naixue and his party. They were all in the apartment today by coincidence.

Pan Yuanyuan had no class today, while Ding Lan finished her class ahead of schedule and picked up Bao'er who peed her pants from kindergarten.

At this moment, the four of them were still in shock, the explosion was only one meter away from them, and the two male tenants in the same building who aggressively squeezed their leading position in front, but because they were in a hurry to go downstairs, they followed the stairs without bones.

As for the stairs under Ding Lan's feet, there were only three steps left with steel bars!

And there is still a height difference of three meters between them and the stairs leading to the ground.

"Sister Ding, what should we do... woo woo woo!"

Pan Yuanyuan, who was the second youngest and the poorest among the three adult centers, burst into tears.

Ding Lan was also very desperate in her heart, but seeing Bao'er in her arms who was strong enough not to cry, she glanced at the direction of the strange beast and said, "Let's go up the stairs and jump to the apartment building opposite through the roof." , go down the stairs of the next building, we can’t get through this way, the three-meter drop is too high, once we sprain our feet, we won’t be able to escape into the shelter at all!”

Lin Naixue also agreed: "Sister Ding, let's go up quickly!"

With that said, she took Pan Yuanyuan's hand and was about to go upstairs.

But at this moment, the whole apartment building suddenly shook, and Pan Yuanyuan, who lost her balance, fell out of the broken staircase!

Pan Yuanyuan's whole body is suspended in the air, two meters below the feet of the pink sneakers, because of the broken and twisted steel bars caused by the explosion, once she falls, she will definitely be skewered into meat!

Fortunately, although Lin Naixue was brought to lie on the stairs, she still held Pan Yuanyuan's hand firmly.

The yellow liquid flowed down Pan Yuanyuan's starched blue jeans, soaked the little white rabbit's socks, and fell drop by drop.

She grabbed Lin Naixue's hand tightly, and her whole body collapsed, "Help me! Sister Naixue! I don't want to die yet! I don't want to die!!!!"

After she struggled like this, Lin Naixue's body immediately slid an inch outward. If she hadn't quickly hooked her legs to the guardrail, she might have fallen with Pan Yuanyuan!

Seeing this, Ding Lan put down Bao'er decisively, grabbed Lin Naixue's hand, and wanted to drag Pan Yuanyuan up.

"Yuanyuan! Calm down, we will pull you up immediately!!!"

"Woooooooooo!!! Please save me!!! I don't want to die..."

"Sister Ding, let's call one, two, three, and work together to pull Yuanyuan up!"

Even Bao'er, who was about the size of a radish diced, held Lin Naixue's body behind her, trying to help her sister and mother pull sister Yuanyuan up.

Her fleshy little hands wiped away the tears on her face, although she was terribly frightened, she didn't dare to cry out loud.

Because her mother taught her, the more this is the case, the less she can cry.

The little girl choked with sobs: "Mom, sister... come on... Bao'er will pull with you."

"one two Three!"

The two tried their best, but they still couldn't pull Pan Yuanyuan up.

Seeing the half-lifted stairs become precarious, deep despair appeared in Pan Yuanyuan's eyes...

083 Rabbit

Pan Yuanyuan sniffed, as if she had made some difficult decision.

She suddenly raised her head and said to Lin Naixue and Ding Lan who were holding her tightly: "Sister Naixue and Sister Ding, thanks to the care of you two these days, it is my luck to meet you!"

Pan Yuanyuan burst into tears, "Let go... woo woo woo... Don't drag everyone down because of me!"

"Sister Ding still has Bao'er to raise, and Sister Naixue is also dating Brother Yang, isn't it..."

After speaking, Pan Yuanyuan let go, and Lin Naixue quickly grabbed Pan Yuanyuan.

"Fool, what are you thinking, we will never give up on you! Support me!"

But Pan Yuanyuan's hand still slipped out of Lin Naixue's palm little by little.

"no, do not want!!!"

In the shouts of Ding Lan and Lin Naixue, Pan Yuanyuan finally fell down!


The fiery red figure caught the student girl at a critical moment, turned her in the air and put her on the stairs on the next floor.

"Citizens who were unfortunately involved in the battle, please don't be afraid, the C-level hero 'Yandie' of Cherry Brokerage Company is here to save you! (^_?)☆!"

Yandie's energetic pose ignited the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Wow! It's this wink!!! I'm going to die!! Cute Yandie!!! Come and save me too!!!!"

"I buy it!!! I didn't expect that even a girl like me can't resist the charm of Yandie! Diebao!! Mom loves you!!!"

"Swipe up the presents, let other fans know how good our 'Yanmeng' is! A small goal for him today!"

Seeing the soaring gift income on the live broadcast platform, the hat emperor was very happy, but because of the casualties of many citizens, he had to do his best to maintain a slightly sad expression.

"Ahem, although it is not recommended for heroes below B level to intervene in A-level disasters on the frontal battlefield, this does not mean that C-level heroes cannot play a role. Rescuing citizens like Yandie can also be a hero on the scene. Let's lighten the burden."

"I... I'm not dead?"

Pan Yuanyuan, who got up from the ground, was a little dizzy.

"You are not dead, hurry up and evacuate to the shelter!"

Yandie comforted Pan Yuanyuan, and then flapped her flame wings to hug Lin Naixue and the three of them one by one.

