"It's the effect of the chessboard. The four of us were scattered," Li Xingshan quickly replied, "I managed to find you by riding the killer whale just now."

"How could this be..." Before Barbara could finish her sentence, she suddenly felt a coolness in her chest, and saw that Li Xingshan's arm was still hung with the bowknot she used to bind her swimsuit.


Barbara immediately covered her chest, blushing and said, "You...what did you do to me!?"

"It's just cardiopulmonary resuscitation," Li Xingshan said helplessly, "Unbuttoning your clothes is just to avoid obstructed breathing."

Although Barbara was very shy, she was not unreasonable. She knew that what Li Xingshan did was to save herself, so she silently lowered her head, stretched out her hand towards Li Xingshan, and said in a low voice: "Anyway... pay me back first."

"Oh...oh!" Li Xingshan finally came to his senses, and quickly handed the bow to Barbara.

"So..." Barbara tied the bow tie and asked hesitantly, "Did you touch it just now?"

"As you can see, it's impossible for the sea water to come out of your mouth by itself." Li Xingshan didn't hide it: "Don't worry, I... don't feel anything."

These words were originally intended to comfort Barbara, but in her ears, they seemed to become some kind of mockery.

"Yeah, yeah," Barbara said angrily, "Compared to me, you boys must like my sister's figure better..."

"That's not necessarily the case," Li Xingshan said solemnly: "Everyone's preferences are different, just take the steamed buns as the difference, some people like to eat big meat buns, some like to eat barbecued pork buns, and some like... eat Xiaolongbao."

"Is that so..." Barbara frowned slightly, but soon, she realized that something was wrong with her words, and said angrily, "Who are you calling Xiaolongbao!"

"I didn't say you were a steamed bun!" Li Xingshan immediately vetoed, "If I had to describe it, you would be more like a dumpling with the soup missing."

In fact, Barbara was not as ordinary as what Li Xingshan said. Here, it was just Li Xingshan's quick tongue.

Barbara stomped her feet angrily, and said, "Forget about the soup bag, but the soup still leaked out, it's too much... Gu Gu!"

Before she finished speaking, there was another gurgling sound from Barbara's stomach.

"It's all your fault, I've been talking about steamed stuffed buns..." Barbara clutched her stomach and said with a rather ugly look: "My hunger seems to be getting stronger and stronger."

Volume 254 Keli's Big Adventure (Extra Long Story): [-] The Popsicle in Dreams

This feeling of hunger is not because there is really nothing in the stomach, but a sense of spiritual hunger, which makes Barbara want to eat very much.

But now, this kind of hunger directly made Barbara feel weak for a while, and because of the drowning just now, her feet were weak, and she was about to fall to the ground.


Li Xingshan quickly helped Barbara into his arms, and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"Very...so hungry..." Barbara said with a weak face, "You...do you have food?"


Li Xingshan looked at himself who was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks, and said helplessly, "Do you think I can hide food on my body?"

"I seem to be starving to death," Barbara said in a trance, "I seem to see my deceased grandma waving to me from behind a bridge, holding a pot of perverted spicy hot pot in her hand, grandma, wait wait for me……"

"Hey! Don't burn the old man with that kind of thing!" Li Xingshan quickly shook Barbara's body, trying to wake her up: "Also, don't go there!"

In short, go get her something to eat first, and relax for a while.

But where to get food?

correct!There must be food in the dust song pot!

Even if Lei Dian Mai didn't have to eat, the group of Qiuqiu people couldn't bear the hunger.

However, just when Li Xingshan was about to enter the Dust Song Pot, another line of words appeared in midair.

[Before the game is over, do not leave the plane]

Is there such a restriction?

But thinking about it is also true, the rating of Dust Song Pot is A-level, but the rating of this picture book is S-level. It seems that the "authority" of the former should not be able to affect the latter.

"It can't be done, I can't take it anymore!"

At this moment, Li Xingshan suddenly felt a huge force coming, and Barbara, who was so hungry to the limit, unexpectedly burst out an astonishing force, directly throwing Li Xingshan down and crushing him fiercely. on the beach.

