However, as the toughest witch, she still has her own pride, and immediately wiped away her tears, staring at Luo Yu viciously.

"You wait, I will definitely come back with revenge, you, a guy who likes to play with others wantonly, will definitely be destroyed under my fist!"

Such a fierce oath.

But Luo Yu couldn't be exchanged for the slightest worry, and even the smile on his face didn't change at all, instead he gave a thumbs up in response with some anticipation.

"Very well, this looks like your angry witch. But can the time be earlier or more frequent, to be honest, I don't seem to have fully enjoyed myself yet."

As Luo Yu spoke, he stroked her cheek, as if teaching someone to be addicted, and there was a slight tenderness in his eyes.

Minerva, who is already a little familiar with Luo Yu, doesn't know what he wants to do.

Immediately turned away angrily, and turned to a place where Luo Yu could not see her face.

"Asshole, I won't give you another chance next time, don't be complacent, I will definitely come back!!"

Minerva said that the body immediately burst into light, and the whole person turned into a luminous body for a moment, and the scattered starlight disappeared.


Thick smoke scattered everywhere.

After the smoke slowly dissipated, Minervan's well-proportioned figure could no longer be seen.

Instead, there was a purple coffin-like thing with legs, standing in Luo Yu's field of vision.

And soon, a voice came from inside.

"Can you give me some of what Typhon ate just now? If it's delicious, Daphne can also do something fun with you~"

A girl whose body was restrained by restraints in the slightly narrow vertical coffin "Century Coffin", and even her eyes were covered by hard black blindfolds.

It's like the "Gluttony Witch", Daphne.

However, she was just as outrageous as the previous witches. She looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, about 1.5 meters tall, and her shoulder-length gray hair was tied into two bundles.

The skin is white and the body is delicate, and there is always a drop of saliva hanging from the corner of the mouth.

Chapter 390 Daphne's Big Appetite

Although Daphne looks soft and cute.

But Luo Yu remembered that she had jagged teeth.

In other words, she is completely worthy of the title of Gluttony Witch.

But no matter how gluttonous she is, others may still be intimidated by her.

Luo Yu said that she can eat as much as she wants, and she will never let her mouth be empty.

"Okay, since you want to eat, of course there is no problem. So do you want to get it yourself? Or am I ready for you?"

Daphne stayed for a second or two, then tilted her head and asked curiously.

"Get it yourself, is there any difference from what you prepared, Luo Yu? I don't want to get up for too long, and I don't want to do things by myself..."

Luo Yu is still persistent and authentic.

"If you want to be so lazy, it will be difficult for me to satisfy your request. Because if you don't come by yourself, the speed will be very slow and the amount will be very small."

"If you don't want to wait too long and eat too little land, you should cooperate a little bit. After all, there is a saying that is good, do it yourself and have enough food and clothing. It is not too much to sacrifice a little bit for food, right?"

Daphne's expression froze suddenly, and then the whole centipede coffin trembled, revealing a grin full of jagged teeth.

"Is it really good for mere human beings to be so ignorant?"

Although the smile looks very bright.

But Luo Yu felt the incomparably surging tyranny, and seemed to be a little angry.

But no matter how angry she was, it was impossible to pose the slightest threat to him.

So Luo Yu still calmly said.

"Do you know how to measure? Isn't it all based on each other's strength? Only when each other's strength is equal, can we talk on an equal footing?"

"I think this truth, you should be clearer than anyone else."

Although the Gluttony Witch looks like a little witch, she has a Typhon-like focus on doing things for herself.

But it still follows the principle of natural selection.

Therefore, the supremacy of strength definitely works in her.

Although Daphne's smile restrained a little, her saliva flowed more and more.

"Okay, I didn't expect to exercise my body just after waking up. Although this may not be good for my health, but I have never eaten before, so I won't be able to sleep."

As soon as the voice fell, Daphne's centipede supporting her body moved flexibly, and after a burst of smoke and dust, she came to Luo Yu's approach in the next second.

The small mouth suddenly became super big, as if it could easily swallow a whale, including the ground that Luo Yu stepped on.

But when he was about to swallow it, there was a stone-like sound of biting suddenly, and it gnawed in Daphne's mouth.

After she was stunned for a moment, when she wanted to chew again, there was a continuous "cracking" sound.

I saw the shark-like jagged teeth in her mouth, all broken into a very flat state, as if she had undergone a sudden molar surgery.

Grind serrated teeth to look like ordinary flat teeth.

"What...what's going on...why my teeth... how can I not be able to bite you, my gluttony makes me bite even the hardest steel into pieces..."

Luo Yu walked out of her big mouth calmly, then slowly helped her close her mouth to make it smaller, then touched her head and said.

"Because I think you'll be cuter like this, so I won't give you your teeth straightened without your consent."

