Qin is not a fool. This bomb instantly connected all the clues she collected before.

"So that's how it is..." Qin glanced at the two people in front of her with rather complicated eyes, but the first thing she said was: "Alice, does she know about this?"

"I don't know," Li Xingshan sighed, and said, "That's right, just as you guessed, I... am the evil sun. As for Keli, she doesn't understand anything at all."

Anyway, I was already dying, so it didn't matter if I pleaded guilty for Keli.

"What are you talking about?" I saw Qin put the bouncing bomb back into Keli's hand, and said indifferently: "It's a cute toy, I'll return it to you."


Keli's head seemed to have not turned around, but she still took the bomb carefully.

"Kelly, go and see if Senior Alice is okay." Qin touched Kerrie's head and smiled, "I have something to talk to your father about."

"Captain Qin... Do you want to take Dad away?" Keli rarely showed a pitiful expression: "It was all my fault before, but Keli will never dare again..."

"Ke Li, go quickly," Li Xingshan said calmly, "Father will be fine."

After Keli left, Qin showed a serious expression and asked, "I need an explanation for all this."

Li Xingshan knew that there was no need to hide it, so he roughly narrated to Qin about what he and Keli had done before, seven parts true and three parts false.

"The above is my criminal statement," Li Xingshan said with a wry smile, "If there is any punishment, just let me bear it alone."

"You are indeed guilty of many crimes. As for Ke Li, it will also be counted on your head. It is a crime of abetting." Speaking of this, Qin changed the subject and said: "However, because of your hard work these years, As well as the credit for protecting Mond today, I can commute your sentence as appropriate. Just fine you ten years of salary."

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, does this look like using power for personal gain?" Li Xingshan couldn't help complaining.

"Anyway, you're not short of money," Qin said with a rare smile on her face, "serving the people of Mond for ten years to make up for your crimes is considered light."

Of course, Qin also knew in her heart that she couldn't really put Li Xingshan on trial. His wife was Alice. If she really put her husband on trial, she would be imprisoned for more than ten years.

I'm afraid Alice will directly blow up Mond again, and then take her husband and children and fly away, and she will hate Mond from then on.

"Indeed, it's very light, but unfortunately..." Li Xingshan's steps suddenly became a little dazed: "I'm afraid, I don't have that much time anymore."

As soon as the words came, Li Xingshan's body suddenly softened and fell on Qin's chest.

After a burst of rapid beating, the heart finally lost its vitality because it could not bear the huge pressure.

His skin also began to gradually pulverize, merging with the flying ashes from the flames.

I have burned out, turned into white ashes.

It's a pity that I didn't see Alice for the last time...


Damn, is that the end this time?

Just when Li Xingshan was about to accept the system prompt that the simulator ended, the time in the simulator started to flow rapidly.

When he opened his eyes again, he did not appear in the real world, but appeared in a ward.

I saw a girl with green hair and golden pupils, wearing glasses, standing by the bed, staring at him silently like a statue.

"Sand...Sucrose?" Li Xingshan was startled suddenly: "Are you hot on resurrection?"

"Correction, the model of this machine is Granose·Qiwu Isomorphic Type II," Granger made a mechanical voice: "The target has awakened, the core synchronization rate is 70.00% [-], no fatal errors have been found, and the vital signs are stable. In short, It was you who came back to life."

Only then did Li Xingshan realize that the Granu in front of him seemed much younger than he remembered, only about seventeen or eighteen years old.


At this moment, the door of the ward opened suddenly, and Keli and Alice, who had heard the news, hurried in.

"You bastard..." Alice said with a gloomy expression, "You actually hid such an important matter from me."

"Have you... found out?" Li Xingshan's expression was a little dark: "Sorry, I didn't mean to deceive you."

Sure enough, it was impossible to hide such an important matter from Alice.

Knowing that she has been cheated for so long, it is normal for her to be angry, maybe... Maybe she will divorce herself because of this.

"Of course it's serious!" Alice put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "You never told me that Sugar is an alchemy doll. You don't have any special hobbies, do you?"

Volume 246 A Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] Punish us and pay back with the rest of my life


Was this the case?

