He murmured softly: "Maybe... I should agree to Youji's proposal."

The Glacier Brave beside him looked at the indiscriminate battle in the screen, and suddenly said: "Boss, it doesn't matter if you give the sign to the dragon, I just wait."

He really didn't expect that Mechanical War Hero would give him the spot that was marked by the Heroes Association.

If he really has the strength to fight against the Volcanic Turtle last time, then getting the omen will indeed help his development more.

But the problem is that his "strength" came from taking drugs, and as the number of uses increased, he felt as if a terrifying beast had revived in his body.

Maybe after using the blue pill, he can never really regain his sanity.

Instead of being warned, to fight for human beings and improve one's own strength in a place without exposure, it is better to take advantage of the current state to participate in more movies and variety show productions, and get more big-name endorsements to make money.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the mechanical hero fell into the water last time, he wouldn't take the risk of using the blue pill again.

He is really afraid of this thing now.

Mechanical Zhanxiong shook his head and said: "Your performance is better than Molong, then you should go. I will never decide the company's internal affairs because of close relationship, including who will be the helm of Kunlun Brokerage Company in the future. The competition among them is absolutely fair.”

He patted the Glacier Brave on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I hope you will come back after being warned this time, and you can break through to S rank in terms of strength. By then, my old bone will be able to officially retire."

146 Two stage transformation, hit you!

This... the Glacier Brave was touched in his heart, the boss really didn't see himself as an outsider.

For a moment, he wanted to bite the bullet and try to see if he could survive the period of the omens, come back as the mechanical war hero said, inherit Kunlun Company, become the domineering president, and reach the pinnacle of his life.

But he knew that all of this was false. If the mechanical war hero knew that he relied on the blue pill to achieve his current strength, would he still value him so much?

Looking at the low-level heroes under the company who were squeezed into dogs, the glacier brave decided to follow his original plan, and don't be warned if they are killed.

He really didn't want to use this blue pill anymore, no matter how much money he had, he had to live to enjoy it.

If Mechanical Warlord insists on letting him be dismissed by the Heroes Association, then he will stay in Kunlun at worst and go to another economic company.

For example, go to Hongkong Economic Company, which is owned by the hot and sour powder Superman, to develop and develop. Anyway, he can still afford the liquidated damages.

Speaking of Hot and Sour Superman, Glacier Brave cast his gaze on him standing next to the battlefield.

This guy's strength has grown so fast, he can't be a drug addict like him, right?

Afterwards, contact him to get in touch. If he really takes the blue pill, then everyone can cover each other, which is also a guarantee.

After all, they are both drug addicts at the end of the world, so why should they have known each other before?

In the hero live broadcast room, the barrage was already noisy.

But just like the situation in reality, the fans of Magic Dragon have the upper hand.

First of all, because Blanche is very embarrassed now, she has lost her status as a hero, and some original fans choose to leave fans, only some diehard fans still firmly believe that Blanche was wronged.

There is also a big difference in the fighting power of the two fan groups. Blanche's fans are teenagers, plus some adult men, while Magic Dragon's fans are powerful women of all ages. There are single college students with exaggerated hand speed, and some The middle-aged aunts with explosive combat prowess, and some wealthy loli who spend money like water, spend money to buy various props and smash them randomly.

Not to mention, in terms of fan-absorbing ability, Molong's Lukang No. 53 brother can be regarded as the best among the many heroes in District [-], and he is the top of the top.

"Ah!!! I'm going to die! How can my husband be so handsome from this angle, sisters, take a screenshot! I want to be the screensaver of the communicator!"

"Demon Dragon, Demon Dragon, you are the most handsome! Demon Dragon, Demon Dragon, I love you the most!"

"Brother Molong, come on! Kill Blanche, the scum of heroes!"

"Be careful, boy, if you are hurt by that wild girl Blanche, then we will never let her go!"

"You girls are really unreasonable. I said that Blanche was wronged, and the dragon is also true. Blanche is a girl and I don't know how to give way. She has no gentlemanly demeanor at all."

"Drying emoji..."

"My fans of Hot and Sour Superman said that this battle is really a meal, boss, add more fans!"

