The hat king may not be able to comment, but the strength of leading the battle and rhythm is firmly among the top three in the live broadcast commentary of heroes.

Although it is easy to be sprayed with rhythm, the popularity of the live broadcast room will definitely increase, and the income of corresponding gifts will also increase.

The more income you get from gifts, the more commissions you get from commentary.

Sure enough, as soon as the hat emperor said this, the barrage immediately went to war.

"I just want to say one thing, if the situation just now was a magic dragon, it would definitely be able to escape while saving Blanche and the prodigal swordsman!"

"In the front, please tell me what it means to retreat completely? Is it biting the enemy like a dog?"

"Is it better than your hot and sour powder superman being pinched by the enemy?"

"Hot and Sour Powder Superman sacrifices himself to save others, and the Demon Dragon is a complete pretender. The key point is that he has lost his mind after transforming. What do you say when he attacked the prodigal swordsman just now?"


Director Ge also turned a blind eye to the operation of the hat emperor, anyway, he also has his share of the gift commission, and he doesn't have to be sprayed, so why not do it?

"After Hot and Sour Superman became a hostage, the situation got a little out of control. Let's see how the hero will choose."

The mechanical war hero and the glacier brave who were watching the live broadcast looked at each other, got up at the same time, and rushed to Changqing Street.

Originally thought that with four A-level heroes around, the situation would definitely be under control, but who would have thought that they would fall into such a disadvantageous situation.

They can't take care of guarding the company right now, and if they don't rush to help, maybe the magic dragon and the prodigal swordsman will fall.

At the same time, Mechanical Warlord was a little worried. He had previously told Youji that he wanted to cooperate, but there was no news for so long, and he didn't know how the ruling would react.

I hope Youji didn't have time to tell Chenlong about it.


Hot and sour powder superman will be caught, naturally Yang Xi ordered it from the beginning.

The best situation is that Demon Dragon chooses to fight alone with Chenlong's avatar because of his conceit, and what Hot and Sour Fan Superman has to do is to watch from the side.

If the luck is bad, and the four A-level heroes choose to besiege Chenlong's avatar, then Hot and Sour Fan Superman will have to create a situation where he is captured, and let the other heroes cast a trap.

In this way, he can reasonably not make a move, and he can even contain Explosive Boxing Girl.

Explosive Girl and Hot and Sour Fan Superman still have friendship, and they will definitely not sit idly by.

But at this moment, judging from the performance of the two A-level heroes on the ground, this trick worked.

Hot and Sour Powder Superman also played on the spot, smiled miserably, and would rather die than submit: "You two leave me alone! You must not let him go!"

This sentence seemed to anger Chenlong's avatar, and he snorted coldly, "Then let me see if they will care about you!"

Chenlong's avatar threw Hot and Sour Rice Noodle Superman high into the air. He had been "seriously injured", and he couldn't adjust his center of gravity to save himself in the air. If he fell to the ground, he would surely die.

"damn it!"

Explosive Girl no longer hesitated, and the soles of her feet in contact with the ground continued to explode, shuttling between buildings like jumping balls, trying to catch up with the hot and sour powder Superman who was thrown flying.

Every time she stepped on the surface of the building, it would cause a depression with a diameter of two meters. There was even a place where she stepped on, right next to Liu Yuan who was holding a telescope. Injured in AOE.

Looking at the cracked wall beside him, while the corners of the mouths of the other watching heroes twitched, they also had a clearer understanding of Chenlong's strength in the distance.

Explosive Girl has this kind of power with any kick. She punched so desperately just now, but she almost failed to save the prodigal swordsman, and even lost a Hot and Sour Powder Superman.

What kind of monsters are the A-level heroes fighting against?

In the future... will they face this kind of enemy?

It's too scary, isn't it?

"Hey, hey, Young Master Liu! Are you okay?"

The C-level hero who wanted to please Liu Yuan stepped forward and tugged at him.

Standing at the front, Liu Yuan's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and his body even trembled slightly!

This kind of excitement, this kind of battle is his ideal!

Chenlong is about the same age as him, since he can become so strong through the platform of the ruling organization, then he, Liu Yuan, can definitely do it too!


Looking at the pale and panting Prodigal Swordsman, Chen Long's avatar smiled and said, "Why don't you save Hot and Sour Flour Superman, he also saved you just now?"