Li Xingshan hadn't reacted yet, but he saw that Granose said with a blank expression: "The purpose of making me, the boss, is only to assist in alchemy and store management. He absolutely didn't use me to do some dirty things."

Hello!In this way, wouldn't it be more and more dark?

"Is that so?" Alice broke her fist lightly, and said with a smile, "Since your injury hasn't completely healed, I won't punish you for the time being."

"San Tang, haven't you already..." Li Xingshan was still a little puzzled.

According to Perfect Work, in order to deceive himself, he will keep making new sugar to create the illusion that it is constantly growing.

But those discarded sugars should have been destroyed by him, so where did this sugar come from?

"I am made by the main body, and share memory and knowledge with the main body," Sasuke replied: "After the main body is destroyed, I will be activated automatically."

"But..." Li Xingshan looked at his body, and traces of powderization could still be seen on the skin, but he did not suffer any more serious damage: "I shouldn't have exploded because of the body enhancer. dead?"

"I re-refined the damaged core of the perfect work, and used it as a raw material to make an artificial heart and fill it into your body," Granose replied truthfully: "It is guaranteed to be healthier than your original heart." , In addition, other organs in your body can also be replaced with alchemy internal organs."

"Is bioalchemy so convenient?" Alice thought thoughtfully, "Why don't you just replace the kidney? Maybe it will be more durable."

"Huh?" Keli wondered, "Why is it more durable?"

Ke Li's question made both Alice and Li Xingshan look embarrassed.

"Let me explain," and Granose, without blushing and heartbeat, began to popularize science: "According to human experiments, the function of the kidneys is... um!"

I saw Alice quickly covered Granu's mouth, and said with some embarrassment: "Let's stop this topic first, Grano, Ke Li, please go out first, I have something to say to Dad alone."

"Well, why did you let Keli leave again?" Keli seemed a little dissatisfied: "It was the same with Captain Heqin last time..."

"Let's go," Granu took Keli's hand, and said calmly, "There are some words, it's better for children not to listen."

"But, Elder Sister Xiaotang has become a child too," Keli pursed her mouth, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Obviously she looks about the same age as me."

Indeed, because "Sugar Seven Wu Isomorphic Type II" was manufactured based on the sugar that she was when she was a girl, there is no difference in her age from the 16-year-old Keli.

Even, she is a little shorter than Keli, she looks like a younger sister instead.

However, Keli is still very sensible after all, she just complained and left with Granu. However, before going out, Keli still angrily said: "Father and mother, you must not quarrel."

Seeing Keli leave, the smile on Alice's face disappeared immediately.

In Li Xingshan's heart, there was a hint of ominous premonition.

"I didn't make it clear just now, I just didn't want Keli to worry," Alice took out a damaged picture book from behind and put it in front of Li Xingshan, with a complicated expression: "Ke Li was kidnapped from the beginning. Li, in the end, was it all your plan to let Keli take revenge on me?"

That's right, this little picture book is "The Brave Keli Fights the Devil", although in Keli's eyes, this is an adventure story like a fairy tale.

But Alice, who is clever and astute, soon saw the secret hidden in this picture book.

"That's right." Li Xingshan's eyes were a little bleak: "Whether it's taking Keli abducted, deliberately letting her appear in front of you, or marrying you...it's all just my revenge plan."

"I don't understand," Alice clenched her fists: "The period of my pregnancy is obviously your best chance for revenge, why don't you do it?"

"I'm not qualified to forgive you for my dead wife and daughter." Li Xingshan sighed and said, "But, Keli has already lost her mother once, and I can't... let her lose a second time."

"Ke Li can't live without me as a mother, but the child in my stomach can't live without a father either." Alice finally showed a smile on her face: "What's more, this matter was originally caused by my mistake." caused, so, punish us... use the rest of your life to pay back."

[End somatosensory mode]

【Mission Complete: End It All】

[Acquired reward: S-level item · Philosopher's Stone]

[Effect: During alchemy, this prop can replace any alchemy material (the types of materials involved in alchemy cannot be less than 2), and the effect of this prop can only be used once a day]

It seems that these rewards are not randomly given.

Because the theme of the simulator this time is related to "Alchemy", I probably got this reward.

But... In reality, I know almost nothing about alchemy. If I want to use this item to its full potential, I'm afraid I have to make up for it.

