This feeling is like when a person's whole family was killed and he practiced martial arts for ten years to seek revenge, but the Chou family smiled and said: "Have you not let go yet? I have let go long ago."

At this moment, there was a burst of shouting not far away. You and Alice searched for the sound, and saw that the quarrel between Keli and the other children had ended.

Because... During the few minutes of chatting between Li Xingshan and Alice, Keli had already knocked down all the other children to the ground.

Even without relying on the power of God's Eye or bombs, her skills have long been trained far beyond ordinary people in missions.

If you insist on a metaphor, it's a bit like the super killer girl in "Kick-Ass".

"What... what's going on?"

This time, Alice, who had a calm face just now, couldn't help being a little surprised at this moment, and wanted to go over to stop her, but Li Xingshan followed Alice's example and stood in front of her, smiling: "Didn't you say, Do you want the children to solve their own problems?"

Keli's "violent behavior" did not cause more disputes. Instead, the children who had doubts just now showed expressions of admiration and surrounded Keli.

And Ke Li, who was born with social bullying, seemed to enjoy this kind of treatment very much, with her arms folded and her chin raised, she looked triumphant.

Volume 233: A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] Alice's Invitation

[Complete task: resolve this dispute]

[Reward Talent: Elven Affinity (B Grade)]

[Effect: The elves are quite a xenophobic race, but the special temperament you exude can gain the favor of the elves]

At this time, the children were expressing their admiration to Keli.

"Miss Keli is amazing!"

"Master Keli, does the Great Demon King really exist?"

"Master Keli, can you continue to step on my head with your shoes? Please!"

Hey, that little guy at the end, you're a bit weird!


Keli put her hands on her hips, and said arrogantly: "After Keli defeats the big devil, you can also be drawn into "The Brave Keli Fights the Devil"...Eh?"

Before the little guy finished speaking, he was suddenly picked up.

I saw Alice holding Keli in her arms, and said with a smile, "Is your name Keli? You can't bully other classmates..."

Suddenly, Alice was stunned, perhaps because of the blood connection, or because the girl in front of her was so cute that she couldn't help but think of her own daughter.

Almost in an instant, tears had already flowed down the corners of Alice's eyes.

"Auntie doesn't cry..." Keli hurriedly wiped away Alice's tears, and said cautiously, "Dad said that the only place to cry is the toilet and Dad's arms."

Li Xingshan was very nervous at this moment. If Alice recognized Ke Li as her daughter, not only would her revenge plan fail, but her identity would also be exposed immediately.

However, the more it is like this, the more you have to be calm.

If there is an abnormality at this time, it will be easier for Alice to see the clues.

"Miss Alice?" Li Xingshan pretended to be calm and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, I lost my composure," Alice recovered, and said with some embarrassment: "Your very cute."

"It's really cute, but this girl always likes to cause trouble." Li Xingshan smiled helplessly, and said, "No school has been willing to accept her, so I just want to try my luck here."

"Please let her study here!" Alice said quickly, "I will take good care of her!"


Li Xingshan was secretly happy.

It seems that my guess is not wrong, and the appearance of Ke Li has indeed awakened Alice's motherhood again.

You want to ease the pain by forgetting your daughter?

Then I will send my daughter to you again!

Alice is in pain, but Li Xingshan is happy.

Alice is happy, but Li Xingshan is in pain.

It was precisely because of this that Li Xingshan was willing to take such a big risk to send Keli to Alice.

"Ke Li," Li Xingshan leaned down, gently stroked his daughter's head, and said with a smile, "Do you like this place?"

"I like it!" Keli nodded quickly, "There are interesting friends here, a lot of toys, and... a beautiful aunt."

Hearing these words, Alice couldn't help but smile again.

Li Xingshan could see that in her eyes, she doted on Ke Li. If the rumors were true, then Ke Li would definitely become her primary target for choosing an adopted daughter or adopted daughter.

But who, even if not Alice, can resist the lovely Keli?For this point, Li Xingshan is still very confident.