"But you should understand the gap between each other. As a predator, you should also think that one day, you will become someone else's food."

"Obviously that's it for today, you are already my food, is there anything else you want to say?"

Luo Yu said and rubbed Daphne's stomach.

I found that although it is extremely white, the touch does not seem to be the touch of the skin, it seems to be a gel coat.

The elasticity is really amazing, I don't know what it is made of,

On the outside of the arms and legs, the gel coat is purple, and the central part is white.

Let Daphne look a bit like a normal whale, dolphin and other small animals.

There is a different kind of cute feeling.

As for Daphne, who was informed of the situation at this time, her expression, which was a little sleepy and lazy, immediately changed a lot.

While showing worry, his body trembled slightly.

"No... don't eat Daphne, you have tasted a lot of things about Daphne. Even if you want to eat Daphne, can Daphne be eaten after she is full?"

"Otherwise, Daphne will be in a bad mood and the quality of the meat will be very bad."

Luo Yu couldn't help but put his hand on her coffin again, and then put her on the ground very vigorously.

"Well, since it's your last request, I'll do my best to satisfy it."

"Then, open your mouth now, and I'll bring you something to eat."

Daphne didn't expect Luo Yu to be so eloquent, she opened her mouth for a moment of doubt, and let out a long "ah" as if her throat was being looked at by a doctor.

But soon an extremely huge amount of food was stuffed in, and she suddenly couldn't make any more noises.


After an hour and a half.

Daphne's belly was two or three times bigger than before, and there was a big satisfied smile on her face.

Luo Yu was also very satisfied, but it was completely unexpected that this little girl was so edible.

After eating three servings of a normal serving, he restrained the desire to continue eating.

It also made Luo Yu, a chef, very pleased and a little surprised.

"When can I eat it again, Luo Yu, why is the taste different every time, can I eat all the flavors of it?"

Daphne drooled again as she spoke, just like when she was first seen, as if she was always hungry.

However, the hostility on her body is much less, and there is more playfulness and cuteness of the little sister next door.

Luo Yu couldn't help but patted her head.

"Isn't it enough to eat so much? It's better to digest it first, or your stomach will burst."

Daphne didn't feel much at first, and usually her appetite was stronger than any other desires, but Luo Yu reminded her.

She did feel bad, and frowned slightly, as if she was really stretched.

"Hmm...that's really strange, why is this food so hard to digest...although it finally made me full once, it's too strange..."

Luo Yu couldn't help touching her belly and said with a smile.

"Otherwise, who do you think I am? Of course, the food I made is not something you can easily digest. You'd better go to sleep and rest obediently."

"After waking up, you can come to me for fresh food right away."

Daphne also felt that her appetite was suppressed, so she had no choice but to compromise with the bloated feeling in her body and nodded slightly.

"Okay, Luo Yu, I will definitely come back to find you soon, you must wait for me~"

"Okay, I will always be here. After talking about it, we can see each other every day. In fact, there is no need to miss me too much."

Hear Luo Yu's reply.

Daphne was shocked.

"Meet every day...what do you mean?"

Chapter 391

"It's very simple, I will resurrect you, do you think I was just feeding you?"

Hearing Luo Yu's answer.

Daphne's face was full of question marks, she tilted her head and wanted to say, isn't it?

He paused for a moment, still a little puzzled, and finally could only stick out his tongue in response.

"Daphne is still not clear, but if it is really possible, can I eat when I go to sleep?"

Suddenly Daphne became a treasure.

Who can resist such coquettishness?

But from her point of view, the person who can satisfy her appetite is definitely a good person who can be trusted.

She found that Luo Yu didn't eat her, but gave her food instead, so she no longer wanted to be separated from Luo Yu.

Even a little dissatisfied, wanting to ask for more, she did not hesitate to let go of the arrogance of the witch, and became like the little sister next door.

Of course, Luo Yu would not refuse such a thing.

"It's ok. When you are resurrected by me, everything will be fine. Whatever you want, you can be satisfied."

"That's great, Luo Yu, it would be even better if I met you sooner."

Daphne happily kissed Luo Yu's cheek, and her whole body burst into dazzling light.

Daphne suddenly disappeared, replaced by Echidna again.

It's just that her complexion was ugly, and she kept drinking Donna tea, her gaze never squinting at Luo Yu's location.

I don't know what she is angry about.

Luo Yu walked over by himself and sat in front of her.

Everything seemed to return to the beginning, and the two sat face to face again.

Only this time, Echidna did not make tea for Luo Yu, but Luo Yu poured himself a cup of tea.

But after pouring the tea, Echidna suddenly spoke.

"Are you a devil? You came here just to experience it, all witches?"

Luo Yu drank the tea in one gulp, and then poured the tea while speaking.

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