The potential of human beings is indeed unlimited. Even the seemingly soft Barbara can restrain Li Xingshan for a while.

Saliva flowed from the corner of Barbara's mouth and dripped on Li Xingshan's chest.

"I'm very hungry……"

The bangs covered Barbara's eyes, and two red lights could be seen vaguely: "I want...to eat!"

"Wait...wait a minute!" Li Xingshan said nervously, "Barbara, wake up, that..."



When Barbara opened her eyes again, she found herself standing in her favorite snack shop.

Everything in front of me was covered with a faint yellow halo, just like a dream.

What appeared in front of Barbara's eyes was naturally an assortment of delicious snacks.

"Barbara?" Qin's gentle voice came from beside her: "It's been hard recently, come on, just take whatever you want to eat, my sister treats you."


Barbara nodded, picked up a red-wrapped popsicle directly from the freezer, and said excitedly: "It's actually a perverted spicy cheese cream sandwich popsicle! Sister, can I eat this?"

"Of course," Qin nodded, "it doesn't matter how much you eat."

"I'm going to start!"

Barbara excitedly opened the package and took a sip of the popsicle. The hot taste combined with the rich milk flavor made the girl hooked.

She took a bite, but felt that the popsicle was quite hard, and she could only look at the cheese cream inside.

"Sister..." Barbara said aggrievedly, "Why is this popsicle so hard? It seems hard to melt."

"This seems to be a new brand recently. What's it called... Bell Chips High," Qin explained, "I heard that it won't melt even if it's baked on the fire. It will take a long time to eat the sandwich inside."

"It's okay! I must eat it!" Unconvinced, Barbara immediately opened her mouth, frantically showing off.

However, the hard work paid off. After more than 20 minutes of showing off, the hard ice shell was finally melted by Barbara's saliva, and the sweet and delicious cheese cream immediately spread on the tip of Barbara's tongue.

The taste is a bit strange, but... unexpectedly delicious!

After devouring the cheese cream in the popsicle, Barbara picked up the second pack, but at this moment, the picture in front of her suddenly spun and began to tear slowly.

"Sister! And popsicles! Don't leave me!"


With a scream, Barbara suddenly sat up.

There are no snack shops, sisters and delicious popsicles in front of me, only the endless sea and Li Xingshan.

"You...you finally woke up," Li Xingshan said with a weak expression, "How is it? Do you feel better?"

"Strange, I don't know why..." Barbara rubbed her stomach, and said in surprise, "My stomach doesn't seem so hungry anymore."

"Yes...that's how it is!" Li Xingshan quickly explained: "When you were unconscious just now, I picked up some oysters and mashed the meat into juice to feed you."


Barbara frowned, no wonder there seemed to be some seafood in her mouth.

"Is that so?" Although Barbara was quite prejudiced against Li Xingshan, but he helped her again and again. Deep down in Barbara's heart, she was still very grateful. She nodded and said: " Thank you."

"You're welcome!" Li Xingshan stood up, but his steps seemed a little superficial: "Everyone is now a grasshopper on a rope."

"Are you okay?" Barbara, who is the priest of Qili, immediately saw that something was wrong with Li Xingshan, and asked doubtfully, "You seem a little weak? Is there something wrong?"


Isn't that thanks to you?

Did you really think you were fed oyster gravy?

That's obviously a geoduck!

Of course, it was impossible for Li Xingshan to tell Barbara what happened just now, otherwise, this little girl would absolutely collapse.

"I'm fine." Li Xingshan shook his head hastily, and said, "I'll go find some food, and after I've rested, I'll go find Captain Qin and Keli."

"Wait a minute." Barbara walked up to Li Xingshan, stretched out her hands, and pressed Li Xingshan's body.

I saw a burst of blue light emerging from her hands, and Li Xingshan felt as if a stream of cool water flowed over his whole body, which was quite comfortable. The tiredness all over his body, as well as the weakness just now, all disappeared It is gone.