【Ke Li's admission procedures are going very smoothly. Of course, just in case, you still keep telling Ke Li not to reveal your secrets】

[At the same time, you also prepared some spare potions, in case Keli might not be able to suppress the elf blood]

[36 years old: In the blink of an eye, Keli has been in school for half a year. Although there have been several accidents, it is still safe and sound]

[In addition, because you have to take care of the position of the chief alchemist of the West Wind Knights, you temporarily hand over the store to Sugar.In addition, this position gives you a lot of convenience, you can obtain a lot of inside information in the name of borrowing books to carry out criminal activities]

[During the day, you are a pair of normal father and daughter, but at night, you will transform into a criminal combination that makes the Zephyr Knights extremely troublesome]

[I have to admit that with the addition of sugar, your actions are much more convenient, and some of her little inventions can often help you a lot]

[Not only that, she is also constantly improving the bioalchemy components on your body. She even developed a medicine that can greatly improve body functions by injecting micro-alchemy cells in the body. Unfortunately, this is a failed experiment]

[San Tang once injected this potion into the body of the Qiuqiu people. After the injection, the muscles and body of the Qiuqiu people swelled instantly, and in a very short period of time, they had the strength of the Eqiu king level, but only 3 minutes later , Qiuqiu fell into a frenzy and exploded to death]

[Captain Qin has also adapted to her synthetic arm, but it is difficult to recover. Her swordsmanship has been affected, but this does not make her feel discouraged. This strong girl, with extremely terrifying perseverance, has become A two-handed swordsmanship to make up for the defect of the right hand]

【Every time she sees you, she will show great respect. After all, in addition to helping her heal her arm, your alchemy skills have indeed made a lot of contributions to the West Wind Knights】

【On the other hand, the relationship between Keli and Alice seems to be getting better and better. You can often hear Keli telling you what happened between her and Alice】

[In this regard, your mood is inevitably a little complicated. Although this is the result you want to see, it is somewhat cruel to Keli, because there will eventually be a battle between them]

【You often wake up from nightmares. In the dream, Keli, covered in blood, asked desperately, "Dad, why didn't you come to save Keli?"]

【Your heart has been shaken for the first time. You can no longer deceive yourself. Your love for Keli is false. You can’t sacrifice Keli for revenge.】

[You found Granu and told her about your entanglement in your heart, and Granu seemed to have expected such a day, she told you, if the purpose of revenge is only to make Alice suffer, then there is definitely more than one way Kind of, not necessarily, must hurt Keli.Killing is the bottom, killing the heart is the top]

【If you start to think about Granu, the next day, when Keli came home, she unexpectedly sent you a letter from Alice. You thought it was Keli who caused some trouble at school again, but the content of this letter, But it makes you feel a little overwhelmed]

[In the letter, Alice actually invited you to have dinner at her house on weekends, and also specifically emphasized that I hope you can come to the dinner alone]

Volume 234 The Precarious Killing Intent of a Girl: [-] Dangerous Dating

[Going to the banquet alone, and it's still at Alice's house, this will inevitably make you suspicious.Could it be that Alice has discovered the truth that Keli is her daughter, so she wants to question herself face to face? 】

[If it is really as I guessed, then this dinner together will undoubtedly be an extremely dangerous Hongmen banquet]

【You told Granu the content of the letter, but she acted very calmly and assured you that you can go to the banquet without any problems】

[And when you asked why Granose was so sure, Granose just replied you with a meaningful sentence: "Because, I am also a woman, and only women know what women are thinking."]

[Not only that, but Sugar also tells you that this dinner may be a good opportunity for you to redesign your revenge plan.She took out the beautiful suit she prepared for you before, and tied the tie for you herself]

[Except for the half of your face covered by the mask, you in the mirror look quite energetic.In fact, using the bioalchemy technology of sugar, it is not difficult to erase the scars on your face]

[But you didn’t do that. First, this is the way you hide your identity. Second, every time you look in the mirror, this scar will remind yourself, never forget revenge]

[In the letter, Alice also specifically mentioned that today is your rest day. It seems that she should also investigate herself. If she refuses this invitation, she will appear guilty instead. Therefore, you should simply let go of your worries, Ai. No matter how powerful Liz is, would she still dare to kill herself directly in the residential area]

[Standing at the door of Alice's house, you felt uneasy, and finally rang the doorbell]

【Entering the somatosensory mode】

With a light doorbell, Li Xingshan soon heard a sound of slightly hurried footsteps.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and what appeared in front of him was Alice in home clothes, a wide off-the-shoulder sweater, and the charm of the elves could be clearly seen from the gap.

Different from the slender and tall elf image in the general impression, Alice's body should have flesh, but it is not lacking at all.

"Excuse me," Li Xingshan handed the flowers to Alice, and said with a smile, "I'm in a hurry to make an appointment, and I don't have time to prepare gifts. Please don't be disgusted."

"Thank you, I like it very much." Alice held the flowers, smelled them gently, and seemed very satisfied: "Please come in, please don't be polite, treat it like your own home."

Do you make your enemy's home your own?

Thank you for being able to say that.

Even though his heart was full of resentment towards this woman, Li Xingshan had to hold on to his smile and followed Alice into the room.

The background in the simulator this time is very similar to reality. Although the old aristocrats have been overthrown, Mond City is still divided into wealthy areas and civilian areas.

