Qi Tiezui laughed.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time. This reasoning is really fucking brain-burning. I'll figure it out."

I saw Ba Ye pinching his fingers seriously.

After a moment.

His face was shocked.

"There are really such witnesses."

Behind Er Yuehong and Ya Tou both covered their faces and smiled.

This old eight likes to do calculations with his fingers, and the most important thing is to have a serious expression on his face.

Who doesn't know the current two great fortune tellers in the tomb robbery world.

One is the third master Zhang, which is an old brand, and the other is Mr. Zhang.

It can be said to be a magic calculation, every sentence is the truth, accurate can not be more accurate, now everyone is going to the grave according to Mr. Zhang's book, which one is not making a lot of money.

The most vivid example, Jude Kao, who believed in Mr. Zhang's words, did not move out all the things from his tomb.


The other side of the box on the second floor.

The old man talked and laughed with Zhang Sanlianzi.

"`Mr. Zhang, you don't know if you don't look at it. I was shocked when I saw it. I knew you were rich, but I was still shocked by being so rich."

Zhang Sanlian smiled without saying a word.

Said suddenly.

"Forbidden woman, I went back and read some classics and found some news about forbidden woman."

"The birth of this kind of thing is very evil. That's why they asked Mr. Zhang at that time, and Mr. Zhang didn't want to say it."

Hearing this, the veteran immediately became interested.

"How on earth was this forbidden woman born, that hair can be stretched and stretched at will?"

Zhang Sanlian looked at the veteran for a while.

This scrutiny, but the heart of the old scrutiny.

Just listen to what Zhang Sanlianzi said.

"Well, you don't look like someone who can make forbidden women. I'm relieved."

The old man has black lines all over his face.

"The birth of a concubine is extremely evil. A newly married and pregnant woman is selected and..."

The old man suddenly realized, looked at Zhang (Li Hao) San Lianzi and said.

"Could it be that the baby in the jar in front of the tomb in front of the seabed mentioned in Mr. Zhang's book..."

Zhang Sanlian nodded.

"Yes, that is the forbidden woman's child."

The old man suddenly remembered how many jars there were in Zhang Chen's book.

I was suddenly furious in my heart, with a look of resentment.

"I didn't expect this ancient man to be so evil."

Zhang Sanlianzi also agreed.

"Although the forbidden woman does not necessarily have to be a pregnant woman, pregnant women will feel more resentful."

It is true that people and gods are outraged.

This practice is simply inhumane.



The streets and alleys are still talking.

"Today is Mr. Zhang's storytelling day again, I really want to read it."

"What are you looking at, hurry up and work."

A man repelled the man's impulse.

Crescent Hotel is not affordable for people like them.

In a circle near the city wall.

There is a magnificent courtyard.

Lord Belle sat on the large seat.

Sitting below was a man wearing a gorgeous gold cannon.

"You said that you are suspecting whether Mr. Zhang did it, but there is no direct evidence."

"I suspect that this forbidden woman did it, Zhuang."

Forbidden woman?

Lord Belle was taken aback and asked.

"Is this forbidden woman what Mr. Zhang said in his book?".

Chapter 130 Nine His grandma's, you actually dug up the corpse!

After Master Belle asked, he suddenly thought about it.

"Come here! Go and get out Zhang Chen's storytelling and find the section describing the forbidden woman."

The servants on the side hurriedly ran over to read it.

This has an advantage in the palace, that is, if you do something that suits the master's wishes, you will get some rewards.

So this seems to be a job like a cow and a horse, but it is really delicious to do it.

"My lord, I found it!"

A servant stepped forward holding a book in surprise.


Immediately afterwards, the servant beside him said loudly.

"This confinement woman is a black mass, wrapped in long hair, and her body swells disgustingly. She has a unique fragrance, which inhales yang energy, and her hair can stretch freely."

"and many more!"

Lord Belle waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to stop immediately.

"Long hair that stretches freely."

He immediately thought of Zhang Xuqian who was in Zhang Chen's room, but he was so frightened by that hair that he couldn't see the shit out of him.

This book was narrated by Zhang Chen, and there are people who are so similar to Zhang Chen.

And the timing is weird.

As he spoke, he looked at the person in the guest chair.

"Brother Li, I'm tired today, so please take care of yourself."


The person in the guest chair also stood up.

"So, I'll leave first, and we'll meet again some other day."

After saying that, he turned and left.

Lord Belle has been standing watching this person leave.

Then waved.

The servants behind him immediately stepped forward.

"He can't leave the capital..."

The servant immediately understood, turned around and went to complete the order.

A smile appeared on Lord Belle's face.

The death of Peng Sanbian and the demise of the Xiaodao Chamber of Commerce have proved that Zhang Chen is a decisive person, and he must not let outsiders have a trace of evidence.

Not even the person who talked to him here today!

"Only the dead don't stab a knife in the back."

"Come here, find an orphan, send a stranger, and tell the newspaper office to do 453."

The subordinates on the side listened quietly.


Crescent Hotel.


On the high platform, Zhang Chen walked up slowly, stopped in front of the table and sat down.

The noisy crowd just now held their breath and looked at Zhang Chen quietly.

Zhang Chen smiled at the people in the audience.

"Everyone, today is the time for storytelling."

"Let's continue the book..."


What he just said was interrupted, and Zhang Chen felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. The most annoying thing is that he was interrupted when he was speaking, so it shouldn't be too annoying.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Jude Kao just brought something back from Changbai Mountain, and I would like to ask you to take a look."

Jude Kao.

As soon as everyone heard this, a thought popped into their minds, why is this guy again? After listening to Mr. Zhang's book, this guy has been in the tomb like a fish in water, and he will take what he can take away when he sees it.

Just don't be too bandit.

Zhang Chen suppressed his dissatisfaction, thought for a while and said.

"In that case, let's read other things before telling the story."

Immediately afterwards, a dark blue ice coffin was brought in outside the New Moon Hotel.

Inside, there are two or three very complete corpses with still preserved flesh and blood layer upon layer.

Zhang Chen only felt the impact on his vision.

"This damn thing is a corpse frozen in ice."

When he turned his head, Jude Kao was looking down at the railing with a smile.

The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched, and he quickly regained his composure.

He didn't know what this Jude test was.

The last time I dug out other people's murals, this time I just dug out their bodies without saying a word.

This is not a big deal, but even made ice into the shape of a coffin.


Zhang Chen had a different kind of doubt in his heart.

This corpse is so well preserved, even the skin is still a little bloody, if it is placed in his world, freezing a living person can really be achieved.

at the same time.

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