The prodigal swordsman pressed his trembling hand on the hilt of his sword, his legs slightly bent, and his body sank, as if a gust of wind swirled around him.

"I believe that Explosive Boxing Girl can save Hot and Sour Pink Superman. I stayed to share their responsibilities."

The brim of the hat covered the upper half of the prodigal swordsman's face, and the live broadcast aircraft could only see his tall nose bridge, resolute mouth, and sharp-edged chin full of stubble.

"Next, I will completely forget about the exhaustion of my body and implement my wanderer way!"

Chenlong's avatar felt that the aura of the prodigal son swordsman had changed!


There seemed to be a sudden stop, like a pause when a giant took a deep breath to the extreme.


As the prodigal swordsman unsheathed his sword, an extremely violent gust of wind blew up!

Sand and rocks were flying on the ground, he tapped his toes lightly on the ground, and it disappeared in place.

When he reappeared behind He Bo's guardian, a white sword light circled four or five circles around the surface of the phantom!

"This guy!"

Chenlong's avatar was very unexpected, he didn't expect the swordsman of the prodigal son swordsman to be so much together!

Compared with the last battle, the magic dragon has made a lot of progress, but the prodigal swordsman has made even more breakthroughs!

"It's really interesting!"

The white sword glow skyrocketed, He Bo phantom dissipated in an angry roar, and a huge amount of water elements poured down, turning this area into Zeguo.


The black dragon fell to the ground and rolled, and the giant that seemed a little uncomfortable with its bite disappeared.

The prodigal son swordsman's body stiffened, and he struggled to pull out a smile, "I... I did it, and I'll leave it to you! Demon Dragon!"

He fell headlong into the mud, with numerous wounds all over his body, blood oozing out continuously.

Director Ge sighed, and said: "In order to break Chenlong's defense, the prodigal swordsman did not hesitate to bear the backlash of the Gale Wind Sword Intent, and used a move whose power reached the S-level category. At this moment, his injuries are probably worse than Hot and Sour Powder Superman. serious!"

"Being able to make this kind of choice, why doesn't the prodigal swordsman regard the lives of his companions more important than himself?"

"Strong! Prodigal swordsman! Strong! Hot and sour powder superman! Let us cheer for the heroes, I believe they will be able to defeat the enemy!"

Director Ge's words made the hat king's blood boil, and he also said: "Everyone, hurry up to collect gifts to support your favorite heroes, don't let the heroes bleed and cry! This is what they deserve!"

Director Ge squinted at his partner.

It's really yours, hat emperor!

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A wound was opened on Chenlong's avatar who lost He Bo's protection, and a gust of wind sword intent penetrated in just now, hurting him.

"Damn, it really hurts. If this deity finds out, I'll be ashamed."

Chenlong sealed his wound with water-based abilities, so that the blood would no longer flow out.

This kind of injury will be very serious if it is delayed for a long time, but as a clone, he only exists for six hours, and basically can't wait for that time. At present, it will cause some inconvenience at most, but fortunately, he does not rely on his body to fight, so the problem is not big.

The hat emperor said in surprise: "Chenlong is injured!"

Director Ge nodded, but his voice was a bit bitter, "After paying the price of two A-level heroes who were seriously injured, the enemy was finally injured, but it seems that this does not affect his combat effectiveness."

"However, what is more optimistic is that without the protection of that mysterious phantom, the attacking pressure of the magic dragon will be reduced a lot!"

As soon as Director Ge finished speaking, the magic dragon flapped its wings and quickly approached Chenlong's avatar.

Biting, grabbing, punching, kicking, and whipping the tail, the black dragon turned into a fighting machine, constantly using its fighting organs to attack Chenlong's avatar.

The demon dragon who has lost his reason has acquired a purer fighting intuition, and it is a bit tricky for him to fight by instinct.

Chenlong's avatar was not used to this kind of close combat without safety measures. It would take a lot of energy to re-condense He Bo's avatar, but the Siyu's ability beads in his body began to dim.


The barbed tail whizzed past, but fortunately, the imperial flight provided by the supernatural Kagura was extremely flexible. If it was drawn, even if the body surface of the Chenlong avatar had been covered with a layer of stone skin, this power passed through it. The stone skin will also directly shatter the internal organs of Chenlong's avatar.

