Even if the Glacier Brave hadn't shown his skills just now, he planned to completely eliminate the Glacier Brave after Chenlong achieved his goal.

"Just to my liking."

Although the wound on his body was tingling, Chen Long decided to persevere.

The phoenix calls!

A huge summoning circle appeared above the Glacier Brave.


There was a loud cry, and a huge phoenix rushed towards the glacier hero carrying raging fire.

The glacier brave looked up, his bright blue eyes showed no fear at all, only excitement and cruelty.

His "hands" were raised high, aiming at the phoenix.

"Does fire necessarily restrain ice? As long as the power of ice is strong enough, even monsters made of flames will become wonderful decorations in ice sculptures."

"Freeze me!"

Immediately, unparalleled freezing air erupted above the Glacier Brave. Starting from his palms, the freezing air bombs gushed out like machine gun bullets.

The phoenix that attacked menacingly was frozen into the ice sculpture halfway, stayed inside lifelike, and kept falling.

"too weak."

The "flowing ice" fingers of the glacier hero stretched out instantly, cutting the ice sculpture like a knife, and the phoenix inside was split into two.

He didn't even look up at his results, but turned his hands towards the mechanical hero in front of him, and shot a series of rapid freezing air bombs towards the mechanical hero. This series of freezing air bombs had already predicted the mechanical hero's route. .

Only the Glacier Brave, who is constantly fed by the mechanical warrior, can do this.

The mechanical war hero naturally knew the plan of the glacier brave. He stood motionless in place, as if he hadn't noticed the approaching freezing air bomb.

157 Blooming Deep Blue Flowers

Just as the Glacier knew the Mech Hero, so the latter knew him.

The mechanical war hero knew that the glacier hero's freezing air bombs had blocked his evasion route, and it was very unrealistic to evade such a wide-ranging strike by flying.

But he didn't even think about running away.

A series of explosions sounded, and a row of light curtains appeared behind the mechanical hero. Looking carefully, it was the tail flames of dozens of self-tracking small missiles.

Like a peacock spreading its tail, these missiles were launched from various angles, rushing towards the incoming freezing air bombs in a seemingly chaotic manner, but they all hit accurately!

In every encounter between a missile and an air bomb, the missile was frozen first, and a thick layer of hoarfrost quickly accumulated on the surface of the missile, but the countdown to the explosion of the missile never stopped.

Amid the rapid flashes of red light at the tail of the missiles, the missiles that "topped" the freezing air bombs exploded at the same time, forming a wall made of explosions more than ten meters in front of the mechanical warrior.

The remaining gunpowder smoke was blown away by the wind, and the mechanical warrior reached out to wipe off the gray frost covering the armor.

"It seems that even if you take pills, what you enhance will always be 'quantity' rather than 'quality'."

The eyes of the mechanical war hero brewed a faint blue light, and after the next breath, two blue rays of light pierced the glacier hero's eyes, roasting his brain by the way.

And the defensive ice wall that the glacier braves instinctively wanted to erect was only half condensed.

Looking into his hollow eye sockets, you can see the blood vessels, nerves, brain tissue and the scenery behind the forehead that have been scorched by lasers.

Without the support of the glacier brave's power, these ice edges suspended in the air rumbled down, burying the glacier brave's remnant body.

The mechanical war hero and the Chenlong clone seem to be staying above a frost mausoleum.

Seeing that the mechanical warrior killed the Glacier Brave in seconds, the Chenlong avatar who was about to control the Nirvana of the phoenix was stunned. He still wanted to interrogate the Glacier Brave, so he died like this?

After all, he is an A-level hero who took the blue pill, shouldn't he last a few more seconds?

The people watching the battle didn't react. The glacier hero came out and was cut into a human stick. After taking the mysterious medicine, he launched a Jedi counterattack. No matter how you look at it, it is the configuration of the final boss. , This... is a bit anticlimactic.

"Let's make sure."

What if the Glacier Brave is still a little angry.

With a split movement of Chenlong's hands, the frozen phoenix flowed out like custard and gathered into a flame. A few seconds later, a new phoenix emerged from the flame.

The resounding chirping carried through Changqing Street, and the phoenix became even bigger, with a wingspan of more than ten meters!

Chenlong's avatar touched his chin, "This should be distinguished from the previous phoenix, and it should be called the second-turn phoenix."

The mechanical war hero felt that it was unnecessary, "It's over, it's a waste of energy."

