Qian Duoduo looked worriedly at Youji, who was confronting the members of the Sakura group. This time, the uncle did not hesitate to stand up for her. In the past, it was her second uncle Qian Youming who did such things.

"Come on! Uncle Youji."

Ji Yourong didn't say a word, from the stand, she faintly threatened the two A-level powerhouses Fire Dragon Scepter and Dark Sword Master behind Jill. She had confidence in Youji, but she had to guard against Jill's shameless letting this The two also played, and under the enemy's back and forth, even the chicken would be unable to do what it wanted.

Yang Xi said lightly: "Go ahead, you only have one chance."

He would like to see the power of this Xia killing formation. As long as nine people can exert power beyond two levels, it makes sense in terms of energy, but Yang Xi always feels that there should be suspicion of exaggeration. , Is there any other ability that can enlarge the fusion of energies without any consumption?


Everyone in the Sakura team shouted in unison, and the nine B-level power users behind Kawata Touma immediately started running.

Looking at their faintly gathered energy, Yang Xi murmured, "It's interesting."


At the same time, on Changqing Street in Lukang City, where Yang Xi fought with the magic dragon and the prodigal swordsman, Blanche, the sealed sword, was faintly surrounded by five B-level supernatural beings.

The leader, a man with an inch-cut vest and a knuckles, said arrogantly: "We have been following you for so long, and finally we have waited for you to be at your weakest."

When Blanche landed in Lukang, they were targeted by their "five elements".

The Elemental Five is an organization of supernatural beings active in the first district. The leader "Metal Knuckles" is an A-level supernatural being, and the other four are all B-level supernatural beings, namely "Red Lotus Gunner", "Ice Bing Fangs," "Earth Bear," and "The Tree Shepherd."

The Red Lotus Gunner is a woman in a red deep V suit. She turned the pistol-shaped Horcrux "Red Lotus" in her hand and said, "Boss, why are you talking nonsense with her? Hurry up and catch her alive and earn these 500 million blue coins. I happened to see a bag."

The tree shepherd is a young boy, but his skin is wrinkled like old tree bark, "Sister Honglian, your bags can fill a room, do you still want to buy them?"

Honglian said unhappily: "What do you know, brat? A woman will always lose a bag!"

Ice ridges appeared beside Ice Fang, and he stared at Blanche coldly, his eyes indifferent.

Only the Earth Bear, who was covered in khaki hair all over his body, smiled innocently, but when he looked closely at his eyes, he could find suppressed tyrannical emotions.

Blanche got up slowly. She searched for a long time in Lukang City. Based on her years of experience in handling cases, she couldn't find any traces of Youji. She came here just hoping that a blind cat would encounter a dead mouse, but unexpectedly, It turned out that she had been targeted by this group of supernatural beings a long time ago.

Embodying the sword of seal, she calmly stared at the five supernatural beings who surrounded her. How many battles she had experienced from Rose City to here, unknowingly, she had surpassed her limit, even though she now Very tired, but her fighting spirit will not decrease by half.

The shepherd looked at Blanche's posture and felt something was wrong, and said to the metal knuckles: "Boss, you are not mistaken, why do I feel that this sister is in good condition."

Metal Knuckles also looked at Blanche solemnly. This woman is really not simple. She deserves to be an A-level hero at a young age. Maybe in such a short period of time and in such a high-intensity battle, she has another new growth.

"Give me all your strength, this bitch is very dangerous! If you really can't do it, kill her! It's a big deal to make less money!"

To be honest, if it weren't for the fame, the five elements would really look down on this bonus.

What really attracted them was the quests that kept coming after killing Blanche and their fame increased. Only then could their organization earn a huge amount of income.

At this moment, several figures appeared nearby, and the live broadcast aircraft buzzed and hovered in the sky.

The magic dragon with arms crossed shoulders, the prodigal swordsman leaning against the wall and holding grass in his mouth, the explosive boxer who is approaching and wrapping bandages, and a hot and sour powder Superman who turned over and landed on the wall.