After all, the body is still a little weak, which is also related to Yang Xi's dislike of upgrading the ability of the body enhancement department.

After all, the abilities he is currently matching with the major vests all have good defensive skills, or they are simply unbeatable like Si Snake, and can be resurrected in situ like Mao Rabbit.

This time, because of the explosion of the Prodigal Swordsman, Chenlong's avatar was pushed into an embarrassing situation.

Although he can use other elements to condense the effect similar to Hebo's guardianship, the price/performance ratio is really too low!

It is better to attack instead of defend!

Chenlong's avatar yelled angrily, spread his palms towards the dragon, and the sickle weasel's ability was activated!

Dozens of incomparably sharp wind blades bombarded his face densely, even the densely covered tough black scales here were also bloody and bloody due to the impact of these wind blades!

Ang roar!

The dragon groaned in pain, his brain became dizzy for a while, its tail went up, and its body fell to the ground a little stiffly.

Chenlong's avatar was in a powerful position, kicking one foot, a circle of wind pressure appeared behind his feet, and the whole person shot towards the magic dragon like a cannonball. He punched hard on the soft white scales of the dragon's abdomen.

The heavy fist of the rock dented the dragon's stomach, and then it spread out on his stomach like melting, and then condensed again, the forehead looked like a pair of rock shorts.

Relieved from the severe pain, the dragon flapped its wings hard, trying to keep flying.

But... A khaki halo flashed across the palm of Chenlong's avatar, and the power of the earth was activated!

The weighted rock covering the belly of the dragon is attracted to the ground like a super-powerful magnet.


The magic dragon made a dumbfounded face.

Crazy crawled with his front paws in mid-air for a while, then he fell to the ground at a super fast speed!

"Ang Ho!!!!"

The dust spreads.

The magic dragon opened its bloody mouth and roared, trying to prop up its body, but the weighted rock seemed to be integrated with the ground, and no matter how hard he tried, it would be futile.

The hat emperor looked worried, and said: "This... the dragon is in danger!"

Director Ge was also worried, "Do we still have to wait for Baomei to come back? Let alone whether the magic dragon and the prodigal swordsman were still alive when Baomei arrived. Even if Baomei came back, could she alone be Chenlong's opponent?" ?”

"What we can expect is that other A-level heroes have arrived!"

The hat emperor didn't like to hear this, and retorted: "I thought that Bomei hadn't formally challenged this Chenlong one-on-one. After setting aside other factors, Bomei could definitely defeat Chenlong."

He actually wanted to say that other heroes were dragging his hot girl back, but he likes to lead the rhythm of other heroes, and he is very fond of his favorite hot girl, so naturally he would not say such words that anger other hero fans.

Director Ge said lightly: "Do you know how many abilities this Chenlong has used since the beginning?"

"There are four elemental abilities in total, and all of them are above level A."

"I admit that Baomei's strength is considered top-notch in the A-level. Maybe the magic dragon is not her opponent, but you think that if you encounter a pervert like Chenlong, unless there is someone who restrains him, only the S-level hero can subdue him. Him."

Director Ge looked at the mysterious man in black robe who was slowly walking towards the magic dragon, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, there really isn't one of Youji's perverted companions who is not evil!

The existence of a guy like Chenlong is to hit other people's self-confidence, right?

Four A-level abilities, maybe... there may be more?

Chenlong's avatar walked to five meters in front of the magic dragon, and now he trapped the magic dragon with the two skills of weighted rock and the force of the earth, so he had time to appreciate the magic dragon's body.

After all, even if it is a strange beast, there are not many dragon types.

Looking at the dark and smooth scales of the magic dragon, the golden ratio of the figure, the strong and powerful hind legs, the slender and graceful tail, and the wings that cover the sky and the sun.

But from a fighting point of view, dragons are indeed better than humans.

It's a pity that the magic dragon in the third stage of transformation will lose his mind. If he can stay as awake as he was in the first stage of transformation, then the magic dragon is undoubtedly an S-level existence.

"Then, let's be more honest."

Chenlong's avatar raised his right hand flatly, and the sickle weasel condensed again!The sharp wind element seems to cut everything around.

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