Because of this, Ye Fan can also enter the top ranks of the Heroes Association and become a hidden chess piece buried by the ruling, which is much more valuable than Ouyang Yan of the Deep Blue Clan.

After all, Ouyang Yan is only a B-level ability user on the surface, and if he wants to become a director of the association, he has to be unspoken by an old man like Mechanical Warrior.

I don't know how this deep blue family endured, this kind of ability to execute tasks is simply amazing.

Uh, but Yang Xi is guessing, maybe he likes it.

Ye Fan replied decisively in his mind: "I will definitely not disappoint the leader's cultivation."

Yang Xi asked again: "Tell me some rules about the trials, so that I can go back and make targeted preparations."

Ye Fan then told Yang Xi the tryout schedule that he remembered by heart.

There are a total of 5000 school-age students who have passed the cultural examination and chose to apply for the Hero Department of Yenching University.

The first trial competition tested the mobility of the students.

For a hero, being able to quickly support to the scene is a very important quality.

The format of the exam is to go through the prescribed route in the admissions office of the Hero Department of Yenching University within the prescribed time, in groups of 1000 people, and only the top 100 in each group will pass.

Moreover, it is stipulated in advance that the mobility test does not limit any means.

You can choose to run, ride a bicycle, drive a car, or even use a flying machine if you have money, and people with flying abilities can also use their own abilities.

However, the school will create common obstacles and traps on the route of hero rescue, and it is unrealistic to rely on speed alone to win.

Friendly reminder, the obstacles in the sky are the scariest.

After hearing the selection rules, Yang Xi's first thought was...

How did the Prodigal Swordsman pass the first round of selection?

174 Bazooka Girl

After understanding the selection rules, Yang Xi's spirit body planned to go back. After all, it was getting late, and he didn't want to delay Ye Fan's rest time.

But at this moment, there were fighting sounds in the grove not far away.

Although he was already very tired, Ye Fan's physical fitness was there. After a few ups and downs, Yang Xi landed gently in the dark like a cat.

The pupils shrunk, and Yang Xi felt that Ye Fan's night vision ability continued to improve, and the two sides fighting in the woods gradually became clearer.

The slightly weaker one is a girl, about 1.6 meters tall, with blond hair, a flat face, and long legs. Because she is wearing a peaked cap, she can't see her face clearly, but judging from the flamboyant pink pleated skirt, this girl should be young .

The two supernatural beings who chased her down were both young people in their 20s, and they belonged to the appearance that could not be seen when thrown into the crowd.

One seems to have a transformation ability. At the moment, there are a pair of horns growing on its head, and the muscles on its body are extremely strong. The arms alone are thicker than the girl's waist, but it is teased by the girl in the peaked cap.

The other one with a gloomy expression was an elemental power user who kept sneaking up on the girl in the peaked cap with dark energy arrows.

Yang Xi couldn't understand the girl's abilities. Holding the standard shield and sword in the ancient western style, she kept entangled with these two abilities.

Yang Xi took a deep breath, and Ye Fan smelled a bloody smell with his sense of smell, someone was injured...

The two fought a few times, and after they separated, they faced off temporarily to recover their strength.

The dark superpower said coldly: "You stinky girl, you dare to sabotage our organization's business, let you just run away, and our Huoyun Club won't have to hang out in Yanjing!"

The girl in the peaked cap adjusted her hat, and her voice was unsurprisingly pleasant, "Can kidnapping ordinary people for extortion be called a business? Your leader's business acumen is not simple, and he copied it according to the criminal law of the first district?"

The horned man said in a muffled voice, "What do we have to do with you? If you let the old man go without permission, then let you replace him!"

"Looking at your delicate skin and tender flesh, you should be able to make a lot of money selling to traffickers, but I don't know if the traffickers in District 35 will send you to the sex industry or the healthcare industry after they buy you!"

The woman in the peaked cap was taken aback for a moment, as if the words of the horned supernatural person had touched her blind spot of knowledge, and asked, "Health care industry? Are you selling it to be a nurse?"

The dark-line supernatural person showed a cruel smile: "Naturally, the healthy organs are cut off and sold for money. Isn't this a contribution to the medical industry?"

As he said that, he suddenly shot another dark elemental arrow.

The characteristic of the dark elemental arrow is that it is silent when shooting, and can cause corrosive damage after hitting. It is indeed very good at sneak attack.

