The pharmacist couldn't help being very frustrated.

Orochimaru couldn't help but sighed.

"It's really unbelievable that you can directly solve the reincarnation of the dirty soil... This gentleman is really unfathomable... I'm afraid that even if the coalition forces still survive, there is no possibility of victory..."

Tsunade frowned, and snorted coldly.

"If you two want to surrender, you should surrender as soon as possible, don't disturb the morale of the army by chattering here!"

"So, do you still want to resist? But even if you don't resist, I will force you to resist. After all, I was really angry for beating my lover!"

Luo Yu said holding Estes in his arms, and suddenly appeared out of nowhere, immediately attracting the attention of the rest of the people.

Hearing what he said, the rest of the people were furious.

"Bastard, she killed so many people, don't we get angry when you are angry?"

Naruto immediately roared furiously, just enough to make his beard and hair grow open, as if he was about to turn into a fox in the next second.

Luo Yu smiled and moved his eyes to the person who was supposed to be the protagonist.

"You can only blame you for being too weak when you are angry, and you don't understand my painstaking efforts at all."

"Speaking of which, let me ask again, are you going to continue to resist?"

After the voice fell, Siye fell silent for an instant.

Many people lowered their heads one after another, showing hesitation.

An Esdes has killed 18 coalition forces.

How can Luo Yu, who is in full condition, be easy to deal with?

Although they worked together, they made a fool of Esdesh and almost killed her.

But in the end he was saved by Luo Yu.

At this time, it is also the time when the mountains and rivers are exhausted.

If there is still an army of dirty soil, it is estimated that there will be a battle.

But as soon as Luo Yu appeared on the stage, he took away all the dirty soil bodies, how could he resist?

Take your head to resist?

When even Tsunade was silent, Naruto suddenly separated countless shadow clones.

"Don't think that this will scare us, kill so many of us, no matter what you say, I still have to answer impossible!"

The moment Naruto roared, he had already twisted the spiral pill in his hand, and quickly launched a charge.

But before he ran a few steps, Luo Yu raised his hand and caused a shocking change.

"Space cracking storm!"

With Naruto at the center, the space that expands outward is shattered inch by inch like a mirror.

And it expanded bigger and bigger, including all the rest of the people.

Puff puff……

Everyone, including Orochimaru Tsunade, their bodies were shattered into scum without any resistance, and they were splashed everywhere on the ground.

The whole world suddenly fell silent!

"How about my wife, I have killed all the people who hurt you, should I be happier now?"

Estes has been silent since just now, and Luo Yu doesn't know what she is thinking.

After realizing her failure, she always felt that natural selection and survival of the fittest.

It's hard to imagine what kind of frustration there will be.

Luo Yu was a little afraid that she would suddenly go crazy.

A person who was already trembling to the extreme, might ask him to resurrect those people, and then cruelly abuse them...

However, to Luo Yu's surprise, Estes was extremely gentle, leaning his head on his shoulder, and then spoke softly.

"Husband... They are indeed very powerful. How can I become as strong as you? Or should I consider building my own army?"

This performance was unexpectedly peaceful, and she seemed to have finally realized her personal limitations. After all, no matter how talented she is, she has no cheats.

Luo Yu couldn't help being very gentle and authentic.

"As long as you practice the two abilities I taught you to the extreme, you will be able to use your own power endlessly."

"As for building an army, you can do it if you like. But I don't think there are so many powerful people for you to drive. It's not bad to cultivate an elite team of about a hundred people."

When Luo Yu said this, he also thought of those apprentices in One Punch World.And those geniuses of Ghost Slayer, I feel that I can really operate it.

Estes, however, looked straight at him.

"For the Centuries, it seems that those extra sisters should be just right? I feel that if I have a tornado to help today, I won't be so tired~"

Luo Yu suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

"That... Wife, calm down, accepting a hundred people... Shouldn't you consider this matter, and not everyone is as belligerent as you?"

Estes is acting coquettishly.

"Oh, it's not a waste of time anyway. Women may not be stronger than men, right? Tornado is very powerful. It seems that Tsunade, Terumi Mei, and sister Konan are also good."

