Explosive Girl has long been an A-level hero, and was recruited by the Hero Association to fight in the Hero Sea. The future is limitless, and the mechanical hero naturally has to give face.

Hot and sour powder Superman also showed real A-level combat power in the battle just now. It is a certainty that he will become an A-level hero. Therefore, Hong Kong Company will also become a first-class hero agency in Lukang City. Treat it casually like that.

"The two saved the Demon Dragon and the Prodigal Swordsman just now. On behalf of the Kunlun Brokerage Company, I would like to express my gratitude!"

Baomei nodded perfunctorily, she didn't really buy the mechanical war hero's account; the boss's aunt said that the old man was very bad.

Hot and sour powder Superman had no choice but to go forward and chat with the mechanical war hero.

After exchanging pleasantries, the mechanical war hero didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose to everyone present.

"Everyone should have seen the identity of the deceased. He is the director of the Heroes Association, Ouyang Yan."

"What happened to her is quite strange, and I won't be able to explain it for a while. Simply put, this Ouyang Yan is an undercover agent of a mysterious organization, and she is the mastermind behind the glacier hero's mutation!"

"I hope that when the Association of Heroes inquires, everyone can answer truthfully, please!"

This can be regarded as a reasonable blame for the mechanical war hero, and what happened to the glacier hero is indeed related to Ouyang Yan.

After finishing speaking, he called Liu Yuan aside alone.

The mechanical war hero looked at his second child lovingly, and sighed: "Ah Yuan, I made a deal with Youji just now, and he promised me that as long as I make you the heir of Kunlun, I can provide you with A You have to cherish this hard-won opportunity!"

He patted Liu Yuan on the shoulder, hoping to get some desired feedback from him.

Unfortunately, to his disappointment, upon hearing the news that he could become the heir of the Kunlun Company, Liu Yuan... seemed not very willing.

Liu Yuan seemed rather displeased, "Didn't it be agreed long ago that the company would be inherited by Molong, suddenly changing our attention would hurt our brother's feelings."

The brotherhood or something is just an excuse for Liu Yuan.

The real reason is that he has long looked down on such a small and broken company as Kunlun.

Damn, I want to be the person who decides the position of the zodiac, why don't you arrange for Kunlun Company to continue for me if you have nothing to do?

Isn't this going to affect my career development?

My godfather has arranged for me a long time ago, and you, an old-fashioned A-level hero, insist on meddling?

How could it be possible for me, Liu Yuan, to trap myself in this small pond of the Kunlun Company for the sake of A-level supernatural potions?

To use an appropriate analogy, his godfather, Youji, had already arranged for him a promotion route to a top [-] listed company in a big city, and the old man, Mechanical Warrior, insisted that he inherit the family's canteen.

There is no comparison at all!

In the eyes of the mechanical war hero, these small expressions became Liu Yuan's unwillingness to compete for his brother's heir position.

Hey, why did I get sand in my eyes?

The mechanical war hero has lived for so many years, besides the status he has painstakingly maintained, the most important thing is his two sons.

Liu Yuan's performance of "nostalgia for old times" made him more determined to hand over Kunlun to him.

If Liu Yuan shows great ambition, the mechanical war hero is really afraid that he will be bewitched by the ruling and go away!

Hmph, you chicken, you chicken, you have tried all your tricks, but you just underestimated the bond between my father and son in the Liu family.

"Good son!"

In addition to being excited, the mechanical warrior actually hugged Liu Yuan.

But this action affected the injury and caused him a backache.

"Damn, old man, don't hug me if you're okay, how old am I?"

Liu Yuan was quite uncomfortable.

"Hey, why are you supporting your waist? I told you earlier, don't play with heroines, but you won't listen!"

"Get out, I was injured by someone plotting from behind!"

"Damn, old man, are you so flamboyant?"

By the time I returned to the crowd with my cheap Lao Tzu, the magic dragon and the prodigal swordsman had already been "packed" by the people of Kunlun Company.

Several Cherry Company heroines pointed at the distance.

Yan Die said: "There is a new member of the Judgment!"