Yang Xi saw that the girl seemed to have noticed the arrow of the dark element long ago, and dexterously dodged it sideways, and slashed at the horned man with another sword.

The European-style long sword cut on the horn, leaving a purple mark!

Yang Xi realized that the girl's sword might have been smeared with some kind of poison!

"No wonder, her physical fitness doesn't seem to be strong, but she was able to deal with this strong horned supernatural being for so long!"

"Could it be a Horcrux-type supernatural being, or simply a poison-type user?"

Yang Xi felt that this shield-sword combination didn't have the special feeling of a Horcrux.

Just like ordinary human creations.

But the problem is, from the analysis of the communication between these three people, it should be the peaked cap girl who secretly let go of the kidnapping targets of the two "Fire Cloud Club" supernatural beings, and the latter chased after finding out.

Could it be possible for the girl in the peaked cap to carry this shield and sword combination with her?

Is this a bit garish?

Or, like Qian Duoduo, her abilities are space-based?Can the shield and sword combination be packed into the portable space?

The peaked cap girl fights and retreats, she seems to have a purpose to bring the two supernatural beings to a certain place.

After selling another flaw, the bullhorn superhuman excitedly rushed over to hug the girl in the peaked cap.

Judging from his vigorous posture, once the girl in the cap hugs her, it will definitely not be as simple as breaking two ribs!

But at such a critical moment, the girl in the peaked cap threw away her shield and sword combination, stretched her hand upwards, and her whole body rose instantly, leaving the horned supernatural being in the air.

"Hey, big stupid cow!"

The girl in the peaked cap seemed to make a grimace at the horned supernatural being, and she landed steadily on several branches.

Only then did Yang Xi realize that a rope ascender appeared on her wrist at some point!

"How is this possible? Is it because Ye Fan is too tired, so he didn't see clearly?"

But this is impossible, Ye Fan was exercising the muscles of his body before, so his eyesight will not be affected too much!

"Damn it, you cunning little girl, you actually prepared so many tools in advance!"

The horned man was still yelling, with a look of unwillingness on his face. At the same time, because of the poisoning, he felt his body gradually becoming heavier.


He realized that he seemed to have stepped on something!

In the next second, there was a bang, and the horned supernatural being was blown away by the explosion, drawing a parabola in the air and falling to the ground. The left leg that stepped on the mine was blown apart from the knee, exposing flesh and blood and white broken bones!

There was no scream, because the horned man had already been blown unconscious.

The silent arrow of the dark element came, but the peaked cap girl once again predicted the sneak attack of the dark-type supernatural being, and swiftly swung from the tree to the dark-type supernatural being with a spin kick!

I don't know when a leg knife was installed on the beautiful leg!

The dark-type supernatural person rolled on the ground in embarrassment, narrowly dodging the girl's blow.

He broke down a bit and said, "What kind of supernatural power are you, and why are there so many things on your body for no reason?"

Dark-type supernatural beings are particularly irritable. This girl’s strength and speed are not strong, but she has an endless stream of props. The two of them are playing together. The guy who is a bull has half of his leg blown off by her, and there is no healing supernatural power. If it is treated, the rest of my life is over!

The girl in the peaked cap landed steadily on the ground, and said playfully, "Guess what, if you guessed it, I'll sue you!"

When she got up again, she actually had another portable bazooka in her hand, aiming at the dark-type supernatural being.

The dark-type power user cried, "You...are you still being reasonable?"

He was also poisoned, and it was impossible to avoid the grenade.

The girl in the peaked cap said: "Aren't you going to sell me? I'm not here to defend myself."

Is there such a thing as self-defense?Seeing his companion lying miserable on the ground, the dark-type supernatural being savaged, and was about to make a big move to kill them all, but Yang Xi controlled Ye Fan's body and stomped his head into the ground.

He smiled at the girl in the peaked cap who was holding a portable bazooka: "Beauty, you have already used a landmine, and if you blow it up with a grenade, this rare training place will be ruined. I will still have the Yanjing University tryout in five days." Woolen cloth!"

175 Hot and Sour Powder Superman's new mission

The girl in the peaked cap looked at Ye Fan who suddenly appeared, and was startled. The portable radar she made didn't find the boy.

This boy is not simple.