Facing the expectant eyes of Estes.

Luo Yu couldn't help exhaling a few breaths.

"You let me think about it again, or arrange these people first."

Luo Yu said, and began to gather all the dead ninjas, and cast a large-scale time regression.

However, what he chose was the whole body before it was harmed, and the soul was the soul that had died once, so that when it was just resurrected, there was a lot of wailing.

Some even lost control on the spot.

Chapter 151 Esthers Initiates a Contest Invitation

" hurts...I'm going to be torn apart..."

"Ah, my egg, don't step on my egg..."

"Ahhh... no pain at all... why don't you feel any pain at all?"


A large number of ninjas screamed one after another, and a large number of Bai Jue followed suit.

So much so that the 18 army was a little noisy, but as Luo Yu's 18 strands of energy flew to their foreheads, the coalition forces stopped screaming in an instant.

"What... do you want to continue fighting? Until you completely surrender?"

"Is... can I really surrender? Can I just surrender?"

"Bastard, how can you give in to others so easily, we people in Yuncun never give in to anyone!"


When the coalition forces were shouting loudly and in chaos.

Luo Yu disappeared with Estes.

After all, the general content has already been told to the Ninja Alliance, so there is no need to stay and say anything.

Just wait for the answer the next day.

Speaking of Xiao Nan staying in the hotel alone, it still made him a little worried.


Spa hotel.

The awakened Temari, Ino, and Yugao three daughters.

It's all a little unbelievable what the three of Samyi, Hinata, and Tiantian did before.

I really didn't expect that when everyone was fighting hard.

The three of them are also fighting hard in other ways!

It's just because it's too immature, and it's not the opponent's opponent at all.

Since they also witnessed Esdeth's cruel behavior, the three of them also felt more and more that they should take on the important task of assassinating Luo Yu together!

After all, an Estes is already so terrifying.

Add another Luo Yu, maybe what will happen.

So they can be said to have completely risked it!

"Honey, you're finally back. My sister is safe and well, have the enemies been dealt with?"

The first time Xiao Nan saw Luo Yu, she stood up happily and approached the two of them.

Luo Yu also took Xiao Nan into his arms, and kissed her cheek involuntarily.

"Esdece and I are back, so of course there is no problem. Anyway, everything is going well, and they have both died once."

Xiao Nan's eyes widened instantly.

"18 people... have they all been killed? This is too fast, it's unbelievable..."

Luo Yu couldn't help pointing at Esdeath.

"She solved 18 yuan by herself, and I solved the last bit of miscellaneous fish. In fact, it was not too difficult."

In fact, the miscellaneous fish behind are all the elite among the elite, and there are a few shadows among them.

If these words are put outside, it is estimated that the ears of those who hear them will be shocked...

"Husband, I want to take a good rest, you can spend more time with me today~"

Esdes made such a request suddenly, and even put his hand into Luo Yu's clothes, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"You should be quite tired today, why don't you have a meal first~"

Estes' state was obviously a little strange, and Luo Yu couldn't figure it out.

It is estimated that there is a depression in my heart.

After all, at the end of the war, there is still no one to solve it all.

Although it was hearty, she probably realized her personal limitations.

So you want to vent because you are depressed?

Or was it simply because he almost died that he became more intimate with himself?

Esther took the lead in kissing him passionately, begging like a little woman.

"Then eat and accompany me, haven't you played before?"

See Esdeth winking like silk.

Luo Yu couldn't control himself, and while responding, he also pointed to the Six Nv Dao beside him.

"Let's change the place, they are still there, Xiao Nan, can you take care of them again?"

Xiao Nan's cheeks were flushed, and she knew that the two of them were going to have something to do.

He nodded without hesitation.

But Estes had already taken off Luo Yu's clothes.

"There is nothing to worry about. They are just trophies and have no right to speak at all. And their strength is quite average. Such things can only be used in time to add to the fun~"

Hearing what Estes said, Luo Yu couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Although it is true that these people are not very good to him, at most their good looks can attract him.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, let's start having fun...

Although these six people may become more and more familiar in the future.

But at least three are currently strangers...

Is it possible to go directly together?

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