Qing Lan squinted her eyes: "It looks like a man, not Master Utu."

Baomei advised the two of them not to meddle in their own business, but to find a place to eat quickly.

In fact, she had a chance to arrest Blanche when she rescued Superman, but from the very beginning, she felt that what happened to Blanche was too strange, so she let her go on purpose.

Later, Chenlong sacrificed to save Lukang City, so she naturally had no reason to attack her.

Liu Yuan heard their conversation and quickly picked up the binoculars.

Blanche is his colleague, why did he forget just now!

"Damn it, isn't this a Si snake? Looking at his dusty appearance, I'm afraid he rushed over just after he got out of the battle. My guess is indeed right! The illegitimate daughter is a real hammer!"


The Si Snake clone instantly switched to Blanche's side.

Blanche, who was seriously injured, woke up in a daze. When she saw Si Snake exuding a cold aura all over her body, she felt an urge to cry for some reason.

She struggled to stand up, but failed in the end, because the injuries on her body were too serious.

Blanche said with red eyes, "I'm sorry, because of me, Chenlong died in battle."

Si Snake said lightly: "It has nothing to do with you, it's time to go."

He didn't go to comfort Blanche either, he just tied her with his tentacles and took her away.

Yang Xi's arrangement is to temporarily entrust Blanche to the Qian family, an ally, to take care of her. At the same time, it also means to let her be a pioneer to explore the four seas.

While on the road, the Si Snake avatar bound Blanche to a spiritual contract, giving her the authority to log in to the Yunding Palace.

While the avatar was busy here, Yang Xi had already arrived at the hospital where Yang Feifei was.

Looking at the chaotic hospital below, several "dark blue aliens" are constantly killing ordinary citizens.

These dark blue aliens are naturally not as exaggerated as the Glacier Brave. They are only more than two meters tall, and their appearance is close to that of a human. Except for being ugly, they are not as disgusting as the Glacier Brave.

But judging by the strength, it is also at the level of C-level, and it can become stronger by devouring ordinary humans!

Yang Xi said inwardly that it was not good. He never expected that the unknown wave of waves emitted by the Glacier Brave before his death could make the victims of the "convenience store incident" mutate into dark blue aliens!


In a hurry, he didn't care about concealment, and rushed towards these dark blue aliens like a big owl, because he was afraid that there might be Feifei inside, so he didn't use the metal storm to reach them directly.

Instead, they spent a lot of time trapping them in metal cages, and counted them. The number of dark blue aliens was one less than the number of victims. This made Yang Xi feel hopeful, perhaps because of the life energy he left behind. , Feifei hasn't mutated yet!

Yang Xi quickly rushed to Feifei's ward, and before he opened the door, his hands were trembling... He really couldn't imagine what he would do if Feifei turned into a dark blue alien!

But now is not the time to hesitate, Yang Xi took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to rush in!

In the ward, Yang Xi suddenly discovered that Yang Feifei was actually floating in mid-air, and Deep Blue was eroding her body!

She howled in pain!

Without hesitation, Yang Xi took the life energy he had just collected and penetrated into his younger sister's body!

He must rescue Yang Feifei!

165 Brother, you won't...

As soon as the mental power "scanned" her sister's soul, Yang Xi saw the rampant blue light spots, no, it should be called the original particle now, and it was constantly eating away at her spirit body.

If it weren't for the remnants of the life energy left on the younger sister's spirit body before, Feifei's will would be completely assimilated by the original particle.

"At that time, Feifei will become the same thing as the outside?"

"what are these?"

Yang Xi was surprised to find that, in the place occupied by these primordial particles, things like roots began to appear.

Moreover, Yang Xi faintly felt that these roots seemed to be connected to some extraordinary existence.

This is beyond the scope of his knowledge.

"It doesn't matter, let's talk about life energy first!"

Yang Xi used the collected life energy for his sister, and at the same time launched a metal storm to strangle all the dark blue aliens outside.

Blood flowed all over the corridor, but fortunately, there were no living people outside.

