Yang Xi smiled and said: "Didn't you ask where the Yunding Palace is? This is the key to it. To become a peripheral member of the Judgment Organization, you must sign this 'spiritual contract' with the organization."

"It can detect your loyalty to the organization, and it can also allow you to contact your companions anywhere."

The previous effect is naturally Yang Xi's nonsense.

Ji Yourong and Qian Duoduo looked at each other, secretly thinking that it would not be so easy to become a member of the adjudication organization, and they were also astounded by the many methods of this organization.

"What is the standard of this degree of loyalty?"

Ji Yourong felt that although he was about to join the adjudication, what he really cared about was the interests of the Qian family.

Yang Xi saw what she was thinking and explained: "As for the difference in standards between official members and peripheral members, I can only tell you that it is not uncommon for peripheral members like you to work in other organizations, as long as it does not harm The interests of our organization will do.”

"I think," he hesitated, and continued, "The interests of your Fanhai Chamber of Commerce should not conflict with our ruling, right?"

"Okay, Miss Rong, I believe in Uncle Youji, and I also believe in this big brother Chenlong." Qian Duoduo felt that she had already reached this point, and the adjudication organization was her last hope, if she didn't even dare to take this risk , Then what else did she talk about to save the fate of the Qian family?

She took the lead in standing in front of Yang Xi, looked at the mysterious spiritual spell and said, "What should I do next?"

Yang Xi smiled faintly, "Relax your spirit."

The spiritual mantra was imprinted on Qian Duoduo's forehead, and a white light appeared in the space between her eyebrows.

Although Ji Yourong hesitated, but seeing the situation, he could only keep up.

After the spiritual contract was signed, Yang Xi, who had done it twice, started the "Genting Meeting" with ease.

The spirit bodies of the three arrived at the Yunding palace complex one after another. This time, they were at the entrance at the foot of the Yunding palace complex.

The moment Qian Duoduo and Ji Yourong opened their eyes, they were immediately shocked by the majestic and magnificent scene.

"This...what the hell is going on here?"

"Aren't we on a yacht?"

"Where is this place?"

"The lair of the ruling?"

"Is this the background of a large organization?"

The two women felt infinite sighs in their hearts, and were a little bit at a loss. This kind of novel experience was something they had never experienced in their previous lives.

"Ahem." Yang Xi coughed a few times to attract the attention of the two women, "This is a place for organizing meetings. It is essentially a spiritual space. We are now in a spiritual state. Brother Youji is waiting for you in his palace. .”

Spiritual body?Mental space?Good... good leather!

The two women looked up, and their eyes passed through two huge and fierce stone lions, as well as the torii or archway-like buildings made of white marble, and then there were continuously winding upward stone steps.

In the clouds and mist, they could vaguely see the plaque of the first palace, which read "Mouse Palace" in large gold characters.

Ji Yourong asked: "Are we going up?"

Yang Xi smiled and said: "I've said it all, we are spirit bodies, so naturally we don't need to be so troublesome."

He waved his hand, and in a burst of time and space transformation, the two came to the Youji Palace, which was most realistically represented by Yang Xi.

The unitary rooster sitting on the head of the palace was naturally embodied by Yang Xi.

Youji's magnetic voice came: "You are here."

After hearing this voice, the two women felt relieved, after all, they were most familiar with Youji.

Qian Duoduo said flatly, "Uncle Youji, it's really expensive to find you. It cost me 400 million blue coins."

Yang Xi was speechless for a while, if he didn't know the whole story, he might really be bluffed by Qian Duoduo.

Of the 400 million, 300 million were given by Jill, the unlucky kid, right?

How come you have a lot of money.

But the role that should be played still has to be played.

The deity's Chenlong avatar was suffocated first, and then "glared" at Qian Duoduo.

Qian Duoduo mischievously made faces at Chenlong, looking heartless. In fact, this is Qian Duoduo's unique trick to get closer to people, and it is a secret of the Qian family.