Although he was also very cautious, he felt that the human being whose brain was pierced by his own laser could not be alive.

However, although the pressure that Chenlong put on him was not as great as that of Youji, it didn't look like a character to be trifled with.

The powers of the four series, the power potion of the ruling is definitely real!

A scout bee appeared in the ear of Chenlong's avatar, and the voice of the mechanical war hero came from inside.

"Don't forget what your organization promised, the Glacier Brave is the first material I give, how about it?"

"Did you make a mistake?" Chenlong's avatar glanced at the old man in the distance with disdain, and whispered to the scout bee next to his ear, "First of all, there is a high possibility that the Glacier Brave will be killed by you. Secondly, at the very beginning of this transaction, the magic dragon and the prodigal swordsman were exchanged for the Glacier Brave, and if you want the supernatural potion, you can exchange it with other things. In this regard, Liu Yuan has done a lot better than you, this old man."

The voice of Chenlong's avatar appeared in the radio of the mechanical war hero, he snorted coldly, and stopped entanglement.

Just when the second-turn phoenix was about to melt the ice to create a passage that could reach the corpse of the glacier brave, a mutation happened.

The dark blue mist has begun to linger around at some point.

These deep blue mist seem to be able to corrode people's spirit, whether it is the Chenlong avatar or the mechanical war hero, they feel a little dazzled.


The tactical panel of the mechanical war hero rose and began to filter the fog in the air.

Chenlong's avatar put a bubble on his head, and the dark blue mist was blocked on the outer surface of the bubble, making the bubble blue.

They discovered the source of the blue fog, a blue substance seeping from beneath the ice.

The blue substance appears to be a gelatinous substance.

Looking in from the channel where the flames melted, Chenlong's avatar found that the candy box on the chest of the Glacier Brave had been squeezed out at some point, and the blue pills inside had penetrated into the seemingly lifeless body, and there were strips of blue pills. The jelly in the body seems to be sprouting, constantly "taking root" outside.

"It's really scary!"

Under the control of Chenlong's avatar, the second-turn phoenix increased its firepower, and a hotter flame blasted the glacier brave's body, which was gradually inflated by the blue gelatin.

The blue sprout protruding from the glacier hero's body seemed to be alive and began to struggle, making a creaking and painful sound.

Taking a closer look at Chenlong's avatar, these germs grown from the glacier brave have two nostrils and a mouth full of fangs.


Under the roasting of the flames, these blue shoots began to wilt, and it was estimated that they would turn to ashes after a while.

The mechanical warrior also frowned, "What is this!!!"

It's too disgusting, whether it's the squirming body or the sharp and piercing voice, it makes people feel creepy.

Humans instinctively reject such things.

Chenlong's avatar said: "I don't know, it feels very weird, don't just watch, throw a few shells in and blow it up!"

Before he could finish his words, the ground suddenly loosened, and dozens of black shadows that were almost blurred suddenly shot out.


The sharp sound seemed to pierce the eardrums, and all the flying objects above the ice were "predated"!

Chenlong's avatar and Mechanical Zhanxiong were caught off guard by their mouthparts, while those flying machines were directly bitten and exploded, and the live broadcast immediately only had a bird's-eye view from a high altitude.

From this angle, it seems that a huge dark blue flower grows on the ground, and hundreds of blue gelatinous predatory tentacles dancing wildly make toothsome screams, and everything around is in this scream shudder.

There are more than a dozen tentacles with nostrils and mouths wrapped around the huge body of the second-turn phoenix.

It flapped its wings vigorously, trying to rise to the sky, but although these tentacles with mouths were burnt to the ground by the flames, they refused to let go.

Half of the mechanical warrior's body was bitten by tentacles, and those white teeth had the tendency to crush his armor!

Chenlong's avatar also found that his aggravated rock skin seemed unable to stop the fangs of these "predatory tentacles"!

"Jie Jie Jie, this feeling is really strange. Is it the legendary...resurrection?"

In the blooming flowers of predatory tentacles, half of the Glacier Brave's remnant body slowly rose up. His empty eye sockets looked at the two people who were tied up, making them feel like they were being targeted by ferocious beasts.

This guy...what the hell has he turned into!

Chenlong's avatar remained silent, could this be the secret of the Glacier Brave!

158 Has the dust settled?

In a dark corner nearby, the man in the top hat leaned against the wall, looked at the blooming predatory tentacle flower and said regretfully, "Unfortunately, it almost succeeded, and Experiment 52 also failed."