The magic dragon sneered and said, "My prey... are you worthy of grabbing it too?"

Ever since he knew that Blanche had "colluded" with Youji's organization, Demon Dragon had regarded her as a prey, and he wanted to use Blanche, his companion, as a hostage to coerce Youji to come out and fight him again.

Today, he got information that Blanche appeared on Changqing Street, so he came over without stopping.

It's just that he didn't expect that several brokerage companies in Lugang City seemed to get wind of it.

Blanche's sealed sword flashed red, "Demon Dragon, it's been so long, you're still so arrogant!"

"Who do you say is the prey?!!!"

Faced with the siege of supernatural beings and heroes, the A-level defected hero's face close-up without any timidity was pushed to people's mobile phone screens, computers, TVs and large screens in the bustling commercial street in real time by the hero's live broadcast.

All the audience watching this scene held their breath in unison. According to the analysis of the two commentators, Ma Huang and Director Ge, there were six A-levels participating in this battle!

It can be said that it is the biggest event that happened in Lukang City in recent years!


A sharp siren sounded, and the live broadcast aircraft flew over the crowd retreating to the shelter at low altitude, and the voice of the female announcer came out:

"Warning! Warning! An S-level disaster event has occurred! An S-level disaster event has occurred! Citizens are requested to evacuate to the nearest shelter in an orderly manner! Citizens are requested to evacuate to the nearest shelter in an orderly manner!"


Summary of the first volume and reflections on the shelves

Unknowingly, the beginning of this story has been written.

There are strange beasts that have descended on the blue star, there are heroes who are dedicated to protecting peace, and there are also supernatural beings who are corrupted by various desires.

Since the promulgation of the "Ability Act", the hero system in the human world has been riddled with holes. In other words, it cannot keep up with the times.

The high-ranking Heroes Association, the large number of hero economic companies, and the organizations of supernatural beings that bite human society like termites.

There are many touching heroic stories in the 53 districts of the mainland, and there are also more unknown chapters of crimes.

Everyone should know that there are two main lines running through the opening story of the first volume. The first is the protagonist, or the continuous development and growth of the ruling organization; the second is the blue pill organization that keeps surfacing.

Here I can assure you that the blue pill is definitely not a superficial "supernatural stimulant". It has a more mysterious and ancient origin, and it is also the story I want to tell in the second volume of "The Beginning of Dark Blue" .

The world of heroes is just the beginning of our adventure. I chose the first scene to be in the "Energy Enlightenment" of Azure Star, which is only a hundred years old, so that I can tell the story in my mind from a fairly good perspective for the audience.

But I believe that from the end of the first volume, everyone has discovered the new map "Four Seas".

The S-class heroes who have disappeared there will make their debut, and the three major forces will gradually surface. The current situation of Azure Star will also tear away the prosperous camouflage, revealing the crumbling human "indigenous civilization" below.

The battlefield between alien beasts and humans is on the sea!

In the second volume, you will see the history of the human resistance war full of blood and tears, you will see the compatriots who were enslaved in the colonial continent, you will see the infatuated seeds who entered the territory ruled by the royal family of the other world alone, and you will also see the sympathy for "indigenous humans". "The alien "Holy Mother" encountered.

Those who know the truth, some are intoxicated, and some are looking for a way to save the human race!

Yang Xi's younger brother, the "claw" of the Judgment Organization, will also develop from a human to a beast, and even the ruling race of another world.

Behind Baiqiang is a cultivation civilization that has developed tens of thousands of years more than humans.

As the last hope of mankind, Yang Xi will also bring his outstanding acting skills to mix among the major races in other worlds, and find a future for the human race in the game between all parties!

Then... This book will officially upload the VIP chapter on Friday, that is, at 21:12 noon on the [-]st. I hope you can support the subscription and monthly pass, especially the big brothers who are saving to read!The book has been renamed, ah, it has been renamed!Be sure to find it!