[41 years old: You thought that elves would take longer to conceive, but maybe because of the mixed blood, just like humans, after ten months of pregnancy, Alice successfully gave birth to a daughter. You named her "Roland", in Old Mongolian, means "sun"]

[42 years old: Sugar's words are correct. After having a new "heart", your body will not be affected, but will be much healthier than before.]

[Of course, this also makes Alice more eager to hope that you can get the alchemy kidney. It's not that she is dissatisfied with your ability. This is also part of the "punishment"]

[43 years old: Keli joined the Zephyr Knights, and because of her outstanding ability, she was quickly promoted and was nicknamed "Spark Knight"]

[Of course, in view of her unstable factors and destructive power, in private, people prefer to call her "the sun that escaped"]


[46 years old: Your daughter Roland has awakened the Eye of God at the age of five, but, contrary to her sister, the Eye of God she awakened is of the water element]


[Aged 50: You resigned as the Chief Alchemist of the Zephyr Knights, and let Granose inherit your position]

[51 years old: After you retire, you will meet Alice again, re-establish the school, and take in those orphans or children from poor families]

Today, the fourth update ends the simulation, and after finishing writing, post

The ending this time is indeed a bit sloppy, mainly because I don’t want to make the simulator plot too long

Of course, it's also a problem that I'm not skilled enough in plot arrangement

Please understand, the next simulation will definitely be handled properly!

Vol.247 Girl's Precarious Killing Intent: [-] S-level rewards, Keli only? (four more)

[52 years old: Falga's head passed away, and Qin officially took over as head of the group]

[Age 53: With the joint research between you and Granose, you can already produce alchemy dolls that are almost indistinguishable from human beings. However, in order to prevent this technology from being abused, you still decide to stop research in this area]

[54 years old: Because elves age very slowly, when you and Alice go out together, you are often mistaken for father and daughter.And Alice often calls you "Dad" as a prank, and then makes various intimate actions with you. Every time at this time, you will receive all kinds of strange looks from passers-by]

[Of course, you won't be bullied in vain, because at night, after returning to the room, Alice will call you "Daddy" more times than during the day]

[Thanks to that alchemy heart, your physical strength and fitness can be maintained for a long time in the prime of life, becoming an indispensable lubricant in this marriage contract]


[56 years old: If Keli inherited your talent for making explosives, then your second daughter, Roland, undoubtedly inherited your talent for alchemy. At the age of 13, she had already mastered almost all of your alchemy skills. Knowledge】


[58 years old: Because she inherited Alice's elven blood, Keli's growth rate is very slow. Even though she is 30 years old, she still looks the same as she was sixteen or seventeen years old. The newcomers in the regiment are treated as colleagues of about the same age, which makes Keli quite distressed]


[60 years old: Roland did not join the Knights of the West Wind when he became an adult, but decided to travel to the Seven Kingdoms to improve his alchemy skills and learn more alchemy knowledge]


[63 years old: The school you and Alice founded has educated many talents]


[66 years old: Captain Qin officially retired. To everyone's surprise, the successor she chose was actually Keli. However, judging from her qualifications and achievements, it is reasonable for Keli to get this position]

[Of course, just judging from the appearance, Keli is indeed the youngest head of the West Wind Knights over the years]

[Aged 67: After retirement, Qin has nothing to do, she can't take it easy, she works as a swordsmanship teacher in your school]


[70 years old: Your second daughter Roland replied to your letter. She seems to have found a job as a civil servant in Daozao, specializing in the care and maintenance of alchemy dolls for the shogunate]


[75 years old: Your body is not as good as before, and the heart made by alchemy is also beginning to have problems. Sato once proposed to update you, but you rejected it. At least, you want to die as a human being]


[Age 84: You have ushered in the end of your life. You are lying on a hospital bed, surrounded by your family and the younger generations you have cultivated.Looking at your still young wife and two daughters, you just feel that your life is like a dream.In Alice's tears, you saw your own reflection, and slowly closed your eyes]

[This life simulation is over]

【Cause of death: Heart failure】

[Comprehensive evaluation: In a sense, it is a winner in life]

[The reward has been sent, you can check it at any time]

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