Alice's house, even in a wealthy area, was a place where every inch of land was very expensive, and the decoration and furnishings in the room did not look cheap. Obviously, her financial situation should be very good.

Li Xingshan, who came to this conclusion, couldn't help laughing self-deprecatingly. Those who can start a school on a whim, no matter how they think about it, it is impossible for them to have no money.

Perhaps because of the frequent checks for Keli's criminal plans, Li Xingshan has developed the instinct to pay attention to the details around him all the time.

Under the sofa, you can still see empty beer cans that have been temporarily hidden, and there is still a hint of appetizers in the air. The dirty clothes are packed together, and it seems that they are going to be sent to the dry cleaners.

On the ground, you can still see a few strands of cat hair. Sure enough, women who live alone like to keep cats.

What kind of life is this woman leading?

However, this is not surprising. Although Alice looks glamorous, in the final analysis, she is just a single woman who has no husband and has experienced the pain of bereavement.

Li Xingshan seemed to be able to imagine the lonely figure of Alice drinking beer and petting the cat in the dead of night, all of which she asked for.

"Please go and wash your hands first." Alice walked into the semi-open kitchen, and said, "There is still one dish that is not finished, wait a little longer, and... don't steal it."

On the table, there was quite a sumptuous dinner, but Li Xingshan could tell at a glance that these should be takeaways ordered from the Deer Hunter Restaurant.

After all, I am also a frequent customer of that store, and I can recognize it just by smelling it.

What is Alice's purpose in disguising the takeaway as her own cooking?Could it be... Poisoned inside?

Just when Li Xingshan was thinking about whether to test the poison, Alice had already walked up to the front with the last dish, and said with a smile: "It's just some simple dishes, please don't hold them back."

"It's already very rich," Li Xingshan naturally couldn't expose Alice's lies, but instead flattered: "Miss Alice is really a virtuous woman."

The last dish was a vegetable salad, but even with such a simple dish, she handled it roughly, and putting it together with other dishes was like throwing a dead toad into a goldfish bowl.

Even so, Alice still had the cheek to wipe off the sweat that didn't exist at all, and said: "To me, these are just small things. After all, I invited you here, so naturally I have to treat you well."

"It's my honor to have dinner with Miss Alice," Li Xingshan said lightly.

"Although it's impolite to say that," Alice sat opposite Li Xingshan, tilted her head, and said, "But, won't it be uncomfortable to eat while wearing a mask?"

"I'm used to it." Li Xingshan touched the mask on his face and said helplessly, "You should also know that the other half of my face is very ugly. Taking off the mask at the dining table may affect your appetite."

"I don't mind." Who knows, Alice shook her head and said, "I'm not the kind of person who cares about appearances. I can teach a child who is so obedient as Keli. As a father, you must have a heart." A heart of gold."

Hearing these words, Li Xingshan almost spit out the sweet flower stuffed chicken that he just ate.

Obedient child?

Are you referring to Keli who personally blew up two-thirds of the Zephyr Knights and stole more than 5000 million moras?

"Since Miss Alice has said so, I'm being rude," Li Xingshan slowly took off his mask, revealing his scarred cheeks: "However, I'm still curious, why did you suddenly invite me over? Could it be Keli, what trouble did she cause?"

Volume 235 A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] Kiss My Enemy Bitterly

"No, no, no! Keli is a very good child!" Alice quickly waved her hand, and said, "She is the king of children in the school, and she easily gets along with other children."

"That's good..." Li Xingshan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just that occasionally a few classmates are seriously injured." Alice added.

Is it "beating" together like this?

Seeing Li Xingshan's expression changed, Alice shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile, "It's just a joke. As the principal, I will ensure the safety of every student."

"As for the reason why I invited you here today..." Alice suddenly lowered her head, a blush appeared on her cheeks, and said in a low voice, "I remember, Keli, you should be a single father, right?"

"That's right." Li Xingshan frowned slightly, and said, "My wife passed away in an accident more than ten years ago."

"I'm sorry, she must have been a good wife," Alice added intentionally or unintentionally, "and she must have been a good mother."

"She...will be." Li Xingshan said the second half of the sentence in his heart—if it wasn't because of your mistakes.

Li Xingshan silently squeezed the knife in his hand.For a moment, he even wanted to pierce Alice's heart with a table knife.

"I told you before that people should look forward instead of dwelling on the past." Alice suddenly stretched out her hand and put it on the back of Li Xingshan's hand, and said softly: "Maybe, you need a little time." A new wife, Claire, and a new mother."

Li Xingshan withdrew his hand subconsciously. Although Sato's synthetic arm was perfect, he was still a little afraid that Alice would find out the problem.

I see……

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