"However, although he is a failed experimental subject, his destructive power seems to be stronger than the previous ones. Is it because of his own will?"

"The soul is really wonderful. The more in-depth research, the more I can discover my own ignorance. I don't know when I will reach the realm of command. It is really difficult to break through the third level of spiritual power!"

"I'll have to harvest the 'Dark Blue Essence' on him later, I hope these two humans can consume him a little more, otherwise it will be very difficult to deal with this kind of runaway experimental subject."

The man in the top hat was spying on the battlefield, but he didn't notice that a masked man in black robe had landed gently on the top of the building where he was, staring at him quietly.

After Yang Xi rushed to the battlefield, he kept searching for traces of the man in the top hat nearby. Finally, his hard work paid off, and he was found dormant in this corner.

"This guy also knows the standard of the third level of mental power? Could it be that he is also a person from another world?"

"Hehe, if you still want the mantis to catch the cicada and the oriole, then I'll catch you, a little sparrow that hides its head and shows its tail!"

Yang Xi restrained his breath, and also quietly waited for the battle situation to change.

Hero Live.

Staring at the only surviving bird's-eye view, the two commentators were speechless.

This is really evil today, how many times has the plot been reversed?

The King of Hats reassured the audience who were clamoring that they couldn't see clearly: "Everyone, don't worry, several new live broadcast aircraft are on their way, and they will show the clearest live broadcast angle immediately!"

Director Ge still explained the screen to everyone conscientiously, "Right now both Mechanic Warrior and Chenlong are trapped, and because of the blue mist, many details cannot be seen clearly, but I think for these two, getting out of the trap is only a matter of time." temporary."

"But the Glacier Brave is obviously an elemental supernatural being. Why did this change occur in his body, and it doesn't seem to be the ability of the transformation system. Before this change occurred, he seemed to have been killed by the mechanical warrior. "

"This is not so much a transformation, but rather a resurrection, or parasitism!"


The flames on the second-ranked phoenix burned more violently, and those predatory tentacles were constantly scorched, but there were always new tentacles to fill the gaps. In this way, the strength of the Glacier Brave to drag the phoenix to the ground increased rather than decreased.

The situation of Chenlong's avatar itself is not good. Fortunately, he only created one weighted rock pillar in time. Because of this pillar, he is "connected" to the ground, and it is more convenient for him to use the skill of the earth.

The force of the earth combined with the weighted rock can generate suction and repulsion. At this moment, he is constantly using repulsion to fight against the predatory tentacles.

"Damn it, there are more and more tentacles entangled!"

Chenlong split his arms, and threw the sickle weasel at the newly emerging predatory tentacles, cutting them with sharp wind blades, but the scars left will heal soon.

"Grass, this resilience is so terrifying, what a difficult creature!"

Compared with Chenlong's avatar, the mechanical war hero's situation is even more precarious. He has cut crop after crop with lasers, but he can never finish cutting these predatory tentacles.

The engine of the whole body is already running at super power, but he himself is slowly being pulled towards the center of this dark blue flower.

"Jie Jie Jie, Boss, don't be so rude, don't you want me to inherit Kunlun Company? After I eat you, I will eat the entire Kunlun Company!"

"Hey, why don't I have any dislike for eating human beings, it seems that you creatures are the food of our deep blue family."

"Wait, what is the dark blue family?"

"Damn it, my brain hurts!!!"

The glacier hero suddenly "stared" at the mechanical war hero viciously, "It's you, an old bastard, who roasted my brain and caused me to bear this pain!"

"Wow! It's so uncomfortable!!!"

The glacier brave roared, and suddenly, a predatory tentacle on his body bit off the upper half of his head, leaving only the part below the eyes.

The predatory tentacles were chewing at the side, but the remaining half of the glacier hero's face was relieved: "Phew, after eating this uncomfortable part, I really feel much better."

Both Chenlong's avatar and Mechanical Zhanxiong felt a chill, this guy was really weird from head to toe.

Chenlong clone said to the scout bee attached to his body: "His body should not be the remnant of the Glacier Brave! But he doesn't seem to realize it yet. We have to find out where his body is and give him a fatal blow."

The voice of the mechanical war hero sounded on the scout bee, "I have a solution, you can help me out of trouble first!"

Grass, I want to get out of trouble myself.

Chenlong's avatar kept cutting the tentacles that appeared around him, but it was a pity that these tentacles seemed to be in an endless stream, and he couldn't finish cutting them no matter what.

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