And he just killed the dark-type supernatural user with a random kick. Although this guy is a weak chicken, he is still a C-level supernatural person!

What kind of power is this boy?Body Enhancement?Or the inheritance system?

Only by using her supernatural powers and her own clever mind can she turn the two supernatural beings around.

And this young man who looked to be about the same age as him could kill him so easily!

Well, although I have already broken their mentality before.

But this feeling that the opponent easily crushes the C-level ability user is still terrifying!

Could it be that he already has B-level strength?

Well, what did he say?

Yanjing University's tryout five days later?

If it's such a coincidence, I'll sign up too!

Could it be that all the students applying for the Hero Department of Yenching University are perverted to this degree?

For the first time, the peaked cap girl was shaken by her ability to pass the selection and be admitted to the Hero Department of Yenching University.

She activated the ability, and the portable bazooka turned into a spot of light and dissipated.

The girl took off her bright white peaked cap, revealing a pretty and youthful face, her blond hair was smooth as a whole, but there was one dull hair that caught the eye.

For safety reasons, she did not approach Ye Fan, and introduced herself from a distance of several meters: "My name is Marukyu, and I have also applied for the Hero Department of Yenching University. Maybe we will meet again in the selection competition. Time to cooperate?"

Looking at the lean but explosive muscles inadvertently outlined on the sweaty Ye Fan, Wan Jiu couldn't help but want to laugh like a slut, this handsome brother's figure is too good, it's completely her style!


Yang Xi smiled slightly, this girl named Marukyu is quite capable, so it's okay to cooperate.

You're not a little wary, and you deliberately stay a few meters away from me.

But with Ye Fan's skill, he could rush to the girl's side in a few tenths of a second and pin her down.

Yang Xi smiled and said: "My name is Ye Fan, yes, if we are in the same group after five days, we can cooperate, anyway, the top [-] in each group will advance to the next round, and there will be no conflict between us for the time being. "

Marukyu blinked his eyes, chuckled, and said, "Then it's settled."

The two then called the police.

When the police car and the Hero Association arrived, they were shocked that the two students could "join forces" to subdue two C-level supernatural beings, but when they heard that they were top students in the Hero Department of Yenching University, they were surprised Weirdly began to collect evidence on the spot.

After working all night, Ye Fan and Wan Jiu came out of the police station.

Maru Kyu smiled apologetically at Ye Fan: "I'm sorry, I have caused you to come with me, why don't we go have a supper together?"

Yang Xi wanted to slip away a long time ago, but was asked by Ye Fan to stay because the latter had no experience dealing with other girls except his younger sister.

Yang Xi was speechless, so was he!

But as the leader, how could he be cowardly in front of his younger brother, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Faced with the girl's suggestive invitation, Yang Xi decisively chose to decline.

"Forget it, I still have something to do at home, so I'll go back first."

He was still proudly teaching Ye Fan in his mind, "Have you learned it? Don't get entangled with girls. My sister is enough trouble. How can I have the energy to deal with other girls?"

Ye Fan thought so deeply.

Looking at Ye Fan who was a little "fleeing", Marukyu smiled meaningfully, "He is really an interesting guy, it seems that this trial will not be boring."

Knowing that Ye Fan will continue today's exercise program, Yang Xi stopped bothering him, and after a few words of encouragement, told him to pay attention to the balance between work and rest, he returned to his body.

When he woke up, he found that his sister was sleeping soundly lying on his bedside, the sheets were still wet with saliva.

Looking at Hanhan's own sister, Yang Xi couldn't help smiling, all the fatigue from these days had disappeared, and he was full of motivation again!

Early the next morning, while his sister was still sleeping, Yang Xi sent a message to Hot and Sour Rice Noodle Superman after putting the fried dough sticks and steamed buns he bought on the dining table.

After getting the answer that the spirit body can descend, he came into the body of Hot and Sour Powder Superman.

Hot and Sour Powder Superman said respectfully: "Boss."

He is at home now, and his wife Qian Yue seems to be training his girls to do things.

After the battle on Evergreen Street, Hot and Sour Fan Superman’s popularity skyrocketed again. He has already decided to participate in the national variety show "Where Are We Going, Daddy Hero?" The recording location is in the countryside of Ross City, District [-]. This is different from Yang Xi’s plan. Coincidentally.

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