A large amount of life energy was absorbed by Yang Feifei's spirit body, and these green life energy rushed towards the original particles like brave soldiers, buying Yang Feifei's will time to breathe.

But the primordial particles are also absorbing these life energies and growing stronger, Yang Xi is undoubtedly drinking poison to quench his thirst!

The dark blue roots gradually became "concrete". Yang Xi wanted to use his spiritual power to help Yang Feifei, but this was a "war" inside the spirit body. The younger sister's spiritual body was destroyed.

Under the nourishment of the original particles, the dark blue roots gradually took root in the other half of Yang Feifei's spiritual body. Perhaps the only thing to be thankful for now is that Yang Feifei's will has not been polluted by the original particles!

Just when Yang Xi was at a loss what to do, the dark blue essence on his body suddenly glowed, and it merged into Yang Feifei's spiritual body that was gradually rooted by roots at a lightning speed!


Yang Xi never expected that the dark blue essence snatched from the man in the top hat would overshadow him at the most critical moment.

Originally, Yang Feifei's will was not dominant, but now that the original particle is added to strengthen it, wouldn't that be the end of it?

Just when Yang Xi was thinking about whether to use the rebirth ability to go back to the previous day and change everything, the war inside her sister's spirit body actually subsided.

On the dark blue side, an immature rhizome has successfully taken root, and on the other side, Yang Feifei's will also defended his territory.

"Changed... mutated?"

It doesn't feel right either, because Feifei's appearance hasn't changed like those dark blue aliens.

Yang Xi's spiritual power withdrew from her sister's spirit body.

On the hospital bed, Yang Feifei had already laid down like a Sleeping Beauty again, but because of the struggle just now, the hospital gown on her body was a bit messy.

Regarding his own sister, Yang Xi naturally wouldn't look around, and quickly covered her with a quilt.

After about half a minute, Yang Feifei woke up faintly.

Yang Xi saw the change in her sister - her left eye turned blue!

At the same time, the hair on her body also turned blue-black in a short period of time, but this color is normal among girls today, and it is still within the acceptable range.

"You... who are you!"

Waking up, Yang Feifei saw the mysterious man wearing a mask and shrank back to the corner in fright. At the same time, she threw a blue light blade and stabbed at Yang Xi.

Naturally, the blue light blade's attack couldn't break through Yang Xi's mental barrier, and a random mental thrust would break it into pieces.

Yang Xi stroked his hands and comforted his sister, "Don't be afraid of Feifei, I'm your brother!"

Yang Feifei held the quilt in disbelief, "Nonsense, my brother's voice is not like this!"

Yang Xi slapped his forehead, forgetting that he was in the state of a chicken vest.

He quickly changed back to his true colors.

Seeing the familiar appearance of his brother, Yang Feifei still didn't relax his vigilance: "My brother can't transform, you can't use his appearance to deceive me!"

"Let me tell you, I'm not an ordinary girl, I'm a top student at Hero High School, believe it or not, I'll hit you with a mental shock wave!"

Yang Xi smiled wryly, sister, what other abilities do you have!

"So, how about I say something that only the two of us know to prove my identity?"

Yang Feifei felt that this proposal was good, so she nodded her head. With different pupils, she still looks like a mixed race.

Yang Xi thought for a while, then smiled and said: "You wet the bed on the night of your seventh birthday, in order not to let your parents find out about it, you tricked me into sleeping with you, and then framed me as the one who wet the bed. I've told others, including my parents!"

When Yang Feifei heard this, he was stunned. This is indeed something only his brother knows.

Is it really my brother himself?

Yang Feifei's face turned red when he thought of Yang Xi's telling of his unbearable past.

She shyly covered her face and stopped, "Okay, okay, I believe in your identity, but brother, why did you suddenly transform?"

Hearing her sister's question, Yang Xi smiled wryly, and told her what happened recently.

But because there are still a lot of things waiting to be dealt with outside, Yang Xi only said some generalities.

But it was enough for Yang Feifei to look at his brother with admiration.

"Brother, you said that you actually became an S-rank during the time I was in a coma, no, you are even more powerful than an S-rank!"

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