Although the man in the top hat is very afraid of Yang Xi's "power behind", but for the deep blue family, the essence that can enhance their own strength is too precious, and he is not willing to give up like this.

He slashed out, destroying all the flying machines around him.

"Your Excellency, our original organization does not want to be an enemy of the ruling, so return the dark blue essence to me, and I can pretend that nothing happened."

Yang Xi secretly thought that the organization behind the blue pill is called Yuanyuan, which sounds harmless to humans and animals.

Not against the ruling?All caused my sister to become a vegetative, and you originally organized me, Yang Xi, to destroy me!

Yang Xi exuded a murderous look, "What if I have to be your enemy?"

The man in the top hat has a limit to his good temper, and this chicken is nothing more than a running dog of the Bernadotte family. Why should he speak so arrogantly to an existence like him that has completely transformed into a higher race?

The man in the top hat stopped pretending to be elegant, and said viciously: "If you want to die, I will help you!"

In his mind, this native supernatural being supported by an alien family on Azure Star would only be at the second-order level if he died.

They are all of the second level, what kind of pretense should I pretend to be like the noble dark blue people?

It can kill you in seconds.


He didn't wait for Yang Xi to strike first, and the blue light blade slashed towards Yang Xi seemingly carelessly.

Although the information said that this chicken is a dual-line supernatural power user of the metal system and the spiritual system, but how can the indigenous people's use of supernatural powers according to the script compare with the deep blue clan's spiritual and mysterious methods?

I'm afraid that if he cuts it down, this stinky chicken will directly become an idiot.

It's a pity that in order to prevent the original organization from being exposed to the eyes of human beings prematurely, I had to destroy the live broadcast aircraft, otherwise, I can let human beings understand that their so-called strong people are nothing more than weapons for our deep blue people children.

Yang Xi knew that the man in the top hat was attacking the spirit, so he immediately sent out a mental shock wave with all his strength to hit the blue light blade!

This blue light blade, which made the mechanical warrior helpless, instantly collapsed like a bubble under Yang Xi's mental strength exceeding the third level.

The movement of the man in the top hat holding the handle of the knife suddenly became extremely stiff, and he said in disbelief: "Spirit... the third level of spiritual power!"

In an instant, he thought of his own ability to command terror.

He has no chance of winning against the enemies of Tier [-].


Must run!

If you don't run, you will definitely die!

162 Want to slip?

The man in the top hat was very nervous, but he knew very well that he must not show his timidity at this time.

He resisted the backlash from the "Dark Blue Secret Method First Blade" shattered by Yang Xi's mental power, and pretended to be calm and authentic: "I thought you were a useless... rookie just like the mechanical war hero, but I didn't expect you to have two tricks. Fortunately, it is the spokesperson chosen by the Bernadotte family."

What is the Bernadotte family?

Yang Xi was a little confused by the man in the top hat, he had never heard of it.

Still a spokesperson?

Could it be that Liu Yuan's relatives have this brain power?

The mechanical hero who originally planned to sneak away while the chicken was fighting with the man in the top hat, heard the conversation between the two, and involuntarily stopped in his tracks. No, he temporarily turned off the engine.

The information related to the inside information of the two mysterious organizations is worth his risk to keep.

Information is life. Not only can it avoid stepping on thunder in the future, but it can also save lives at critical moments.

The mechanical war hero didn't believe it, and the next time he was targeted by a similar existence, he said nonsense that he was from the Bernadotte family, and those people dared to use weird spiritual tricks to impale him so recklessly?

However, do you want to tell the Heroes Association about these inside information?

After weighing it up, the mechanical war hero decided to forget it.

He also wants to get some supernatural potions from the ruling to enhance his strength!

If you really tell the Heroes Association about the information, it won't do you any good, and you will get into trouble with these two organizations at the same time, wouldn't you be asking for trouble.

He flew a little farther away and listened attentively, so as to ensure a safe enough distance to escape. Even the mechanical warriors dare not let scout bees come to listen to gossip. To obtain information, one must have the consciousness of obtaining information.

The man in the top hat glanced at the mechanical war hero. He didn't want this kind of native humans to know the information about the alien race, but at this moment, his own life is the most important thing, and the big deal will be settled later in the autumn.