Anyway, the money that should be given is quite a bit, and a little "nonsense" can leave a deep impression on people.

"Okay, both of you don't mess around." Youji knocked on the armrest, "Si Snake told me about the auction, since you are here at Yunding Palace, let's talk about it."

Qian Duoduo said seriously: "Uncle Youji, the location of this auction is..."


Shazhou City Port.

Blanche found the smuggler in charge of the smuggling, her small face no longer had the delicate makeup before.

Although haggard, but the eyes are still firm.

After being killed in Rose City, she has experienced a total of eight assassinations, three of which were from A-level abilities, and the remaining five were the joint actions of several B-level abilities.

Several times, she was only one step away from death, but at least she survived.

She didn't expect that the blue powder water was so deep.

When she returned to the company that day to report on the death of the Stars and Stripes Cloak, she ignored Captain Cigar's advice and publicly proposed to investigate the suspicious blue powder.

I thought the company would pay more attention to this, after all, it involved the death of an A-level hero, but then this matter was ignored.

Even the death of the star-spangled cloak, the company chose to deal with it calmly, and his memorial service was spontaneously organized by fans.

Unreconciled, Blanche began to secretly investigate the origin of the blue powder, and she vowed to find out everything!

But what she didn't expect was that a team of three A-level heroes came to "arrest" her the next day, but they did everything they could to kill her!

She tried her best to escape from birth, but saw the news that she had become a traitor to the company, and was even accused of colluding with a mysterious organization to kill her colleagues.

It is embarrassing to say that she has been working hard for the company since graduation. How many alien beast invasion incidents and supernatural security incidents have been solved in her career in the past few years?

But in just a few days, she went from being a new star touted by the company, an idol of countless teenagers, to a wanted criminal who was shouted and beaten by everyone.

After a brief period of discouragement, she aroused infinite fighting spirit instead, vowing to find out the truth behind the blue powder.

But she is not stupid, this matter is obviously not something she can do alone, she must find an ally!

I learned from Captain Cigar that the one who killed the star-spattered cloak was probably the chicken from the first district, maybe he knew some information.

And Blanche is not out of anger—you say that I colluded with a mysterious organization, so I will show you the collusion!

129 Sword Cuts Dross

"Follow me after paying the money." The snake head glanced at the crowd lightly, and walked to a container first.

Blanche was wearing a wig, sunglasses, and a mask. This originally looked suspicious, but it was quite normal here. Most people had more or less camouflage.

This container will be stuffed into the cargo cruise ship, and along with the cargo will enter the port of Lukang City, where there will also be smugglers to approach.

Blanche sat down in a random corner in the container and began to close her eyes to rest, but she remained vigilant all the time.

These days, whenever she started to relax, it was also when the enemy came to her.

Those who pursued her were as cunning as the hyenas of the steppe.

Accompanied by a slight shock, Blanche knew that she and the others should "board".

"I hope to find him in Lukang City."

Confused about the future, Blanche gradually became a little sleepy, she quickly pinched her thigh, this kind of place can't sleep!

A few days later, Blanche had just drank the last sip of the purified water she brought with her.


Blanche's ears moved, she heard the sound of something approaching quickly outside the container, and rolled over without thinking.

After a few clicks, the place where she was was pierced by something, leaving several holes in the container.

Blanche turned on the light source, and found that the people sitting beside her had died long ago, their foreheads were all pierced, and blood trickled out.

Blanche held her right hand vacantly, and under the flow of energy, the sword of the Horcrux seal appeared.

An indistinguishable voice sounded: "Hee hee, Blanche, you girl still reacts so fast."

Blanche said coldly: "The guy who can only stab people in the back!"

"Blanche, Blanche, I didn't expect you to be here today. Think about how majestic you were when you dealt with me! Tsk tsk, the rookie king of the Knights of the Round Table brokerage company, the young man who is most likely to become an S-rank strongman hero."