The barrage was one-sided, but Blanche started a desperate counterattack.

The horcrux was full of red light, she swung the sword away from the dragon's sharp claws, and the magic flames roared and scattered,

Then he stepped on the ground with one foot, a blue light flashed on the sword body, and the whole person transformed into a ghost and invaded behind the dragon.

Another flash of white light flashed, the spiritual seal was opened, and instantly found the weak point behind the dragon, and stabbed it in with a fierce sword!


The attack that could only cut off the scales penetrated deeply into the dragon's back this time!


The magic dragon roared up to the sky, let out a painful beast roar, and the muscles of the whole body swelled, transforming into the second state.

The handsome face disappeared, and he became a dragon man with a bloody mouth!

He swung his claws hard behind him, sending Blanche flying straight away.

Fortunately, Blanche opened the yellow defensive seal at the critical moment, otherwise this claw would definitely cause her serious injuries.

Even so, after she turned over in the air and unloaded her strength, she still needed to insert her sword into the ground to slow down when she landed.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, sparks shot out, and Blanche's sword plowed a several-meter-long gully on the ground before she barely stopped.

"Cough cough..."

Blanche spat out the blood that was constricting in her chest, feeling the salty smell in her mouth, and felt a twinge of fear in her heart.

Liu Yuan, who was observing this place with a telescope from a distance, scratched his head anxiously - he was not worried about his cheap brother, but worried that Blanche, the illegitimate daughter of a snake, would be killed.

It's not that Liu Yuan doesn't care about his brother, but that Molong has never lost to others a few times since he was a child.

From a certain point of view, Liu Yuan is the one who has the most confidence in Demon Dragon.

Although he was envious and jealous of his elder brother's talent since he was a child, and was unhappy with the old man's partiality, Liu Yuan never questioned the strength of the magic dragon.

"What about the reinforcements godfather said? Hurry up, or Si Snake's illegitimate daughter will be fucked to death. Will he blame our Youji family?"

"But it's also strange, isn't Si Snake in charge of the second district? Why doesn't Blanche come to find her real father, but come to find my godfather?"

"Could it be that the Si snake in the second district has been poisoned, or simply entangled by a more difficult enemy?"

Liu Yuan drank saliva to moisten his throat, and was a little worried, "I'm afraid today is the critical moment for our judgment. A strong man with a zodiac sign can't even take care of his own daughter. How urgent is the situation in the second district?"

The magic dragon said in a low voice: "I didn't want to become like this to bully you, but Blanche, your strength has indeed improved a lot!"

He looked around, found a shot of an aircraft, and issued a declaration: "You chicken! Are you watching? If you don't show up, the members of your organization may die! I have no interest in bullying the weak, I hope you come here soon !"

The character of the second transformation of the dragon was also affected by the power of his own blood system, and he began to become cruel and arrogant.

In his normal state, he wouldn't do this.

Demon Dragon clenched his fists tightly. His height was even higher than the previous transformation, over three meters. Blanche, who was leaning on a sword, looked like a baby in front of him.

If they didn't know the whole story, I'm afraid many people would think that the dragon is a strange beast, and the traitor Blanche is the hero who protects mankind.

The magic dragon clenched his fists tightly and made a beeping sound, which was the sound of the air bubbles in his bones being excited by the movement of clenching his fists.


The dragon disappeared in place and punched Blanche hard.

Blanche only had time to block it with her sword.


Blanche was smashed into a milk tea shop.

The magic dragon gained power and was relentless, jumped high again, and swung his fist. Blanche gritted his teeth, his whole body flashed with yellow light, and opened his own defensive seal!

The fist wrapped in magic flames slammed hard on the yellow barrier, triggering a blast of sandy air.

147 Are you looking for my elder brother?

The dragon's fist was on the barrier, and it kept exerting force, as if it wanted to crush Blanche's defensive seal.

Blanche held on desperately, losing her physical strength.

If it wasn't for the fact that she has been walking on the edge of life and death these days and never had a good rest, she could have avoided the attack just now, and she wouldn't have been cornered like she is now.