Speaking of which, my book was not as smooth as the last one. I rushed all the way to the category and forced to push it. There was only one bleak test of the water. It was everyone’s recommendation tickets and rewards that made me support until now.

How to say this book, I don’t know what’s wrong, whether it’s a hornet’s nest, and there are waves of bad reviews.

As a result, everyone has also seen that these guys with dark psychology are still listing me on the book list, calling themselves "drug testers". One of the colleagues was an apprentice, that is to say, he had been a prostitute for three years; the other was a colleague, and he refused to say what books he wrote.

To be honest, the two of them are also my pushers. Whenever I want to relax, I think of the faces of these two guys. I must write good stories to hit them in the face!

But... my heart is actually disturbed. The more I write, the more I find that my writing skills are not enough. Recently, I have been frantically supplementing the craft of writing stories, hoping to present a better story to everyone.

Well, gentlemen!

We have already charged once and defeated two shameless people, now we have a new challenge in front of us!

First order!

Subscription ratio!

If the first order is optimistic and the book-to-book ratio is good, this book will be recommended again!Only then can more people read this book, and I can convince my parents that I can write books and stories to support myself!

Hope everyone supports!

In addition, I will explode updates when it is on the shelves, at least five chapters!Maybe more!


On the morning of February 2020, 2

132 Pick a soft persimmon and pinch it

As the hero's live broadcast was continuously pushed to major platforms, the number of viewers watching this battle between the A-level powerhouses skyrocketed, breaking through one million in a short while.

Seeing that the number of viewers continued to rise continuously, the hat emperor was delighted from ear to ear.

But then, he thought that his hot girl was also among this group of A-level powerhouses, and he secretly complained, hot girl, hot girl, didn't you come back to Lukang City for vacation, why are you joining in the fun!

"Ahem!" Director Ge cleared his throat, "Changqing Street in Lugang City can be described as full of disasters. Not long ago, the road that was destroyed by the battle between the chicken and the dragon and the prodigal swordsman was repaired. In the battle with so many A-level powerhouses, I am afraid we will repeat the same mistakes."

"I believe that some water friends will be confused about who is with whom in the confrontation in the live broadcast, so let us give you a little introduction..."

The two commentators explained the ins and outs to the water friends with emotion, and the fans of the heroes in the barrage were also torn into a ball.

Originally, the scene where many heroes appeared was easy to be led by others, especially the popular Blanche was still a "traitor".

"I just said that Blanche is not a good thing. Are there still few heroines pretending to be innocent? Being wanted by her company for 500 million yuan shows what kind of goods she is in private!"

"What kind of thing? Our Blanche needs you, a keyboard tank monster, to be so yin and yang? Has there been any stains on Blanche since she became a professional hero? Has she saved too few people? Oh my god, how many alien beasts and beasts are going to be killed? Scoundrel, can you admit that Blanche is the most talented new star on Azure Star?"

"In front of me, I can't bear to talk about who is the most talented. I don't know if only the best young heroes can be signed by the Heroes Association? Mom fans, give us a wave of gifts for hot girls, so that these Fans of third-rate heroes, take a look, what is top-rate!"

"That... our hot and sour powder Superman uncle doesn't deserve to have a name?"


When the fans of Hot and Sour Fan Superman weakly mentioned a sentence, the fans of the three A-level heroes unexpectedly turned their fighting into friendship and unified their positions.

Cough cough, where are the fans of the Prodigal Son Swordsman?

These idiots are brushing the Q-version emoticons of their heroes "drawing the sword and blowing the wind", which has become a beautiful scenery in the live broadcast room.

On Changqing Street, when Molong and others appeared, the expressions of the five elements were completely stiff, especially the tree shepherd was almost hardened, and he tremblingly said: "Boss...boss, this situation is Isn't it a little bit beyond the plan?"