Before Li Xingshan could speak, Barbara had a puzzled expression on her face: "Strange, why do I feel that my recovery skills... seem to be much better than before?"

Volume 255 Keli's Brave Adventure (Extra Feature): [-] Barbara who can't stop

The God's Eye possessed by Barbara is "Water Element".

The God Eyes of the seven elements each have their own characteristics. Rock elements generally focus on defense, wind elements generally focus on speed, etc., and water elements generally focus on recovery.

Most people who have awakened the God's Eye of Water Element will use it for auxiliary and healing functions.

Barbara is one of them. She has used her ability to heal many people suffering from injuries and illnesses, so she is very aware of her recovery ability.

But when she used the recovery skill on Li Xingshan just now, Barbara clearly felt that the power emanating from her body was much stronger than before.

"Maybe it's because, Barbara, you have grown up again?" Li Xingshan didn't dare to think about the reason, so he could only sloppyly said: "I think your body is much lighter."

"Don't... don't misunderstand!" Barbara said with a slightly red face, "I'm just afraid that you will be exhausted and can't find food!"

"Okay, okay," Li Xingshan said helplessly, "I'm going to find food now, you can rest a little longer."

Seeing Li Xingshan's back going away, Barbara suddenly blamed herself.

That's right, isn't it a bit too decisive to judge a person's good or bad just because of a dream?

Forget it, wait for him to come back later, and then apologize to him properly.

However, Li Xingshan hadn't left for a few minutes, but Barbara's stomach felt hungry again.

Alas, if only I could go back to the dream just now and eat another popsicle.

Barbara twitched her mouth, as if she was reminiscing about the deliciousness in her dream, but unexpectedly, the taste of "oyster gravy" left in her mouth was quite delicious, making Barbara drool again.

"If it's just oysters, I should be able to find them too..." Thinking of this, Barbara began to walk along the beach, looking for oysters that didn't exist at all.


Finding food in this island was not an easy task. It was not that Li Xingshan was not strong enough, but that it was difficult to find food that could be eaten.

The only thing he regretted now was that he didn't ask Oga to catch some fish for him before ordering Oga to find others.

Or, it would be good to eat the fish that Keli fried up before.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, I only picked dozens of small fruits, about the size of a cherry, and the taste is sweet and delicious.

Li Xingshan made a box with ice elements, and put these fruits in it to prevent them from rotting, and the taste of the frozen fruits is much better.

When I returned to the resting point, I saw Barbara curled up under a big tree, looking very weak. Seeing Li Xingshan bring back food, the girl's eyes immediately lit up.

"Aren't you starving?" Li Xingshan quickly handed the fruit to Barbara, and said, "Although it's just fruit, it should make you very hungry."

That's right, at this time Barbara was still tormented by hunger, and it was even difficult for her to move.

"Thank...thank you!" In this situation, Barbara didn't have time to be polite, and quickly put the fruit into her mouth. She only felt that the fruit was sweet and juicy, and because of her hunger, she ate several times in one go. indivual.

"Don't worry, eat slowly." Li Xingshan also picked up the fruit and ate it slowly.

Although he is not as hungry as Barbara, after working for so long, he also feels a little hungry and thirsty. It is strange to say that the taste of this fruit is not particularly delicious, but once it tastes like eating small sugar during Chinese New Year Like a tangerine, it can't stop at all.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the island.

"Everything can be blown up!"

With Keli's exclamation, a burst of waves exploded on the sea surface, and countless small fish and shrimps were blown ashore again.

Unlike the other three adults, Keli is probably the least troublesome player. For her, all this is just a part of the game.

More importantly, due to lack of food, Captain Qin actually allowed himself to fry fish for the first time!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and its difficulty is no less than keeping sister Lisa from dozing off at work, or brother Bennett from being unlucky all day.

"Ke Li, even if I say you can fry fish..." Behind her came Qin's helpless voice: "But you fried it, it's probably a bit too much."

That's right, I saw a piece of flat coast, which had already been riddled with potholes by Keli's bombing. I don't know how many fish and shrimps suffered because of it.

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