Seeing that Yang Xi was just staring at him coldly, the man in the top hat had no choice but to laugh dryly: "When our commander broke through to the third level 15 years ago, he was still lamenting that only our deep blue clan broke through the human defense line and invaded the inland. I didn't expect that your Bernadotte family is not bad, and the layout is quite old!"

Although the man in the top hat talked a lot of nonsense in this passage, the most important thing he wanted to convey to Yang Xi was to tell him that there was an existence in the original organization that broke through to the third level 15 years ago.

If you want to move me, you still have to weigh it.

But Yang Xi didn't pay attention to his subtext, all his attention was attracted by the four words of the dark blue family in the top hat man's mouth.

The dark blue family?Surely it's not human?

The blue light spot on Feifei's soul should have something to do with these alien races. Seeing that this alien is not very intelligent, Yang Xi will cheat him first.

Yang Xi pretended to be disdainful and said: "The Deep Blue family has some accomplishments in cannibalizing spirit bodies. Compared with our Bernadotte family in other aspects, they are simply vulnerable!"

Cannibalize the spirit body!

The man in the top hat was startled, and secretly thought that this guy actually knew about the "primordial particles" of our deep blue clan.

It seems that his status in the Bernadotte family is not just a running dog!

That's right, after all, it is a third-order existence, even if it is of native human origin, it will be looked down upon.

The primordial particles exist on the spiritual body of every deep blue tribesman. In the initial stage of transformation, this blue light spot will gradually transform the soul of the creature, so that the rhizome of the "Zizhu" can be located from the void to the soul of the prepared tribesman.

The stronger the soul of the body, the higher the concentration of the original particles, the stronger the rhizome will develop, and it will be able to bear more power from the daughter plants, and obtain more secrets and combat skills. A rare gifted supernatural power.

The dark blue clan "sells" blue pills on a large scale, in fact, they are looking for individuals who are suitable for transformation into the dark blue clan.

After all, not all life can withstand the impact of the rooting of the daughter plants. Once the rooting fails, it will become a low-level "dark blue alien".

In Lukang City, Glacier Brave performed the best. The primordial particles rapidly multiplied on his spiritual body, and the seed plants took root very quickly. He even awakened some rare talents.

It's just that he was killed at the moment of transformation and eventually turned into a dark blue alien, but because his soul has a large number of original particles and has awakened talent, even if he becomes a dark blue alien, he is particularly powerful.

But it is said that the top hat man has seen the most powerful dark blue alien in recent years.

It's a pity that such a talented preparatory tribe would not have to be trapped in the body of an indigenous human being after his evolution.

Although these chosen people will have abilities before transformation, compared with the complete and systematic dark blue family secret method, the abilities before transformation can also be given up.

This also made the man in the top hat covet the piece of dark blue essence left behind by the Glacier Brave after his death. Perhaps after digesting it, he could also obtain this rare talent.

Yang Xi's words made the man in the top hat, who is proud of his identity as the deep blue clan, very angry.

He couldn't help retorting: "The power of the primordial particle is naturally beyond the imagination of your other races. I admit that the Bernadotte family has a profound heritage, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that it can easily defeat us in other aspects. "

But at this moment, he can't get angry because people are using knives and I'm fish. He can only rack his brains to come up with a reasonable excuse to retreat.

With it, there is something wrong at home!

The man in the top hat suddenly pressed on his temple, this is the way the deep blue clan received Zi Zhu's message.

After holding on for a few seconds, the man in the top hat said with a little regret: "I wanted to fight you, but I didn't expect the organization to have an urgent mission. You two are lucky."

"I will let you keep this piece of dark blue essence first, and I will get it back with interest when we meet next time!"

Phew, well done Roz!

Maintain the decency of this high-level race, and don't let this lucky third-tier native notice your uneasiness.

Although the man in the top hat couldn't see his face clearly, both Yang Xi and the mechanical war hero could feel his "arrogance".

The man in the top hat couldn't help but feel proud of his acting skills. He didn't have any flaws at all, so he will definitely be able to escape smoothly this time!

Now that I know the details of your ruling, the next time we confront each other, I won't let you off so easily!

Depend on!

Yang Xi and the mechanical war hero cursed inwardly at the same time, why are you pretending!

Unlike the latter who continued to choose to be patient, Yang Xi directly took action.

Pretend to me?