The back of the metal knuckle was drenched with cold sweat. He really didn't expect the heroes of Lukang City to arrive so soon. They obviously didn't do anything, but just uttered a few harsh words!

Moreover, the metal knuckles looked at the prodigal swordsman with a grass in his mouth, and he really wanted to complain: Aren't you always late because of traffic jams?Why are you so punctual today? Are you targeting me?

He wiped off the sweat from his brow, and said guiltily, "We'll play it by ear later, the target of these A-level heroes must be Blanche."

He whispered: "If these heroes don't want to let us go later, we will withdraw from where that guy is. He is the weakest!"

The metal knuckle pointed to where Superman was.

The red lotus shooter echoed: "Boss is right, he is a B-level hero, he was suddenly blown into an A-level master by these commentators, and he graduated from a regular school is good, this big guy is about the same strength as us, but In terms of earning power, we can’t keep up even if we flatter ourselves.”

Ice Fang said cruelly: "Boss, anyway, our purpose of chasing and killing Blanche is just to get famous. Although this hot and sour superman's reputation is not as famous as Blanche, but we can kill him no matter what. Get some heat."

Frost Fang's words made Metal Knuckles' heart skip a beat. Surrounded by many heroes, it was unrealistic to attack Blanche, who had achieved a breakthrough in strength, but what if he was just a quasi-A-level hero with a "vain name"?

It seems that killing him is worth the trip!

"The third one is right, then we will give him a vote later! Let me say a few words to the magic dragon first, and give us the five elements a sense of presence."

Taking a deep breath, the metal knuckles used their toes to think about it and knew that the number of viewers of today's hero live broadcast must be staggering, so this made him feel nervous when facing the camera.

"Your Majesty the Demon Dragon, the sealed sword is the prey of our five elementals, you can't grab it so clearly, can you?"

These words, coupled with the burly appearance of the metal knuckles, are somewhat intimidating.

"Oh." Molong turned his head expressionlessly and said, "Do you have any objections?"

The metal knuckles felt the pressure doubled, but still bit the bullet and said: "Everything has a first come first."

Demon Dragon sneered: "Did you forget one thing, Blanche is a traitor who needs to be arrested, but you are also a name on the Heroes Association."

Scales began to appear on his face, and his figure became huge, "So, do you think I will let you go?"


Metal Knuckles no longer pretended to be b. Originally, he thought that the Demon Dragon would be scruples in the presence of the Sealing Sword and would not want to make troubles. Who would have thought that this guy would choose to take the lead in attacking him!

This guy, Demon Dragon, deserves to be a hero with the word "devil" in his title, and his style of acting is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

In fact, the magic dragon planned to clean up these supernatural beings from the very beginning, and his purpose was to use Blanche to force out the chicken.

The presence of these supernatural beings will undoubtedly add more variables. If when he plans to capture Blanche alive, these supernatural beings kill Blanche in a sneak attack for a bonus of 200 million, then his plan will be completely ruined.

Feeling the near-substantial murderous aura of the magic dragon, without waiting for the boss's "retreat~~" that pierced the sky, the four B-level powers rushed towards the "weakest" hot and sour powder Superman.

The hot and sour powder superman who was originally here for a cutscene, was surprised to find that he had become the last line of defense to block these supernatural beings.

Looking at the fierce light in the eyes of this group of supernatural beings, Hot and Sour Fan Superman naturally saw their thoughts, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, so... I was pinched as a soft persimmon?


The air flow was discharged from Hot and Sour Powder Superman's lungs, if it was their previous self, their choice was very wise.

But the problem is, he is already an existence with the A-level inheritance ability [Bamen Dunjia]!

"Eight Gate Dunjia...Du Gate...open!"

133 seconds?

The hat emperor exclaimed: "Oh!!! Hot and sour powder superman, is this a new transformation technique? This time the figure has not changed, but the aura of the whole body is quite different, and green energy has also appeared around the body!"

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