The voice said viciously: "But now? It's the most appropriate to describe you as a dog who lost his family? How did you chase us back then, and we will chase you!"

Blanche was not frightened in the slightest, "Hustle? I will never hunt and kill others. All I do is to protect the good citizens from being harmed by evil and depraved supernatural beings and beasts."

"Hmph, it sounds grand, how do you explain your own situation now? If you are just, why do you become a wanted criminal? Hahaha."

With a flash of sword light, Blanche stabbed towards the source of the sound.


That figure dodged Blanche's sword light like a ghost, and then shot a few cold lights in his hand!

This time Blanche finally saw clearly the enemy's weapon, it turned out to be an embroidery needle!

Agile seal!untie!

Blue light flowed on the surface of the sealing sword, illuminating a corner of the cabin.

Blanche's speed increased significantly, she raised her sword and slashed at the person coming.

The figure of that person gave off a feeling of frailty, which made one faintly uncomfortable.

Seeing Blanche slashing at her, the man didn't panic, and quickly circled around the container, kiting Blanche with embroidery needles from time to time.


The sword blade and the embroidery needle collided, sparks burst out.

"This embroidery needle has such strong penetrating power!"

Blanche felt that the embroidery needle was entwined with mysterious energy, which was the reason why it could become so lethal. Even with her physical strength, it is estimated that she could not resist a few.

The man finally stopped and took off his disguise seven steps in front of Blanche, revealing a feminine face.

The expression on this face was full of resentment.

"Blanche, do you still remember me, Wang Shuxian!"

Blanche held her own sword with a puzzled face. She didn't remember knowing such a person.

"It seems that you have forgotten, so let me remind you. Do you remember what you did on Christmas night two years ago in Rose City?"

When the other side said this, Blanche remembered that two years ago in Rose City, shortly after she became an A-level hero, she was ordered to hunt down a supernatural person who committed serial torture of women.

The reason why I can still remember it now is not because the criminal is powerful, but according to the victim's description, the reason why this man tortured women was because he was born with impotence and could not have sex.

She also accidentally confiscated his crime tools with a single sword in the battle.

Afterwards, the supernatural being was escorted into the supernatural prison, and she gradually forgot about it, after all, it was just a small C-level character.

"So it's you, what's your name?"

Wang Shuxian said angrily: "Damn it, remember it! My name is Wang Shuxian, and I am the one who killed you today."

Blanche said indifferently: "Whatever, Wang Shushu? Or some fairy? I'm sorry that your name is a bit awkward for me to pronounce. It should be the name of the first district. Although I can communicate in the language of the first district, it's not Extremely proficient."

Blanche said again: "I remember you were sentenced to life imprisonment, how did you come out?"

Wang Shuxian sneered: "Of course I escaped from prison, and the purpose is to destroy you."

"Since that time, it was a blessing in disguise. My own inheritance ability was awakened for the second time because of the trigger condition, and I became A-level sunflower true energy! Today you fall into my hands, and God has eyes!"

Wang Shuxian licked his mouth, "Smelly girl, if you apologize for the sins you committed on me before, I can leave you a whole body!"

Blanche asked in confusion: "Why should I apologize? You are the one who committed the crime!!"

Wang Shuxian became angry and said: "I am not wrong at all! Why can others do it, but I can't! Isn't this thing used for this?"

Blanche felt that this man was unreasonable, alas, he was also a poor man, if his parents could properly guide his worldview and know what was right and what was wrong, they would not have given such absurd reasons.

Blanche's sword flashed red: "I didn't expect you to use your own needles to do evil things when you were C-level, but I removed the tool for crimes, and you became an A-level supernatural being by chance, and you also like to use needles as weapons , then I’ll get rid of you completely today.”

"After all, your whole being, from soul to body, is incompatible with the whole world."


Wang Shuxian was so blocked that he couldn't speak. With his hands together, dense embroidery needles appeared in front of him.

"Power seal, solution!"

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