From the very beginning, he never planned to let the man in the top hat go.

Now that he knew that it was the so-called primordial particles that ate Yang Feifei's soul, he had to grab the man in the top hat and ask him to understand.

Although the attack of the man in the top hat was very strange, but from the content of the eavesdropping just now, we can know that the man in the top hat is definitely not his opponent.

Otherwise, Yang Xi wouldn't even notice that he was watching from behind.

"Want to leave? Obediently leave it to me!"

Yang Xi shot a mental shock wave at the man in the top hat who was about to run away!

163 Shelling

The man in the top hat secretly said that something was wrong. He didn't expect that after so much hard work, this chicken would actually make a move?

What resentment what?

Obviously you are robbing my blue essence!

The man in the top hat felt aggrieved.

But in the face of the mental shock wave sent by the third-order spiritual power, he can only resist with all his strength.

Although the way of using mental power is rough to the point of heinousness, but the mental power of others is strong!

The man in the top hat gritted his teeth and activated the dark blue clan's secret technique - Black Shield!

Compared with Yang Xi's "rough" way of turning his mental power into shock waves and attacking in a straight line, the mental power of the man in the top hat subtly follows the hexagonal structure, quickly forming a black shield.

The shock wave of mental power came, barely blocked by the black shield.

But after resisting this wave, Black Shield was also weakened by [-]%.

"The difference in the strength of mental power is too big, and after two more waves, my black shield will be shattered!"

The "first blade" was directly disintegrated just now, because it is a secret attack method used to stab the spiritual body, sharp but fragile.

And this "black shield", which implies some kind of esoteric rule, is a defensive secret method specially used by the deep blue clan to defend against mental attacks. It can use the second-order mental power to block the shock wave of the third-order mental power. It can be seen that the deep blue clan's foundation is indeed profound !

"Fortunately, this guy doesn't seem to have any advanced tactics, but why can his mental power break through to the third level? Could it be that he was born like this?"

With such a large base of human beings, there will always be a few geniuses who are perverted to the point that even the great powers of other worlds will pay attention to them.

For example, those "sequence powerhouses" who are all-powerful on the sea battlefield.

If it wasn't for their support, I am afraid that the entire Azure Star Plane would have been annexed by alien forces long ago, and there would be no living space for human beings.

It's a pity that human beings have only been enlightened by magic for a hundred years, and there is no way to find out a systematic strategy or secret technique. Although some supernatural abilities are very subtle, they cannot become combat techniques.

Once the strong die in battle, they are lost forever.

The man in the top hat ran away, put the black shield behind him, turned left and right, walked out of some kind of ghostly steps, and even twisted Yang Xi's next mental shock wave.

"With the black shield and pace, does the man in the top hat have multiple abilities?"

"No, no, he is an alien race, maybe it is the same as Damon's alchemy, this is their method of warfare."

"My mental strength is higher than his, but I can't do anything against him. I'm a step behind in my skills!"

I thought that if the mental power was strong enough, there would be no need to upgrade the super brain, and just crush the enemy with volume and strength.

But now the mental shock wave provided by the B-level supercomputer is obviously not enough to face an enemy with secret magic like the top hat man.

Yang Xi decided to try to upgrade the super brain, whether it can bring surprises.

He quickly upgraded the Ultrain to S rank.

[Ability: Ultra Brain

Introduction: Brain domain development, enhancement of five senses, solidification of the sixth sense (heart sense) after overclocking, predicting possible dangers in advance.

Skill [-]: Mind mastery, read the memory of the target (two levels lower in mental strength) after viewing, and modify it.

Skill 500: Spiritual Spike, create spiritual spikes anywhere within [-] meters of the body, attack the enemy's soul, causing continuous loss of mental power.

Evaluation: Grade S, just refuses to calm down and study]

The skills of mind control and puppet control overlap a bit, which is also the situation that Yang Xi will encounter when collecting too many abilities.

It's not only quick to sharpen the gun before the battle, I'm afraid the man in the top hat would never have thought that Yang Xi's mental attack skills would improve by leaps and bounds in just a few seconds.

Seeing that the man in the top hat was running very fast, Yang Xi stepped on the metal frisbee to follow, put his hands on his shoulders, and said disdainfully, "I've let you run for so long, I'll give you some face."

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