The dragon's bloody mouth opened and closed, and he said in a loud voice: "Don't waste my time, hurry up and call out the chicken, fighting with you is a waste of time!"

Blanche didn't even bother to explain, and said, "Even if you kill me, I won't call you chicken over."


The second-stage transformed dragon is very emotional and easily irritated.


Gas was constantly coming out of his nasal cavity and teeth. Obviously, Blanche's attitude of preferring death to cooperation angered the huge dragon man.

"Then I'll beat you until the chicken comes out! When you are covered with scars, as a companion, he shouldn't sit idly by, right?"

The muscles on Demon Dragon's right arm swelled suddenly, the center of gravity adjusted, and it punched hard again!

Blanche's defensive seal shattered like glass, and the magic dragon's fist, which was the size of her head, also ruthlessly poured into her stomach.

Although Blanche's many years of exercise had made the vest line of her abdomen extremely tough, but this punch still hit her so hard that her eyes turned white and she almost fainted.

But fortunately, her mental strength is strong enough. If she passes out in this state, she will really be at the mercy of others.

With a sweet mouth, Blanche spat out blood, and there were even fragments of organs inside.


Blanche feebly hit the dragon's arm with her own fist, and her horcrux had disappeared due to exhaustion of power.

"Not yet?"


Blanche spat blood on the dragon's face.

The dragon didn't dodge, Blanche's uncooperative attitude really made him angry, he just wanted to fight the chicken again, is it so difficult?


Blanche was picked up by the dragon, and lifted up to about the same height as herself.

"I'll ask you again, are you calling?"

Blanche said with difficulty: "No... barking!"

The magic dragon paused expressionlessly, maintained this position for a few seconds, and then suddenly smashed Blanche into the ruins of the milk tea shop.


The magic dragon just raised its foot, but the voice of Superman of Hot and Sour Powder sounded behind him.


The huge head of the magic dragon turned around, and a pair of indifferent golden pupils stared at Hot and Sour Pink Superman.

"I said, that's enough." Ignoring the dissuading eyes of the explosive girl, Hot and Sour Fan Superman took a step forward, "She has no fighting power. If this is the case, she should be handed over to the association immediately, and you can't justify taking action against her."

The magic dragon smiled cruelly: "So you want to control me?"

Hot and Sour Superman looked at each other without fear, "I don't care about you, I just think it's over."

The dragon stood quietly without speaking.

The air between the two seemed to freeze.


The two commentators were dumbfounded, this...how did the two heroes just get on?

Guidance Ge rounded up the field and said: "It's normal for heroes to have differences, but they are all for our safety, and Hot and Sour Fan Superman can be regarded as the predecessor of Demon Dragon. I think Demon Dragon should listen to Sour and Hot Fan Superman's suggestion?"

In fact, Director Ge is not too used to Magic Dragon beating "Blanche" like this. As a retired hero, he knows a lot about the internal affairs of the brokerage company. It is very likely that Blanche offended the Knights of the Round Table. The high-level people were framed and wronged.

However, Director Ge thinks that the reason is that Blanche is relatively staunch and does not accept the unspoken rules of the company's top management.

The Emperor of the Hat is a bit pessimistic, "If the current Demon Dragon is transformed in the first stage, maybe he can still listen to it. I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult to deal with him in the second stage."

The strength of the magic dragon in the second stage has greatly increased, but it will affect his character, which is also a well-known thing.

Director Ge smiled wryly: "I hope things won't develop in the worst direction, otherwise these two heroes will face huge fines from the association."

If two heroes have conflicts while performing missions, they will both face investigation by the Heroes Association, and they will be fined if they are light, or they will be deprived of their hero qualifications and forced to retire if they are serious, and they will face criminal responsibility if they cause serious adverse effects.

If it was the former Hot and Sour Superman, although he would sympathize with Blanche's experience, he would also choose to sit on the sidelines because of this consideration.

But he is now Yang Xi's puppet, and Yang Xi's order to him when he left was to keep Blanche until reinforcements appeared.

He didn't know who the reinforcements were, but if the dragon continued to work, Blanche would be disabled if he didn't die.

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