Seeing the four people hugging and crying bitterly, Yan Die's eyes turned red with emotion.

"Okay, you guys hurry to a safe place, it's too dangerous here..."

"Get out of the way! Silly girl!!!!"

Qing Lan reminded loudly in panic.

It turned out that this A-level soul-eating mouse actually sent out another sound wave in this direction! ! !

Qing Lan shot out a whirlwind to try to divert the trajectory of the sound wave, but was predicted in advance by the cunning beast, and scattered the cyan whirlwind with its tail!


The Soul Eater screamed happily, it likes to kill the ants who are struggling to survive, and slowly taste their fearful souls.

Yandie only had time to grow its flame wings into a huge barrier, and abruptly received the blow of the sonic circle!

The sound wave circle collided with the flame barrier, and the huge explosion produced was like a fire lotus blooming outward.

The live-broadcasting aircraft that had been close by to film Yandie's cordial interaction with the rescued citizens was affected, falling to the ground with black smoke and falling apart.

The last shot of this close-up aircraft is also a picture of Yandie being knocked into the air by the aftermath of the explosion.

The live broadcast room switched to another camera after a burst of snow, but the barrage fell silent.

Director Ge analyzed: "Although the situation of Yandie and the four citizens is not optimistic, there is still a certain chance of surviving. Don't be too pessimistic."

Yang Xi, who was approaching at high speed in the air, suddenly twitched his eyelids, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

"Could it be that Nayuki and the others have been affected?"

Considering that they might be seriously injured, he enlarged the size of the metal frisbee and used the clone ability to create a clone.

Put the A-level Bright Heart and C-level Snow Maiden into the body of the avatar, and then use metal to create a mask of "Utu". After the avatar puts on the black robe, the fourth zodiac seat of the Judgment Organization appears .

Maotu, who is good at healing and ice abilities, was originally supposed to be a woman in Yang Xi's setting, but now the matter is more urgent, and he can't find a suitable doll, so he can only make do with his clone one time.

After all, the vest of the unitary chicken has no healing ability.

Yang Xi has always been very careful to control the strength of each vest within the range of only a little "scrupulous" forces that can be contacted at present, otherwise if it causes panic, it will be attacked by groups. Now Yang Xi may have to use the reborn alien immediately. can.

Although this avatar is a male, but under the modification of the cross-dressing ability, it is still possible to be a female clothing boss.

Even the cross-dressing ability slightly modifies the skeleton of this clone, making him look a little thinner, ahem, the effect is even better.

"It's almost done, let's fly quickly."

The avatar complained that he also has the consciousness of Yang Xi, and will pass the memory back after the time is over.

The avatar exists for half an hour, and after about 3 minutes of flying, Yang Xi's metal control will be able to attack the Soul Eater. In order to be faster, he doesn't even care about exposing his existence, and keeps lowering the flying height.

"Flame Butterfly!!!!"

Qing Lan screamed loudly, she also loves this junior very much, but because of her poor speech, Yan Die was a little afraid to see her.

But she didn't expect this girl to be so courageous. After going to the scene of the last A-level superhuman battle and being punished by the company, now she dares to interfere with the A-level disaster.

Qinglan's whirlwind erupted under her feet, she didn't care about restraining the beast, she just wanted to confirm whether Yandie was still alive.

This is a serious dereliction of duty for a B-level hero, but she can't care less about it.

To put it bluntly, her restraint was just scratching the surface of this A-level beast.

If it wasn't for the Soul Eater's intention to tease her, he might be able to defeat her directly in two or three fights.

After all, its flexible tail was only used once.

But fortunately, as soon as Qing Lan left, a new hero arrived on the back.

In the hero live broadcast room, Director Ge also knew how to take the blame for Qing Lan, "After communicating with the B-level hero Hot and Sour Fan Superman, Qing Lan chose to rescue the injured heroes and citizens. It seems that she is very fond of Hot and Sour Fan Superman's strength is very confident!"

The hat emperor also echoed: "Superman's popularity has been very high recently. I heard that he already has the strength to attack A-level heroes. Last time he defeated the one-eyed hunter with a punch that was really soul-stirring. I don't know if he still has it today." It might be possible to reproduce that scene.”

Director Ge was puzzled and said, "But why hasn't this kid transformed yet? Could it be that he hasn't eaten hot and sour noodles yet?"

The attention of the barrage was also all on Hot and Sour Fan Superman.

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(from the new novel group 712205071)

"Hot and Sour Powder Superman, he is very funny on the running hero, I don't know how his fighting power is."

"The previous one hasn't seen the one-eyed hunter in Lukang fight. I guess he already has the strength of A-level, but he has been hiding his strength for the title of number one in B-level."

"Are you kidding? Even if you are the bottom A-level hero, your income is much higher than that of a B-level hero."

When the barrage was flying, Hot and Sour Fan Superman had already taken the first step.

The wind blew through his hair.

"At this height, three times the transformation is enough."


The hot and sour powder superman instantly swelled to a height of 1.9 meters. After leaving two cracks on the ground, the whole person shot towards the Soul Eater!

084 Explosive Fist Girl

Hot and sour powder Superman activated the C-level super brain ability while completing the triple transformation, and the five senses and body coordination ability were also correspondingly improved.

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